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The relatively low business ownership rate among blacks nationwide (12.5 per 1,000 people) is even lower in the rural South (8.8 per 1,000). This study uses Census Bureau data to document the level of business ownership among blacks in the rural South and to explore a number of hypotheses regarding the low level of business ownership among rural blacks and the variation from state to state. The size of the black population in the rural areas of a state is negatively correlated with the rural black business ownership rate in the state, while the education level, income level and homeownership level of blacks in rural areas of a state is positively correlated with the rural black business ownership rate. However, it appears that statewide economic conditions may be more closely related to the level of rural black business ownership than are characteristics of rural blacks.  相似文献   

Conclusion The absence of a viable equity base has been costly to the black community both economically and politically. Black dependency on white economic support has served to rob the black community of its autonomous decision-making potential. Further, without the advantage of a steady income and personal property in which they can take pride, many povertystricken Blacks have been unable to develop a serious interest in political activity. At the same time, black organizational efforts—both political and economic—have been crippled by the lack of a sufficient equity base to keep them independently viable.  相似文献   

During this period, four successive regimes in Bangladesh have felt reluctantly compelled to set up structures for local participation in government. Each found it had to reach out beyond the support of urban and rural élites and the military if it was to move beyond mere stability to real development of the country. Despite many problems, most notably local élite takeover at local level and military coup at national level, there is considerable evidence, particularly from neighboring India, to suggest that local participatory institutions can be successful over the longer term in promoting development for the middle and the poorer rural classes.  相似文献   

This paper considers and contrasts agriculture on the white‐owned farms and in the black‐occupied areas of the Transvaal. It outlines the limitations of the existing tribal tenure system in the black areas, and argues that the various development initiatives that have taken place there have not left the people either financially better off, or with a greater degree of control over their land than before. The whole Transvaal should be seen as a single unit for agricultural planning purposes. This would mean that natural resources, as well as agricultural services, could be spread more equitably among the entire population of the area, which would boost agricultural production, as well as lessen the gross inequalities currently pertaining between black and white agriculture in the area.  相似文献   

It is the argument of this paper that the over‐rigidified trajectories of the diverse conceptual and institutional frameworks that have evolved both internationally and locally over time, and have been varyingly informed by dominant interests, intent, ideology, and fashion, have been dysfunctional to scholarships. While appropriately multidisciplinary in character, moreover, development studies nevertheless is on occasion not the most appropriate framework in which to consider problems and issues that may call for more sharply focused specializations. The plea is accordingly one for pragmatic disciplinary, institutional and paradigmatic flexibility that will enable the successful and creative addressal of contemporary challenges.  相似文献   

本文从WTO与农业产业发展的关系出发,研究我国加入WTO后农产品市场准入,农产品补贴,反倾销标准和保障措施实施标准,农业科技交流与项目合作等方面内容,就加入WTO对我国农业影响的利弊进行分析,提出了加入WTO后我国农业产业保护政策,农业产业的结构调整,农业产业市场培育与发展,农村市场经济体制完善,国际间农业合作与交流等对策措施。  相似文献   

It is argued that despite much research and monitoring of the physical manifestations of land degradation, there is a paucity of work which actually shows the socio‐economic and political interactions between land use, ecosystems and land degradation. In order to cope with the difficult interdisciplinary demands of such a study, regional political ecology (RPE) is suggested as an alternative conceptual framework. A particular methodology from this framework, namely ‘the chains of explanation’, is described using the Maputaland region as an example. Common property resources are discussed, as are factors likely to lead to the weakening of local institutions and natural resource management (NRM). The importance of using indigenous technical knowledge and participatory research such as farming systems research (FSR) as the building blocks for developing NRM policy is emphasized. However local initiatives need the support and space to operate that only regional and national institutions can provide.  相似文献   

Women frequently constitute the largest section of the adult population in rural communities of developing areas. For this reason, rural development can only take place if women at grassroots level are drawn to the centre of the arena, and their traditional concerns recognised and used as the starting point. In Venda, this approach is showing some positive results.  相似文献   

The role of co‐operatives in rural development depends largely on the aims of such development and on how co‐operatives are defined and structured. It is argued that successful co‐operatives at grassroots level need to be small‐scale, democratically organized by the people themselves, and aimed at providing for the benefit of as many households as possible. The objective of rural development should be to provide a livelihood for people through small‐scale production. The chances of success in this regard are slim given the constraints (such as land shortage) resulting from the policy of separate development.  相似文献   

Although the “district administrator” was, and still is, identified under various titles, there was a common role of generalist administrative head within a spatial unit of field administration. For several decades the district administrator's authority was steadily diminished but he never completely disappeared from the scene and he is now making a strong return. The authority of the district administrator is also often augmented, and controlled, by the appointment of a political officer in the same locality. In the process he has come to need special experience in the field of development. In many countries the district administrator is supported in his development work by specialist development officers.

This article traces the changing but persistent role of the district administrator in certain former British territories in Southern, Central and East Africa. Particular reference is made to Botswana, parts of South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that production in the Third World grows slowly because savings are low. This thesis presupposes full employment, so that a decrease in the production of consumption goods is the precondition for an increase in investment. As approximately 50 per cent of the labour time in rural areas in poor countries is not utilized, non-monetary capital formation is possible on a huge scale. A development strategy aiming at the improvement of the material conditions of the poorest 40 per cent of the population should give a high priority to non-monetary capital formation.  相似文献   

东亚地区实现农业现代化的关键是提高农业生产率。其手段,一是深化农地制度改革,逐步推进农地规模经营,二是加速农业组织化和市场化的发育。本文在总结了东亚农业发展的共同规律及经验教训的基础上,阐述了中国的农村土地农承包制作为一种小农经营方式,完成能够和规模经营,农业产业化有机结合起来,从而解决中国农业转型时期遇到的阶段性难题。  相似文献   

乡村生态旅游是推动农村经济发展的重要途径。文章从珠海的城市定位等方面指出了珠海发展乡村生态旅游的必要性,对珠海现有的自然生态资源、农业产业资源、交通资源和乡村文化资源进行了梳理,运用SWOT模型分析了珠海生态旅游发展的现状,提出了通过带动农村相关产业配套发展、加强区域旅游资源协同整合、调整劳动力就业途径、推进农业产业化经营、促进多功能农业发展来推动农村产业结构优化,并从政府、资金、产业组织平台建设以及产业链配套方面提出了相应的保障措施。  相似文献   

In the past few decades, rural areas have experienced major socioeconomic changes. Due to modernisation and deepening globalisation, the economic and employment potential of many traditional livelihoods has decreased. Currently tourism is increasingly seen as a relevant tool for addressing rural problems in developing countries and tourism is actively used for economic diversification and opening up new ways to generate income and employment. However, many development models, such as integrated rural tourism (IRT) with emphasis on co-planning, learning and participation, originate from the Global North. This calls for careful considerations when such models are applied to the Global South's rural contexts. This research note discusses some of the key challenges of rural tourism development, especially related to the integration of the tourism industry and rural communities in developing countries, and overviews the applicability and conditions of the IRT framework as a potential approach for rural tourism development in the developing world.  相似文献   

黔东南乡村旅游发展探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何武 《特区经济》2008,235(8):153-155
随着人们的观念由观光旅游转向休闲度假,在城市周边,逐渐形成的乡村旅游正为旅游的发展释放出新的活力。黔东南旅游资源丰富,资源组合状况较好,既有喀斯特地貌的奇山秀水和原始生态的完美组合,又有古朴独特,原汁原味的民风民俗,可根据已有精品旅游景点和红色旅游资源,充分利用其众多民风民俗资源,开发具有发展潜力的乡村旅游品牌精品,而村寨中人民也将由乡村旅游获得充满幸福与文明的生活。  相似文献   

Recent literature has brought the perils and potential of the world's forests to public attention, and has revealed the extent to which the poor of the developing world depend upon forest resources to meet energy and other subsistence needs. This literature also reveals how little is understood about such needs and about what measures are required to develop these resources so that rural interests can be served. Only through a vastly improved understanding of forest energy production and consumption and of political, economic and social factors involved in forest land development will planners acquire the knowledge necessary to exploit the potential of the forest resource, and to meet the needs of the rural peoples for whom this resource is of the utmost importance.  相似文献   

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