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Market Structure and the Demand for Free Trade   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examine a heterogenous goods duopoly model, wherein governments simultaneously and noncooperatively choose whether or not to provide subsidies for their firms and then firms noncooperatively choose output levels, either sequentially or simultaneously. We find that government trade policy and market structure are interdependent. First, the trade regime alters traditional firm preferences over sequential versus simultaneous play. Second, different market structures influence governments' preferences about free trade versus subsidies. Further, if one of the firms is a potential leader, allowing for endogenous market structure generates equilibrium outcomes that sometimes reinforce, and sometimes counter, traditional results in the strategic trade literature .  相似文献   

商品贸易自由作为欧洲共同体内部统一市场的几大自由之一,为欧洲共同市场的建立起了巨大的促进作用,为了保证商品贸易的充分自由,排除欧共体各国对商品贸易所采取的各种限制措施,欧共体条约以及欧洲法院的判例对此规定了严格的保护措施,但同时也存在一些例外情况.  相似文献   

今年1—8月份房产投资增长29%,广州拟取消公摊面积提法,北京:开发商承诺“售后包租”将受严惩,湖南2008年兴建2万套廉租房,上海:一间房只能租给一个家庭或一个自然人,重庆四银行逐步暂停二套房按揭,广州市物价局:卖楼不明码标价将严惩.[编者按]  相似文献   

一、引言 在金融经济时代,金融已成为整个经济活动的核心,学者和政策制定者也认识到影响金融市场行为的主要原因应当从市场本身的结构、市场交易机制和市场参与者行为以及价格形成机制等微观层面去寻找原因.市场微观结构正是通过对市场质量的影响,从而影响市场在投资者间中介作用的发挥.  相似文献   

基因检测产业作为我国政府重点发展的战略性新兴产业之一,培育和发展是长期和系统的工程。本文将以H省的实际数据为基础,运用灰关联方法,检验市场培育特征和现有市场结构之间的关系。研究表明市场结构影响因子与基因检测市场的培育密切相关;相关政策建议强调提高居民收入水平,制定合理的收费标准,加强人才与技术引进,适时调整经营策略,规范市场监管等。  相似文献   

本文分析了北京市1993———2005年各类统计数据,基于系统动力学理论和方法,构建了北京市商品房市场价格的系统动力学模型,并利用VENPLE软件对其商品房市场进行了计算机仿真。根据仿真输出图,北京市今后数年的商品房价格仍然偏高,市场的需求供给比小于1,预测出后10年北京市商品房市场价格将继续保持缓慢上涨的趋势。在此基础上,提出了控制商品房价格,刺激有效需求和抑制过热供给的对策建议。  相似文献   

A bstract The Canada US Free Trade AGreement (FTA) which came into force January 1. 1989 caused heated debate within Canada about the impact it would have on social programs , other directly or indirectly It was argued that Canada would have to give up some social programs because they would be deemed to be substdues to the production of goods or services Alternatively, it was feared that firms would argue that the programs would need to be cut in order to ensure that they could compete with US firms in firms in terms of taxes It is shown that public unease about the fate of social programs was based both on a misunderstanding of FTA provisions, and on 'misperception'of the mag nitude of social program expenditures Social Programs Such as unemployment insurance , even when they subsidize particular groups of people (eg fisher men) are not normally deemed to be unfair competition which would be countervailable In addition, firsm do not expertence any greter benefit costs in Canada than in the US, albeit there is a different public/private split and thus there is no justification for firms to argue for cutting programs in order tobe competitive, other things being equal  相似文献   

This article begins with a definition of free international trade and a brief history of the evolution of free trade as an ideology and economic policy. It next considers the case for free trade as first articulated by classical economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo and then examines free trade critiques proffered by Friedrich List and Marxist scholars who claim that free trade can never be just nor fair so long as relational and structural power inequalities exist between corporations and workers. This article concludes with a summary of the current free trade debate, highlighting, in particular, how radical critics of free trade have begun to embrace a more distinctly Marxian view of the dynamics of globalized capital accumulation. This new perspective acknowledges the progressive transformations that globalized trade has brought to developing countries while also highlighting the ways global free trade relies upon and sustains an exploitative class dynamic.  相似文献   

自贸区的启动不仅意味着零关税时代的来临,它同时宣告了一个拥有4.5万亿美元贸易额的巨大市场正在变为现实。  相似文献   

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