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高等院校旅游饭店管理专业方向教学改革初探□杨啸涛聂明林饭店管理专业在我国是一个新的学科,从建立到发展有一个成长过程,同时许多院校都是从其他方向,诸如外语院系、师范地理院系、经济院系等转向为旅游院系的,因此,在课程设置、教学条件和教学方法上都不可避免地...  相似文献   

李秀娜  李涛 《旅游学刊》2006,21(6):58-64
饭店委托管理在我国饭店行业中已经屡见不鲜,从反垄断法角度审视饭店委托管理是一个崭新的视角.饭店委托管理是一种特许经营的经营模式,其价值目标与反垄断法恰恰相反,这就要求界定饭店委托管理在反垄断法方面合法与非法的界限.我国正在制定过程中的反垄断法应充分考虑特许经营和饭店委托管理这种特殊的经营模式,在特定市场认定、市场力量界定等相关问题上深入研究,制定出既符合我国国情,又符合各种产业特点,包括特许经营业和饭店委托管理特征的"经济宪法".  相似文献   

国内旅游管理专业中饭店管理方面的教学内容偏重于实务操作,明显缺乏理论深度,不利于提高学生的理论水平。饭店管理虽然属于应用学科,但本科教育相对于专科和高职教育,也应重视基础理论的学习,传授完整的理论体系。饭店本科教育的落脚点始终应该放在为学生提供发现问题、解决问题的方法体系和能力培养上,因此,基础理论应该是本科饭店管理教材体系的核心内容,饭店管理教材必须具备必要的理论体系架构。  相似文献   

宋振春 《旅游学刊》2006,21(Z1):125-128
国内旅游管理专业中饭店管理方面的教学内容偏重于实务操作,明显缺乏理论深度,不利于提高学生的理论水平.饭店管理虽然属于应用学科,但本科教育相对于专科和高职教育,也应重视基础理论的学习,传授完整的理论体系.饭店本科教育的落脚点始终应该放在为学生提供发现问题、解决问题的方法体系和能力培养上,因此,基础理论应该是本科饭店管理教材体系的核心内容,饭店管理教材必须具备必要的理论体系架构.  相似文献   

近年来,我国旅游事业飞速发展,一些大型现代化饭店相继建立。宴会是饭店经营的重要项目,如何搞好它的管理,已成为饭店管理工作中越来越引起人们重视的问题。 一、宴会部的经营特点及其在饭店中的作用 随着旅游业的发展,宴会部在饭店经营管理中越来越占有重要的地位。国际上一些旅游业发达的国家和地区对大型饭店的宴会管理是相当重视的。他们在饭店设置宴会部,从餐饮部脱离出来,形成独立的部门。目前,国内的长城饭店等大型饭店也采用  相似文献   

中国大陆外方管理饭店人力资源管理现状及对策研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
谷慧敏 《旅游学刊》2000,15(5):68-73
本文通过抽样调查方式对中国大陆外方管理饭店(简称外管饭店)的人力资源管理现状、问题进行了分析。研究结果表明外管饭店与其它性质的饭店相比具有更大的自主权、裙带关系较少、重视员工培训和发展、更有效的激励系统以及良好的劳资关系等特征。国际饭店集团正在采取人才本土化战略,以获得更大竞争优势。外管饭店也面临着员工素质不高、人才流失、员工表现不理想、职业道德总体较低和中外员工文化差异等问题。作者认为人力资源管理的重点应该放在培训及激励员工两方面。  相似文献   

中外饭店管理公司在中国市场竞争力之对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王新  谷慧敏 《旅游学刊》2001,16(2):46-51
本文通过抽样调查 ,对目前中国两种饭店管理公司进行了对比研究。结果显示 :外国饭店管理公司在品牌声誉、可信度、销售网络及其与当地政府、相关机构和饭店员工关系等16个有关饭店管理公司竞争力指标上 ,比中国饭店管理公司具有较大的优势 ,但存在增长动力不足的问题。处于发展初期的中国饭店管理公司尚难以与国外公司开展纯市场性的竞争 ,政府现行的行政干预有助于其规模的形成 ,但无法解决内在竞争力不足的问题。中外双方利用各自比较优势开展合作以形成联合优势 ,是一项双赢战略。本文认为建立合资合作饭店管理公司来实现这一战略是现阶段中外饭店管理公司的明智选择。  相似文献   

海南省在全国率先推行旅游饭店星级标准化管理,该省今后将不再批准旅游定点饭店,取而代之的是星级评定。该省旅游局负责人介绍,旅游定点饭店在软、硬件上没有明确的量化指标,在一定程度上影响了服务质量。该局将对旅游饭店全面实行星级标准化管理,凡已经批准为旅游定点的饭店,必须在今年12月31日以  相似文献   

马鹏 《旅游学刊》2008,23(6):55-61
本文对国外饭店管理具有权威影响力的刊物International Journal of Hospitality Management(UHM,<国际饭店管理>)所栽文献的统计学方法的应用现状进行了回顾与梳理.统计学方法特别是多元统计方法整合已经成为饭店管理定量研究的主要研究方法.统计学方法主要应用于饭店人力资源管理、饭店业经营管理和饭店营销管理等几个重要的研究领域,并且统计学方法的选取与研究方向紧密结合.  相似文献   

按照市场需求培养应用型人才,是应用性大学寻求改变传统教学的出路所在。为此,我们以饭店管理专业为例,选择部分北京市中高星级饭店进行问卷调查与走访,切实了解饭店业对我们所设课程的意见和建议、对饭店管理人才的需求,以期调整课程设置,培养饭店需求的人才。  相似文献   

高职院校是培养高等应用技术型人才的摇篮,酒店管理专业是实践性很强的专业,按照传统的"放羊式"、突击式"实习模式培养的人才,已越来越不符合社会对酒店人才的需要。寻找到一种科学有效的教育模式成为教育界迫切需要解决的问题。该文从分析传统酒店管理类专业实践教学存在的问题入手,介绍了一种新型的实践教学模式——"全程产学交叉",剖析了该模式的内涵与特点,并对该模式的实施效果与启示作了分析。  相似文献   

中国旅游高等教育以平均每年 10 %的增幅迅速发展 ,但其毕业生的择业意向却不尽如人意 ,致使管理人员学历普遍不高的饭店业仍然承受着人才稀缺的巨大压力。供需的错位导致人才外流 ,资源浪费。本文以全国首家四年制旅游高校———北京联合大学旅游学院为研究对象 ,通过分析饭店专业高等教育现状 ,研究供需矛盾的成因 ,探讨饭店专业人才的培养方式 ,试图为中国旅游高校饭店专业教育教学的改革提供思路  相似文献   

The paper suggests that economics within hotel and catering education is at a watershed. It is right to examine closely why economics should be included in hotel and catering education and to discuss the possibility of alternative or complementary approaches. Certain problems with present economics teaching are examined and more attention, it is argued, should be given to the recent developments in economics especially the analysis of business behaviour and the overlap between economics, decision sciences and management in the areas of control, planning and decision making. The possibility of integration remains an exciting one both for teaching and research.  相似文献   

The management of change has become an organisational necessity in the 1990s and will continue to be a major factor in the management of hotel companies in the future. This article investigates and evaluates management of the change process at unit level in hotel firms. The data was gathered through in-depth semi-structured interviews with ten hotel managers in the UK. Lewin's three-stage model was found to be of limited use in practice. A five-stage model of the change process emerges from the research findings. This model reflects a more practical view of the management of change as an on-going, continuous process. Finally, the limitations of the research are discussed and further research areas identified.  相似文献   

The major objectives of this study were: (1) to discuss the impact of the SARS outbreak on the Korean hotel industry; (2) to explore how the crisis management contingency concept was implemented by the Korean hotel industry during this crisis; (3) to examine what the implications are for managers in the hotel industry. Results of this study indicate that the SARS outbreak had an adverse impact on the Korean hotel industry. During the six months affected by the SARS outbreak, the Korean hotel industry tried to minimize operating costs and offered employees education programs concerning health awareness, training and operating new hygiene equipment. This study is expected to provide lessons from the experience of the Korean hotel industry during the SARS-affected period.  相似文献   

The management of change has become an organisational necessity in the 1990s and will continue to be a major factor in the management of hotel companies in the future. This article investigates and evaluates management of the change process at unit level in hotel firms. The data was gathered through in-depth semi-structured interviews with ten hotel managers in the UK. Lewin’s three-stage model was found to be of limited use in practice. A five-stage model of the change process emerges from the research findings. This model reflects a more practical view of the management of change as an on-going, continuous process. Finally, the limitations of the research are discussed and further research areas identified.  相似文献   

This paper provides an examination of hotel performance research published in the seven leading hospitality and tourism journals from 1992 to 2011, through the lens of the balanced scorecard (BSC). The review seeks to answer three questions. What BSC perspectives are included in hotel performance research published in major hospitality and tourism journals? What are the trends and implications for future hotel performance research? What are the main geographical areas of publication outputs?Eleven hypotheses were tested using a database of 138 articles that fully met the key word selection criteria of hotel, BSC and performance. The results suggest hotel performance attracts widespread attention from hospitality scholars, but significant gaps remain. Researchers have recognised the benefits of including financial and non-financial indicators. Yet, more research is required in this area to offer hotel organisations better approaches to the management of their performance. We conclude by identifying three research gaps.  相似文献   

In the current study, we contend that to enhance their competitiveness and performance, hotel properties need to develop and implement internal policies and procedures such as strategic management accounting that are consistent with their business strategies and account for changing competitive demands. We employ a sample composed of 80 hotel properties to investigate the key precursor of hotel property strategic management accounting use and its impact on hotel property customer and financial performance. The results highlight that market orientation business strategy is a key determinant of hotel property strategic management accounting use and illuminate the mediating influence of hotel property strategic management accounting use and hotel property customer performance on the relationship between hotel property market orientation business strategy use and hotel property financial performance. Recommendations are provided for both researchers and hotel managers concerning their future study of, or use of, strategic management accounting.  相似文献   

Achieving effective and objective energy benchmarking for hotels is integral in fostering the sustainable development of the lodging sector. In this work, we reveal the major and minor streams of hotel energy benchmarking and ascertain that the most popular approach in benchmarking is normalized energy use intensity (EUI) based on floor level. Previous efforts to establish EUI indicators using subsystem average, data envelopment analysis (DEA), and regression technique are also studied. We propose that hotel energy benchmarking based on floor area is useful from the top-down management perspective. However, on a practical perspective, energy benchmarking based on facilities should be the first priority for hotel management or owners. Compared with the general energy benchmarking in the building sector, we find that the hotel sector lags behind in the adoption of computer modeling for benchmarking.  相似文献   

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