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In this paper, I develop a dynamic general equilibrium model to study the sensitivity of house price changes with respect to credit constraints. I find that house prices are sensitive to changes of the down payment requirements if owner-occupied houses and rental houses are inelastically supplied. I then use the model to evaluate the housing boom during the 1995–2005 time period. I find that, under the assumption that owner-occupied housing and rental housing cannot be converted to each other, the increase in real household income and the decline in down payment requirements can explain a large fraction of the observed house price and price–rent ratio changes during the 1995–2005 time period. However, the model fails to match the interest rate changes during the 1995–2005 period.  相似文献   

"This paper analyzes the impact of the Baby Boom generation on macroeconomic relationships in the United States. Using quarterly postwar data, it finds that measures of population age composition influenced real interest rates, income, inflation, and unemployment. The demographic variables complement or dominate other economic variables in reduced-form macroeconomic specifications. The paper also projects how the aging of the generation may influence future macroeconomic activity."  相似文献   

This paper addresses two issues. The first is whether demographic change was plausibly responsible for the run‐up in stock prices over the last decade, and whether an attempt by the baby boom cohort to cash out of its investments in the period 2010–2030 might lead to an “asset meltdown”. The second issue is whether the rise in dependency that will accompany the retirement of the baby‐boom cohort calls for an increase in national saving. We analyze these issues using a forward‐looking macro‐demographic model, and show that they are related via the existence of installation costs for capital. If such costs are sufficiently large, then demographics do have the power to affect stock prices, but “saving for America's old age” is less optimal. However, conventional estimates of capital installation costs are not large enough to explain large stock price movements in response to actual demographic change.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamics of the price level in a continuous time monetary version of the Yaari-Blanchard overlapping generations model with capital accumulation. It is shown that there is an interaction between fiscal discipline and price stability when the government budget is intertemporally balanced. Relevant implications are that high debt and slow adjustment adversely affect both prices and capital accumulation. Received: April 2005, Accepted: November 2005 We are very grateful to Paulo Brito, the editor, and to an anonymous referee for helpful comments. We also thank seminar participants at the University of Rome for useful discussions. Financial support from MIUR is gratefully acknowledged. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

A government that cannot commit to future policy choices faces a trade-off that explains the level of debt. On the one hand, there is an incentive to increase debt and delay taxation, so as to reduce current distortions. On the other hand, inflating current prices lowers the real value of nominal debt and so there is a motive to reduce it now. The size of long-run debt will depend on the interaction of these two opposing incentives. The critical determinant is the willingness of households to substitute away from goods being taxed by inflation. Numerical simulations show that the model matches some qualitative and quantitative properties of U.S. policy variables, including the fact that wars are frequently financed with a mix of instruments. The theory interprets the unusual post-World War II inflation and fast liquidation of accumulated debt as being due to higher long-run debt and expenditure in the period leading up to the war.  相似文献   

李嘉图等价定理认为,政府的财政收入形式的选择,不会引起人们经济行为的调整。但是,现代经济学家们并非完全同意李嘉图的见解,无论是对其必要条件的检验还是对其结论的检验都存在着争论。而通过实证分析我国1989—2004年的政府发债分别与消费和投资的关系,可以得出结论:从历史数据来看,李嘉图等价定理在我国并不适用。  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the effect of globalization on government size and debt. Using panel heterogeneous cointegration techniques to a panel of developing and developed countries, it finds that globalization reduces government size and debt. In terms of components of globalization, government size is found to increase with trade openness but decreases with financial, social and political globalization. On the other hand, government debt increases with financial and trade openness but decreases with social and political globalization. The evidence is robust to different estimation methods and different samples. Our data also indicate unidirectional causality running from globalization measures to government size and debt.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in a stochastic endogenous growth model. Due to externalities in human capital accumulation, the market allocation is inefficient, thereby justifying government intervention. The uncertainty stemming from technological disturbances affects the growth rate, which can be explained by precautionary motives of risk averse agents. Fiscal policy means consist of a consumption tax, investment subsidies, and bonds. We obtain counter-acting growth effects of investment subsidies, which are differentiated with respect to deterministic and stochastic capital income components. The policy implications from the deterministic model are substantially extended in the stochastic context. A general rule for a welfare maximizing policy is derived, which is represented by a continuum of alternative tax-transfer-schemes. We discuss three benchmark cases, which crucially differ with respect to their implications regarding the size of the government expenditure share.  相似文献   

我国政府性债务无序扩张对金融体系安全产生何种影响是研究的热点问题。文章构建了包括宏观经济内部安全、宏观经济外部安全、金融市场运行安全3个模块,共计15个指标的金融体系安全指数,并引用2001-2012年的数据进行测度,进而采用数据模拟的方法建立政府性债务和金融体系安全指数的非线性模型。结果发现,我国政府性债务与金融体系安全之间存在阈值效应,时间节点在2010年,阈值为64.6960万亿元,自此以后,金融体系安全指数随政府性债务规模扩大呈现超线性上升趋势,我国政府性债务已经成为威胁金融体系安全的重大隐患,亟需建立有效的约束框架维护金融体系安全。  相似文献   

Government risk premiums in the bond market: EMU and Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on risk premiums paid by central governments in Europe and sub-national governments in Germany, Spain, and Canada, using data for bond yield spreads for the period 1991–2005. We find that risk premiums by central governments respond positively to debt and deficits; German states enjoyed a favourable position in financial markets before EMU but not thereafter; Spanish and Canadian provinces risk premiums over the whole period; German and Spanish sub-central governments pay liquidity-related interest rate premiums; Canadian and German provinces/states that benefit from fiscal equalization lower spreads. This is evidence of market discipline at work and of credibility of the EU no-bailout clause.  相似文献   

In the context of a neoclassical growth model with monopolistic competition, this paper studies the stabilizing effects of countercyclical tax policy when the income tax rate has an additional role of financing government budget deficits. Consistent with the conventional wisdom, countercyclical taxes generally reduce aggregate volatility, unless the fiscal response to debt accumulation is weak. The presence of monopoly power enhances these effects. Even when automatic stabilizers successfully stabilize business cycle fluctuations, countercyclical taxes are welfare inferior, due to reduced precautionary saving motives. While, if the fiscal response to debt is weak and countercyclical tax policy destabilizing, the increased precautionary saving motive is not welfare enhancing as the asset accumulated is government debt rather than capital. These results are generally robust. Nominal inertia may, however, dominate the precautionary saving mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the sustainability of Portuguese public finances, making use of a long dataset with more than a full century of observations. The use of such a long dataset is appropriate because both the unit root and co-integration tests on which the sustainability testing procedure is based require a long period of data. We find considerable evidence in favor of sustainability for the 1903–2003 period which is not, however, maintained for the more recent 1975–2003 period, as it is characterized by the largest GDP deficit ratios of our sample. This latter period appears to signal a shift to an unsustainable path in Portuguese fiscal policy. Hence, our results suggest that fiscal consolidation efforts must, in fact, be continued in Portugal.Paper presented at the 2004 CESifo-LBI Conference on “Sustainability of Public Debt”, October 22–23 2004, Munich.  相似文献   

This article is linked to some recent attempts at including a noncapacity creating autonomous expenditure category as the driver and determinant of growth into Kaleckian distribution and growth models. Whereas previous contributions have focussed on taming Harrodian instability, generated by the deviation of the goods market equilibrium rate of capacity utilization from a normal or target rate, we rather focus on the so-far neglected issues of deficit, debt, and distribution dynamics in such models. For this purpose, we treat the growth of government expenditures on goods and services, financed by credit creation, as the exogenous growth rate driving the system. We examine the long-run convergence of the system toward such a growth rate, analyze the related debt dynamics, and deal with stability and income distribution issues. Finally, we touch upon the economic and, in particular, fiscal policy implications of our model results.  相似文献   

Increasing the independence of a central bank from political influence, although ex-ante socially beneficial and initially successful in reducing inflation, would ultimately fail to lower inflation permanently. The smaller anticipated policy distortions implemented by a more independent central bank would induce the fiscal authority to decrease current distortions by increasing the deficit. Over time, inflation would increase to accommodate a higher public debt. By contrast, imposing a strict inflation target would lower inflation permanently and insulate the primary deficit from political distortions.  相似文献   

曹均伟 《财经研究》2007,33(6):123-132
文章回顾和总结了在抗日战争时期严峻的经济形势下国民政府的利用外资政策,着重对国民政府开展的易货借款、铁路借债、合资经营和合作技术等利用外资措施进行了研究,最后对国民政府在抗战期间的利用外资政策和措施进行了评价,肯定其积极的意义,同时也揭示了其历史局限性。  相似文献   

This article investigates the direction of Granger-causality between debt and growth in the G7 countries using quarterly data from 1980 to 2013. We analyse the causal structure both in level data using the Toda and Yamamoto causality test, and with differenced data by means of dynamic impulse response analysis. Results indicate that growth causes debt rather than the other way around. We find the effect of growth on debt to be unambiguously negative in all cases of significant causality, but to be a short- to medium-run phenomenon with no lasting impact. We also find that results are sensitive to the sample period, with causality from growth to debt much more prevalent when the sample period includes the recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

入世后,我国金融市场的发展蕴藏着诸多不确定因素,这对金融监管提出了更高的要求。金融监管部门从我国金融业的发展与国家的金融安全角度出发,必须及时调整监管重心和监管方式。通过放松管制,促进金融市场发育,加强监管机构之间的协调配合,提高国内金融机构竞争力,乃防范金融风险的根本途径。  相似文献   

The recent literature has shown that income inequality is one of the main causes of borrowing and debt accumulation by working households. This article explores the possibility that household indebtedness is an important cause of rising income inequality. If workers experience rising debt burdens, their cost of job loss may rise if they need labor-market income to continue borrowing and servicing existing debt. This, in turn, will reduce their bargaining power and increase income inequality, inducing workers to borrow more to maintain consumption standards, and so creating a vicious circle of rising inequality, job insecurity, and indebtedness. We believe that these dynamics may have contributed to observed simultaneous increases in income inequality and household debt prior to the recent financial crisis. To explore the two-way interaction between inequality and debt, we develop an employment rent framework that explicitly considers the impact of workers’ indebtedness on their perceived cost of job loss. This is embedded in a neo-Kaleckian macro model in which inequality spurs debt accumulation that contributes to household consumption spending and hence demand formation. Our analysis suggests that (a) workers’ borrowing behavior plays a crucial role in understanding the character of demand and growth regimes; (b) debt and workers’ borrowing behavior play an important role in the labor market by influencing workers’ bargaining power; and (c) through such channels, workers’ borrowing behavior can be a decisive factor in the determination of macroeconomic (in)stability.  相似文献   

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