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I revisit the stabilizing and determinacy properties of Taylor-type policy rules in the canonical New Keynesian model when allowing for a unit root in the supply shock process. While able to offset inflationary pressure from non-stationary disturbances, interest-rate feedback rules that are unresponsive to fluctuations in the output gap necessarily produce unstable dynamics and explosive volatility for the latter. Specifically, rules fulfilling the Taylor principle are found to enforce the unique (non-stationary) equilibrium featuring well-anchored inflation expectations and immunity to sunspots; yet there exists no equilibrium predicting stationary behavior for both the inflation and output gap series, irrespective of whether the policy stance induces determinacy or indeterminacy. I show this property survives the adoption of forecast-based instrument rules, and also explore the relationship between Taylor-type rules and optimal discretionary policies in this particular New Keynesian environment.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that goods are highly heterogeneous with respect to the degree of price rigidity. We develop a two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model to study the equilibrium determinacy properties of interest rate rules that respond to inflation measures differing in their degree of price rigidity. We find that rules responding to a headline measure, which puts some weight on the inflation of the sector with low price stickiness, are more prone to generate endogenous aggregate instability—in the form of fluctuations driven by self-fulfilling expectations and equilibria where fluctuations are unbounded—than rules that respond exclusively to a core measure, which includes only the inflation of the sector with high price stickiness. We discuss how our results depend on the elasticity of substitution across goods, the timing of the policy rule, and reacting to aggregate activity.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the diverse dynamic possibilities arising out of a simple macroeconomic model of debt-financed investment-led growth in the presence of interest rate rules. We show possibilities of convergence to steady state, and growth cycles around it as well as various complex dynamics. We investigate whether, given this framework, the financial sector can provide endogenous bounds to an otherwise unstable system. The effectiveness of monetary policy in the form of an interest rate rule targeting capacity utilization is examined under this context.  相似文献   

Wealth in the utility function leads to the discounting to consumer’s Euler equation, enlarging determinacy regions and making it easier for the monetary authority to ensure equilibrium determinacy. We show that a passive policy rule which adjusts nominal interest rate by less than one-for-one in response to the inflation rate is able to rule out equilibrium indeterminacy, if properly specified, due to the presence of the demand channel of the Taylor principle and equilibrium determinacy. Furthermore, the extent to which monetary policy rule can be passive in order to avoid indeterminacy depends critically on the degree of preference over wealth as well as the underlying structures and parameters of the model.  相似文献   

Summary. The purpose of this article is to characterize optimal interest rate rules in the framework of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, and notably to scrutinize the “Taylor principle”, according to which the nominal interest rate should respond more than one for one to inflation. This model yields explicit solutions for the optimal rule. We find that the elasticity of response depends on numerous factors, such as the degree of price rigidity, the autocorrelation of the underlying shocks, or which measure of inflation is used. In general the optimal elasticity of the interest rate with respect to inflation needs not be greater than one.Received: 6 November 2003, Revised: 17 August 2004 JEL Classification Numbers: E5, E52, E58.J.-P. Bénassy: I wish to thank Daniel Laskar and an anonymous referee for their perceptive comments on earlier drafts of this paper. Of course all remaining deficiencies are mine.  相似文献   


This paper considers the extent to which the monetary policy operations of three major central banks can be regarded as an application of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control rules. The paper outlines the general PID framework and estimates a series of dynamic models to identify how interest rate policy adjustments are affected by the rate of inflation and the level of macroeconomic activity. The paper examines data for the UK, the USA and the Eurozone. The results suggest that the PID rules can provide a useful theoretical and empirical framework for estimating central bank responses to the inflation and macroeconomic activity variables by improving the explanatory power of the Taylor rule model and determining the effect of the parameters.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates, in the context of a two-sector OLG neoclassical growth model, conditions under which international trade in consumption goods alone may be sufficient for the equalization of real returns to physical capital across countries; that is, under which commodity arbitrage is sufficient for real interest rate parity (RIRP). This role for repeated commodity arbitrage is established via a dynamic extension of the factor price equalization (FPE) theorem which is valid at all dates comprising the equilibrium path as well as its steady state. The results are at odds with the conventional view regarding RIRP which arises from open one-sector growth models, in which case steady state trade balance and RIRP are irreconcilable, and are also a contradiction to frequent assertions of lon-run specialization in two-sector frameworks. An equilibrium path for an integrated world economy yields an endogenous, time-variant cone of diversification which implies sufficient conditions for the dynamic paths of a cross-section of economies to exhibit FPE, and hence RIRP with trade balance, at all points in time. These conditions require that the savings rates and initial capital-labor ratios of individual countries do not deviate too significantly from world averages, and that both sectors absorb capital easily. The first of these requirements is sufficient to establish steady state FPE and RIRP in the general specification. The first two requirements are sufficient for the entire equilibrium path to be characterized by FPE and RIRP in a log-linear example. Received: September 22, 1998; revised version: February 10, 2000  相似文献   

投资规模扩大和投资效率提高是推动经济增长的重要动力。通过向量自回归模型实证检验中国投资增长、投资效率与经济增长的动态关系,发现投资增长和投资效率提高均能促进中国经济增长,但中国经济发展长期高度依赖投资规模的扩张,投资效率没有得到相应提高,经济增长的可持续性正面临挑战。为实现可持续发展,中国经济需要转变发展方式,实现投资规模驱动型增长方式向投资效率提高驱动型增长方式的转变。  相似文献   

根据2009-2017年深圳证券交易所科技型上市企业相关面板数据,研究私募股权投资、投资者情绪与企业R&D投入之间的关系。研究发现:存在私募股权投资的科技型企业R&D投资强度更大;投资者情绪在私募股权投资与企业R&D投入之间起中介效应,即存在私募股权投资的科技型企业的投资者情绪更为高涨,高涨的投资者情绪会促使企业加大R&D投入。企业异质性检验发现,不同于国有企业和外资企业,民营企业的投资者情绪在私募股权投资与研发投入中的中介效应更加显著,并且处于不同生命周期的企业,无论是年轻企业还是成熟企业,投资者情绪的中介效应均不显著。将投资者情绪纳入分析框架,深入研究私募股权投资对企业研发活动的影响,对私募股权投资机构、企业、政府等进行科学决策具有重要理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the restrictions necessary to ensure that the interest rate policy rule used by the central bank does not introduce local real indeterminacy into the economy. It conducts the analysis in a Calvo-style sticky price model. A key innovation is to add investment spending to the analysis. In this environment, local real indeterminacy is much more likely. In particular, all forward-looking interest rate rules are subject to real indeterminacy.  相似文献   

跨国投资、市场结构与外商投资企业的竞争行为   总被引:115,自引:2,他引:115  
实力雄厚的跨国公司在中国大量投资是否会导致垄断行为 ,是国内外长期关注和争论的一个问题。本文以汽车、移动通讯设备和洗涤用品这三个技术特性和经济规模有较大差异的行业为案例 ,分析吸引跨国投资与中国制造业市场结构的变化 ,及这种变化对外商投资企业竞争行为的影响。结论是 :虽然跨国公司有垄断愿望 ,但是随着中国不断深化的开放与改革 ,跨国公司不仅本身以竞争行为为主 ,而且成为促进中国竞争性市场结构形成的重要因素。  相似文献   

赵中伟 《当代经济科学》2011,(6):116-121,126
本文以A股和香港上市公司为研究对象,考察债务融资和成长性对企业投资行为的影响。实证结果表明,企业债务与投资支出显著负相关,在低成长性公司中这一关系尤为显著。在低成长性公司中,A股上市公司的债务融资与投资支出的负相关关系比香港上市公司显著,香港中资上市公司的债务融资与投资支出的负相关关系比香港本地上市公司显著。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of the monetary instrument choice for local equilibrium determinacy under sticky prices and different fiscal policy regimes. Corresponding to Benhabib et al.'s results for interest rate feedback rules [Benhabib, J., Schmitt-Grohé, S., Uribe, M., 2001. Monetary policy and multiple equilibria. American Economic Review 91, 167–185], the money growth rate should not rise by more than one for one with inflation when the primary surplus is raised with public debt. Under an exogenous primary surplus, money supply should be accommodating—such that real balances grow with inflation—to ensure local equilibrium determinacy. When the central bank links the supply of money to government bonds by controlling the bond-to-money ratio, an inflation stabilizing policy can be implemented for both fiscal policy regimes. Local determinacy is then ensured when the bond-to-money ratio is not extremely sensitive to inflation, or when interest payments on public debt are entirely tax financed, i.e., the budget is balanced.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interactions between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), inequality, and growth, both from an empirical and a theoretical point of view. Using a panel of 119 developing countries, we observe that FDI promotes both inequality and growth, and tends to reduce the share of agriculture to GDP in the recipient country. We then set up a growth model of a dual economy in which the traditional (agricultural) sector uses a diminishing returns technology, while FDI is the engine of growth in the modern (industrial) sector. The main predictions of the model are consistent with the stylized facts observed in the data.  相似文献   

产权约束、投资低效与通货紧缩   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:33  
本文从产权逻辑来诠释 2 0 0 3年以来的投资膨胀。文章认为 ,在土地转让权含糊不清和银行产权约束不力的背景下 ,土地和信贷市场的价格机制无法给出市场定价 ,客观造成了巨大套利空间的存在。当经济景气时 ,一些地方政府、企业和银行三方共谋土地和贷款这两种最关键的生产要素 ,从而导致投资的非理性膨胀 ,并通过金融加速器效应带来宏观经济的大幅波动。从根源上讲 ,过度投资和投资低效的本质是产权约束和地方政府政绩观导向的问题。因而 ,本文提出的相应政策含义是 ,在短期内主要以经济杠杆来控制总量 ;在中长期应转变政府职能 ,推进产权改革。  相似文献   

This paper makes an attempt to provide a theory of determination of interest rate in the informal credit market in a less developed economy in terms of a three-sector static deterministic general equilibrium model. There are two informal sectors which obtain production loans from a monopolistic moneylender and employ labour from the informal labour market. On the other hand, the formal sector employs labour at an institutionally fixed wage rate and takes loans from the competitive formal credit market. We show that an inflow of foreign capital and/or an emigration of labour raises (lowers) the informal (formal) interest rate but lowers the competitive wage rate in the informal labour market when the informal manufacturing sector is more capital-intensive vis-à-vis the informal agricultural sector. International factor mobility, therefore, raises the degrees of distortions in both the factor markets in this case.  相似文献   

Using a dynamic panel GARCH model for Asian countries, we find that interest rates are significantly lower when stock market uncertainty is high. Evidence of a positive relationship between stock market uncertainty and interest rate volatility is also provided.  相似文献   

Summary. It is expected that every periodic equilibrium path may exist even under standard assumptions such as low discounting and the concavity of utility functions in infinite horizon models with external effects. Nevertheless, until now no such example has been presented. In this note we will first construct a bounded growth model that has an external effect and every periodic equilibrium path under any discount factor. Next we will study the conditions under which periodic equilibrium paths have a local indeterminacy. Received: December 23, 1998; revised version: April 19, 1999  相似文献   

政治关联断损现象逐渐引起学者重视,但少有研究涉及政治关联断损对企业创新的影响。基于中组部“18号文”导致上市公司大量官员独立董事强制辞职事件,通过使用双重差分模型对2012-2016年沪深A股上市公司相关数据进行实证研究发现,官员独立董事辞职造成的政治关联断损能够显著促进企业增加研发投资,虽然对提高企业创新效率无显著影响,却能够增强研发投资对创新效率的正向影响。政治关联断损层级与企业研发投资间具有显著负向关系,虽然对创新效率无显著影响,却对研发投资与创新效率间关系起显著负向调节作用。政治关联断损和断损层级对企业研发人员投入强度无显著影响,也不能显著调节研发人员投入强度与创新效率间的关系。  相似文献   

目前,关于企业创新投资决策的研究对正式制度关注较多,对非正式制度研究较少。检验了作为非正式制度的重商文化如何影响企业创新投入水平,以及重商文化与地区腐败在影响企业创新投入方面的相互关系。研究发现:相对于受重商文化影响较弱地区的上市公司,受重商文化影响较强地区的上市公司创新投入水平更高,且这一影响主要发生在非国有企业。同时,受腐败挤出效应和替代效应的影响,重商文化对企业创新投入的促进作用在腐败程度较低的地区更显著。  相似文献   

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