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解决中央与地方矛盾的关键是实行经济性分权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

自1994年以来我国实施的分税制改革,取得了巨大成就,同时也存在不少总是,笔通过对现阶段中央与地方税收关系的分析,提出一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

理顺中央与地方的财政关系,走出困境的出路,就在于突破现存的体制框架,建立起中央与地方相对独立的分级财政,实行分税制。在此基础上,对与现代商品经济发展和我国具体国情相适应的分税制模式,进行了总体设计。作为长期目标,应选择彻底的分税制,即实行税种基本分开、立法基本分开、管理基本分开,从而将中央与地方财政关系纳入到规范化、法制化的轨道。作为中期构想,则应在抓好试点、探索经验的基础上,逐步从分类分成制过渡到分成分税制,从而把改革的彻底性与渐进性结合起来,力图保证现存体制向目标体制的平滑过渡。  相似文献   

财权与事权的分配关系是中央与地方权力结构产生变化的重要内容。当前我国财政体制下,中央与地方财权和事权不匹配,出现了中央与地方事权与支出责任不清晰、地方财权和事权不对称、政治集权与经济分权的矛盾等现实问题。这些问题主要由事权的法律规定不明确、财权的过度集中、中央的权威性思考、晋升激励制度等原因所造成,建议合理划分事权与财权、公开事权和财权划分、转变政府之间交流方式以及转变地方政府责任方向,以期实现财权和事权的匹配和中央与地方权力结构的均衡。  相似文献   

本文对改革以来中央与地方间所形成的新关系进行了较为深刻的分析。作者认为,改革以来在中央与地方之间所出现的资源分配新格局,从根本上看,是商品经济发展的要求,那种基于一系列理论误区而产生的集中资源分配权的主张有悖于商品经济运行的原则。目前的资源分配格局并非完善无缺,它只是提供了进一步改革的基础,因此,建立权力均衡机制,中央和地方共同担负起协调经济发展的任务,应是我们未来的选择。  相似文献   

理解当代中国的中央与地方关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建国以来,中央与地方关系始终处于动态演进过程之中。在传统计划经济时期,中央与地方关系的演进特点是收权与放权的往复循环;改革开放之后,以财税体制改革和政府机构改革为重点,中央与地方关系得到了相应的调整,中国经济与政治体制改革取得了显著成效。尽管如此,中央与地方关系因其复杂性和历史惯性而出现了诸如集权与分权的程度之争、事权与财力的匹配之争、中央与地方的强弱之争等矛盾,解决这些矛盾的方式方法反过来影响了宏观经济稳定和微观经济活力。为今之计是进一步推进经济与政治体制改革,探索包括转变政府职能、建立公共财政体系和优化政府权力结构在内的中央与地方关系。  相似文献   

Summary. We describe a new approach to the problem of resolving distributional conflicts between an infinite and countable number of generations. We impose conditions on the social preferences that capture the following idea: If preference (or indifference) holds between truncated paths for infinitely many truncating times, then preference (or indifference) holds also between the untruncated infinite paths. In this framework we use such conditions to (1) characterize different versions of leximin and utilitarianism by means of equity conditions well-known from the finite setting, and (2) illustrate the problem of combining Strong Pareto and impartiality in an intergenerational setting.Received: 8 May 2002, Revised: 12 June 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: D63, Q01.Correspondence to: Geir B. AsheimWe thank Kaushik Basu, Marc Fleurbaey, David Miller, Tapan Mitra, Lars-Gunnar Svensson, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments. Asheim gratefully acknowledges the hospitality of the Stanford University research initiative on the Environment, the Economy and Sustainable Welfare, and financial support from the Hewlett Foundation through this research initiative.  相似文献   

We analyze debt choice in light of taxes and moral hazard. The model features an infinite sequence of nonzero-sum stochastic differential games between equity and debt. Closed-form expressions are derived for all contingent-claims. If equity can increase volatility without reducing asset drift, callable bonds with call premia are optimal. Although callable bonds induce risk shifting, call premia precommit equity to less frequent restructuring and are tax-advantaged. Convertible bonds mitigate risk shifting, but only induce hedging if assets are far from the default threshold. Convertibles are optimal only if risk shifting reduces asset drift sufficiently.  相似文献   

Using a global sample, this study sketches the impact of insurance regulations on the life insurance sector, revealing a significant negative association between supervisory control on policy conditions of life annuities as well as pension products and the development of the industry. A similar inverse relation is observed between the index of capital requirements and insurance development. These results hold when we control for demographic factors, economic factors, religious inclination, culture, as well as for other relevant regulations. We also find some evidence that while the overall supervisory power does not matter, the ability to intervene at an early stage could have a positive effect on insurance development. Additionally, the impact of some regulations appears to differ between advanced and developing countries.  相似文献   

Starting from the empirical literature concerning the analysisof industrial districts, this paper focuses on the importanceof industrial policies in supporting the development and consolidationof local production systems. Here, institutions and marketsare envisaged as equally important for long-term performance.The objective is to propose a conceptual framework for the formulationof public policies that places organisational learning at thecentre of interest.  相似文献   

Rita Almeida 《Applied economics》2013,45(16):2201-2213
This article investigates whether the agglomeration of economic activity in regional clusters affects long-run manufacturing Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth in an emerging market context. We explore a large firm-level panel dataset for Chile during a period characterized by high growth rates and rising regional income inequality (1992–2004). Our findings are clear-cut. Locations with greater concentration of a particular sector have not experienced faster TFP growth during this period. Rather, local sector diversity was associated with higher long-run TFP growth. However, there is no evidence that the diversity effect was driven by the local interaction with a set of suppliers and/or clients. We interpret this as evidence that agglomeration economies are driven by other factors such as the sharing of access to specialized inputs not provided solely by a single sector, e.g. skills or financing.  相似文献   

Since the recent financial crisis along with more concentration of banking supervision, we have stepped into a new regulatory regime where multiple regulations are at play simultaneously. In this paper, we study the collective impacts of multiple regulations on credit creation in a heterogeneous banking system. Each single regulation imposes a constraint on credit creation for each bank, while with multiple regulations, only the most stringent one plays the determinant role on money supply. For the homogeneous banking system with identical balance sheets, they share the same binding regulation. In contrast, for the heterogeneous banking system with diverse balance sheets, the binding regulation for each bank may be different from other's. Those banks, who are bound by different regulatory constraints from homogeneous banks, would bring about an overall reduction in money supply, because those binding regulations impose a lower capacity (compared with the one in the case of homogeneous banks) for the banks to extend their balance sheets in this condition. We put forward an agent-based model of commercial banks integrated with two processes: credit creation and fund transfer, to demonstrate the reduction effect. The results facilitate the understandings of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy via banks and its interaction with prudential regulations.  相似文献   

Using US county-level data, we explore how economic diversity influenced economic stability over the period of the Great Recession. We find that higher diversity is associated with greater stability, but there are distinct spatial patterns and the relationship does not hold for much of the central part of the US.  相似文献   

The influence of the transfer payments from the central government to the local governments on the local governments' efforts on taxation must be taken into consideration by every country for the design of the transfer payments. Based on the theoretical analysis on the influence of the transfer payments from the central government to the local governments on the local governments'payments, this paper indicates that the local governments'efforts on taxation depends on the demand elasticity of the district for public goods. It increases with the increase of the elasticityλ.Judge the degree of the local government's efforts on taxation by measureλ. After an empirical analysis on the transfer payments from the central government to the local governments from 2000 to 2004, thins paper gets the conclusion that the local governments'efforts on taxation abates with the increase of supporting payments or with the increase of the ratio of transfer payments to local willing public payments. Under specific circumstances, the higher the ratio of transfer payments to the local fiscal expenditure is, the smaller the local governments' efforts on taxation is under the central payments, whereas the higher the local income is, the higher the efforts is under the eentral payments. Based on this. this paper gives the meanmg of its corresponding policies.  相似文献   

浅谈亚洲象保护中人象冲突现象的实质及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对野生动物,尤其是濒危、珍贵野生动物实施保护是贯彻科学发展观,进行生态文明建设的需要.在争夺生存空间的人象冲突中,需要特别维护当地人的基本环境权利,而构建长效的生态效益补偿机制是根本性的出路.  相似文献   

There are two unresolved puzzles in the foreign exchange literature. The unbiasedness puzzle – the finding of a marked difference in the conclusion about the forward rate unbiasedness hypothesis depending on whether the hypothesis is tested using the forward rate equation or forward premium equation, and the forward premium puzzle – the fact that more often than not the forward premium incorrectly predicts the direction of the subsequent change in the spot rate. This paper resolves both puzzles.  相似文献   

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