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张玉琼 《中国会展》2012,(23):102-103
作为即将举办的“会展·风尚·大典”的主要协办方,点意空间国际展览集团(以下简称“点意空间”)为活动进行了充分的准备。在过去的一年里,点意空间总裁吕玉贵收获了不少赞许和荣誉。  相似文献   

张孟琼 《中国会展》2012,(19):52-53
从丽水世博会载誉而归、圆满完成亚欧博览会主场搭建,在过去半年里,两次国际大舞台的历练让点意空间国际展览集团(简称“点意空间”)收获颇丰。在打造品牌展览公司的道路上,点意空间总裁吕玉贵率领他的团队成功把握住了机遇,并努力赢得了荣誉。  相似文献   

仝晓青 《中国会展》2012,(1):170-171
通过对2010年上海世博会国家及地区展馆等项目进行全案策划、设计、工程建造、运营管理、大型活动组织及主要联合馆的主场管理等,点意空间国际展览集团有限公司(以下简称点意空间)已成为一个具有大型主题展会策划和厅馆建造实力的综合发展集团公司。近年来各类展示工程策划、设计和建造任务分布全球各地。 2011年,点意空间中标201...  相似文献   

2010年12月23日,“点意空间,感谢有你”10年庆典在北京奥运中心区的国家会议中心举办。  相似文献   

1问:吕总,您好,时值辞旧迎新之际,作为辛苦了一年的会展人,您有哪些心得与我们分享?答:是啊,岁末将至,各个企业都在进行年终总结,对下一年也在作规划制定。2008年,对我们国家是一个重要的年份,对我们点意空间集团来说,也是具有重要意义的一年。企业有了全新的发展思路,企业的核心经营理念也更加明晰,可以说蓄意待发。  相似文献   

乔立冬 《中国广告》2005,(6):134-135
张定国先生现任世博集团上海现代国际展览有限公司总经理,上海市会展行业协会常务理事。多年从事会展行业工作,是沪上展览业的领军人物之一。笔者日前就会展行业现状,发展之路等问题同张定国先生做了一次深入交谈,从而很真切地体会到了一位资深专业人士对展览业发展的独特理念。在这里同展业同仁共享之。上海现代国际展览有限公司成立于1993年,是上海世博集团属下的一家专业性的展览公司,于2004年被批  相似文献   

孙焕 《销售与管理》2008,(4):99-101
基础相对薄弱的中国企业不断地从低到高迈进,而跨国公司则相反从高往下渗透,中端市场成为竞争的主战场,决胜的关键则是品牌。  相似文献   

This article examines the mediation effect of brand identification and the moderating effect of service quality (SQ) on the effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) association on service brand performance. A survey of customers of mobile telecommunications services was conducted. The study finds, first, that both CSR and SQ have direct effects on brand identification and customer satisfaction and indirect effects on customer satisfaction (via brand identification) and on service brand loyalty (via customer satisfaction and via “brand identification/customer satisfaction”). Second, SQ enhances the effect of CSR on brand identification. This study contributes to the literature by incorporating three perspectives of service brand performance – CSR association, SQ, and brand identification – into one general framework that stresses (a) the mediating role of brand identification in predicting customer satisfaction and service brand loyalty; and (b) the interactive effect of CSR and SQ in predicting brand identification.  相似文献   

Based on a synthesis of the services marketing literature, a multiple-item perceived service quality measure is developed The instrument is a practical tool for monitoring residential customers' quality perceptions of the services provided by a public utility firm (electric, gas and water services). The measure exhibits excellent internal consistency reliability, and meets a number of slringent criteria for construct validity. Implications for researchers and potential users of the scale are discussed.  相似文献   

邓广梼 《广告大观》2006,(12S):139-139
走进美国纽约麦迪逊大道及五十七街角的万宝龙(Most Blanc)专卖店,素未谋面的David Kuba迎面而来接待我,得悉我来的目的是想解决我的Montbianc Meisterstuck149的一个小问题,他马上当场为我解决了这支跟随我多年的Meisterstuck149最近的烦恼.  相似文献   

陈荣勇 《中国广告》2012,(8):126-129
电视媒体已经成为社会主要传播渠道,成为当之无愧的第一媒体。因此,电视媒体应当承担社会公民应尽的社会责任和义务。在履行好"内容把关人"的职责,传播先进内容的同时,公益广告是电视媒体承担社会责任的重要表现。中央电视台不仅播出大量公益电视广告,而且积极组织、策划与创意各项公益内容与活动,主动承担媒体的社会责任,有效地推动了中国电视公益广告的成长与发展。  相似文献   

基于口碑效应的客户终身价值改进模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,客户终身价值(CLV)模型是客户关系管理的核心,企业决策者应将有限的资源投放到最有价值客户身上,保持和提高这些客户的价值,为企业赢得长远利益。文章在剖析前人客户终身价值模型的基础上,建立了基于口碑效应的客户终身价值改进模型,更客观地反映了客户消费行为,提高了客户终身价值模型预测的准确性。通过改进模型计算可以知道,满意客户因为积极的口碑效应使自身客户价值放大,不满意客户因为消极的口碑效应使自身客户价值缩小。  相似文献   


Using a modified SERVQUAL scale, this paper measures perceived service quality in a corporatised public sector environment. Five factors were identified: personalised proficiency, empathic professionalism, reliability, tangibles and access; explaining 61% of overall variance. Further analysis using multiple regression also indicated that 45% of the variability in customer satisfaction and 43% of the variability in overall service quality was explained by the five factors. The research was conducted in response to calls for the application of this measure and following a review of extant literature that indicated the limited number of studies undertaken within the public sector that assessed service quality.  相似文献   

The application of perceived service quality to marketing segmentation makes a significant contribution to customer quality expectations by enabling more efficient segmentation. By means of an empirical analysis, the present work firstly contrasts the validity of perceived service quality measurements in public services. It goes on to analyse the usefulness of this concept as a segmentation criterion. Finally, customer segments are identified as a function of perceived quality and profiles are established for each segment. This study proves that service quality is a useful tool for segmentation in public services.  相似文献   

孙雷 《广告大观》2006,(3S):63-65
知名品牌工业设计背后的操作奥妙何在?其品牌塑造与产品工业设计的互动作用又是怎样的?解答了上述问题,创意的效率将得到大幅提升,创意也将更为有效。 产品工业设计重要还是产品品牌重要?  相似文献   

A econometric model was developed to study Japanese tourist arrivals in British Columbia. Based on quarterly tourist arrival statistics, this study also examined the stability of the parameters of the model over nine holding periods. It was found that the income and habit variables were significant in all the nine holding periods while the exchange rate variable only contributed to the explanation of the dependent variable in two particular periods. The study also found that the number of Japanese tourists has reached full capacity in the summer season, but there is still potential for growth in the winter season. Implications of the findings to the development of the Japanese tourists market in British Columbia were discussed.  相似文献   

品牌在商业运作中至关重要,而网络在传统品牌的塑造方面是无所不能的。现在已经到了进行品牌再造的时候了。  相似文献   

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