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本土代工企业竞争力构成要素及提升路径   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
代工模式是常见的跨国合作模式,但理论上以委托制造为主题,立足于代工企业的研究却很少。同一般企业竞争力的表现不同.本土代工企业的竞争力主要体现在其与国际品牌客户建立与发展长期的战略伙伴关系方面。本文运用组织间关系理论,分别从代工企业的代工能力、可替代程度及合作关系的建立与发展能力等方面分析了其竞争力的构成,并提出了本土代工企业可以通过业务的延伸与拓展、自创品牌以及多种业务的动态组合等路径提升其竞争优势。  相似文献   

正在施工企业的良性发展与核心竞争力的长效增长过程中,供应链融资具有很大的应用优势,同时也有着相应的潜在风险,通过相关方面的研究,不断深入发掘施工企业中供应链融资的应用策略,有着重要的现实意义。国际、国内、省内、市内融资是当前供应链融资中的主要分布形式,而供应链融资与整个行业的发展也有着密不可分的关系。供应链融资主要是以企业核心及其上下游的配套企业为重,并以各方交易关系及其特征为依托,从而在整体的角度上制定完善的金融现金节流控制与对策方案,从而提供更新型的融资路径选择,并通过对上下游融资途径的疏通,以此减少供应链整体的融资成本,从而提升企业在未来完全竞争市场中的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

价值链解构与企业资本运作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
价值链解构是国际上最新的管理理念,它揭示了企业资本运作的基本原则:围绕企业的核心能力进行资本运作。根据这一原则,国内企业资本运作的方向是:剥离辅助,聚焦核心业务;审慎进行产业链延伸,强化供应链和客户关系管理;利用竞争优势,整合外部资源;围绕核心竞争能力的培育、提升和延展进行兼并收购。  相似文献   

基于ABC成本法和AHP的供应链合作伙伴评价与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供应链管理是近年来在国内外逐渐受到重视的一种新的管理理念与企业运作模式,它的运营是以合作机制为基础的。核心企业通过业务外包委托其他企业完成一部分业务工作,自己则集中精力和各种资源,通过企业流程再造做好比本企业竞争对手更擅长的关键性业务工作,这样就大大降低了产品成本,加快了产品上市时间并且可以保证最高的质量和最好的服务,使所有合作企业赢得高额利润,  相似文献   

面对激烈的竞争环境,一个企业很难具有全面的资源优势。企业如果把资源分散到各个环节上,必须会造成资源的浪费。而采用外包模式,则有利于企业集中资源,选择自己专长的领域,形成技术优势和规模优势,有利于提升企业的核心竞争力。正因为如此,业务外包日益受到重视。国外经验证明,许多国际知名品牌企业正是通过这种经营策略,创造了辉煌的业绩。业务外包这一经营管理方法在近十多年来也日益受到我国物业管理企业的重视,到目前为止,几乎所有的物业管理公司都不同程度地将物业管理区域内的专项服务业务委托给更加专业性的服务企业。因而,专项服务业务转委托的决策与管理,也就成为发展物业管理这一现代服务业所要面对的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

核心能力是企业竞争优势的源泉。进入21世纪,企业核心竞争力理念对我国石化企业的管理产生了重大影响。具体表现在:企业从注重对环境的适应性转变为注重自身素质的提高;从注重规模经济效益转变为注重持续性竞争优势的增强从注重分散企业风险转变为注重提高企业实力;从注重多元化经营转变勾注重核心业务的发展等。企业核心竞争能力的产生、维护和提升,是以企业诸多资源为基础的一种资源整合能力。这种整合一方面是企业机制与市场机制整合另一方面是产品功能与用户需求的整合。进一步提升我国石化企业的核心竞争力应着重从以下几方面入手:深化以建立现代企业制度为方向的改革,为增强企业核心能力提供制度保证;推进组织结构调整,提高企业管理能力;加大技术创新力度,掌握科技发展的主动权;大力加强以扩大市场空间为目标的营销体系建设;完善市场信息的网络化管理,形成灵敏的信息反馈机制。  相似文献   

杨俊锋 《中国纺织》2007,(3):164-166
供应链管理从20世纪80年代开始提出以来,经过多年的发展已基本成熟。供应链管理已从企业内部扩展到了企业外部,已从企业内部信息化扩展到企业分销网络、战略合作客户和合作伙伴之间的信息共享与协作。企业之间的竞争逐渐演变为供应链之间的竞争,企业与合作伙伴之间的合作关系日趋紧密,  相似文献   

21世纪的竞争将不再主要是企业与企业之间的竞争。而主要是以IOS等驱动的供应链与供应链之间的竞争。企业需要和供应链上的其他企业联合起来。才有可能赢得广泛的技术、在质量和可靠性方面的快速反应能力以及持续的成本优势。有鉴于此,本文以供应链上企业之间的关系管理为基础.构建了一个IOS在供应链中应用的四阶段模式,并以此为框架,从IOS的设计、建立、应用和受益的过程来分析其因果关系,探讨影响IOS成功的关键变量和相应措施。我们认为。未来IOS将专注于核心竞争力联盟的建立和在联盟中有效地运用竞争力外取策略。  相似文献   

开展新业务和退出旧业务是企业成长过程中不断遇到的两件大事。基业长青的公司无一例外,都是割舍业务的高手。通常来说,需要割舍的业务分为十大类:1.不符合企业战略转移方面的业务;2.处于衰退产业的业务;3.受资源和能力约束企业无法经营的业务;4.在产业竞争中,企业无竞争优势的业务;5.需要独立分拆发展的业务;6.非主营的而企业又无意扩张的业务;7.企业出于上市、合并重组等特定目的需要割舍的业务;8.不良资产业务;9.没有利润空间的业务;10.不能为顾客创造价值的业务。企业退出业务可以通过内部分拆设立新…  相似文献   

林慧 《化工管理》2008,(8):57-59
现代供应链管理(SCM)强调以顾客为中心.通过顾客需求来拉动产品和服务.发挥客户关系管理系统(CRM)的优势:供应商管理(SRM)则通过考虑货源、供应约束、外包生产与零件的约束等因素进行优化设计。本文探讨SRM与CRM两者整合双赢的关系,在此基础上提出企业供应链(SCM)设计思路。  相似文献   

价值网络重构、分工演进与产业结构优化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
中国的产业结构优化在全球化背景下面临如何冲破"瀑布效应"的难题。本文建立了一个价值网络分工深化模型,认为发展中国家和发达国家的不同分工水平是产生瀑布效应的根本原因。发展中国家要突破瀑布效应实现产业结构优化,必须通过产业链、供应链和价值链重组建立自主发展型的价值网络,推进分工深化,才能摆脱价值链被俘获的处境,掌握产业结构优化的主导权。本土的产业链系统集成商在产业结构优化过程中起到关键作用,它需要根据企业的内外部环境选择具有一定分工迂回程度的产品,发挥分工带来的新比较优势,才能逐步实现资源和能力的积累,最终获得竞争优势。在产业结构优化过程中,政府政策与企业战略的协同非常重要。  相似文献   

Knowledge is a critical competitive resource for firms that increasingly exploit resources and capabilities combined with those of channel partners to create new knowledge. However, the opportunism risks inherent in any B2B relationship require firms to employ governance mechanisms to protect their interests. These tensions call for further study of how B2B partners exploit combined resources to produce new knowledge. This research employs a Resource Hierarchy View of resource bundling to describe the ways that firms integrate internal and external processes to achieve financial performance through knowledge creation, and the role that relational governance approaches play in enabling those resource combinations. The study finds that normative and formalized governance forms both enable complex combinations of knowledge creation and integration resources in a way that affects financial performance more than either resource could in simpler combination. However, there are differences in how knowledge is created through internal and external process integration.  相似文献   

Numerous changes in the global business climate have intensified global competition through new forms of competition as well as the addition of new competitors. As a result, domestic and international firms have to develop and implement marketing strategies that are aligned with the current global competitive realities. This study explores the influence of three overarching developments that stand out as having a dominating role in the shifting international competitive landscape: (1) the rapid growth of global business activities by existing firms and new entrants, for example, through increased international outsourcing (i.e., the intensification of importing activities); (2) the transition to managing supply chain systems through greater coordination of entire distribution channels, alliances, and relational exchanges; and (3) the emergence and increased strategic deployment of electronic forms of exchange, particularly with respect to information access, storage, and retrieval, as means of more efficient management of domestic and global network of operations and market intelligence. Managerial and research implications of these trends are discussed.  相似文献   

Although successful development of a given product may help explain the current success of a firm, creating longer‐term competitive advantage demands significantly more attention to developing and nurturing dynamic integration capabilities. These capabilities propel product development activities in ways that build on and develop technological and marketing capabilities for future product development efforts and create platforms for future product development. In this article, we develop a conceptual model of a dynamic integration process in product development, which we call intertemporal integration (ITI). In its most general form ITI is defined as the process of collecting, interpreting, and internalizing technological and marketing capabilities from past new product development projects and incorporating that knowledge in a systematic and purposeful manner into the development of future new products. Research propositions outlining the relationship of ITI to performance are presented. We provide specific examples of managerial mechanisms to be used in implementing ITI. We conclude with implications for research and practice. Effective management of ITI can increase new product development success and long‐term competitive advantage. This implies that management needs to engage in activities that gather and transform information and knowledge from prior development projects so that it can be used in future development projects. Project audits, design databases in computer‐aided design (CAD) systems, engineering notebooks, collections of test and experimental results, market research and test market results, project management databases, and other activities will all be important in the acquisition of knowledge from prior new product development (NPD) projects. Managers also should initiate the creation and maintenance of databases of technical and marketing information from prior projects, job performance reports, seminars and workshops related to technological issues and advances, and publication of technical journals to assist in the process of knowledge acquisition. Similarly, techniques such as assigning project managers from earlier development projects, reusing key components and technologies, and developing a company‐wide methodology for managing projects can be used to boost the application and use of knowledge.  相似文献   

集群供应链网络的联结模式与共治框架   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
集群供应链作为一类新型网络组织形式,是依托于产业集群又突破产业集群地域限制的供应链网络的集合体,集群供应链网络治理问题对集群竞争优势创造与集群持续发展有着重要作用。本文首先阐明了供应链网络与集群供应链网络的区别,进而对集群供应链网络的结构及类型进行了分析,在此基础上研究了集群供应链网络的联结模式,提出集群供应链网络共治的参与者、集群供应链网络共治框架体系及各参与主体在集群供应链共治中的作用分工,以期对集群供应链网络的治理活动起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Business-to-business marketing literature acknowledges the value firms, including business process outsourcing firms, realise through their supplier networks. Such value realisation is often possible through a dynamic exchange of complementary organisational capabilities between a firm and its network partners. However, little is known about how outsourcing firms develop these capabilities and thus realise value. This paper addresses an unexplored theoretical gap of developing market-based organisational learning capabilities in business process outsourcing firms. Using a capabilities lens, this study assesses the impact of quality management capabilities in developing market-based organisational learning capability. Findings from a case study of four business process outsourcing firms in India suggest that effective knowledge transfer, diffusion and the development of market-based organisational learning capabilities are contingent upon the strength of a firm's quality management capabilities. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides an appreciation of two highly cited, ‘classic’ Industrial Marketing Management articles pertaining to outsourcing integration and third party logistics services. The appreciation includes revisiting the general topic themes emanating from both articles, third-party logistics (3PL) service providers, outsourcing and core competence for competitive advantage, relationships, integrating supply chain actors, and combining products and services as a value proposition, with an objective to cast each article's influence on, and ongoing and future contributions to, present day research.  相似文献   

Multinational companies (MNCs) establish subsidiaries in various countries, spreading the value chain internationally and fostering the involvement of external partners. The global supply network has become a major source of the total value generated by MNCs, which are pushed to develop “relational capabilities” to interact with their suppliers. The main objective of this article is to assess the current understanding in the academic literature of the intra-organisational dimension of relational capabilities, focussing on the adoption of internal mechanisms supporting international sourcing activities. A total of 47 articles are identified and assessed. The literature review shows that thus far fragmented and in some areas limited research has been conducted on the development of relational capabilities by MNCs within international sourcing activities. Research efforts have been placed mainly on the examination of organisational units active in international sourcing and on control and management processes, while less attention has been paid to knowledge management solutions.  相似文献   

Reverse logistics are increasingly crucial for the supply chain strategy of global high-tech manufacturing firms. As reverse logistics operations are significantly more complex than traditional manufacturing supply chains, many high-tech manufacturers are examining the feasibility of outsourcing reverse logistics activities to third party logistics providers (3PLs) from a strategic planning perspective. Internal resources and capabilities are thus examined from a resource-based perspective to identify which reverse logistics service requirements could be fulfilled in-house or outsourced. Therefore, this work presents a systematic approach using the analytical network process (ANP) not only to investigate the relative importance of reverse logistics service requirements, but also to select an appropriate 3PL. Empirical results based on the case of the TFT-LCD sector in Taiwan indicate that information technology management is of priority concern in reverse logistics services. In addition to providing a valuable reference for manufacturers concerned with service requirements for outsourcing, results of this study significantly contribute to the efforts of 3PLs in evaluating whether they comply with potential customer requirements based on their service capabilities.  相似文献   

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