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城市与社会是双向建构、双向生成的,具有深层的辩证关系。城市现代性的生成过程也是总体性、复杂性的社会转型过程。中国城市现代性既具有现代性的一般规定性,又具有其特殊性。其所展现的是中国社会发展的总体逻辑及其转型过程,包涵着丰厚的中国特色、中国内涵。我们必须通过中国城市现代性生成的历史与逻辑来探索与揭示中国社会转型的深层逻辑与道路选择,实现对当代中国社会转型的总体应对与把握,引领与推动中国社会转型。  相似文献   

城市治理能力现代化的要求简单说就是对民主民生诉求的满足,文章对公众利益诉求与城市治理现代化之间的需求和联系进行了探讨,如何借鉴相关城市经验,构建良好的公众参与平台,从而对城市治理理论和公众诉求进行有机结合,同时加强政府城市治理能力现代化的发展。  相似文献   

将社会需求和城市供给理论引入旧域改造中,以成都市华阳镇的旧域核心区为例.以居民需求、区域群体需求两项指标反映华阳的社会需求;以商品、公共品、半公共品和就业机会的供给反映华阳的城市供给,比较需求与供给之间的差异,揭示华阳城市建设滞后于城市经济发展的深层原因,并以此为依据对改造区进行功能调整.  相似文献   

Various authors have argued that common understandings of neoliberalism are flawed because they do not adequately account for its geographical contingency or internal contradictions. Many have suggested that neoliberalism is either too internally riven with contradiction to be considered a singular consistent project, or that its implementation is so locally contingent that we cannot plausibly speak of one ideal‐type placeless ideology. Primarily based on interviews with over half of the municipal housing providers in Ontario, this article explores the extent to which the meta‐ideas of neoliberalism are filtered and manifest (or not) locally. Social policy has been neoliberalized in Ontario at least since the advent of the ‘common sense revolution’ in 1995, when a Tory government was elected on a platform of neoliberal reform. The experience of social housing in the province, before, after and during the transition offers a useful window into the debate about the dissonance (or lack thereof) between ideal‐type and contingent neoliberalism. Based on this case, we argue that, despite its obvious conceptual flaws, it is politically and analytically important to understand ideal‐type neoliberalism better.  相似文献   


We examine the emergence and evolution of collective action frames in the palliative care movement in Kerala, India. We do so by leveraging secondary data published over seventeen years as well as interviews with thirty movement actors. Our findings suggest two key themes: First, frames that emerge at the grass-roots level, and in many occasions from bystanders, can become dominant frames of a movement. Second, frame alignment processes may be directed by non-elites towards the elites. These findings diverge from prior literature which emphasizes roles of movement leaders and key actors in framing issues and strategies.  相似文献   

通过对西安回坊城市遗产的保护更新进程(1997-2007)的研究,重点探讨了在城市更新中,借鉴社会学方法对遗产保护更新与可持续发展的重要性。利用社会网络分析,阐述了由政府积极推动、当地居民积极参与、研究机构引导、社会组织广泛合作的互动参与式遗产保护开发模式与良性的决策平台之间的关系。  相似文献   

在当前全球竞争的环境下,世界级的成功企业的经营管理能力和经验可能成为企业变革的桎梏,在危机到来之时,限制企业成功进行转型升级,威胁企业生存.本研究根据危机管理中的适应性理论,聚焦“半适应性企业”,提出半适应性企业面对危机的关键是要拥有适应外部环境变化的组织能力,而这一能力培养的基础是企业创新型文化的培育和不断升级.本文以面临经营、管理等危机的世界级企业三星集团为案例,分析了其半适应性企业的特点,对半适应性企业如何向全适应性企业演进进行了探索性研究.研究一方面丰富了企业文化与企业危机管理的相关研究,也为大企业在转型创新中的危机管理提供思路借鉴.  相似文献   

Urban plans and projects that aim to initiate the redevelopment and gentrification of urban areas create social and ecological pressures on urban environments and thereby stimulate urban movements. These movements have a lifespan, which evolves in interaction with planning authorities under local or central governments and may be marked by institutionalization and co‐optation, as well as fragmentation among the people involved in them. Fragmentations are usually based on conflicting individual and collective interests, but may also be the result of different political perspectives in groups. This article is based on a case study conducted in two adjacent gecekondu neighbourhoods of Istanbul, Gülsuyu and Gülensu, where urban politics have played an important role in efforts to resist plans for urban transformation. It shows that fragmentations are very likely to occur in urban movements during planning processes in a neoliberal era, owing to the different perspectives in the movement on what the just city is.  相似文献   

冯健  张琦楠 《城市发展研究》2021,28(9):66-78,86,封3
以武汉市外环线以内区域为研究对象,利用2010年第六次人口普查分街道(乡镇)数据,运用社会区因子生态分析方法,通过计算社会空间分异的各种指数,对武汉城市社会空间结构及其分异进行研究.分析发现,武汉社会区的主因子包括本地高学历人口、农业人口、老年人口、外来人口、人口快速增长因子以及失业人口.社会区类型包括劳动年龄人口散居区、近城老年人口聚居区、本地高学历人口聚居区、远城农业人口聚居区、临湖人口快速增长区、外来人口居住区、失业人口与农业人口混居区.就社会空间分异而言,武汉城市社会空间系统的空间分布相对不均衡,2000~2010年间多数社会指标空间不均衡程度有所增加.但与北京相比,武汉社会空间系统又较为简单,城市空间格局仍处在演化重构的过程之中.政府、市场及个人与家庭层面的决策共同影响了武汉城市社会空间结构的形成.  相似文献   

借助香港元朗天后诞实例分析发现,民众在城市传统文化传承发展当中发挥着基础性核心角色作用,通过对传统文化资源的保持与恢复重现其公共价值和社会价值,引发政府、企业等主体参与这一进程,从而推动城市传统文化的强化与发展,避免衰落或消亡的结局.这一“自下而上”的机制与政府、企业主导的“自上而下”机制最大的区别就在于无功利性,正是这一特性保证了前者的长期性和稳定性,使得诸多传统文化在快速城市化进程中能够得到延续发展,尤其对于那些缺乏市场价值的城市传统文化而言更为关键.  相似文献   

城市发展扩散理论研究——以大连市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在城市经济快速增长和城市化进程加快的过程中,出现了工业外迁、居住区郊区化等扩散现象,我国进入城市发展逐步扩散的新阶段。城市作为发展扩散的核心地域,对带动周边地区发展,促进区域协调具有重要意义。论文定量分析了2000—2009年大连城市扩散度及其阶段演化和扩散效应,在此基础上探讨了发展扩散动力机制。  相似文献   

Social inclusion is a central goal of the UK New Labour Government, which it is aiming to achieve partly through neighbourhood interventions. This article argues that achieving social inclusion requires a combination of New Labour policies for democratic renewal and tackling social exclusion and it identifies four dimensions along which activity towards social inclusion can be judged. The article draws on evidence from one English city to highlight the contribution of neighbourhood policies and programmes to social inclusion. It considers the strengths and limitations of three approaches and concludes that to achieve social inclusion the collective capacity of the three approaches is essential. However, closer examination of the Government's proposals suggests several obstacles to achieving their combined potential. A particular obstacle is the marginalization of local government and its unique contribution and the article concludes that without this New Labour is will fail to deliver on a key component of social inclusion.  相似文献   

本文阐述了城市现代化管理的内涵,对城市现代化管理效果建立评价指标体系,在掌握大量第一手数据的基础上,对中国八大典型城市的管理效果进行了实证研究,得出了这些城市在经济状况、城市形象、市民素质和基础设施各方面的评价结果,发展城市管理方面存在的关键问题,提出了具有可操作性的建议.  相似文献   

美国是社会创业的发源地,而匹兹堡是美国社会创业领域的硅谷,比尔·斯特里克兰德是匹兹堡社会企业家的杰出代表。本文介绍了比尔的创业历程和战略模式,MCG和BTC的运作方式及其治理机制及组织管理改革,讨论了比尔所代表的美国社会企业家精神的特点,社会创业与管理之间的关系以及社会创业对环境的依赖性。  相似文献   

This article discusses changes to political clientelism and forms of urban government in Naples and in Marseilles in the period from the 1960s to the 2000s. From a socio-historical, comparative perspective I show that, even in two Southern European cities, the expansion of political clientelism does not depend principally on cultural factors, but rather on politico-institutional processes. The generalization of clientelistic relationships and the increase in policies for redistributing resources on the basis of clientelistic criteria go hand in hand with two historical trends that were evident in the 1960s and 1970s. Those decades were a period both of demographic development and of welfare state expansion at both central and local levels, the latter leading to the distribution of public resources to growing masses of individuals and social groups. In this phase, clientelistic redistribution policies promoted the integration and the upward social mobility of sections of the middle classes and some strata of the working classes in the local and national political system. From the late 1970s and early 1980s onwards, however, these policies were less and less able to promote this upward mobility and social integration. The article ends with a favourable account of some of the new urban management policies conducted by new political leaderships.  相似文献   

南京城市文化战略及其空间效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于城市文化战略的转化趋势,对南京市城市文化战略及其空间效应进行了深入分析.指出,南京的城市文化战略和全球趋势一致,由注重社会文化发展和历史文化保护,转向促进城市经济发展与提升城市竞争力.具体表现为以文化设施建设,文教机构扩展,文化产业发展,特色文化空间营造与大型文化事件为主要内容的城市文化经济策略和城市行销策略.文化战略的实施加剧了城市空间重构,不仅加快城市空间外向拓展,而且通过功能空间置换、特色空间营造和文化产业空间集聚促使城市内部空间结构转化.  相似文献   

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