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Landlords face unique concerns in maximizing profits when they accept subsidized as well as unsubsidized tenants. Subsidized tenants come with lower rental collection risk because part or all of the rent is paid by a public agency and accepting subsidized tenants may widen the potential tenant market. But subsidized tenants tend to reduce overall tenant quality and to impose higher operating costs. By accepting subsidies, landlords may also subject themselves to periodic site inspections that may increase capital costs. Further, subsidized tenants may eventually crowd out unsubsidized tenants, lowering the average quality of the resident mix. Tests from Washington, DC apartments on accepting and advertising for Section 8 tenants support these qualitative predictions. Accepting Section 8 tenants enhances revenues, but advertising for them lowers revenues. More aggressive solicitation of subsidized tenants leads to a crowding out or displacement risk that dominates over any diminished collection risk.  相似文献   

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - Estimating the value of multifamily properties and other commercial real estate properties is an important but difficult task for real estate...  相似文献   

The aging of a housing structure not only leads to depreciation but also increases the possibility of redevelopment. If redevelopment accompanies an increase in structural density in order to accommodate the increased demand for housing, it provides large capital gains to the existing owners. In this case, expectations of redevelopment in the near future and the eventual announcement of redevelopment plans can have a strong positive impact on the current price of housing. We test this hypothesis using a hedonic pricing model designed to decompose the age effects into depreciation effect and redevelopment effect. Based on 3,474 observations on apartments in Seoul in 2001, estimation results confirm our hypothesis. While the depreciation effect dominates the redevelopment effect until 15 to 19 years of age, depending on the specification, the redevelopment effect eventually dominates the depreciation effect thereafter, causing the apartment price to increase. At 27 years of age, the apartment price decreases by as much as 4553 percent of the initial value, due to depreciation. However, the redevelopment effect increases the price by as much as 2832 percent, driving the price up to 7687 percent of the original value.  相似文献   

本文针对孔子学院对汉语习得的经济效应和孔子学院与当地服务外国人士(非华裔子弟)的汉语学校之间的相互影响进行了理论分析。研究结果显示,尽管孔子学院提供的汉语课程使得自学汉语的人数和汉语学校的学生人数双双下降,但是孔子学院的学生人数大量增加。整体而言,孔子学院成功地引导了更多的海外人士习得汉语。在绝大多数情况下,不管当地是否已经存在汉语学校,所在国的经济福利都将受益于孔子学院的建立。  相似文献   

Indices of the price of constant-quality, owner-occupied single-family housing are widely available and have been instrumental in learning about the operations of the market for owner-occupied housing. Such is not the case for multifamily rental housing. The purpose of this article is to provide information about movements in the price of multifamily properties during the 1980s and early 1990s using the 1991 Residential Finance Survey (RFS). Several conclusions are drawn from the development and analysis of indices of the price of multifamily housing for the nation and four large states (California, Florida, New York, and Texas). First, indices for the period 1983--1991 generate similar patterns among the various methods employed; furthermore, movements in the index during the period 1983--1991 seem reasonable. Second, much regional variation exists. Prices in Texas were particularly hard hit, falling by over 25% in nominal terms between 1983 and 1991. Third, the impact of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 does not appear to have been as dramatic as some have suggested. Indeed, price declines do not show up in either the 1986 or 1987 indices for the nation, California, or New York.  相似文献   

住宅问题是关系民生,关系社会和谐的关键问题。一方面,住宅权是一项基本人权,建立住房保障制度是政府的法律义务,政府应建立合理的住房保障制度,保障中低收入者居者有其屋;另一方面,建立住房保障制度要以实现社会正义为价值目标,在住房保障制度的设计中应遵循差别原则,调节社会和经济利益分配,将高收入者的一部分收入适当地转移给低收入人群,使处于住房最不利地位的贫困者能够尽可能大地获得住房利益。  相似文献   

Expectations of housing prices play an important role in real estate research. Despite their importance, obtaining a reasonable proxy for such expectations is a challenge. The existing literature on mortgage research either does not include housing expectation proxies in empirical models, or uses “backward-looking” proxies such as past housing appreciation or time series forecasts based on past housing appreciation. This paper proposes to use the transaction prices of Case-Shiller housing futures as an alternative “forward-looking” proxy. As an example, we compare the performances of four different expectation proxies in explaining mortgage default behavior. The loan level analysis shows that the futures based expectation proxy outperforms other proxies by having the highest regression model fit and being the only proxy that shows a significant negative effect on mortgage default behavior, as theory suggests. Out of sample predictions also show that futures have better prediction accuracy than other proxies. In addition, the paper shows that futures contain additional information that is not present in the backward-looking proxies.  相似文献   

基本案情 A时装制造有限公司是一家由日方控股的中日合资企业,公司董事会为了感谢总经理王先生两年来对公司做出的贡献,决定把公司1998年购买的用于日方管理人员居住的一套住房奖励给王先生。该住房价值50万元。根据董事会的决定,公司财务部门已做了“固定资产清理”的账务处理。王先生了解一些税法,知道自己取得的住房应该缴纳个人所得税,经查阅文件规定,在5年里将房价平均计入工资、薪金所得缴纳了个人所得税。2002年7月,区地税局在对该  相似文献   

随着高校后勤社会化改革的深入,高校学生公寓管理出现了错综复杂的变化,但无论怎样变化和改革,高校学生公寓的育人功能处于核心地位,其他诸功能都要围绕育人功能这一中心发挥作用;围绕育人功能,公寓宿舍的标准人数、男女生如何住宿等问题都要有利于学生健康成长而不是相反;高校要把学生公寓建设成课堂之外重要的育人阵地,发挥其潜在的育人功能。  相似文献   

银行信贷首付约束与中国房地产价格研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文引入银行信贷的首付约束,建立了带有房地产部门的动态随机一般均衡模型,为分析首付约束与房地产价格关系提供了一个可操作的框架。通过和实际经济比较表明,构建的模型对中国经济和房地产价格波动有较好的解释力。本文得到了首付约束冲击对房地产价格的动态影响过程,研究证实首付约束的正向冲击不仅抬高了房地产价格,而且冲击的持久性更强;同时首付约束的正向冲击还放大了房地产价格对货币政策冲击和产出冲击的脉冲响应。  相似文献   

个人住房征收房地产税研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对个人住房征收房地产税是房地产税制改革的一项必要内容。但是,由于现有的房地产评估力量严重制约此税种的开征;旧房和新房的税费负担差异需要区别对待;计算机辅助批量评税系统和地理信息系统的建立尚需时日。因此,目前看来,开征的条件还不够成熟。  相似文献   

本文拟以新凯恩斯主义经济理论为基础,在DSGE模型中的缺乏耐心家庭和住房开发企业两个部门中引入信贷约束考虑金融摩擦,以研究金融加速器对住房市场财富效应的影响。模型结果表明:(1)贷款价值比的降低能使货币政策很好地达到稳定住房价格泡沫的目标,从而有效防范金融系统性风险。(2)贷款价值比的降低会使外生冲击对住房市场的财富效应影响更显著,从而能有效防范经济硬着陆风险。(3)金融加速器的引入使房价收入比对通货膨胀冲击和货币政策冲击的脉冲响应十分敏感。  相似文献   

FTP(Funds Transfer Pricing,资金转移定价)是银行管理的核心工具之一,中国不少银行都已开始运用.鉴于中西资金体系与利率体制的明显差异,与许多舶来品一样,FTP存在水土不服的可能性,其在中国银行业的运用效果取决于使用者的再创造能力.本文认为:在双轨利率体制下,FTP的利率风险管理原意被大幅削弱,中国的FTP可以定位为优化利差即优化资产负债结构的工具.  相似文献   

近年来,以大数据为代表的新兴技术在金融领域得到广泛应用,便捷了金融服务,提升了金融效率,科技的发展及应用对金融监管和统计分析工作提出了更高的要求.本文深入研究了国内外金融基础数据库的构建模式,同时从技术可行性、核心数据构成和数据可视化等三个方面对构建省级金融基础数据库提出构想,并进一步从区域宏观经济形势分析、区域微观金...  相似文献   

Recent market segmentation research has begun to delve into the issue of whether traditional property-type categories are sufficiently homogeneous to be modeled as aggregate real estate markets. This article extends the research on rental-property market segmentation by investigating the existence of apartment submarkets determined by unit type. The study finds that one-bedroom, one-bath units; two-bedroom, one-bath units; and two-bedroom, two-bath units function as distinct submarkets differentiated by property features, neighborhood location, and temporal changes in market rent.  相似文献   

金融机构房地产贷款的压力测试:以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房地产价格下行给金融机构贷款会带来多大风险?本文采用向量自回归方法,以江苏省的数据为例,实证分析房地产价格、成交量、利率变化对金融机构房地产贷款不良资产的影响,进行压力测试.文章认为在房地产萧条情形下,银行会受到较大打击,但银行可以承受,并通过压力测试.  相似文献   

住房问题关系国计民生,南宁市住房保障制度不尽完善,中低收入家庭住房问题严峻.本文从南宁市中低收入家庭住房现状出发,分析南宁市住房保障体系中存在的问题,认为南宁市应通过构建多样化、多层次住房保障体系、拓宽保障房房源、完善住房金融建设与法律、监管机制建设保障中低收入家庭住房权益.  相似文献   

我国经济适用房政策推出之初,明确提出经济适用房是多层次城镇住房供应体系的主体,旨在改善中低收入家庭住房条件。但随着该项政策的深入实施,其政策缺陷和管理漏洞逐渐显露,并引发各方是否要取消经济适用房的争论。为此,中国人民银行福州市中心支行于近期就经济适用房政策的实施情况开展了专题调研。调查结果表明,经济适用房政策存在难以根除的痼疾,其实施效果与政策初衷存在较大差距,无法实现预期目的。据此他们认为,应该取消经济适用房政策,同时进行更具公平与效率的制度安排,以“人人有房住,而不是人人有房产”为目标,实行以租赁住房补贴政策为主的住房保障制度。  相似文献   

论当前湖北省保障性住房建设的经验及面临的主要问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年是"十二五"期间保障性住房建设的第一年,也是保障性住房建设任务最重和"十二五"期间保障性住房建设任务能否顺利完成最关键的1年。湖北省在推进住房保障建设方面已有多方面值得肯定的经验,包括政府重视、多渠道、多方式筹集建设资金、确保建设用地供应、强化督促检查、加强制度创新等,但同时也存在着一些问题,包括保障性住房建设制度和管理体系不健全、保障性住房种类过多、建设资金筹集机制和融资平台管理制度不完善、土地供应方式单一且落地难、分配和管理制度不完善、区位结构不合理、保障性住房小区配套基础设施建设滞后、保障性住房地理信息系统建设滞后等。应通过进一步推进制度创新,探索和实施行之有效的政策措施,解决所存在的问题,以进一步推进湖北省保障性住房建设。  相似文献   

“房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的”。根据中央经济工作会议的精神,文章重点从 住房消费属性的层面对我国城镇居民住房需求进行了深入探讨,运用我国2007-2017年31个省(直辖市、自治区)的住房市场数据对影响居民购房的因素进行了实证,在考虑了城市化发展 带动的同时,通过对住房需求市场的收入弹性、价格弹性等进行分析,结果表明:(1)价格对 住房消费需求的调控效果有限;(2)居民对改善居住条件的欲望保持强劲势头;(3)城市化 进程对住房需求所起作用在逐步减弱。  相似文献   

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