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8月的新造船市场不仅保持前几个月的旺盛势头,而且成交量也有所放大.全月散货船和油船成交量达2000万载重吨,与上月1840万载重吨相比,涨幅达8.7%。特别是在8月的第三周,新船成交达1045万载重吨,市场兴旺程度不言而喻。对于各船型的表现而言,VLCC表现最为突出,全月新船成交突破840万载重吨,创出近几年单月成交量新高。在新造船市场活跃的同时,部分船型价格也有所上涨。  相似文献   

General of economic performance 1.Three major economic indicators comparison of China, Japan and Korea in January-July In January-July 2011, China accomplished shipbuilding output stood at 38.46 million dwt, accounted for 42% of the global market; Korea accomplished shipbuilding output stood at 29.67 million dwt, accounted for 32.4% of the global market;  相似文献   

据江苏省船舶工业行业协会统计,2008年该省8家主要造船企业交付使用船舶119艘、515.025万载重吨,吨位比上年同期增长32.17%,首次突破500万载重吨大关,创出历史最高水平。本文将对江苏主要船企2008年生产业绩、产品结构和国际市场做一下综合分析。  相似文献   

9月15日,美国有着158年历史的第四大投资银行雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)向法院正式申请破产保护,美林银行(Merrill Lynch)被收购以及美国国际集团(AIG)寻求美联储(FED)750亿美元左右的贷款援助,所有这一切显示出美国次贷危机远比想象的更为严重。雷曼兄弟的倒下使其成为这场持久不息的信贷危机的最大牺牲品。在这场危机中,各家银行接连陷入亏损,有的不得不进行并购重组,数家商业银行甚至关门大吉。亚洲信贷市场也将受到波及。  相似文献   

China's shipbuilders faced with great difficulties China's fledgling shipbuilding industry is set for more hard times as industry insiders have indicated that the global shipbuild- ing industry is unlikely to recover in the near future. New ship- building orders received by China in the first quarter of this year fell 98.3 percent year-on-year to 0.19 million deadweight tons (dwt), according to Clarkson Research Service. In the first quarter, new orders have fallen by 97 percent to 1.33 million dwt worldwide.  相似文献   

目前看来.全球宏观经济环境持续恶化,负面消息不断出现,船东观望态势明显,船市成交低迷,船厂面临的危机开始显现。同时银行紧缩造船基金.全球最大船舶融资银行——德国北方银行将着手对主要业务进行重组。据海外媒体称。该银行将大幅削减集装箱船基金,幅度预计将达到一半,这也将极大的影响船舶融资市场。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):557-582
This article analyses the decline of the Danish shipbuilding industry. European shipyards dominated global shipbuilding markets in the first half of the twentieth century, but began to be challenged by the Japanese from the 1950s and by the South Koreans from the late 1970s. More recently, China has taken over large slices of the global shipbuilding market and currently is the world's largest shipbuilding nation. As a result of this new competition, European shipyards closed en masse and Europe experienced a process of maritime deindustrialisation in the 1970s and 1980s. Danish shipyards were not immune to these challenges, although maritime deindustrialisation in this country was almost two decades later than in many other European countries. This article examines how Denmark was able to escape this general maritime deindustrialisation for so long and offers three explanations: institutional, entrepreneurial and political.  相似文献   

In the fourth quarter of 2008, the shipbuilding industry entered the downturn period, with the weak global shipping market adding more pressure. The shipbuilding industry is almost frozen, and the companies' busi-ness performances result turned in red all at once. While the industry leaders and experts were shocked at the weak-ness, the supporting industries of this sector, which used to be dependent on shipbuilding industry, have begun a quick development in Nantong, Weihai, Wuzhou and other places, stirring the "dead" shipbuilding industry. Just after the lunar New Year, as one of the ten re- vitalization plans, shipbuilding industry stimulus plan was issued, and the policy has a clear favor of ship machinery manu-facturing industry, than shipbuilding in-dustry.  相似文献   

As part of the ten industrial revitalization plan,shipbuilding industry attracts the society's attention.According to the latest data from China Association of National Shipbuilding Industry,in the first quarter of 2009,there was hardly any new ship order,while the key shipbuilding companies under monitoring only got new ship orders of 440,000 dead weight tonnes(DWT),down by 95.6% from those of the same period in 2008.  相似文献   

2008年下半年以来,世界船舶市场突然下跌。与历次船舶市场变化情况相似,世界经济环境的突变并非在一夜之间酝酿而成的.世界经济大环境的变化对船舶市场的影响是一个最主要的原因,这也是一个从量变到质变逐步变化.发展到突变的过程。  相似文献   

The shipbuilding industry is known as “the head of comprehensive industries” among all national sectors, due to its wide-linked production line, long production process, and huge investment for each order. single order to build a 10,000-ton vessel can provide 3,000 jobs for shipbuilders and related upstream industries. At present, China has become the world's second largest shipbuilder. In 2008, China shipbuilding capacity amounted to 2,881 million tons, 29.5% of the world total; China's ship orders accounted for 35.3% of the world total, and 37.7% of new orders.  相似文献   

近年来,韩国政府,企业和研究机构一致认为,韩国的造船工业要以设计和技术开发为先导,取得突破,成为实际意义上的造船第一。强大的设计和技术研发阵容设计和技术研发的成败关键在人才。韩国的大型造船企业在该领域拥有强大的团队。  相似文献   

作为一种全球认可、通用、可荤复使用的生产、产品或服务规则.国际标准正从消费者关注和生产者关注拓展到包括环境在内的社会关注.对节能、资源节约、环境保护、公共安全和健康等方面的技术要求越来越多地被制订成国际标准在全球推广。尽管大多数国际标准为自愿性标准.但由于其用户基础和国际社会认同的广泛性和网络性.这种自愿性标准往往成为事实上的强制性标准.并演变成产业技术垄断、产业进入壁垒和贸易技术壁垒.对国际贸易格局和产业分工格局产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

2008年,在全球航运和造船市场经历了天翻地覆般变化的形势下.日本造船业保持了相对稳健的发展态势.表现出较强的抵御外部变化的能力。然而,从产业整体发展的角度看.2008年是日本造船业难尽人意的一年,产业发展的亮点不多.年初时诸多值得期待的发展计划也未能取得实质性进展,让人不免失望。或许,对于一个处于成熟期后期的产业,我们本来就不能有太高的期望。  相似文献   

2009年。在韩国、中国、日本等主要造船国家受到国际金融危机强烈冲击而急转直下之际.俄罗斯和巴西的造船业却通过“国轮国造”政策、引进战略合作伙伴、投资建设新船厂等举措逆势而上.成为2009年全球造船业最为抢眼的两只“潜力股”。  相似文献   

As one of the important global automotive industry events that are worthiest of being participated in and devoted into in 2009, The 13th International Automobile & Manufacturing Technology Exhibition ("Auto Shanghai 2009") themed on "Art of Innovation" will take place April. 22- 28, 2009 at the Shanghai New International Exhibition Centre with a brand new Vision.  相似文献   

在全球金融危机对造船业带来冲击的情况下,加快产业结构调整,优化行业组织结构。愈发成为保持我国造船业健康发展的关键课题。本刊在本期推出涉及航运业、造船业兼并重组以及产业政策的一组文章.供读者参考。  相似文献   

In the year of 2006, China produced and sold over 7.2 million automobiles, representing a year-on-year growth of more than 25%. In this regard, China has become .the second largest market only to the U.S. for new autos. By the end of last year, the w total amount of autos owned by China stood around 40 million, and it was predicted that this figure would roar to 70 million 3 years later.[第一段]  相似文献   

全球造船产业经历了5年的超预期兴旺后,在金融危机的冲击下,市场形势急转直下。中国船舶工业行业协会常务副会长于世春认为,金融风暴对我国造船业的冲击和影响主要表现为“市场需求下滑、航运指数跌落、船舶订单减少、承接增速减缓、融资信贷收缩、撤单时有发生”。在全球经济风暴的席卷下,中国船舶工业的“冬季”已来临。在“寒冬”来临之时,我国中小型造船企业或者民营造船企业应如何应对?他们怎样才能顺利“过冬”?本文将就这些问题提出一些拙见。  相似文献   

继6月全球新造船市场放量成交之后,7月新造船市场又有突出表现。 新造船市场成交放量 在目前的市场环境下,7月新造船市场成交了600万载重吨,成交的船型主要是散货船。之前市场一直传言,金海湾船业有限公司将承接30艘散货船订单终于得到确认,其中包括12艘9.3万载重吨超巴拿马型散货船和18艘17.6万载重吨好望角型散货船。与此同时,浙江扬帆船公司赢得了广东蓝粤公司5艘5.7万载重吨散货船订单,这家船东还在厦门船厂订购了2艘5.7万载重吨散货船。中国台湾国际造船股份有限公司赢得了台湾电力公司4艘9.3万载重吨散货船订单。  相似文献   

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