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在贯标过程中适时地开展有针对性的培训,能够保证组织有条不紊地开展贯标各阶段的工作并取得预期效果。笔者就2000版ISO9001贯标中需实施的培训活动作一些粗浅的探讨。1培训活动安排见表1。2培训课程的主要内容及其对贯标的意义2.1ISO9000族标准全员宣贯培训主要内容:1ISO和标准的概念介绍2质量管理发展简史3ISO9000族标准的产生与修订4采用ISO9000族标准能给组织带来的益处52000版ISO9000族标准的结构6重要的术语7八项质量管理原则8如何分阶段、分步骤地按照2000版IS…  相似文献   

本文分析了我国服务业的现状、服务业实施ISO9000族标准的动力,以及ISO9004—2对服务业的作用。作者指出,当前我国服务业实施ISO9000族标准应以“管理者推动”的方式为主;ISO9004—2在于为服务业提供质量管理的指南,它不能直接用于质量体系认证。  相似文献   

正确理解ISO9000或ISO14000认证ISO9000族标准和ISO14000族标准发布实施以来,引起了全世界各行各业的高度重视。一些企业和组织花费了时间、精力和资金通过了认证,获得了ISO9000或ISO14000认证证书。他们希望通过广告、宣...  相似文献   

正确理解ISO9000或ISO14000认证中国技术监督情报所ISO标识国际标准化组织(ISO)不允许ISO9000或ISO14000认证的宣传资料中使用ISO标识,如信笺文头、市场宣传品、广告等。ISO标识是注册的商标。质量体系认证机构或颁发ISO...  相似文献   

介绍了ISO/TC176 修订ISO9000 族标准的要因、2000 年版ISO9000 族的主要特点,以及各类组织应如何对待修订中的ISO9000族标准。  相似文献   

ISO9000现象ISO副秘书长法韦尔在中国ISO9000论坛成立大会上提到:ISO9000问世以后,该标准很快在工业界得到承认,是各国标准化机构采纳ISO标准中销路最好的一个。1、ISO9O00标准已经在75个国家直接采用,其中包括所有欧洲联盟和欧...  相似文献   

为了适应国际贸易往来与国际经济技术合作的需要,国际标准化组织质量管理和质量保证技术委员会(ISO/TC176)经过多年协调努力,在总结了世界各国质量管理和质量保证经验基础上,于1986年6月15日正式颁布了ISO 8402《质量统一术语》标准。该标准为在世界范围内统一质量术语、澄清模糊概念起到了重要作用。1987年3月,ISO正式公布了ISO9000—9004五个标准,即通常所称“ISO 9000系列标准”。它们分别是: ISO 9000:质量管理和质量保证标准——选择和使用指南; ISO 9001:…  相似文献   

ISO9000在中国又掀高潮──中国ISO9000应用研讨会在京举行1995年4月份'95中国ISO9000应用研讨会在北京召开,从会议获悉,ISO9000标准国际年会在中国召开还是首次,本次国际年会由标准化组织的TC176/SC2主办,技术监督局承...  相似文献   

质量体系文件是企业建立质量体系并保持其持续有效运行的基础,是企业生产合格产品、评价质量体系、进行质量改进的重要依据。可以说,没有质量体系文件,就没有ISO9000的实施。因此,无论在ISO9000培训中,还是具体实施中,对质量体系文件的认识是很重要的...  相似文献   

如何成功地获取ISO9000注册──美国杜邦公司经验谈福建省技术监督情报研究所陈光华编译如今,愈来愈多的企业已意识到获取ISO9000注册是参与国际竞争所必需的,同时也感到满足ISO9000的要求要付出相当的人力、物力和财力。如何成功地获取ISO90...  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of implementing the international standard ISO 9000 on measures of business and operating performance. Based on the literature and a case study we identified two stages in implementing ISO 9000—(1) Installation, which has two dimensions: (a) external coordination and (b) integration; and (2) Usage, which also has two dimensions: (a) in daily practice and (b) as a catalyst for change. The hypotheses were that installation of ISO 9000 is positively related to use of ISO 9000, and use of ISO 9000 is positively related to operating performance. In addition, use of ISO 9000 is positively related to business performance since operating performance is positively related to business performance. We used hierarchical linear models (HLM) to test our hypotheses and validated the results by comparing the longitudinal performance of ISO 9000 certified companies with four matched samples of companies that were not ISO 9000 certified. Our analysis indicated that while the installation stage was necessary to successfully implement ISO 9000, organizations achieved a distinct operating advantage from this replicable standard when they used it in daily practice and as a catalyst for change. These findings were based on responses to a survey of 1150 quality managers in 924 organizations, which was supplemented for about one-third of the organizations with longitudinal information from the Compustat database on the organizations’ business and operating performance. The validation indicated that implementing the ISO 9000 standard led to improved operating performance, but that this outcome did not necessarily or automatically yield better business performance.  相似文献   

This study investigates the importance of contextual factors on the efficacy of ISO 9000 adoption. We explore the role of various contextual factors at the firm-level (i.e., technology intensity, labor productivity, and labor intensity) and industry-level (i.e., industry efficiency level, industry competitiveness, industry sales growth, and industry ISO 9000 adoption level) that potentially impact the efficacy of ISO 9000 adoption. We carry out a hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analysis based on objective financial data from 438 U.S. manufacturing firms. The results show that firms with low technology intensity, low labor productivity and high labor intensity reap more benefit from ISO 9000 adoption. Firms in industries with low efficiency levels, high competition, high sales growth and low ISO 9000 adoption levels also obtain more benefit from the adoption. Our research provides supporting evidence for the context-dependent proposition of ISO 9000 adoption. Given the significant costs and resources involved, it is crucial for operations managers to assess to what extent ISO 9000 might benefit their performance before embarking on the implementation process.  相似文献   

The ISO 9000 series of standards has formalized systems for evaluating the ability of any firm to consistently design, produce, and deliver quality products and services. Despite its widespread international acceptance, ISO 9000 is surrounded by controversy and criticism. The literature is clearly divided in its assessment of ISO 9000, which is viewed as either a variant of Total Quality Management (TQM) or a paper-driven process of limited value. The primary objective of this article is to address the competing views of the standard in an attempt to show that ISO 9000 certification can be leveraged into a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

大学贯彻ISO9000标准的研究现状及思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将ISO9000标准应用于高等教育质量管理是保证和提高高等教育质量的有效途径,一些高校已率先通过了ISO9000国际质量标准的认证,还有一些高校正在学习和准备之中。大学贯彻ISO9000质量管理体系标准的研究大有方兴未艾之势。本文从4个方面概述了对大学贯彻ISO9000标准的研究现状,并展开了一些思考。  相似文献   

高等院校欲长期地保持并持续完善教学秩序、提高教学质量,引进先进的ISO9000族管理体系标准,建立ISO9000教学质量管理体系是一种有效的途径。文章分析了高等院校建立ISO9000质量管理体系的意义和可行性,重点探讨了高等院校构建质量管理体系时应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

ISO 9000/1994, ISO 9001/2000 and TQM: The performance debate revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The debate about the impact of ISO 9000/1994 on performance has been waging since its inception. While there is a general agreement regarding the positive impact of TQM on performance, there has been less agreement among the academics about the impact of ISO 9000/1994. Perhaps in response to such debate, the new ISO 9001/2000 has appeared purporting to be more in line with the TQM philosophy. As of now, how this 2000 version actually affects performance is yet to be explored. In this study, we compare the implementation of ISO 9000/1994 and ISO 9001/2000 as representing two different efforts to implement quality management practices. We evaluate its impact on company performance with a sample of 713 Spanish industrial companies. We also examine if the 2000 version of ISO is taking us closer to the implementation of TQM. Further, we depart from the past studies methodologically by considering performance as a formative construct rather than a reflective construct. Based on the mean and covariance structural (MACS) analyses, we conclude that ISO 9001/2000 certified companies do not perform noticeably better than ISO 9000/1994 or non-certified companies. However, we find that ISO 9001/2000 certified companies apply TQM at a higher level than ISO 9000/1994 certified companies, but whether they actually perform better is less clear.  相似文献   

崔波 《标准化报道》1999,20(6):25-26
通过对ISO9000系列标准要求的分析,阐明了“预防为主”是ISO9000系列标准的基本思想,同时对于在建立质量体系时如何体现这一基本思想给出了建议。  相似文献   

ISO9000质量管理体系为各类组织的质量管理提供了理论基础和应用方法。文章分析了我国供水企业的产品质量现状,讨论了供水企业导入ISO9000质量管理体系的必要性和可行性,并提供了供水企业导入ISO9000质量管理体系的途径和步骤。  相似文献   

简要介绍了QS9000及其第三版的修订内容、与ISO9000的主要区别。实施QS9000的效益,并强调了推行QS9000进行培训和寻求咨询的必要性。  相似文献   

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