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Abstract. We synthesize and extend research exploring differences between U.S. and other countries' Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) by investigating whether differences between domestic and U.S. GAAP for U.S.-listed U.K., Australian, and Canadian firms are associated with firms' returns and prices. The accounting differences we investigate include goodwill, asset revaluations, income taxes, pensions, interest capitalization, foreign currency, and extractive industries accounting. We conclude that goodwill is priced as an asset; that asset revaluations, successful efforts accounting for extractive industries, and immediate recognition of foreign currency exchange gains and losses on long-term assets and liabilities are generally uncorrected with the information that investors consider relevant; that U.K., U.S., and Australian tax accounting methods do not recognize ‘enough’ tax expense or liability; and that accrual pension accounting and, in some specifications, interest capitalization add explanatory power beyond Australia's cash-based method. Our findings suggest that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC's) required GAAP reconciliation reflects information useful to investors for U.K. and Australian firms, and to a more limited extent, for Canadian firms. Résumé. Les auteurs font la synthèse des travaux actuels portant sur l'analyse des différences entre les PCGR des États-Unis et ceux des autres pays; ils poussent plus loin les recherches en s'interrogeant sur la relation possible entre les différences des PCGR de divers pays par rapport à ceux des États-Unis, d'une part, et le rendement et le cours des actions d'entreprises du Royaume-Uni, de l'Australie et du Canada, inscrites en bourse aux États-Unis. Les différences comptables qu'ils étudient ont trait, entre autres, à l'achalandage, aux réévaluations de l'actif, aux impôts sur le bénéfice, aux régimes de retraite, à la capitalisation des intérêts, aux devises et aux méthodes comptables de l'industrie minière. Les auteurs concluent que l'on traite l'achalandage à titre d'élément d'actif; les réévaluations de l'actif, la capitalisation du coût de la recherche fructueuse dans l'industrie minière et la constatation immédiate des gains et pertes de change sur les éléments d'actif et de passif à long terme ne présentent généralement aucune corrélation avec l'information que les investisseurs jugent pertinente; les charges fiscales ou les impôts à payer que permettent de constater les méthodes comptables appliquées aux fins fiscales au Royaume-Uni, aux États-Unis et en Australie ne sont pas «suffisantes»; la comptabilisation de la charge de retraite sur la base des prestations constituées a un pouvoir explicatif supérieur à celui de la méthode basée sur la comptabilité de caisse en vigueur en Australie et, à certains égards, c'est aussi le cas de la capitalisation des intérêts. Les constatations des auteurs laissent croire que le rapprochement des PCGR exigé par la SEC livre de l'information utile aux investisseurs en ce qui a trait aux entreprises du Royaume-Uni, de l'Australie et, dans une moindre mesure, du Canada.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two issues within an agency setting. First, it identifies conditions under which late recognition of an event is preferred to early recognition in the absence of communication of other private information. Second, it demonstrates that the agent's ability to voluntarily disclose his or her private information interacts with the preference for early versus late recognition. Of special interest is the case where early recognition is preferred to late when there is no other source of information, but late recognition is preferred in the presence of a secondary source. I have three types of comments on the paper. The first summarizes the important aspects of the model. The second involves the interpretation of the control problem as accounting recognition. The third contains suggestions regarding how one might bring a valuation perspective into the control setting.  相似文献   

My discussion of Reichelstein and Sahoo (2018) is organized into three parts. First, what is the context for this work? That is, what are the energy and climate stakes? Second, what does the paper do? I will re‐work the equation defining the components of long‐run marginal cost to better reflect what is actually estimated and to better highlight some important choices about how the different components are modeled. Third, and most importantly, how do the results inform business decisions and policy choices regarding energy and climate? What more do we need?  相似文献   

South African companies are accused of hoarding profits to accumulate large amounts of “idle” cash, as well as of being the perpetrators of massive illegal capital flight. This paper argues that much of the claimed corporate cash is either offshore or belongs to banks. It reminds that bank deposits increase when companies borrow, not when they retain profits. It shows, too, that measures of massive capital flight actually reflect data errors. Exaggerating, through faulty methodology the extent to which companies have cash or may be involved in illegal capital flight is unhelpful. It exacerbates already‐fraught government‐business relations, and complicates the search for solutions to South Africa's economic problems.  相似文献   

Burger and Curtis (2017) is an empirical investigation of whether aggregate margin debt correlates with aggregate stock prices and aggregate accounting‐based fundamentals. While the paper convincingly documents a significant relation: aggregate margin debt is higher when aggregate fundamentals‐to‐price ratios are low, it fails to document why. The documented relation could exist because margin traders are the overly exuberant noise traders that push stock prices higher away from fundamental values; or the documented relation could be spurious, and exist because aggregate margin debt rises with aggregate price levels simply because margin loan capacity increases as aggregate price levels increase. With insufficiently granular data (aggregate margin debt measured monthly), the authors are not able to sort out why the relation exists. Thus, interpretation of the findings documented in this paper is difficult.  相似文献   

The present study introduces a theoretical land pricing model that allows for proportional transaction costs, and a corresponding kernel regression test. The model is tested with farmland returns data for 20 individual states, and also with two aggregate U.S. level series. The constant discount rate (CDR) present value model (PVM) of farmland prices is strongly rejected. However, it is found that the behavior of land prices and rents is consistent with the CDR-PVM in the presence of empirically observed values of transaction costs. Findings are very robust in that they apply to both individual state-level data and the U.S. aggregate-level series.  相似文献   

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