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The worldwide financial crisis of 2007–2008 raised serious concerns about the soundness of banks’ activities and about the extent to which banking regulation should supervise banks’ investment decisions. We contribute to this topic by examining the Spanish case, which has been emblematic of the bubble and burst dynamics in the credit market. In particular, we study the allocation of bank credit among Spanish companies from 1999 to 2014, showing that larger companies accumulated greater amounts of bank loans per unit of total assets, thus leading to a notable concentration. We also find that, during the Spanish boom period, bank loans shifted from the manufacturing to the construction industry, and in particular to the largest companies of the latter sector. This happened in spite of the high leverage of large construction firms, which was increasing also due to their growing debt. We argue that the higher operating benefits, reflecting the increase of the housing price during the boom period, overvalued construction firms as potential borrowers. The bankruptcy of several large construction companies during the Spanish crisis supports the need for monitoring and regulation, to avoid an excessive concentration of bank credit to a few large companies, especially if they belong to a specific sector.


In light of the call for companies to abandon current approaches to environmental management, this study adds to the environmental strategy literature and uses the evidence of competitive dynamics among companies to identify a mechanism by which companies invest in proactive environmental strategies and thereby improve the sustainability of the natural environment. An examination utilizing fixed effects regressions on a sample of large U.S.‐based companies reveal that even after controlling the number, environmental and financial performance of leading (environmental) companies, laggard (environmental) companies are more likely to invest in proactive environmental strategies when their leading peers display higher sustainability orientations. Neither the expectation of government regulation nor social movement pressure was found to be influential in this relationship. Therefore, the future dominance of companies' investments in the sustainability of the natural environment will be driven by companies themselves as long as competitive advantages are expected.  相似文献   

在风云莫测的2009年,对房地产行业走势、未来市场变化的判断,将最终影响企业变革的方向和策略.   从房企对未来市场的态度来分析,可归类为"乐观、悲观、折中",而从房企必须选择的行动来看,可归类为.主动,跟随、被动".态度与行动的组合,将构成企业战略态势(见下图).……  相似文献   

The paper investigates the potential consequences of MNCs' globalizing strategies for the management of labour, drawing on findings from a survey of employee management among MNCs operating in the UK. It finds clear evidence of transnational forms of management organization, including in the personnel sphere. But it also underlines that moves to globalism are uneven. Structures and policies to develop international management teams were found primarily among certain types of MNC. Most striking was the extent to which MNCs are actively engaged in the management of non-managerial employees at international level. Seven out of every ten companies monitored labour performance across sites in different countries. The broader significance of this finding lies in the business decisions which flow from the use of such information. As MNCs develop continental production strategies, pressures on local workforces, keen to attract future investment, for performance improvements are likely to intensify. These developments pose considerable challenges for labour which remains primarily local and national in its organizational focus.  相似文献   

The universities are now‘one of the last seminationalised sectors of the British economy,’used by government as an instrument of social policy. This situation represents a‘Faustian bargain’which threatens both the quality and the prosperity of universities. One solution would be privatisation of some universities through public flotation. These universities could then contract with government to take state-funded students. Two objections are that the scheme would promote elitism and that it would encourage greater inequality between universities, but the relevant question is whether it would offer an improvement on the present regime.  相似文献   

Claims that companies have increasingly turned to temporary workers, outworkers and subcontracting to enhance their ‘numerical flexibility’ are scrutinised using data from a survey of industrial relations in large companies. The survey reveals considerable continuity in the use of these employment practices. Recent reports published by the National Economic Development Office and ACAS are shown to overstate the extent of change in the 1980s.  相似文献   

一、上海上市公司的现状和发展中的问题 截止2002年底,经过12年发展,上海上市公司数量已由最初的老八股发展到现在的140家,增长了16倍之多,占了全国上市公司总量的11.5%,居各省区上市公司数量之首。从公司  相似文献   

This research is concerned with the response of the NASDAQ Financial 100 index to macroeconomic news. The paper employs the newly developed technique of generalized impulse response analysis to examine how macroeconomic shocks affect the performance of the financial sector. The results identify the magnitude and persistence of the response of financial companies stock returns arising from shocks to the stance of monetary policy, real output, inflation, and risk. The findings add to the literature on the determinants of financial sector stocks and on the relationship between the stock market and the macroeconomy. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is a great deal of interest in Europe and the USA on the commercialization of university science, particularly the creation of spinout companies from the science base. Despite considerable research on academic entrepreneurship, female entrepreneurship in general, and the causes of under-representation of female scientists in academic institutions, there has been little research on the influence of gender on academic entrepreneurship.

The study researches female founders of UK university spinout companies using information from the Internet on company founders of spinout companies from 20 leading universities. The proportion of female founders at 12% is very low. The paper explores reasons for this low representation through follow-up postal interviews of the 21 female founders identified, and a male control sample. Under-representation of female academic staff in science research is the dominant but not the only factor to explain low entrepreneurial rates amongst female scientists.

Owing to the low number of women in senior research positions in many leading science departments, few women had the chances to lead a spinout. This is a critical factor as much impetus for commercialization was initially inspired by external interest rather than internal evaluation of a commercial opportunity. External interest tended to target senior academics, which proportionally are mostly male. A majority of the women surveyed tended to be part of entrepreneurial teams involving senior male colleagues.

As a whole both male and female science entrepreneurs displayed similar motivations to entrepreneurship, but collectively as scientists differed appreciably from non academic entrepreneurs. Women science entrepreneurs also faced some additional problems in areas such as the conflict between work and home life and networks.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the short- and long-run effects of universities on geographic clustering of economic activity, labor market composition and local productivity and presents evidence of local spillovers from universities. I treat the designation of land-grant universities in the 1860s as a natural experiment after controlling for the confounding factors with a combination of synthetic control methods and event-study analyses. Three key results are obtained. First, the designation increased local population density by 6 percent within 10 years and 45 percent in 80 years. Second, the designation did not change the relative size of local manufacturing sector. Third, the designation enhanced local manufacturing output per worker by $2136 (1840 dollars; 57 percent) in 80 years while the short-run effects were negligible. This positive effect on the productivity in non-education sectors suggests the existence of local spillovers from universities. Over an 80-year horizon, my results indicate that the increase in manufacturing productivity reflects both the impact of direct spillovers from universities and general agglomeration economies that arise from the increase in population.  相似文献   


Based on data from 7,350 Cameroonian companies created between 1990 and 2008, we study the link between the characteristics of indebtedness for young companies during their creation and survival period of up to three years, from three to five years, and beyond five years. We complement our quantitative analysis with semi-directive interviews of Cameroonian entrepreneurs to deepen our study. Our results are manifold. We show that access to bank loans during the creation phase, as well as the volume of loans or, to some extent, the debt ratio improve the probability of survival during the early years, but this effect fades away rapidly. The interviews shed light on the motivations of entrepreneurs, particularly of those with very small businesses. Finally, our work reveals the antecedent role of their social capital that facilitates their access to bank loans, and, therefore, the probability of company survival.  相似文献   

本文在分析目前我国上市公司财务治理现状的基础上,提出了完善财务治理的几点建议,以维护各利益相关者的利益.  相似文献   

“Guanxi” is a term in Chinese referring to the reciprocal nature of interpersonal relationships. Its attributes, which are specific to Chinese culture, have been the focus of recent literature. Whereas the impact of guanxi seems to be quite similar to that of general relationships, ties or connections, it is characterized by a number of different dimensions. In this paper, we studied 44 entrepreneurial companies in the pharmaceutical industry in China to examine these attributes in greater detail. We use a system dynamics model to simulate the influence of various guanxi variables – the strength, scale and structure of guanxi – on the development of entrepreneurial companies.  相似文献   

The study investigates talent management practices in Russian and foreign companies and their influence on a company's performance. In our work, foreign companies are foreign-owned companies (multinational or global) that operate in the Russian market and their headquarters are located outside the Russian Federation. Attention is paid to the analysis of the factors that support talent management implementation. As the results of the research are based on a comparative analysis of differences and peculiarities in talent practices in Russian and foreign companies, the paper explores and provides a number of ideas and conclusions about talent management elaboration, realization and talent practices improvement in the Russian context. Our data show that talent management practices are influenced by a number of factors that are different, in parts, in Russian and foreign companies. Supplementary analysis also suggests that the positive connection between talent management efforts and a company's performance can be found.  相似文献   

With the passage of the Insider Trading Sanctions Act (ITSA) of 1984, regulators have attempted to reduce insider trading activities through their increased power to impose stiffer penalties on violators. In their study of trading activity associated with tender offers, Arshadi and Eyssell (1991) find that insiders went from being heavy net purchasers of their own firms' stock prior to tender offer announcements to being weak net sellers. The special status of bank holding companies suggests that the trading patterns of insiders would differ between bank holding companies and non-bank holding companies. The results in this paper indicate this to be the case as there is no change in the trading patterns for insiders of bank holding companies between the two regulatory periods.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on selected initiatives oriented towards technological improvements of performance in Mexican companies and betterment of the quality of Mexican products. These aspects are examined quantitatively and qualitatively. Data on research and development (R&D) and education expenditures, indicators of infrastructure development, technology adoption rates, and level of skills, and features of corporate and national cultures are used in analyses. Two restructuring approaches—Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Total Quality Management (TQM)—are explored from the perspective of their applicability to Mexican conditions. It is observed that substantial problems can be expected when implementing them in Mexico when trying to improve quality and technological indicators of performance. Some suggestions regarding restructuring procedures are outlined.  相似文献   

我国上市公司管理层收购问题质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王峥 《上海企业》2003,(12):55-56
管理层融资收购(简称MBO),是指公司的管理层利用借贷所融资本或股权交换及其它产权交易手段收购本公司,进而达到重组本公司并获得预期收益的一种收购行为。目前,MBO已成为国际上企业并购浪潮中的一种新型并购手段。美国MBO占资产重组的比例由70年代末期的5%增长到目前的18%。  相似文献   

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