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华勇 《经济研究导刊》2012,(21):65-66,71
在贵州省的少数民族地区,少数民族服饰各具特色,尤其是苗族服饰,但却耗费大量的金钱,这不是由于人们生活富裕而有更多的资金花费在服装上,而在某种程度上是由于人们在思想意识方面的制约,投资方向的缺少和理财意识淡薄的一种结果。因此,这是金融领域方面急需加强的一个方面。我们通过政府部门和当地金融机构的引导。在防范金融风险的基础上,可对当地投入更多的金融理财产品,在增加当地居民收入的基础上,也可以更好地发展当地金融机构的业务。为当地民生的改善起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

甘肃环县地处庆阳市西北部,是1936年解放的革命老区,这里受毛乌素沙漠边缘的影响,风高土燥,气候恶劣,但在环境恶劣的情况下,在这片曾积淀过光荣历史的热土上,有一位特殊的先进工作者——梁万勇。多年来,他凭着一颗执著的赤之子心,勤勤恳恳做事,踏踏实实做人。在平凡的岗位上,谱写了一位人民的好公仆,一位人民的好党员的亮丽华章。回首过去,他历经了基层的艰难困苦,  相似文献   

鸦片战争以后,随着不平等条约的签订,外国教会逐步扩大了在中国传教的范围。基督教的三大教派——天主教、新教、东正教在中国逐渐形成了一股特殊的势力,并力图渗透到中国的政治、司法、军事和文化等领域。以往论者多认为西方传教士在经济上进行掠夺,在政治上制造分裂,实为推行帝国主义殖民政策的一支重要方面军。但是,单就西方传教士在中国的文化活动而论,应该说客观上有利于中西文化的交流。  相似文献   

核心-边缘理论在区域旅游规划中的运用   总被引:83,自引:1,他引:83  
汪宇明 《经济地理》2002,22(3):372-375
核心-边缘理论为区域旅游规划提供了建构区域旅游空间结构系统的认知模型。运用这种空间结构模型,在进行旅游资源的区域整合,景区土地利用功能配置与都会城市旅游圈层构造,以及促进区域旅游联动发展方面可取得满意的实践成果,核心与边缘地区应该是一种平等竞争,优势互补,合作互嬴的空间关系,发展核心,带动边缘,是区域旅游发展的重要战略兴措,发展中地区要注意培育旅游核心区,形成旅游创新活动基地,带动边缘区域发展,壮在整个区域的旅游竞争力。  相似文献   

本文基于重男轻女观念的视角,探究地区文化是否会影响当地家族企业的机会主义动机。本文研究发现,重男轻女地区的家族企业更愿意安排男性家族成员担任CEO等重要职位,更多地引入家族成员参与企业经营。由于担心这种机会主义行为,外部投资者对当地家族企业的投资更为谨慎。本文从地区文化的视角阐释了家族企业的异质性,推动了已有研究从“家族企业与非家族企业有何不同”向“不同地区文化下的家族企业间有何不同”层面深入。  相似文献   

边缘地区的创新活动是容易被忽视、然而具有重要意义的区域现象。文章从网络结构视角切入,结合高新技术企业投资数据、复杂网络理论与关联网络模型,分析并解读长三角地理边缘地区创新网络的组织模式和生成机制。研究发现:(1)创新网络遵循“核心—关联—边缘”三级网络生长秩序,并通过“接触式+等级式”的知识扩散路径来实现;(2)由于创新网络包含“生产—控制”双重结构,地理边缘的城市既能够接受周边城市制造企业的近距离、接触式溢出,也有机会通过构建创投联系,承接核心城市金融机构的远距离、等级式溢出,成为在创新网络中发挥资源调配作用的控制型节点。因此,在地理边缘区的空间规划实践中,应更加重视城市在网络中所处的结构性位置,致力于将城市发展为在创新网络中具有门户、控制作用的关键节点,从而实现地理边缘区位下的发展路径突破。  相似文献   

资本的扩张必然导致以不平等为特征的"中心-边缘式"资本主义世界体系的形成,中等收入陷阱只不过是这一体系的特定产物而已。中心区的资本为了实现对边缘区的控制与剥夺,不仅摧毁外围边缘地区工商业,使其成为中心地区产品的销售市场和原材料基地,而且限制高新技术向边缘区的流动,控制其创新能力以防止其产业升级。资本主义世界体系的中心区对边缘区的剥削随其经济周期的波动而变化。  相似文献   

赵胜君 《时代经贸》2009,(10):33-34
在我国经济快速发展,经济体制转型过程中,边缘群体是不可避免的,在短期内也不会消失,这与和谐社会的本质相矛盾。这就要求政府应加大对财政资金的投入,建立针对边缘群体的社会保障制度,使其真正享受与社会主流群体相同的待遇,从而更好地促进我国和谐社会的建设。本文在对边缘群体界定和民生财政考察的基础上,选取低保边缘户作为研究对象,对低保边缘户与低保户享受的社会保障政策进行比对,从民生财政的角度提出针对低保边缘户的社会保障体系构建的建议。  相似文献   

基于"边缘效应"的南襄城市群构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市群在区域经济社会发展中的作用越来越重要.笔者在阐释"边缘效应"、边缘区、边缘区类型的基础上,从边缘效应、通道条件、经济地位、基础设施、文教科技等方面深入分析了南襄城市群构建条件.同时,对南襄边缘区的未来发展给出了消除"行政区经济"束缚、突出互补优势、加速南襄边缘区要素流动、促进边缘区升级、构建南襄城市群框架的建议.  相似文献   

周萍萍 《开放时代》2010,(12):148-154
本文以何凯立博士对1912~1949年间基督新教出版物的研究为基础,探讨了1879~1949年间的大陆天主教中文报刊。以1912年为界,天主教会在华出版发行中文报刊可以分为两个阶段,即初创和迅速发展阶段。在初创阶段,报刊所载内容除宗教题材外,还积极向国人介绍西方科技和文化;在迅速发展阶段,虽然报刊的种类、发行地逐渐增多,内容更加丰富,但是其社会影响力反而削弱。当然,这些天主教报刊都努力将当代政治、社会和经济问题纳入宗教视野之内,因此不论在教会中或是社会上还是起到了一定作用。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the fundamental reason for the ascendancy of political Islam in the wake of the Arab revolutions lies in the uncompetitive nature of the religion and its implications for political economy: the fact that Islam is one and long since unchanged, which makes the Islamists’ call very costly to resist and very attractive to follow. The argument is developed through an examination of sectarian and legal history in Islam and a comparison of the nexus between church, state and individual in Christian and Muslim religious traditions. Special attention is devoted to Islamic Law and the law schools that define it.  相似文献   

This study has extended the work done by Allen [Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 27 (1995) 97] and others who attempted to show a relationship between a denomination’s doctrine and its organizational structure. While Allen’s work resulted in a one-to-one mapping between doctrinal beliefs and organizational structure, this study has argued that there exists a continuum of structures that are consistent with a particular church’s doctrine. The church’s ultimate organizational structure is a game theoretic outcome resulting when churches attempt to maximize membership subject to the constraints imposed by their doctrines. We examine how churches’ organizational structures depend on the extent to which members are willing to sacrifice their structural preferences to hold on to their doctrines. Consistent with Allen’s outcome, our result indicates the further apart are the doctrines held by two churches, the greater the variation in their structural organization. This paper also examines the relationship between churches’ organizational structures and the degree of the majority church’s majority.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2007,91(5-6):1043-1069
Interest in religious organizations as providers of social services has increased dramatically in recent years. Churches in the U.S. were a crucial provider of social services through the early part of the twentieth century, but their role shrank dramatically with the expansion in government spending under the New Deal. In this paper, we investigate the extent to which the New Deal crowded-out church charitable spending in the 1930s. We do so using a new nationwide data set of charitable spending for six large Christian denominations, matched to data on local New Deal spending. We instrument for New Deal spending using measures of the political strength of a state's congressional delegation, and confirm our findings using a different instrument based on institutional constraints on state relief spending. With both instruments we find that higher government spending leads to lower church charitable activity. Crowd-out was small as a share of total New Deal spending (3%), but large as a share of church spending: our estimates suggest that benevolent church spending fell by 30% in response to the New Deal, and that government relief spending can explain virtually all of the decline in charitable church activity observed between 1933 and 1939.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2005,89(11-12):2245-2267
Churches provide community services similar to those provided by the government, but there has been no convincing analysis of the extent to which church activity can substitute for government activity. To address this important issue, this paper uses a new panel data set of Presbyterian Church (USA) congregations to regress both church-member donations and a church's community spending on a number of variables, including government welfare expenditures. A provision of the 1996 welfare law that decreased the availability and use of welfare services by non-citizens serves as an instrument to identify the causal effect of government spending on church activity. The results show that church activities substitute for government activities. Extrapolating the findings to all denominations, the estimated “crowd-out” effect lies between 20 and 38 cents on the dollar. The results are subjected to a number of robustness tests.  相似文献   

Why did substantial parts of Europe abandon the institutionalized churches around 1900? Empirical studies using modern data mostly contradict the traditional view that education was a leading source of the seismic social phenomenon of secularization. We construct a unique panel dataset of advanced-school enrollment and Protestant church attendance in German cities between 1890 and 1930. Our cross-sectional estimates replicate a positive association. By contrast, in panel models where fixed effects account for time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity, education—but not income or urbanization—is negatively related to church attendance. In panel models with lagged explanatory variables, educational expansion precedes reduced church attendance, while the reverse is not true. Dynamic panel models with lagged dependent variables and instrumental-variable models using variation in school supply confirm the results. The pattern of results across school types is most consistent with a mechanism of increased critical thinking in general rather than specific knowledge of natural sciences.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the long-run relationship between religiosity and income using retrospective data on church attendance rates for a panel of countries from 1930 to 1990. We employ panel cointegration and causality techniques to control for omitted variable and endogeneity bias and test for the direction of causality. We show that there exists a negative long-run relationship between the level of religiosity, measured by church attendance, and the level of income, measured by the log of GDP per capita. The result is robust to alternative estimation methods, potential outliers, different samples, different measures of church attendance and alternative specifications of the income variable. Long-run causality runs in both directions, higher income leads to declining religiosity and declining religiosity leads to higher income.  相似文献   

John Agnew 《Geopolitics》2013,18(1):39-61
The Catholic Church is a religious tradition with a highly centralised organisational structure which operates worldwide but that must adjust itself to and effectively operate in local and world-regional contexts that can often challenge and threaten to subvert its central doctrines, operational principles, and political compromises with secular authorities. The Church has long provided the source and model, with its base in the sacred origins of sovereignty, for a quintessentially Western statehood. In this context, I wish to raise three points for further discussion using the significant example of the Catholic Church that future research on the contemporary confluence between religion and geopolitics should address. The first is whether a church can have “geopolitics.” I answer in the affirmative with a number of arguments for doing so. The second is the idea, made in writing and in his practice by Pope Benedict, that Western civilisation is in crisis and that only a restoration of a historic Christendom (Europe) based on a reinvigorated Catholic Church can save it. I dispute the strategy of “hard” or coercive power and the focus on Europe he has apparently chosen as departing from what has often best served the Church in the past. Third, and finally, in the global struggle for souls, numbers matter. Somewhat akin to the struggle for primacy between states in the modern geopolitical imagination, the struggle for souls between faiths (Catholics and Protestants, Moslems and Christians, etc.) is once more in ascendance. But doesn't this quantitative emphasis risk subverting the Church's post-Vatican II emphasis on Christian practice in everyday life? The overall purpose of the article is to introduce religious organisation and associated theological claims into the problematic of geopolitics using the case of the world's largest Christian denomination.  相似文献   

辜明安 《财经科学》2007,(10):61-67
物权保护采侵权责任的立法模式抑或物权请求权模式,在学界有不同看法.前者虽有其合理性,但弊端更为显著,不仅可能模糊侵权行为法的功能,更有颠覆侵权行为法价值的危险,在立法上不足采.对后者来说,一方面,物权请求权使民法的性格得以彰显,符合请求权作为权利的内在逻辑,另一方面,物权请求权不能为侵权法所吸收,且具有独立于债权的实证依据.因此,物权请求权模式具有更充分的存在理由.  相似文献   

经济学原有的资本范畴是市场经济中的特殊的资本范畴,有局限性。笔者认为市场经济中的一般资本范畴是:资本是生产和经营商品的生产要素,它能生产社会使用价值并能使自身价值增殖。因此,资本有二重本性,既有客观上满足社会需要的一面,又有经济主体主观追求利润最大化的一面。资本有二重历史作用,既有促进社会生产力发展的积极作用,又有阻碍社会经济发展的消极作用,而积极作用是主导的方面。国家对市场经济的宏观调控,保护资本的积极作用,尽可能使它的负面作用最小化。  相似文献   

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) includes a number of provisions that significantly affect health care plans. This article outlines key aspects of these changes, which apply to all health care plans, including those covering multiemployer, governmental and church groups.  相似文献   

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