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A challenge to models of equilibrium indeterminacy based on increasing returns is that required increasing returns for generating indeterminacy can be implausibly large and rise quickly with the relative risk aversion in labor. We show that unsynchronized wage adjustment via a relative wage effect can both lower the required degree of increasing returns for indeterminacy to a plausible level and make it invariant to the relative risk aversion in labor. Consequently, indeterminacy and sunspot-driven fluctuations can emerge for plausible increasing returns regardless of the relative risk aversion in labor. Our model generates reasonable dynamics in terms of matching the business cycle, and sunspot shocks become more important with labor market friction.  相似文献   

Many observers argue that one of the major causes of the 2007–2009 recession was the abnormal accumulation of risk by banks. This paper provides a signaling explanation for this race for risk. If banks' returns can be observed while risk cannot, the less efficient banks can hide their type by taking more risks and paying the same returns as the more efficient banks. The latter can signal themselves by taking even higher risks and delivering bigger returns. The game presents several equilibria that are all characterized by excessive risk taking as compared to the perfect information case.  相似文献   

Stylized facts about statistical properties for short horizon returns in financial markets have been identified in the literature, but a satisfactory understanding for their manifestation is yet to be achieved. In this work, we show that a simple asset pricing model with representative agent is able to generate time series of returns that replicate such stylized facts if the risk aversion coefficient is allowed to change endogenously over time in response to unexpected excess returns under evolutionary forces. The same model, under constant risk aversion, would instead generate returns that are essentially Gaussian. We conclude that an endogenous time-varying risk aversion represents a very parsimonious way to make the model match real data on key statistical properties, and therefore deserves careful consideration from economists and practitioners alike.  相似文献   

As downside risk has been identified as a separate risk exposure to investors, we investigate whether downside beta and co-skewness exposure impact on the return to investors in Australian equities. Although considered as a developed market, the Australian Securities Exchange merits separate investigation, as it is small and concentrated on some sectors, when compared with the major developed markets. As realized returns are a proxy for expected returns, we separately examine conditional returns in upturn and downturn periods. We find that both downside risks are separately priced by investors, and that our results are unaffected by the inclusion of a range of company characteristics. We subsequently confirm that returns to each downside risk are not related. In robustness tests, we conclude that the return to downside risk cannot be explained by a size, a value, or a momentum premium. Although it also has explanatory power, the inclusion of a leverage factor also does not reduce the explanatory power of downside risk.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a general model to analyse the effects of regulation on company risk. In particular, we consider two determinants of systematic risk: the company's overall risk and the correlation between the regulated company's value and the market. Theoretical findings indicate that, as regulation gets stricter, the company's abnormal returns will turn negative whereas the two systematic risk components will increase, and vice versa. We use event analysis elements and a time‐varying beta estimation to verify the regulation impact on risk and returns in the English electricity distribution industry. We find that systematic risk varies significantly during the period considered in our analysis. Furthermore, the analysis points to negative relationships between abnormal returns and both market correlation and overall risk variations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the adjustment dynamics of hedge fund returns and studies their exposure to risk factors in a nonlinear framework for several types of strategies over the last two decades. Nonlinearity is justified by distortions due to the use of short selling, leverage, derivatives and illiquid assets for hedge fund strategies. Among nonlinear models, switching regime (STR) models are applied to reproduce the dynamics of hedge fund returns. This nonlinear multivariate modeling has the advantage of capturing the time-varying exposure of hedge fund strategies to risk factors, and of specifying the asymmetric relationship between hedge fund returns and risk. The findings are interesting and provide several contributions to the hedge fund literature. First, we show that the dynamics of hedge fund returns exhibit significant asymmetry and nonlinearity, indicating that they evolve and vary asymmetrically in accordance with stages in financial cycles. Second, hedge fund exposure to risk factors also varies over time, depending on the strategy and the regime. Finally, our modeling captures the most important changes in hedge fund exposure to risk factors induced by the recent global financial crisis (2008–2009).  相似文献   

This study examines the predictability of expected excess returns from eight emerging bond markets within an international asset pricing framework. Two sets of instruments are used, which include both world and local factors, to forecast emerging bond returns. Besides investigating the influence of the macroeconomic factors in specific countries on bond returns in those countries, this study also divides local factors into macroeconomic and financial factors. Unlike previous studies, we apply macroeconomic instruments that contain more information on excess returns as a proxy for local risk factors via principal component analysis methodology. The information variable approach enables the prediction of excess bond returns based on world and local factors and facilitating understanding of the degree of integration between emerging bond markets and developed bond markets. The results indicate that the bond market in emerging world is partially integrated to that in the developed world and the predictability of local factors that include both financial and macroeconomic information variables can forecast around 25–66% of the returns of emerging bonds. Incorporating the macroeconomic variables increases the explanatory power of the model. Both world and country-specific local instruments can forecast excess bond returns, but local instruments appear to be better predictors of such returns, particularly the local credit spread to US. Additionally, this study finds that investor risk aversion is significant among most of sample countries.  相似文献   

This paper tests whether the variation in expected futures returns reflects rational pricing in an efficient market or weak-form market inefficiency. The issue is investigated by looking at the abnormal performance of a trading rule based on available information. Once one allows for time-varying risk and time-varying risk premia, the investment strategy can be used consistently to generate abnormal returns in seven out of 26 markets. With relatively few exceptions therefore, the predictable movements in futures returns reflect weak-form market efficiency. The paper also shows that wrongly assuming constant expected returns may lead to incorrect inferences regarding market efficiency.
(J.E.L.: G14, G12).  相似文献   

Research indicates that regulatory risk increases required return on investment by investors and causes underinvestment in industries with high sunk costs. The effects of regulatory changes may be measured by estimating the abnormal returns associated with the event. The results may suggest to regulators what should be encouraged or avoided. This article utilizes a fixed effects regression to examine abnormal returns from changes in Philippine nationalization regulations. The results are consistent with extant literature. Supreme Court decisions, which increased uncertainty and regulatory risk, produced negative abnormal returns. The initial release of draft implementing rules did not produce statistically significant effects, but a succeeding draft favouring liberalization, produced positive abnormal returns.  相似文献   

The evidence on the inter-temporal relation between idiosyncratic risk and future stock returns is conflicting and confusing. We shed new light on the issue using a more flexible econometric approach based on [Hamilton, J.D. 1989. A new approach to the economic analysis of nonstationary time series and the business cycle. Econometrica, 57, 357–384.] regime switching model that accommodates the parameter instability of the forecasting relation between returns and financial variables. We find strong evidence suggesting that idiosyncratic risk is related to future stock market returns only in the low variance regime.  相似文献   

The risk attitudes of dry land wheat, irrigated corn, and dairy producers in Kansas are examined using the nonlinear mean–standard deviation approach. Results of analyses indicated that dryland wheat and dairy producers are characterized by increasing absolute and increasing relative risk aversion while irrigated corn producers are characterized by constant absolute and increasing relative risk aversion. Both crop enterprises exhibited constant returns to scale technology while the dairy enterprise exhibited decreasing returns to scale. Gross farm income was significant and positively related to relative risk aversion.  相似文献   

This paper considers the implications of the assumption of constant returns to scale in expected utility maximizing models of the competitive firm or industry in which markets for risk are absent. Under widely used assumptions about risk preferences it is shown that with constant returns to scale average profits are more than necessary to cover the implicit costs of risk-bearing. When the free entry of identical firms is possible this assumption about technology is shown to be incompatible with the assumption that entrepreneurs are risk averse.  相似文献   

When applying a differences-in-differences approach, equity returns and the equity premium are both estimated to be more than four percentage points higher after the introduction of a pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) system. In a realistically calibrated model, the PAYGO system is also found to increase the returns and the premium, although the effects are smaller than in the data. Intuitively, the system lowers asset prices, which in turn increases the importance of dividend risk. Since only equity is subject to dividend risk, equity returns become more volatile relative to bond returns.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that investors obtain abnormal returns by trading cryptocurrencies daily on the London Stock Exchange from 2014–2017. Excess returns persist once we account for systematic risk, size, value, momentum, profitability and investment. Investor abnormal returns in cryptocurrencies implies inefficiency.  相似文献   

We provide theory for calculating bounds on both the value of an individual?s human capital and the return on an individual?s human capital, given knowledge of the process governing earnings and financial asset returns. We calculate bounds using U.S. data on male earnings and financial asset returns. The large idiosyncratic component of earnings risk implies that bounds on values and returns are quite loose. However, when aggregate shocks are the only source of earnings risk, both bounds are tight.  相似文献   

The water industry is in great need of further large investments to address existing severe water shortages worldwide which requires the participation of private sector investors. This industry is heavily infrastructure based and is therefore saddled with fixed assets-in-place or illiquid assets. This exposes the industry to what is termed as ‘illiquidity risk’, and hence, investors in this industry should be compensated for bearing this risk with an appropriate return premium (i.e. extra return). In this study, we provide evidence as to whether illiquidity risk indeed significantly affects returns in this industry. We examine the case of all 76 firms that compose the five major global water indices. After controlling for other factors that impact on returns, our results suggest that asset illiquidity is positively associated with stock returns. Specifically, water firms with a larger proportion of illiquid assets-in-place are observed to have greater stock returns than those with a smaller proportion of illiquid assets. Our results have important implications for the financing of water-related projects particularly those which involve the participation of investors from the private sector.  相似文献   

Given some debate on the empirical idiosyncratic risk-return relation in the literature, we reexamine the relation using a quantile regression approach based on the prospect theory developed by Kahneman and Tversky [1979]. The quantile regression approach allows the coefficient on the independent variable (idiosyncratic risk) to vary across the distribution of the dependent variable (return). Our sample consists of stocks traded on the NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ during 1980–2010: 80,324 firm-year observations and 8,123 firms in total. The quantile regression results show that idiosyncratic risk is positively (negatively) related to returns at the high (low) quantiles of returns. The findings are consistent with the prospect theory that investors have a tendency to be less (more) willing to gamble with profits (losses). The results also demonstrate that the least-squares and least-sum optimization methods commonly used in prior research do not capture the relations between idiosyncratic risk and returns at the tail parts of the distribution of returns. Therefore, our empirical results provide new insights into the idiosyncratic risk-return relation in the literature.  相似文献   

We investigate a global cross-sectional relation between idiosyncratic risk moments and expected stock returns by suggesting three global idiosyncratic volatility, skewness, and kurtosis risk factors. We also suggest two global small minus big and high minus low risk proxies for estimating return residuals of the test assets from a global asset pricing model. To perform robustness checks, we suggest other four global risk factors of momentum, leverage, bid-ask spread, and liquidity. We find a significant negative relation between stock portfolio returns and the global moments, and the cross section of stock returns reflects a significant negative price of risk for global idiosyncratic skewness (?0.13%) and idiosyncratic volatility (?1.85%) and a positive and significant price of risk for global idiosyncratic kurtosis. We find that our suggested risk factors are key drivers of risk premia in stock market and are robust to various checks. These factors also can forecast the gross domestic product growth over the sample period.  相似文献   

This investigation provides evidence and identifies two important structural changes in the risk characteristics of real estate investment trusts (REITs), namely, the 1993 tax reform and the inclusion of REITs in the mainstream S&P indices in 2001. Using daily data from 1989 to 2008, this study finds that institutional investors tended to increase their investment in REITs following the 1993 tax reforms, and these increases in institutional investment are significantly reducing exposure to interest rate risk, which may result from the benefits of external monitoring. Additionally, the inclusion of REITs in the Standard and Poor's mainstream indices since 2001 has increased the market risk of REITs, led to associated returns behaving more like those of stocks, and improved the market efficiency in processing new information. These observation results demonstrate these two structural changes in the risk characteristics of REIT returns. Finally, the study results confirm that the shape of the distribution of REIT returns varies among sub-samples, indicating that risk management is increasingly important.  相似文献   

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