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反垄断法是规范市场行为、维护竞争秩序的"市场经济宪法";反垄断法适用除外制度是反垄断法中最能体现其特征的制度之一。反垄断法适用除外制度与一国的市场经济发展息息相关,有利于国家产业政策的实现,在今后将会越来越得到各国的重视。在经济全球化和法律趋同化的进程中,反垄断法适用除外制度也会逐渐趋于协调,发生一些重大变化,文章拟在此背景下,对适用除外制度作初步的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

田海 《经济导刊》2012,(5):56-57
从20世纪80年代我国的保险业恢复国内保险业务以来,保险市场主体的数量在改革开放进程中不断增加,保险市场竞争机制已初步确立。保险业固有的规模经济要求和垄断属性,结合保险行业发展的历史,决定了我国保险业的产业集中度相对其他行业更高。长久以来,保险业一直与电力、铁路、邮政、银行等行业一同被视为具有市场支配地位的垄断行业,这些垄断行业中的一些业  相似文献   

由于我国修订后的<公司法>鼓励非货币出资的多样性,非货币出资比例最高可达注册资本的70%,并允许股东分期缴纳出资,客观上加剧了瑕疵出资的风险,股东出资存在瑕疵必然导致股权存在瑕疵.  相似文献   

杨宏 《经济导刊》2011,(1):50-51
甲、乙、丙三人协议成立一有限责任公司,注册资本为1000万人民币,三人的出资比例为7:2:1。公司于2009年成立,但丙的出资一直未到位,公司多次催缴,但丙资金紧缺,于是经其他股东同意将其股权转让给丁。后丁与甲、乙约定向公司出资100万人民币,随后丁的出资到位。公司的经营业绩很不理想,  相似文献   

我国在市场经济体制下,公司法得以实施,国企逐步改革,股权转让已成企业资本募集、资源优化与产权充足的重要方式,并且其形式变得日益复杂,本文就股权转让中的涉税问题进行了探究。  相似文献   

股权是股东的固有权利,股权转让自由是通行的原则,但亦有例外.公司法规定公司章程可以另行规定股权转让问题,即是对股权自由转让原则进行限制.但对股权自由转让的限制不能从根本上剥夺股东的股份转让权.修订后的公司法突出了公司自治,公司章程在公司自治中具有重要的作用.但公司自治应 避免"多数暴政"问题.股东会决议强制股东出让股权,侵害了股东权益,应属无效.  相似文献   

我国有限责任公司股权转让制度探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有限责任公司的股权转让,是公司股东依照法定条件和程序,部分或全部移转给其他股东或股东以外投资者的行为。事实上,股权转让常受到法律限制,而一种有利于股权转让的制度,可以使投资行为更具积极性,进而使公司运行更加合理。但我国现行法关于股权转让存在一定的不足,并且对股东之间转让股权及异议股东的购买权的规定等方面也存在立法漏洞,故有必要从我国有限责任公司的股权的内部转让、外部转让及优先购买权等方面加以完善。  相似文献   

许玉金 《经济师》1999,(11):61-61
国有股的转让一般指的是,国有股权通过买卖活动在不同主体间发生流动转移的一种经济行为。它是调整国有资产存量的一种重要形式,有利于盘活国有资产,有利于产品结构和产业结构的调整,有利于集中生产发挥规模效益,也是解决经营性亏损企业的有效办法。可以达到国有股权优化组合、合理流动的目的。国有股权的转让包括:一是非上市公司的国有股权转让,二是上市公司的国有股权转让。一、非上市公司的国有股权转让管理我国是以公有制为主体的国家,国有资产股份在企业中占有主导地位,企业是国有资产的直接经营者,其经营目的之一就是使国有…  相似文献   

朱睿 《当代经济》2010,(1):42-43
涉外股权转让是涉外公司法律服务方面的一项重要业务,由于现有法律法规存在空白,可操作性不强,甚至相互冲突,造成实践中同案不同判现象时有发生,律师们在实践中面临这样的困惑,应积极寻求发挥空间,积极灵活地处理案件,以帮助客户获得最大利益。  相似文献   

关于股票发行机制市场化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖宇  彭晗 《资本市场》2001,(6):56-58
<正> 今年年初,中国证监会主席周小川表示,从3月份起,将彻底取消额度和上市指标,并放开一级市场的发行定价,实现定价由市场供求关系决。在证券市场发展的早期,我国对发行额度实行总量限制,对发行家数设定指标,数量的限制导致价格的扭曲,使得一级市场成为一个没有风险的市场,大量的资金流向一级市场,在市场资金总供给量较小的情况下,新股发行与二级市场的价格指数走势呈背离之势。这在相当程度上弱化  相似文献   

证券市场就是从事信息交易的市场,因而信息对证券市场而言显得至关重要。而股权分裂这一制度性缺陷会对市场信息产生显著影响,主要体现在对上市公司信息真实性的影响。股权分裂这一制度性缺陷导致我国证券市场存在严重的信息不对称、内部人控制、中小股东搭便车以及集体非理性等现象,致使信息操纵的概率大大增加,从而影响上市公司所披露信息的真实性。  相似文献   

The stability of factor shares has long been considered one of the “stylized facts” of macroeconomics. Most factor share studies, however, acknowledge only two factors of production (total capital and total labor), which yields misleading results. I distinguish between reproducible and non-reproducible factors of production. I disentangle physical capital’s share from natural capital’s share and human capital’s share from unskilled labor’s share. Results reveal that non-reproducible factor shares decrease with the stage of economic development, and reproducible factor shares increase with the stage of economic development. This evidence suggests that studies relying on the macroeconomic paradigm of constant factor shares should be revisited. The evidence also supports endogenous growth models that allow technical progress to manifest itself via changes in factor shares.  相似文献   

This paper explores the statistical properties of household consumption-expenditure budget share distributions – defined as the share of household total expenditure spent for purchasing a specific category of commodities – for a large sample of Italian households in the period 1989–2004. We find that household budget share distributions are fairly stable over time for each specific category, but profoundly heterogeneous across commodity categories. We then derive a parametric density that is able to satisfactorily characterize (from a univariate perspective) household budget share distributions and: (i) is consistent with the observed statistical properties of the underlying levels of household consumption-expenditure distributions; (ii) can accommodate the observed across-category heterogeneity in household budget-share distributions. Finally, we taxonomize commodity categories according to the estimated parameters of the proposed density. We show that the resulting classification is consistent with the traditional economic scheme that labels commodities as necessary, luxury or inferior.  相似文献   

Calvo-style models of nominal rigidities currently provide the dominant paradigm for understanding the linkages between wage and price dynamics. Recent empirical implementations stress the idea that these models link inflation to the behavior of the labor share of income. Ga?´ et al. (2001) argue that the model explains the combination of declining inflation and labor shares in Euro area. In this paper, we show that with realistic parameters, the canonical Calvo-style model cannot explain the joint behavior of inflation and the labor share in Europe. In addition, we show that the model fails very badly in sectoral data with consistently negative estimated coefficients on the labor share in a number of different inflation specifications. Indeed, the use of a traditional output gap measure proved more successful in terms of a positive relationship with inflation.  相似文献   

In this paper we gauge consumption and portfolio shares, rather than the traditional pricing implications. We study both aggregated (financial, tangible, and human) and disaggregated (deposits, stocks, insurance, and pensions) assets. The empirical shares are computed from recent aggregate Canadian data. The theoretical shares are constructed from a flexible specification of both investors' preferences and investment opportunities. Our results reveal that the theoretical shares statistically match observed consumption and aggregated assets, but not disaggregated assets. Also, our findings for corporate stocks are consistent with the empirical asset returns literature. Finally, our findings for other assets highlight several new striking features. JEL classification: G11
Consommation et parts de porte feuille au Canada. Cette recherche analyse la consommation et les parts de portefeuille, plutôt que les prix des actifs. Nous étudions les actifs agrégés (i.e., financiers, tangibles et humains) ainsi que désagrégés (i.e., dépôts, actions et caisses de retraite et assurance). Les parts empiriques sont calculées pour des données agrégées canadiennes récentes. Les parts théoriques sont construites à partir d'un modèle flexible en ce qui a trait aux préférences et aux possibilités d'investissement. Nos résultats démontrent que les parts théoriques reproduisent la consommation et les parts agrégées, mais pas les parts désagrégées. Aussi, nos résultats sont cohérents avec ceux de la littérature empirique sur les rendements. Nos résultats concernant les autres actifs identifient d'autres aspects caractéristiques.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper documents some previously neglected features of sectoral shares at business cycle frequencies in OECD economies. We find that the non‐traded output share is as volatile as aggregate GDP and for most countries is countercyclical. While the standard international real business cycle model has difficulty in accounting for these properties of the data, an extended model that allows for sectoral adjustment along both the intensive and the extensive margins does a much better job of replicating these statistics. The model also matches better the correlation between relative consumption growth and real exchange rate changes, a key measure of international risk‐sharing.  相似文献   

This note analyses the valuation of Russian assets focusing on the market capitalization of major Russian firms trading in Moscow. It documents that valuations are very low compared to similar assets in mature economies. Several reasons are advanced to explain this phenomenon. The most important of these seems to be the poor record of Russian firms with respect to honouring shareholder rights. Some policy proposals are made to address this problem.  相似文献   

We consider a model of daily newspapers’ competition to test the validity of the so-called “theory of the circulation spiral”. According to it, the interaction between the newspapers and the advertising markets drives the newspaper with the smaller readership into a vicious circle, finally leading it to death. In a model with two newspapers, we show that, contrary to this conjecture, the dynamics envisaged by the proposers of the theory, does not always lead to the elimination of one of them.  相似文献   

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