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本文基于中国健康与营养调查数据(CHNS),采用面板数据混合估计方法(OLS)研究了最低工资标准提升对工资收入的影响。研究发现:第一,最低工资标准提升显著提高了总体的工资水平,最低工资标准每提升1%,总体工资水平上涨0.148个百分点;第二,提升最低工资标准对不同工资分布群体具有异质性影响,最低工资对低收入群体的影响要大于高收入群体;第三,最低工资标准对男性、国有部门和高技能群体的收入弹性分别大于女性、非国有部门和低技能群体的收入弹性。一方面,政府要意识到提高最低工资水平对收入分配的积极效果,也要注意对总体工资水平上涨的影响;另一方面,非国有部门政策监管相比于国有部门政府要加大监管力度。此外,在低端劳动力短缺的背景下,无需过度顾虑最低工资的提高会削弱低技能工人的工资水平。  相似文献   

本文应用行为微观模拟方法研究了工薪所得税减除费用标准提升的劳动供给效应、收入分配效应和财政效应。研究结果表明,已婚女性劳动供给的非补偿性工资弹性和收入弹性分别约为0.4380和-0.1845,而已婚男性劳动供给缺乏弹性。伴随着工薪所得税减除费用标准的不断提升,在已婚女性劳动供给呈现小幅上升态势的同时,居民收入差距却不断扩大,且政府税收收入明显减少。因此,单纯的所得税减除费用标准提升无法达到有效地促进就业、调整居民收入分配、促进居民消费和稳定政府税收收入的政策目标。  相似文献   

文雯 《上海经济研究》2021,(2):36-47,97
最低生活保障制度是我国社会保障体系中兜底性、基础性的制度安排,是保障民生、促进分配公平、维护经济安全和社会稳定的重要机制.本文通过对城市低保制度消费改善与劳动供给效应的综合评估发现,我国城市低保从整体上改善了受助家庭的消费状况,影响了受助家庭的消费结构,起到了提升经济福利的效果,但是对受助家庭的劳动供给激励效应还比较小...  相似文献   

随着经济结构转型与劳动力市场的发展,中国农村地区女性的劳动力市场参与和照料儿童责任的矛盾日益突出,因此,儿童照料的替代品,包括老人、亲戚以及育儿机构等,起到了越来越重要的作用.本文使用CHNS数据,针对多个反映儿童健康的指标,重点考察了儿童照料替代品对于儿童健康所造成的影响.研究发现,在控制了母亲劳动供给时间和收入的前提下,被他人照料时间的增加对儿童健康呈现出显著的负面影响,适合儿童年龄的育儿机构的可获得性对于儿童健康状况的影响显著为正.研究结果证实了目前农村地区儿童照料服务的差强人意以及针对儿童的公共政策的重要性.  相似文献   

最低工资制度现存的主要问题及对策探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡建明 《特区经济》2008,(3):234-235
我国的最低工资制度已实行多年,但效果并不理想,表现在各地方的最低工资标准普遍过低,没有达到保障最普通劳动者基本生活之目的。本文在分析最低工资制度的缺陷和存在的主要问题的基础上,针对性地提出解决对策及合理化建议。  相似文献   

最低工资制度是世界各国普遍采用的劳动保障制度,其目的在于维护劳动者取得劳动报酬的合法权利,保障劳动者尤其是低收入劳动者及其家庭成员的基本生活。文章依据相关法规政策规定的最低工资标准制定时需要考虑的因素,从保障低收入劳动者基本生活需要的角度,应用统计性描述方法对1993-2012年上海市最低工资与职工平均工资、人均GDP、最低社会保障线、人均消费性支出等进行分析。分析结果发现上海市最低工资与职工月平均工资的比远低于40%~60%的国际标准,与人均GDP的比值低于全国平均水平,表明上海市最低工资标准偏低,需要进一步改进或完善相关政策。  相似文献   

最低工资制度对劳动力市场影响的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王梅 《开放导报》2008,(2):41-45
本文对最低工资理论模型进行了拓展分析,并以深圳为案例分析了最低工资制度对区域就业的影响。在跨区域劳动力流动的情况下,区域劳动力市场均衡工资趋近最低工资标准,并且不会导致区域就业量的下降。  相似文献   

This article discusses development of optimal solutions for monopsony in the labour market for the long run (when labour and capital are both flexible). It is shown that binding minimum wages up to a certain degree pushes the monopsonists to choose a high capital intensity of production, just as high as or even higher than that chosen when there is no regulation for minimum wages. Thereby, we demonstrate the existence of re-switching effects in the tradition of Piero Sraffa. The second part of the paper recalculates and analyzes earlier results by making use of the rather general constant elasticity of substitution production function. Based on a numerical solution for optimal monopsony under different regimes (no minimum wage, minimum wages of different values, etc.), we formulate a two-period game between the government and the monopsonistic firm (‘minimum wage game’). Finally, we analyze the relationship between the elasticity of substitution on the one hand and likely levels of employment on the other hand, after introduction of minimum wages.  相似文献   

Bosch  Nicole  van Ewijk  Casper  Micevska Scharf  Maja  Muns  Sander 《De Economist》2022,170(1):107-132
De Economist - One of the key elements in the planned pension reform in the Netherlands is to abolish the implicit subsidy from younger to older workers inherent in pension schemes with age...  相似文献   

Using data on Korean workers from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, the present study empirically investigates the incidence and wage effects of educational mismatch. Among full‐time workers aged 25–54, approximately 27 percent are overeducated and 15 percent are undereducated. Our results reveal that, after controlling for omitted variable bias and measurement errors, return to an additional year of overeducation is significantly less than that to a year of required education, whereas undereducated workers do not appear to suffer wage penalties associated with their deficit schooling. The findings also show that returns to a year of overeducation vary across fields of study. The returns to overeducation for college graduates from health and welfare, engineering and manufacturing, and social sciences, business and law are relatively high compared with those in agriculture, services, and humanities and arts.  相似文献   

This article investigates, from a gender and marital status perspective, the effects of pension and health care contributions on the employment and wages of workers covered by social security regulations. To do this, I use as a natural experiment a reform implemented in Colombia during the mid‐1990. In particular I employ a differences‐in‐differences estimation based on an endogenous switching‐regression model that accounts for self‐selection into coverage. My results indicate that, for females, a 10% increase in contributions reduces the relative wages of covered workers by 7.2%. On the other hand, for males, the reform increases the relative wages of covered workers by 7.1%. Among females, the effect is predominantly present in single women. Among men, divorced and widowed workers are the only group not to experience an effect on earnings. For most family groups, the social security reform has no significant effect on coverage.  相似文献   

吴传琦  张琪 《南方经济》2021,40(4):18-36
从市场经济体制的建立到经济社会高质量发展,我国不同部门市场化程度有所差异,劳动供给的部门异质性随之体现。基于中国劳动力动态调查数据,结合汉森门槛回归模型和劳动供给模型,依托部门市场化程度的差异性,文章探讨了工资对劳动力个人供给的非线性影响及其部门异质性。主要得出以下研究结论:第一,我国市场部门与公共部门劳动力的个人劳动供给有所差异。第二,工资与个人劳动供给呈现非线性关系并且存在部门异质性。实证分析结果显示,工资对个人劳动供给的影响存在三个"突变点",工资门槛均使得工资"激励效应"加强并呈现逐步增加的趋势。第三,劳动供给的工资门槛存在性别、城乡和行业异质性。第四,随着年龄增长、人力资本积累,个人劳动时间供给趋于降低,签署书面劳工合同使得市场部门劳动力工作时间显著增加,而政治面貌显著影响公共部门劳动供给。总体来看,无论是市场部门还是公共部门,我国劳动力个人供给曲线均未"向后弯曲",国民经济高质量发展、改善收入分配格局、提升居民幸福感等议题需持续关注。  相似文献   


At the aggregate level, the labor supply elasticity can significantly depart from the micro elasticity. In an economy where households make decisions on the labor market participation, the slope of the aggregate labor supply curve is determined by the distribution of reservation wages rather than by the willingness to substitute leisure intertemporally. We present a model economy where earnings and wealth distributions are comparable to those in the micro data. We find that the aggregate labor supply elasticity of such an economy is around 1, which is greater than the typical micro estimates but smaller than those often assumed in the aggregate models. Our model also sheds some light on the recent debate on the failure of the representative agent model.  相似文献   

We develop a bargaining model to assess how workers and employers might allocate wages inter-temporally in order to cope with risk. We then apply this model to 106 long-term contracts for major league baseball players’ services. Most of these agreements not only smooth employee compensation over time but suggest greater relative risk aversion for teams than players. Compared to the wages they might pay to retain these players on a succession of one-year contracts, teams often pay a premium on longer-term agreements to protect against market volatility and potential inability to replace a key player on the open market.  相似文献   

Using data drawn from the March Current Population Survey, we find that state and federal minimum wage increases between 2003 and 2007 had no effect on state poverty rates. When we then simulate the effects of a proposed federal minimum wage increase from $7.25 to $9.50 per hour, we find that such an increase will be even more poorly targeted to the working poor than was the last federal increase from $5.15 to $7.25 per hour. Assuming no negative employment effects, only 11.3% of workers who will gain live in poor households, compared to 15.8% from the last increase. When we allow for negative employment effects, we find that the working poor face a disproportionate share of the job losses. Our results suggest that raising the federal minimum wage continues to be an inadequate way to help the working poor.  相似文献   

新疆企业用工需求与劳动力供给问题调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展是第一要务,是解决新疆一切问题的基础。中央新疆工作座谈会的召开,19个省市的大力支持,以及中央出台的一系列特殊优惠政策和措施,为新疆大建设、大开放、大发展提供了前所未有的历史机遇。疆内众多企业在此大环境下抓住有利时机,增加订单,扩大产能,千方百计加快发展。此时企业用工需求量也在大幅增加,出现了“招工难”、“用工荒”的社会现象,已影响到企业的生产经营和发展前景。本文立足新疆实际,采用问卷调查的方法,对当前企业用工和劳动力供给状况以及存在的问题开展调查研究,深刻剖析了企业劳动力供给与需求不匹配的原因和症结,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Milton Friedman (J Econ Perspect 19(4):145–150, 2005; Wall St J November 17, 2006:A20) compared the behavior of money supply, nominal income and stock prices in the United States during the course of the 1920s and early 1930s with behavior in two other historical episodes, Japan in the 1980s and early 1990s and the United States in the 1990s and early 2000s. The three episodes, he argued, provided a natural experiment to test his and Anna J. Schwartz’s explanation of the Great Depression of the 1930s. I use similar data for the U.S. recession that began in the fourth quarter of 2007 as a fourth such natural experiment. What makes this episode particularly interesting are the continuing comparisons between it and the Great Depression that have been made as events unfolded. The results are clear-cut. In the recent recession, like the U.S recessions at the start of this century and the Japanese recession in the 1990s, there were no severe monetary shocks of the sort experienced in the 1930s. This recession, again like the other two, has been very much milder, and very likely will prove very much shorter than the Great Depression. This, in turn, is exactly what the Friedman and Schwartz hypothesis predicts.  相似文献   

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