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Mr. Thomas J. Donohue, President and CEO of the U.S. .Chamber of Commerce, Mr.Yasuo Hayashi, Chairman and CEO of the Japan External Trade Organization, and Mr. Madhav Sharma, Chief Representative of the Confederation of Indian Industries Shanghai Representative Office, will have a busy late October as all of these senior officers will take part in the 2007 China (Wuxi) InternationalCooperation Forum for Commercial Associations & International Business Exchange Conference. The event will take place on October 18 and 19 in Wuxi, a beautiful city in Southern China's Jiangsu Province.[第一段]  相似文献   

On Sep. 17 - Sep. 19, 2001, the6th world Chinese EntrepreneursConvention will be held inNaming, the capital of Jiansu province. This is the first time theworldwide Chinese conventionhas been held in China.Worldwide Chinese Convention: the Assembly of Chinese,Overseas Chinese and All PeopleFrom Industry and CommerceFieldThere are about 30,000,000overseas Chinese people spread over120 countries and regions all over theworld who are dot fig business and making live at present. They enjoy…  相似文献   

As a rising market,however,it's in urgent need to improve its mechanism to better cope with global financial fluctuation.  相似文献   

Domion effects of the global finance agitation
As the origin of the subprime crisis,US financial institutions lost US$45 billion last year,accounted for over half of the total US,EU&Japan loss.Since January 15th ,Citigroup released its financial statement of the 4th quarter.  相似文献   

To implement the CPC CentralCommittee's strategy of slanting theeconomic construction to the Midand West of China and to further promote thedevelopment and cooperation of economyand trade between the East and West, theEast-West Business and Trade Talks wereheld by the China Council for the Promotionof International Trade (CCPIT). At theconference, Mr. Cui Zhenghua, vice governorof Gansu Province and concurrently chairmanof the Gansu Subcouncil of the CCPIT,delivered a speech on the economiccooperation and development between theEast and West of China.  相似文献   

Kid, Hurry and Grab Mom's hand. It's too dark around here——the road To the heaven. I'm afraid Something mav hurt your head. Hurry and Grab my hand. Let's move on Side by side.  相似文献   

A growing number of historians have turned their attention tothe past behavior of industrialists toward their waste. Manyhave argued that the price system and competition typicallyfostered a short-term outlook that rewarded pollution ratherthan encouraging "loop-closing," a modern term that refers tothe linkages between different industries in which the residualof one becomes the input of another. Others have identifiedprecedents in this respect that are credited to ProgressiveEra reformers. Building on evidence that has, by and large,escaped the attention of the present generation of historicalwriters, this essay challenges both views by arguing that marketinstitutions, which included both profit motive and propertyrights, actually resulted in the usage of industrial by-products.Although past industrial activities did create significant pollutionproblems, perhaps our ancestors should be given more creditthan they generally are for the creativity and resourcefulnessthey displayed in profitably solving numerous environmentalproblems.  相似文献   

The main contention of this paper is that our ability to embed a consideration of values into business school curricula is hampered by certain normative parameters that our students have when entering the classroom. If we don’t understand the processes of valuation that underpin our students’ reasoning, our ethics teaching will inevitably miss its mark. In this paper, we analyze one of the most prevalent metaphors that underpin moral arguments about business, and reveal the beliefs and assumptions that underpin it. By revisiting the content of Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” metaphor, we show that the moral content of the metaphor has been significantly misconstrued through its subsequent reception in economic theory. The “Giving Voice to Values” (GVV) pedagogy aims to enable students to act on their tacit values and address the rationalizations that they may encounter for not acting on these values (Gentile in Giving voice to values. How to speak your mind when you know what’s right, Yale University Press, Yale, 2010a; Discussions about ethics in the accounting classroom: student assumptions and faculty paradigms, Darden Business Publishing,2010b. http://store.darden.virginia.edu/Syllabus%20Copy/Discussions-about-Ethics-in-Accounting_S.pdf; Educating for values-driven leadership across the curriculum: giving voice to values, Business Expert Press, New York, 2013). We believe our analysis can strengthen the employment of GVV in three ways: (1) understanding tacit blockages to moral action, i.e., how students’ belief in the moral efficacy of the invisible hand could undermine their own sense of moral duty; (2) addressing common rationalizations that may emerge from different assumptions about morally appropriate courses of action in the workplace; and (3) resolving values conflicts on how to act.  相似文献   

华硕是目前市场上最受欢迎的几大品牌之一,以过硬的质量赢得了市场的青睐,综合指数在同类产品中排在前列,超高的性价比、时尚动感的外观、良好的性能,使得华硕能够在全球PC市场站稳脚跟。像这样的电子科技产品,保持一个曝光率是很重要的,因为不管有多高的科技含量,始终是要面向大众的消费品,能够贴合生活是很重要的,科技产品最终的结果就是服务于人的生活,让人们的生活变得更加方便舒适,否则就只能做一个实验室里的试验品,只能远观不能近玩。  相似文献   

一、什么是ISO ISO是一个国际标准化组织,其成员由来自世界上100多个国家的国家标准化团体组成,代表中国参加ISO的国家机构是中国国家技术监督局(CSBTS).  相似文献   

提起北京的胡同文化,一定得提南锣鼓巷,一块完整地保存于北京古都风貌中的碧玉。随着很多酒吧在这条胡同相继开业,这儿也成了男女们刷夜的好去处。释放个性与分享浪漫的同时,可别忘了与食距近。  相似文献   

<正>中国气象局局长秦大河,去年在北京开幕的"2007年全国气象局长会议"上说,随着全球气候变暖,2006年中国气温继续升高,全国年平均气温比  相似文献   

灵水村是北京市门头沟区斋堂镇所辖的一座千年古村,历史悠久,文化底蕴源远流长,在中国实行科举制度的一千三百年间,灵水村不断有人考取功名。明清以来,据有姓名记载,此村曾出过2名进士,22名举人。民国时期,这个小村落曾走出过6名燕京大学的学子。解放后,历年都有学生考上大中院校,一个小村落出现如此多的读书人,在当地形成了独特的文化现象,素有“北京举人村”之称。该村也干2003年被建设部评为了“中国历史文化名村”。  相似文献   

关键词:江心十景夜景灯光秀江心屿是国家AAAA级旅游区,横卧在温州市鹿城区北面瓯江之中。景区占地面积为1070亩。其盛名从南北朝至今已有1570多年,是中国四大名胜孤屿之一。  相似文献   

塞浦路斯一、概况塞浦蹄斯共和国是位于地中海东部的一个岛国,扼欧、亚、非三大洲海上交通要冲,面积9,251平方公里,人口约63万.二、国民生产总值和国内生产总值1980年国民生产总值为7.639亿镑,合21.7亿美元(1980年同美元的汇率为1美元=0.352镑),比  相似文献   

季宏 《商场现代化》2007,(10):78-79
随着信息技术的普及E-服务质量的评价逐渐受到了来自企业、消费者和理论界的关注,本文正是从E-服务的概念辨析出发,分析了E-服务的内涵、构成要素和特征,进而比较系统而完整的归纳总结出了E-服务质量评价的要求、指标,以利于提供E-服务的企业有效进行E-服务质量评价,并能以此为抓手,进一步提高企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

关于S-VHS录象机需要指出的是开发厂家胜利公司不愿意将技术公开,而想秘密地组装新的机种.尽管S-VHS罩上了神秘的色彩,然而它的技术内容仍然通过本刊(无线电技术)的"技术诀窍"和"全测试研究报告"等栏目被迅速地公布于众.另一方面,ED-β针对s-VHS技术保密的现状,一开始就采取了对技术内容相当公开的态度.这大概基于两方面的原因:其一,ED-β只由索尼公司独家开发,因而毋庸担心;其二,出于对本公司的高技术坚信不移.相比  相似文献   

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