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A new set of data and estimates of historical national accounts for Sweden is concluded with the project Structural Change in the Swedish Economy, 1800–1980: Construction and Analysis of National Product Series. This article provides a short overview of earlier efforts, beginning in the 1930s, to construct historical national accounts and an account of the present project. The new estimates resulted in partly new representations of economic growth and change. They are also compared with earlier data. Furthermore, effects of the deflation techniques ( i.e., double deflation) are analyzed by comparing the series with those resulting from single deflation. Finally, structural changes are analyzed using modern time series analysis.  相似文献   

创立系统项目管理学是项目管理自身属性和现实项目管理实践的客观需要。系统项目管理学以系统科学的一般原理和方法为指导对项目系统构成,项目系统的研究内容,系统项目管理学的研究方法等学科基本问题进行了探讨,构建了学科的基本理论框架。  相似文献   

Recent scholarship on historical welfare development in Sub‐Saharan Africa has uncovered long‐term trends in standards of living. How the majority of rural dwellers fared, however, remains largely elusive. This study develops a new approach to reconstruct rural living standards in a historical context. It builds upon a well‐established real wage literature, but moves beyond it to capture rural realities, employing sub‐national rural survey, census, and price data. The approach is applied to a case study of colonial and early post‐colonial Uganda (1915–70). The case study yields a number of findings. While the expanding smallholder‐based cash crop sector established itself as the backbone of Uganda's colonial economy, farm characteristics remained largely stagnant after the initial adoption of cash crops. Smallholders maintained living standards well above subsistence level, and while the profitability of cash crops was low, their cultivation provided a reliable source of cash income. Around the time of decolonization, unskilled wages rose rapidly while farm incomes lagged behind. As a result, an urban–rural income reversal took place. The study also reveals considerable differences within Uganda. Smallholders in Uganda's banana regions required fewer labour inputs to maintain a farm income than their grain‐farming counterparts, creating opportunities for additional income generation and livelihood diversification.  相似文献   

The five main topics discussed at the African Regional Symposium on Small Holder Irrigation are reviewed in this paper. Particular attention is directed to those points raised during the meeting that are relevant to small holder agricultural development in general, and that may serve as a guide to rural development researchers, planners and implementers in South Africa and its independent and self‐governing national states.

The central theme of the various papers dealing with the design and selection of appropriate small holder schemes, country specific case studies, project evaluation and the role of farmers, was undoubtedly the need to involve farmers in a meaningful way throughout the entire process of project formulation and implementation.  相似文献   

How and why officials are transferred from one post to another can — in India, does — have far-reaching consequences for the effectiveness of public service organizations, such as Irrigation, Agriculture, Forestry and Soil Conservation Departments. The transfer mechanism used in many departments of Indian states involves a kind of ‘internal labor market’ (a truer market than in the way that term is often used by labor market economists). It allows pressures for corrupt behavior to bear down on the incumbents of certain posts, and itself amplifies those pressures. Frequently, the pressures on officials to be corrupt cause them to behave in ways contrary to the ostensible objectives of their departments. Why is the Indian state not better at promoting development? To an important degree, because of the corruption-transfer mechanism and its effects on bureaucratic initiatives.  相似文献   

陈炜煜  杨婧 《特区经济》2013,(2):221-222
项目管理(Time Management)是一个管理学的分支,它强调的是运用专门的知识、技能、工具和方法,综合运用一切资源,在规定时间内达到预期结果。而时间管理是项目管理的重要组成部分,决定着一个项目成功与否,能否在如今信息快速传递、机会稍纵即逝的环境下实现利润最大化。每一个项目都有自己的目标,而每个任务都应该在期限内完成,否则不能够达到预期的效果,项目时间管理也因此在项目的完成过程中特别重要,决定着一个项目的未来存亡。  相似文献   

The Maddison Project, initiated in March 2010 by a group of close colleagues of Angus Maddison, aims to develop an effective system of cooperation between scholars to continue Maddison's work on measuring economic performance in the world economy. This article is a first product of the project. Its goal is to explain the aims and approach of the project, and, as a first result of this ‘collaboratory’, to inventory recent research on historical national accounts. We also briefly discuss some of the problems related to these historical statistics and we extend and where necessary revise the estimates published by Maddison in his latest overviews. Most new work relates to the period before 1820; it leads to a reassessment of levels of GDP per capita in western Europe in the early modern period, and to a confirmation of Maddison's previous estimates of Asian levels of real income.  相似文献   

罗思民 《科技和产业》2014,14(8):98-100
基于科技型中小企业创新基金的宗旨和目的,从创新基金项目本身取得成效和对企业影响两方面考察,构建创新基金项目绩效评价指标体系,运用AHP方法进行指标权重设计,并制定了创新基金项目绩效评价步骤,为创新基金验收评价或项目后绩效评价提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

建设项目技术经济评价敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当项目所处的环境存在不确定性因素时,我们需要分析各种外部条件发生变化时对方案经济效果的影响程度以及方案本身对不确定性的承受能力。本文通过实例对敏感性分析进行阐述。  相似文献   

三峡移民工程是关系国计民生的世界级难题,而库区移民的安稳致富是难中之难。忠县作为重庆库区第二大移民县,其移民的稳定和致富情况关乎移民工作全局,对和谐三峡乃至和谐社会的构建起到举足轻重的作用。当前,移民搬迁安置工作已经接近尾声,三峡移民工作的重心已由搬迁安置逐步转向安稳致富与和谐发展,移民安置工作遗留的问题逐渐凸显出来,引起了各级党委、政府的高度重视,均在积极加强调查研究,探讨相关政策措施,以利移民稳定和库区长治久安。移民安稳致富与和谐发展是一项牵动全局、意义深远的伟大工程,对构建和谐三峡工作的研究是一个长期性的历史任务,需要我们不断地探索、思考。  相似文献   


Economic history as a subject is customarily likened on formal occasions to a landbridge uniting two scholarly continents: the economic and the historical. It can also be said that the subject is marked by two peculiarities. For more than a century it has stood outside mainstream economics, been an alternative, a subterranean current. In the same way it has always had to struggle in a subordinate relation to the subject of pure history, whether the latter called itself political history or purported to be capable of covering the entire field of history by itself. With this background in mind, it is above all interesting to ask oneself how the subject of economic history has been able to establish so strong and independent a position in Sweden.1  相似文献   

胡晓芳   《华东经济管理》2009,23(12):137-141
公共性是一个热门话题,然而对于公共性的内涵,中西方学者却是各说各话。通过对西方学者的相关研究成果的流程和对中国学者相关研究文献的共时性考察,立体的公共性知识图景得以诞生。该画卷为我们带来了一些启示:公共性不是一个固定的指称,而是一个历史的、流动的概念;中西方学者对公共性的认识不乏共识性色彩;中国的公共性研究取得了一定的成果,但较之于西方,我国公共性研究存在不足和局限性。我国的公共性研究学科意识不强、综合性不足;在研究层次上存在巨大差异。我国社会科学的各个领域都必需增强对公共性的反思,加大对公共性的综合性研究和规范性研究。否则很难摆脱公共性的危机。  相似文献   

Since Unification (1861), Italy has experienced approximately 20 business cycles. In the same period, the country’s economic structure has changed dramatically. This essay analyses the nature and causes of business fluctuations in Italy over one and a half century emphasizing the role of structural change in shaping each cyclical episode. A mix of real and nominal factors, structural change, and the evolving financial conditions of firms and banks makes every cycle a ‘historical episode’ in and of itself.  相似文献   

彭世武 《理论观察》2013,(4):118-120
我国正处于由传统社会向现代社会转型的历史时期,现代社会需要实施现代公民教育以培养现代公民。高校传统思想政治教育不仅不能适应培养现代公民的需要,而且本身也处于一种困境之中,实现向公民教育转型成为一种现实需要。对大学生实施公民教育是一项浩大的社会系统工程,需要构建政府、学校、家庭"三位一体"的联动教育模式,才能取得实效。  相似文献   

This paper documents the experience with an NGO-initiated recycling programme in Hangberg Township, Cape Town. The 11-week trial project achieved 70% sign-up but suffered substantial drop-out. The NGO’s attempt to brand block leaders as ‘eco-heroes’ was unsuccessful and there were concerns about the distribution of project benefits. The project diverted 26% by mass of the estimated solid waste refuse stream of 2.5 kg per person per week and made R1752 from selling 1.965 tons of recycling. Some 970 kg of compostables were diverted but not processed as part of the project. Project accounts revealed a benefit–cost ratio of 0.123 in which the sale of recyclables and landfill costs avoided were the only benefits and wages and consumables the main costs. While a more equitable distribution of benefits could improve the cost–benefit ratio, there are other good reasons for donors to fund projects of this nature.  相似文献   

近年来,纪录片发展呈现出娱乐化倾向。目前纪录片发展面临着诸多困境,其本身独有的特性决定了它比其他影视形式相比更具有影响力。然而理想与现实之间彷徨,形式与意义之中的纠葛。不得不使建构在历史碎片与影像重现之间的纪录片,面临着不少矛盾和困惑。要想腾飞必须走市场化道路。娱乐化给纪录片发展带来了无限曙光,同时也冲击了纪实性。  相似文献   

针对传统的内部收益率存在参数条件变化需要对数据进行还原调整,且历史数据缺失时无法使用,或企业管理者不注重历史收益状况的情况,提出了基于管道项目剩余评价期的内部收益率指标,并结合油气长输管道运营实际,分别构建了运营期现金流量均衡、非均衡两种情形下的评价模型,计算分析了不同剩余评价期内部收益率与全评价期基准收益率的对应关系。最后针对某管道企业的3条管道进行了实例测算,对测算结果进行分析和评价。  相似文献   

知识经济迎面而来,社会各个领域正在发生着深刻的变革。高等师范教育作为迎接知识经济时代到来的基础工程,提负着重要的历史使命。而现行高等师范教育体系存在较大弊端,面向知识经济时代,必须构建高等师范教育新体系。  相似文献   

许瞳  章佳 《科技和产业》2023,23(11):148-151
在数字化发展大背景下,传统历史文化街区的保护有了新思路,以绍兴鲁迅故里历史街区的活化项目为依托,对CAVE系统体感游戏设计进行研究探索。分析其整体系统组成和特点优势并且探讨该系统对传统历史文化街区保护改造的影响。通过个案研究,利用虚拟现实技术实现对历史遗存建筑和内部空间的创新发展,最终提出解决文化遗产保护和公众参观服务之间矛盾的有效方案,从而实现提升绍兴世界级古城IP、增加文化和旅游业态体验深度。  相似文献   

高不确定的国家重大科技项目在管理上更重视技术创新的实现,过往线性的绩效管理体系仅能实现项目本身的绩效优化,但滞后性强、应变难度大,项目管理亟须动态化的管理变革。在深度解构国家重大科技项目高不确定属性的基础上,对重大新药创制科技重大专项的管理实践进行分析,从项目时间、项目过程和项目产出3个角度架构不确定性模型。通过借鉴国内外项目管理实践,从理论变革和组织优化两方面提供建议,以实现新型管理趋势下国家重大科技项目的动态管理。  相似文献   

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