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Diversification Benefits of iShares and Closed-End Country Funds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the performance and diversification of iShares and their rival closed‐end country funds from April 1996 to December 1999. International iShares are country‐specific series of securities that track the price and yield of a specific Morgan Stanley Capital Internation (MSCI) country index and, presumably, should provide diversification benefits. Our single‐index model demonstrates that iShares replicate the home index, showing some potential for diversification. However, our two‐factor model, which isolates the “true” diversification virtues, documents that both iShares and closed‐end country fund market prices maintain considerable exposure to the U.S. market. Furthermore, the net asset value returns of the closed‐end funds demonstrate a strong home country exposure, suggesting there is no substitute for direct foreign investment.  相似文献   

Herein, we find that the market price of closed-end fund shares tends to increase (decrease) in anticipation of a rise (fall) in the net asset value (NAV). Similarly, an increase (decrease) in the reported NAV tends to be followed by a rise (fall) in the price of the fund's shares. Interestingly, we also find a powerful negative autocorrelation between closed-end fund shares’ overnight and intraday returns in both univariate and multivariate tests for both the overall sample and a number of subsamples. We believe that this tendency results from the strategies that many specialists employ when they open their assigned shares.  相似文献   

This survey reviews the evolving literature on closed-end fund discounts. Many studies have attempted to explain the existence and the behavior of the discount to net asset value, emphasizing biases in the calculation of NAV, agency costs, tax-timing options and market segmentation. None has been able to provide a full explanation. As a result, some researchers have found it necessary to resort to models of limited rationality. This gives rise to potential opportunities for exploiting the discount. We summarize the findings from over 70 studies of closed-end funds, and present directions for future research.  相似文献   

The Performance Persistence of Closed-End Funds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this study is to extend the research on mutual fund performance persistence to net asset value and market price performance of domestic closed‐end funds. While research has assessed the performance persistence of open‐end mutual funds, it has not assessed the performance persistence of closed‐end funds. Yet, the unique characteristics of closed‐end funds allow stronger arguments for their persistence than the arguments previously submitted for open‐end mutual funds. The results show evidence for risk‐adjusted performance persistence.  相似文献   

Fund Advisor Compensation in Closed-End Funds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the relation between the premium on closed-end funds and organizational features of the funds and advisors, including the compensation scheme of the investment advisor. We find that the fund premium is larger when: (a) the advisor's compensation is more sensitive to fund performance; (b) the assets managed by the advisor are concentrated in the fund in question; (c) the advisor manages other funds with low compensation sensitivity to performance and with low concentration of assets managed by the advisor; and (d) the advisor's compensation contract evaluates performance relative to a benchmark.  相似文献   

This paper develops a rational, liquidity-based model of closed-endfunds (CEFs) that provides an economic motivation for the existenceof this organizational form: They offer a means for investorsto buy illiquid securities, without facing the potential costsassociated with direct trading and without the externalitiesimposed by an open-end fund structure. Our theory predicts thepatterns observed in CEF initial public offerings (IPOs) andthe observed behavior of the CEF discount, which results froma trade-off between the liquidity benefits of investing in theCEF and the fees charged by the fund's managers. In particular,the model explains why IPOs occur in waves in certain sectorsat a time, why funds are issued at a premium to net asset value(NAV), and why they later usually trade at a discount. We alsoconduct an empirical investigation, which, overall, providesmore support for a liquidity-based model than for an alternativesentiment-based explanation.  相似文献   

We explore the role of the discount on closed-end funds (CEFD) in asset pricing and test its validity as a proxy for investor sentiment in the Canadian stock market. Results show that CEFD is not a priced factor. Both cross-sectional and time-series tests confirm that stocks with different exposures to CEFD do not have significantly different average returns. CEFD does not even provide incremental explanatory power after controlling for firm characteristics and risk factors. Furthermore, CEFD fails to be a proxy for investor sentiment with no correlation to either the consumer confidence index or flows to open-ended funds.  相似文献   

We analyze U.S.‐based emerging market bond funds over a ten‐year (1996–2005) complete cycle of ups and downs in the dominant emerging bond markets. Emerging market bond funds outperform comparable domestic and global bond funds. The results are robust across both conditional and unconditional models. The funds also provide international diversification benefits to U.S. and international bond and equity portfolios. The funds exhibit persistence in performance and seasonality. Active funds, large funds and funds with high minimum purchases perform better on a total return basis but not on a risk‐adjusted basis.  相似文献   

Managing the succession process by the hiring and firing of key executives is one of the important functions of a board of directors. In this research we study successions of fund managers in the closed‐end mutual fund industry. The agency issues inherent in closed‐end mutual funds makes them a unique laboratory for such a study. Our results suggest that while the overall abnormal returns of these manager changes are statistically insignificant, that the returns are more positive for funds with large expense ratios and for funds trading at a discount. We also find the abnormal returns are negatively related to the percentage of inside director stock ownership. Corporate bond funds and international equity funds react more negatively to these announcements than other types of funds. The abnormal returns do not appear to be related to board composition, but board composition does vary across fund type, and may therefore indirectly influence the results.  相似文献   

Miller's clientele argument for market value subadditivity as an explanation for stockholder wealth gains in corporate spin-offs and discounts from the net asset value of closed-end fund shares is examined in the context of a simple state-preference model. It is shown that binding short sales constraints induce value subadditivity and thus render Miller's clientele argument valid. This is true regardless of whether or not divergence of opinion among investors or state-dependent utility functions exist. In the absence of binding short sales constraints, value additivity prevails and Miller's clientele argument is not viable. Although personal taxes are not considered in the model developed in this paper, it is shown that tax-timing options reinforce the existence of value subadditivity.  相似文献   

We examine the motivation and performance of closed‐end funds that engage in seasoned public or rights offerings. We find that closed‐end funds are more motivated to engage in seasoned offerings when their shares exhibit a relatively high premium (compared to their corresponding NAV) and have a high degree of liquidity. We also find a significant negative valuation effect on average in response to seasoned offerings by closed‐end funds. Our cross‐sectional analysis reveals that the valuation effect at the time of the seasoned offering is more unfavorable for funds that have relatively high expense ratios and are relatively large. Furthermore, we find that the closed‐end funds experience significant negative valuation effects over the three‐year period subsequent to the seasoned offering, implying poor post‐offering performance.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether individual and institutional investors respond differently to changes in market conditions. Closed-end funds are the medium used to test the hypothesis because closed-end fund shares (held primarily by individual investors) and the underlying assets (held primarily by institutional investors) are claims to the same stream of distributions. The empirical results suggest that individual investors are more responsive than institutional investors to changes in market conditions. Moreover, although the response of institutional investors differs across stock and bond markets, we cannot reject the hypothesis that the additional sensitivity of individual investors' expectations is uniform across stock and bond markets.  相似文献   

Investor Reaction to Salient News in Closed-End Country Funds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We use panel data on prices and net asset values to test whether dramatic country-specific news affects the response of closed-end country fund prices to asset value. In a typical week, prices underreact to changes in fundamentals; the (short-run) elasticity of price with respect to asset value is significantly less than one. In weeks with news appearing on the front page of The New York Times , prices react much more; the elasticity of price with respect to asset value is closer to one. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that news events lead some investors to react more quickly.  相似文献   

Using a sample of closed-end equity funds listed on the NYSE from 1994 to 1999, we investigate differences in spreads and adverse selection costs between the closed-end funds and a matched sample of common stocks. We find that spreads and adverse selection costs for the closed-end funds are significantly lower than those of control stocks. The results are consistent for the subperiods both before and after the minimum tick size change on NYSE on June 24, 1997. The differences of spreads and adverse selection costs cannot be attributed to the differences in the characteristics of the closed-end funds and the matched sample of common stocks. Lastly, we find that abnormal investor sentiment and adverse selection costs of closed-end funds are positively correlated over time.  相似文献   

Market Integration and Investment Barriers in Emerging Equity Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article develops a return-based measure of market integrationfor nineteen emerging equity markets. It then examines the relationbetween that measure, other return characteristics, and broadlydefined investment barriers. Although the analysis is exploratory,some clear conclusions emerge. First, global factors accountfor a small fraction of the time variation in expected returnsin most markets, and global predictability has declined overtime Second, the emerging markets exhibit differing degreesof market integration with the U.S. market, and the differencesare not necessarily associated with direct barriers to investment.Third, the most important de facto barriers to global equity-marketintegration are poor credit ratings, high and variable inflation,exchange rate controls, the lack of a high-quality regulatoryand accounting framework, the lack of sufficient country fundsor cross-listed securities, and the limited size of some stockmarkets.  相似文献   

The study of international integration of equity markets has received a great deal of interest. This paper investigates whether returns of forty-one closed-end country funds share a common volatility process with three comparable return series: the underlying net asset value (NAV), U.S. stock market returns, and foreign stock market returns. Country funds are a natural setting to test for international market integration, as they are traded in the U.S. market, whereas their underlying assets are traded in foreign stock markets. Our results indicate that only a few emerging markets' country funds share common volatility processes with their comparable asset returns. This, in turn, suggests weak linkages through the second moment of related assets.  相似文献   

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