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2008年9月,STX集团以持有世界领先的豪华游船及近海工程船制造商阿克尔船厂92%的股份成为其最大股东。2008年11月3日,阿克尔船厂正式更名为STX欧洲。本刊于2008年曾刊发过有关报道,本期再编辑STX欧洲现状,供广大读者参考。  相似文献   

去年,DeHoop(荷兰语“希望”之意)船厂向美国Vantage Deluxe Travel公司交付了“河流.探索II”号(River Discovery II),该船是这家船东订造的3艘内河游船中的第一艘。  相似文献   

你说,给我游艇,电脑屏幕中“刷”地变出条奶白色的游艇,在蔚蓝的大海游弋;他说,给我驳船,一条宽大的驳船立即在屏幕中随着波涛上下起伏。这是游戏吗?  相似文献   

今天的欧洲,有50万华人,其中80%是温州人。王寿松的经历,是温州人海外生存发展的一个缩影。独闯荷兰,扬名欧洲,然后再回国创业,造福桑梓,三十年波折磨难,其中甘苦,王寿松给我们娓娓道来。  相似文献   

吴海峰 《浙商》2010,(12):27-27
为什么美国导致的金融危机,反而会让美国的金融资产价格溢价呢?这恐怕不得不归因于旧的国际金融体制,以及监管不尽严密的金融交易所。  相似文献   

在国际金融舞台上,高盛是世界历史上最悠久、规模最大的投资银行之一,历经140年沧桑岁月,仍然魅力四射。但是今天,高盛的舞步有太多悬念:面临巨亏,高盛不慎跌飞了红舞鞋——舞步突然间显得那么艰难,那么别扭而又那么踉跄。  相似文献   

严睿 《中国品牌》2012,(12):68-71
自欧元区陷入债务危机后,中国企业屡屡出手收购欧洲公司资产。参股全球头号工业叉车制造商凯傲集团,控股凯傲旗下的液压巨头林德液压,显示出山东重工董事长谭旭光狩猎欧洲,称雄世界的强烈渴望过去的这大半年时间里,谭旭光频繁往返于亚欧大陆,在全球装备制造业不断下沉的同时,潍柴动力又出手了,目标是欧洲的老牌制造业强国。  相似文献   

加入WTO之后,越来越多的中国企业开启了国际化征程;次贷危机引发全球金融海啸以来,中国企业加快了"走出去"的步伐;而伴随着欧债危机的持续蔓延,我国企业投资欧洲的热情逐渐升温。欧洲在世界经济中占有重要地位,3年多来,欧债危机始终是世界经济复苏的巨大阴影,且中短期内难以看到有效解决的前景,未来必将持续对世界经济产生巨大影响。对中国企业而言,欧债危机既  相似文献   

金融危机后资源价格处在低位.国内企业掀起了新一轮海外投资矿企的高潮。就在中铝、五矿等大型央企扎堆到澳大得亚投资矿山的时候,位于东北的民营企业西洋集团悄悄将“触角”伸到了朝鲜、俄罗斯,开始了海外开矿的步伐。  相似文献   

湾岸,是一种生活梦想;湾岸,自由浪漫的气息令无数人迷恋;湾岸,更是世界名流所推崇的生活意境。临海而居的湾岸生活,尽享诗  相似文献   

Tianjin's Binhai New Area (TBNA) lies in the economic belt of Bohai Rim Region and the juncture of the city group of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province. The area is adjacent to Beijing, facing North, Northeast and Northwest China on its back, with a vast hinterland. It is the important hub linking China and the world, the south and the north and the east and the west within the nation. As the nearest east starting point of Eurasia land bridge, TBNA is the most crucial outlet to the sea for the neighboring in- land countries, becoming an important window for China to take part in the economic globalization and regional economic integration.  相似文献   

不论是从环保角度还是从经济角度,人们都期待新能源汽车有朝一日能像高度普及的电动自行车一样行驶在中国的街头,只要它使用和维护起来也像电动自行车一般便利。  相似文献   

Recently,the modern tea br and“Chay an Yue s e(Modern Tea Shop)”opened up its first store in Wuhan.The opening time was schedule to be 10:00am,but a long queue could already be seen in front of the store at around 8:00am.Some customers brought small campstools in preparation for the long wait.After the store opened,the official microblog of Chayan Yuese claimed that every customer had to wait for an average of 8 hours,and could buy a maximum of four cups of tea.Some netizens say that compared with the modern tea pioneers HeyTea and Nayuki,where customers only had to wait for 1 or 2 hours,Chayan Yuese’s 8-hour wait is a perfect testimony to“hunger marketing”.  相似文献   


China'sdownproductindustry,afterdevelopmentoveradecadeorso,hasbecomealargeindustrywithafairlycompleteindustrialsystem.Accor...  相似文献   

自2002年以来,别克售后服务每年都会配合长假出游或是季节特色,推出4-5次免费检测服务。2004年8月1日至8月31日,上海通用汽车的售后服务品牌“别克关怀”全情推出“温情赛欧月”主题活动。届时,全国近250家别克授权售后服务中心的技术顾问将坐堂会诊,为所有赛欧车主进行免费检测和发动机仓清洁。作为  相似文献   

Ageing in Europe     
For many people all over Europe, there is an understanding and an expectation that in old age they will be taken care of by the state. High social security contributions throughout the three or four decades of a working life are rationalised by the prospect of a straightforward transition out of the labour force when the time comes. While this was a reasonable expectation in decades past, a number of factors have combined to cause people all across the continent to feel very anxious about what awaits them once it is time to exit the labour force into retirement. The well-documented demographic transition of many rich European countries is a big factor, as greying populations start to weigh on the sparser younger generations, leading to increasing dependency ratios that would cause any social security system to buckle. The Great Recession has not helped matters, and the austerity measures still crippling many vulnerable European nations will not make anyone in these countries feel optimistic about their post-working lives. The following papers look at different threads of the new reality of ageing in Europe, from pension reform and prolonging the working life to more qualitative aspects such as an analysis of the quality of life of the elderly across Europe. They serve to inform and advise on an important issue that will affect everyone in Europe at some point in their lives.  相似文献   

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