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2009年8月18日,卫生部发布《国家基本药物目录(基层医疗卫生机构配备使用部分)》(2009版)。该版基本药物目录共收载基本药物307个品种。其中化学药品和生物制品主要依据临床药理学分类,共205个品种;中成药主要依据功能分类,共102个品种;颁布国家标准的中药饮片定为国家基本药物,国家另有规定的除外。新版基本药物目录将从2009年9月21日起正式实施。  相似文献   

连锁药店物流服务和物流能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘莉 《经济问题》2008,(5):66-69
连锁药店的物流能力已经成为其核心竞争力的重要部分.在研究成果的基础上,总结了连锁药店物流能力、物流活动和与物流相关的连锁总部资源的相关指标,运用调查问卷对长株潭地区型连锁药店的物流服务和物流能力进行了比较分析,并对连锁药店物流能力的发展提出相关建议.  相似文献   

本文主要通过对药店服务设计的初步探讨,分析服务设计的意义、设计原则及设计的基本程序,旨在对我国零售药店所面临的服务亟待提高的现状提出一些改进意见。  相似文献   

药品招标与终端药品价格比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解我国实施集中招标采购政策之后,不同销售终端的药品价格差异程度,并探讨产生价格差异的原因。方法:对医院与社会药店共同销售药品的零售价格进行调查,计算并分析其价格差率。结果与结论:大部分药品的医院售价高于其社会药店售价,市场竞争不充分是医院药品价格虚高的主要原因。  相似文献   

陈传宣 《经济师》2006,(5):43-44
文章从国家政策、市场竞争以及国际连锁药店现状等方面,提出了连锁药店多元化是未来我国连锁药店发展的重要方向,阐释了我国连锁药店多元化经营的现状,并对我国连锁药店多元化经营提出了建议。  相似文献   

《国家基本药物目录(基层医疗卫生机构配备使用部分)》(2009版)于2009年8月18日正式发布,自2009年9月21日起施行。本刊选登了其中的“化学药品和生物制品”、“中成药”、“中药饮片”和“说明”四部分内容。  相似文献   

药店是OTC(非处方药品)销售的主要渠道,在OTC市场营销中占有重要的地位.在药店营销中如何运用消费者教育的方法对OTC进行有效的销售是医药营销中一个有意义的课题.文章分析了消费者教育在药店营销中的适用性,并就药店营销中消费者教育的具体方式进行了研究.  相似文献   

本文通过对药店服务补救的初步探讨,分析了药店服务补救的意义并提出药店实施服务补救的策略,旨在为我国药店服务水平亟待提高的现状提出一些参考。  相似文献   

曹琛俊 《大陆桥视野》2011,(22):56-56,58
本文以《关于建立国家基本药物制度的实施意见》为蓝本,调查研究我国社区卫生服务中心贯彻国家新的药物制度实施情况,提出如何有效贯彻,真正减轻“看病贵、看病难”的问题。  相似文献   

目的针对目前我国连锁药店遇到的发展障碍,提出完善建议,并进一步探讨创新发展方向。方法通过案例分析法、数据分析法、比较法分析我国连锁药店经营发展的现状及存在的障碍,并通过对比借鉴发达国家的经验和优势,结合国内现状探讨如何完善和改进。结果与结论我国连锁药店经营起步较晚,由于缺乏现代零售药店的经营理念和管理经验,在发展中还存在诸多障碍。建议通过加强行业管理和政策引导、优化供应链管理、扩大连锁药店经营规模、提升药店从业人员的药学知识水平及药学服务质量四个方面进行完善,并结合国家大健康政策背景与国情,提出连锁药店进入医药电商领域的创新发展方向,并对连锁药店未来主流经营模式进行探讨,进一步实现优化升级。  相似文献   

目的分析我国基本药物与非基本药物价格差率现状,进一步探索影响基本药物与非基本药物价格差率的因素,并提出相关政策建议。方法本研究数据源于北京市卫生局在2014—2017对全国药品价格数据的收集,合作研究机构为北京大学药学院。选取该资料中19个省级行政区的37家医院与35家药房;涉及药物种类4145种,药物的生产企业2045家。运用χ^2检验、描述性分析、多元线性回归等方法。结果多元线性回归结果显示,影响基本药物价格差率的统计显着因素有是否为激素类药物、是否为抗生素、中西药类别、药物给药途径、药物销售地区经济情况、药品生产厂家性质。影响非基本药物价格差率的统计显着因素有是否为激素类药物、是否为抗生素、是否为处方药、中西药类别、药物给药途径、药物销售地区经济情况、药品生产厂家性质。结论基本药物政策影响药物价格差率,基本药物价格差率比非基本药物价格差率偏低,但部分基本药物的价格差率并未得到有效的控制;影响基本药物与非基本药物价格差率的因素多样化;建议基本药物目录需及时更新,进一步完善药物的价格管制。  相似文献   

By the amendment of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act in 2012, non-pharmacy outlets (confined to 24-hour convenience stores) in Korea were permitted to sell 13 over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. This article empirically examines the effect of the regulatory reform on OTC drug prices. To do so, we use county-level price data of 7 OTC drugs for the years of 2012 and 2013. Among them, 2 OTC drugs are available at non-pharmacy outlets due to the deregulation, and the remaining 5 are still only available at pharmacies. Employing a difference-in-differences estimation strategy, we find that after the regulatory reform, prices of the 2 OTC drugs increased by only 1.1% while those of the rest 5 increased by 6.5%. This result has implications for the government’s policy of designating non-pharmacy outlets that can sell OTC drugs from the viewpoint of consumer welfare.  相似文献   

目的:通过ISAfE指标评价我国调血脂类基本药物的遴选。方法:综合运用文献研究及比较分析和统计分析的方法进行实证研究。结果与结论:我国调脂类基本药物的遴选符合基本药物的一般要求,ISAfE指标的初探为今后基本药物再评价提供了参考。  相似文献   

通过对农村药店药学服务的现状分析,提出规范和明确农村药店药学服务的内容、强化对零售药店营业员的管理和培训、建立相对完善的药学服务规范、建立标准化的药学服务流程、加强药店药学服务绩效考核与评价等相应策略,促进农村药店药学服务的开展,以实现农村百姓用药的安全、有效、经济合理,推动基层卫生服务事业发展和完善。  相似文献   

In 1963, the North Dakota Legislature amended the North Dakota Century Code to ensure that all licensed community pharmacies in the State are majority owned by pharmacists registered in the State. During the 2008-2009 legislative session, a debate arose about whether this law should be repealed. Those in favor of repeal attacked the law using the neoclassical arguments of efficiency, competition and lower prices. Those opposed to the law's repeal argued that pharmacists must own pharmacies in order to protect the public's welfare. This paper explores the arguments made for and against this law and draws two major conclusions. First, the arguments made by both sides are flawed because neither side fully incorporates the historical, physical and cultural characteristics of North Dakota communities into their analyses. Second, North Dakota legislators voted overwhelmingly to retain the law. Moreover, prima fascia evidence indicates that the legislators based their decisions on Institutional considerations.  相似文献   


Irrational use of drugs occurs at all levels of healthcare. This phenomenon can also be observed in hospitals. Irrational use of a drug contributes to a decrease in the patient's quality of treatment and often causes negative health consequences. For this reason, it is essential to consider methods that can be introduced in hospitals to increase the safety and effectiveness of the drugs used. The article presents selected methods of rationalization of drug management that can be used in hospitals.  相似文献   

医改之后,对医药营销来说,一个最大的改变就是营销渠道的改变,即医院在医药企业促销活动中的重要程度将减弱,药店取代医院成为药品的重要销售终端。医药营销实际上是和消费者面对面的营销。新形势下,医药企业营销渠道将发生以下变化:首先,营销渠道由纵深型向扁平型转变,即医药企业在选择分销渠道时由选择进货批量大、频率低的大型分销商,向分布零散、进货频繁但数量小的中小型分销商,甚至是零售终端过渡,也就是渠道的重心由高向低转移。其次,医药企业对产品分销流通的渠道定位更准确,市场成熟的大众性普药继续走批发分销渠道。渠道建设成功后还要从不同的方面来进行渠道管理。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the healthcare system has seen significant growth in the number of products, pathways, and modes of treatment administration for a number of costly conditions. Many of these products are biologic agents, classified as specialty pharmaceuticals, and are distributed through specialty pharmacies. The increasing use of these expensive medications and their growing costs raise the simple question, can payers and purchasers afford to keep doing business as usual? In addition, confusion exists as to what “outcomes” are relevant for these conditions treated using specialty medications. Available information on outcomes, treatments, and pathways from multiple sources can overload clinicians and the treatment team, making it difficult to select – and receive reimbursement for – the most appropriate regimens. This article offers an approach to understanding some of the unique challenges posed in evaluating the value of specialty pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

This paper analyses whether employees and firms differently benefit from particular human resource (HR) practices. The focus is on small firms that may be badly informed on the impact of HR practices on firm performance. In this study on Dutch pharmacies, it is found that firms do not reward employees’ skills according to their contribution to firms’ productivity, as (1) employees are over-rewarded for their sector-specific skills and under-rewarded for the productivity enhancing effect of their computer skills and (2) employees’ work experience positively affects their wages but does not have real productivity effects. Moreover, it is found that training employees in case of vacancy problems seems to be an adequate HR practice, since it increases productivity without affecting the average wage level. The opposite holds for offering higher wages to newly recruited employees. Furthermore, we find that only the employees benefit from performance evaluation interviews, whereas employing many employees by temporary contracts appears to have a negative effect on productivity, without affecting the wage level.  相似文献   

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