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Intermediate input usage is known to channel R&D spillovers across countries and industries. This paper highlights that technology also diffuses across countries and industries through intermediate input supply. Technology transfer to intermediates suppliers ensues from R&D that induces a demand for technologically advanced intermediates. I analyze R&D spillovers through intermediate input usage and supply for 18 manufacturing industries in 20 OECD countries over 1987–2009. Results support both use- and supply-driven R&D spillovers. Comparing their effects reveals interesting variations. Among domestic industries, intermediate input supply is the dominant channel. For international relations, both use- and supply-driven R&D spillovers are found.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of labor market policies on R&D activities and unemployment. I develop a search and matching model in which firms’ R&D decisions are endogenously determined. The model demonstrates that more intensive labor market policies that protect workers reduce the levels of R&D activities. This study offers a theoretical framework to understand the relationship between R&D activities, labor market policies, and unemployment which is discussed in empirical studies.  相似文献   

Suppose a firm’s research and development (R&D) improves product reliability which in turn decreases the cost of product failure for both the firm and its customers. The primary research question of the paper is how a firm with market power optimally adjusts its R&D if it experiences a manufacturing cost shock. Our model suggests that a manufacturing cost shock prompts the firm to do less R&D in the cases where the replacement cost is low or the marginal manufacturing cost is high. Conversely, if the replacement cost is high and the marginal manufacturing cost is low, then the firm increases R&D, mitigating some of the increase in the manufacturing cost. The paper also compares the outcomes for reliability, profits, consumer surplus, and social surplus for the optimal R&D case as compared to the case of doing no R&D, paying particular attention to how exogenous changes in the marginal manufacturing cost affect this comparison.  相似文献   

文章以高新技术产业为研究对象,选取2001-2018年我国上市公司的财务数据,分析政府补贴能否提振高新技术产业的研发创新能力。研究结果表明:政府补贴有利于促进企业研发投入,显著增加外观设计专利和实用新型专利的产出,但是对发明专利的产出不显著,其创新质并没有有效提升;政府补贴对国有企业和民营企业以及东中西部地区的研发创新能力存在显著差异,对国有企业研发投入和专利产出比民营企业大,对东部地区的研发投入和专利产出影响较为显著,但是对中部和西部地区的研发投入和专利产出激励效果不够明显。基于研究结论提出相关建议:国家应完善政府补贴政策的顶层设计,优化对国有和民营企业的补贴机制,注重民营企业在市场中的地位,并适当提高中、西部地区的财政补贴;加大对企业研发投入补贴以及发明专利产出数量的政策激励,提高发明专利比重,并降低实用新型专利在国家专利制度体系中的比例和数量;企业应注重创造性人才培养,政府需要完善健全知识产权保护制度。  相似文献   

We investigate how R&D subsidies affect business R&D investments using cross-section data of high-tech manufacturing firms in Jiangsu province of China. Our estimations based on propensity score matching suggest that public subsidies positively influence business R&D investments. Further classifying firms into different groups by size, financial constraints, and ownership, we find that the stimulation effect is more significant and stronger for smaller firms, more financially constrained firms, and private-owned firms. The heterogeneity of policy effects with respect to export status, Relative Comparative Advantage index, region, and industry are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the effects of R&D and financing constraints on the green-sophistication of Chinese firm exports. The theoretical model predicts that firms' R&D expenditure improves the level of green sophistication and financing constraints have moderating effects on firms' the export green-sophistication. The paper constructs an index of the export green-sophistication by incorporating green coefficient in traditional export sophistication. We use the data from the China industrial firm database and confirm our theoretical predictions. The financing constraints are found to have a significant moderating effects on the relationship between R&D and export green-sophistication in basic test and robustness check.  相似文献   

Two versions of research and development (R&D) activities in a Hotelling model with endogenous spillover effect, one with cost-reducing R&D and the other with quality-improving R&D, are analyzed in this paper. The result points out that two such kinds of R&D activities will share identical strategic properties, and that we shall be able to derive the equilibrium strategies of a quality-improving R&D model from those of a cost-reducing R&D model, and vice versa. It is found that the special market demand in a Hotelling model in fact plays a crucial role as well. This paper also provides a welfare analysis, the results of which show that government intervention via taxing the locations and subsidizing R&D efforts can remedy the market failure resulting from excess differentiation on locations and under-investment on R&D expenditures in non-cooperative equilibrium.  相似文献   

文章从技术异质性角度,指出环境规制产生的利润削弱效应和摆脱规制效应下,异质性企业有不同的研发选择。环境规制一方面会削弱企业研发的边际收益,不利于企业研发;另一方面也会刺激企业增加研发以摆脱环境规制成本。这两种效应在不同技术企业中的差异会导致异质性企业截然不同的研发选择。为此,文章首先构建一个理论模型,推导出环境规制产生的利润削弱效应和摆脱规制效应下,不同技术企业的研发选择。发现对于高生产率企业,环境规制产生的摆脱规制效应超过利润削弱效应,环境规制力度增加会刺激企业增加研发;而对于低生产率企业,环境规制产生的利润削弱效应起主导作用,环境规制力度增加反而阻碍企业研发。进一步利用环境规制的政策实验和工业企业微观数据,对以上观点进行实证检验。发现环境规制对企业研发的影响取决于其所处的技术水平,这不仅体现在集约边际企业的研发投入上,也体现在广延边际企业是否研发的选择上。集约边际上,环境规制增加了高生产率企业的研发投入,但这种作用随着企业与技术前沿的距离增加而递减,最终逆转为减少低生产率企业研发投入。广延边际上,环境规制使低生产率企业相对高生产率企业进入研发的概率更低,而退出研发的概率却更高。  相似文献   

何爱  钟景雯 《南方经济》2018,37(10):92-112
新兴经济体企业的国际化行为已经成为国际商务领域的研究热点之一,但如中国这样的新兴经济体的跨国企业是否能够通过研发国际化行为提升母公司的创新绩效,现有文献对该问题尚缺乏足够的研究。文章基于2011-2017年间沪深两市310家信息技术业上市跨国企业的年度观察数据,采用泊松面板固定效应模型考察了企业研发国际化与母公司创新绩效之间的关系,并首次从逆向知识转移的视角,探讨了吸收能力和地理多样性对研发国际化和创新绩效两者关系的调节作用。实证结果表明:中国企业的研发国际化显著促进母公司创新绩效的提升;以研发投入强度衡量的企业吸收能力显著正向调节研发国际化和创新绩效之间的关系,而以布劳异质性指数测量的地理多样性则显著负向调节研发国际化和创新绩效的关系。研究结果对中国企业国际化行为具有重要启示。该研究发现意味着中国企业在国际化过程中应该加大海外研发投资力度以提升母公司创新绩效,且为更好地实现外部知识的逆向转移,应同时提高企业总体研发投入强度。但作为新兴经济体企业,不宜在地理分布上实行快速扩张,否则较高的沟通和协调成本将弱化逆向知识转移的程度,而不利于母公司创新绩效的提升。  相似文献   

We devise a model in which domestic firms do applied R&D, which can be subsidized by the government, and foreign firms with superior technology can enter in the domestic market. Foreign Direct Investment can act as a substitute of subsidies to improve domestic R&D, the share of domestic leading firms and consumption. Relatively closed economies may benefit from R&D subsidization while relatively open economies may not. For relatively low growth of the technological frontier, it is optimal to subsidize R&D and close the economy to foreign investment but the opposite happens for relatively high growth. Numerical simulations show the economy dynamics after policy experiments.  相似文献   

This paper examines the accumulation of physical capital versus knowledge (R&D) capital as a determinant of advanced countries’ comparative advantage. I show that advanced countries are abundant in R&D resources, specialize in knowledge-intensive stages of high-technology industries, and outsource labor-intensive stages of the industries to labor-abundant countries. In contrast, global data on production and trade cannot support the conventional view that advanced countries specialize in and export capital-intensive goods. My results indicate that the accumulation of knowledge capital plays a vital role in explaining advanced countries’ comparative advantage.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of exporting and R&D investment on firm survival for a panel of Indian IT firms. We show that exporting has competing effects on firm survival. On the one hand, exporting and investing in productivity are complementary activities, while, on the other, exporting activity is an additional source of uncertainty for the firm. We show that both effects influence survival, but operate at different points in time. Specifically, the hazard facing exporters is higher than non-exporters in the initial phase following entry into the export market, reflecting the fact that exporters are particularly vulnerable to shocks in the start-up phase. However, over time, exporters benefit more from productivity gains than non-exporters and the hazard facing exporters falls below that confronting non-exporters.  相似文献   

There is a concern in Japan that the R&D profitability of its domestic firms fell significantly in the 1990s, following the US pattern in the 1980s. This paper finds, however, that the effect of R&D on the market value of a firm, relative to that of tangible assets, increased in the 1990s in terms of both within firm variations and cross section variations, even though the average market value itself significantly fell. More trade and higher foreign ownership significantly enhanced the market value of a firm, and so did more patents in sectors such as pharmaceuticals. J. Japanese Int. Economies 20 (2) (2006) 155–176.  相似文献   

The coconut industry of North Sulawesi, one of the primary coconut-producing provinces of Indonesia, is dominated by a small number of products that are primarily exported overseas. As they only comprise a small share of the global coconut product export market, demand for coconut products from North Sulawesi is generally very elastic. Conversely, the supply of coconuts is highly inelastic, especially in the short to medium term. Hence, small shifts in supply and demand lead to large fluctuations in farmer incomes. In this context, an equilibrium displacement model is used to examine the intra-industry consequences of R&D investments in farm productivity and product development. These investments are assessed in terms of the producer surplus benefits that they generate.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of R&D tax incentives on firm-level R&D expenditures (RDE) and patenting using a change in the eligibility criteria for a super deduction in China. In 2006, the Chinese government relaxed the “10 % eligibility criterion”, which stated that only firms with a 10 % or higher increase in prior-year RDE can claim an additional 50 % tax deduction. We use an event study approach to show that firms that became newly eligible to claim the super deduction (those just below the criterion) catches up on RDE and product innovation measured by the sales of new products. In the long run, we also observe a closing gap in the number of patents between the two groups of firms. Moreover, extending tax benefits to all firm helps to lower the tax burden, and we find no evidence of manipulation and relabeling.  相似文献   

Conclusion This study derives long-run income distributional impacts of immigration and capital flows in a general equilibrium model of Canada. While each factor is its own enemy, results indicate that capital and skilled professional labor are enemies as well. Both of these productive inputs are friends of other labor groups, which are common enemies. Factor friendship patterns are useful in evaluating income distributional impacts of a variety of policies designed to influence the international flow of productive labor and capital.  相似文献   

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