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In this study, we examine in an agency‐theoretic context the influence of executive equity stakes upon corporate strategy and firm value. We argue that beneficial, risk‐increasing corporate strategies may initially be emphasized but non‐value‐maximizing, risk‐reducing strategies may subsequently be emphasized as managers expand their stock ownership. We alternatively contend that stock options may have a consistently positive impact on firm risk taking and acquisition returns. The empirical findings are supportive of our expectations. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research contends that internal capital should be allocated in proportion to divisional performance, but scholars are often puzzled to find that managers do not adhere to this winner-picking approach. We argue this is because scholarship has not incorporated corporate-level factors that influence how corporate managers structure holistic capital allocation strategies. In this study, we build on the behavioral theory of the firm to focus on analyst performance projections for multidivisional corporations and how they inform corporate managers' allocation strategies. Specifically, we theorize corporate managers deviate from the winner-picking allocation approach owing to search-related behaviors stemming from projected performance below or above expectations. We further theorize about conditions that offer corporate managers opportunities to deviate from winner-picking, focusing particularly on multidivisional relatedness and asset durability.  相似文献   

We conceptualize downsizing as an attempt to reduce organizational slack. We suggest that the degree to which downsizing will improve firm performance will be contingent on conditions under which the downsizing occurs. We emphasize the level of organizational slack as an important contingency, and also examine two other contingencies: (1) whether the scope of the downsizing is narrow (restricted to personnel reductions) or broad (involves organizational redesign); and (2) if the downsizing is conducted proactively (when performance is stable or improving) or reactively (when performance is declining). By analyzing a panel dataset of downsizings conducted by the 100 largest American industrial firms from 1977 to 1993, we find broad support for our hypotheses that downsizings are more likely to lead to improved performance when firms have high slack, when their scope of the downsizing is broad, and when the downsizing is done proactively. We also explore and find evidence for interactions among these contingencies. We discuss the implications of our findings for the literatures on downsizing and organizational slack. In doing so, we bring together two literatures that have an obvious affinity but have been only loosely coupled in the past. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines firms' responses to performance assessments relative to multiple aspiration levels. We argue that comparisons of performance to multiple aspiration levels over time affects the interpretative clarity of feedback and, consequently, shapes a firm's responsiveness. We further conceptualize the relationship between performance relative to social and historical aspirations as ambiguous, inconsistent, and consistent performance feedback. Empirically, we examine the effects—on firms' responsiveness—of weak, negative, and positive correlations between performance relative to social and historical aspirations, where responsiveness is measured in terms of new product introductions. We find that both inconsistent and consistent feedback increase a firm's responsiveness, whereas ambiguous feedback dampens responsiveness. Our focus on this type of feedback ambiguity is novel, and it establishes the functional form of the relationship between feedback clarity/ambiguity and responsiveness. This paper augments the behavioral theory of the firm and research on performance feedback; it also extends previous work on ambiguity in strategic decision making. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most work in strategy and organization theory assumes that performance feedback is straightforward to interpret and truthfully reported. We raise the following question: How might the systematic distortion of negative performance information affect organizational learning and future performance? We formulate a model where (1) members do not always report the truth about what they know about their performance level, especially when performance is below aspiration and (2) their propensity to distort information is subject to social influence. We find that organizations that are characterized by a high level of information distortion tend to perform more poorly but that the effect of a low rate of sugarcoating may, in some conditions, be more benign than the literatures seem to suggest. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explore the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) ratings on sell‐side analysts' assessments of firms' future financial performance. We suggest that when analysts perceive CSR as an agency cost they produce pessimistic recommendations for firms with high CSR ratings. Moreover, we theorize that, over time, the emergence of a stakeholder focus shifts the analysts' perceptions of CSR. Using a large sample of publicly traded U.S. firms over 15 years, we confirm that, in the early 1990s, analysts issue more pessimistic recommendations for firms with high CSR ratings. However, analysts progressively assess these firms more optimistically over time. Furthermore, we find that analysts of highest status are the first to shift the relation between CSR ratings and investment recommendation optimism. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research has found that downsizing is not generally followed by improved organizational performance. Using a sample of hospitals that recently downsized, we evaluate the effects on performance of the human resource management (HRM) practices used in layoffs. Strategic HRM theory suggests that practices can have an impact on performance outcomes. We find that showing consideration for employees' morale and welfare during downsizing is positively related both to perceived success of downsizing and to financial performance following layoffs. Advance notice of layoffs is positively related to subsequent financial performance, but the provision of extended insurance to laid‐off employees is negatively related to financial performance. Planned redesign of work structures is positively related to perceived success, but has neutral to negative effects on financial performance. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

自股权激励办法施行以来,股权激励作为一种降低代理成本的激励方式,被越来越多的上市公司所采用。然而实证发现,盈余管理会伴随股权激励发生,实行股权激励公司在业绩考核第一年存在显著的盈余管理现象,而业绩考核前一年并不存在。在影响盈余管理的因素上,公司选用考核范围更广的业绩指标能减少管理层进行盈余管理的动机,行权时长的增加会给管理层盈余管理造成一些困难,从而抑制管理层在后阶段盈余管理的行为。  相似文献   

The paper examines the antecedents and consequences of the voluntary adoption of corporate governance reform in firms embedded in a relationship‐based governance system with less protection of minority shareholders. In such locations, ownership structure should be a key determinant of governance reform. Firms with dispersed ownership are likely to face agency problems but may lack sufficient ownership power in the hand of external owners for adoption to occur. Extensive ownership by external parties facilitates adoption but decreases the need and motivation to adopt governance reform. We examined the adoption of stock‐based incentive plans and transparent accounting regulations (e.g., greater disclosure to shareholders) among large German firms (DAX 100) during the late 1990s. We found an inverse ‘U’‐shaped relationship between ownership concentration and governance reform. In addition, we found that firms adopting governance reform were more likely to engage in corporate divestitures and achieve higher levels of market performance than firms not adopting governance reform. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了研究管理层盈余预测与会计稳健性之间的关系,在梳理现有国内外有关管理层盈余预测与会计稳健性相关文献的基础上,通过分析归纳,提出了披露、自愿披露和披露"好消息"管理层盈余预测与会计稳健性关系的假设,细化了管理层盈余预测对会计稳健性影响研究。为验证上述假设,以Basu模型为基础,构建了多元回归模型,使用2013—2017年沪、深两市A股上市公司数据,实证检验了管理层盈余预测对会计稳健性的影响。结果表明:披露管理层盈余预测公司的会计稳健性显著降低;自愿披露管理层盈余预测比强制披露管理层盈余预测更能显著降低会计稳健性;"好消息"管理层盈余预测比"坏消息"管理层盈余预测更能降低会计稳健性。研究结果对完善中国管理层盈余预测制度、加强"坏消息"管理层盈余预测披露管理具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

We propose that the behavioral theory of the firm perspective on R&D search requires modification when applied to “communitarian” cultures such as Japan because reciprocity and embeddedness can influence the search decision. When performance exceeds aspirations, communitarian‐oriented firms are more inclined to use their privileged position to help their less fortunate stakeholders by engaging in additional R&D search that should yield greater payoffs for these stakeholders in the future. Our results indicate that while Japanese firms engage in “problemistic” search in a manner similar to what has been found in other contexts, they respond differently when performance exceeds expectations. We find that as performance rises above aspirations, communitarian‐oriented firms raise R&D search to a greater extent than do firms that lack a communitarian orientation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Does diversification affect firm response to stakeholder demands and social issues? Despite extensive interest in corporate diversification in the strategy literature, the relationship between diversification and corporate social performance (CSP) remains largely unexplored. In this study, I propose that the level of diversification will be positively related to the CSP of firms. However, when diversified firms have a strong focus on short‐term profit, it may discourage firm response to stakeholder demands and investment in social issues, thereby negatively moderating the positive relationship between the level of diversification and CSP. Empirical testing on a sample of U.S. firms generally supports my predictions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We utilized a multilevel approach to both estimate the relative importance of industry, corporate, and business segment effects on firm performance, as well as to demonstrate how it enables the investigation of specific strategic factors within each class of effects. Our results confirmed previous findings suggesting that although business segment effects carry the most relative importance, industry and corporate effects are also important. Among the findings regarding specific factors, we found that industry concentration and munificence, as well as the resource environment provided by corporate parents, impact performance. These findings suggest that investigators should consider both industry and corporate environments when examining performance. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that established firms need to balance their exploration and exploitation activities in order to achieve superior performance. Yet, previous empirical research has modeled this balance as the interaction of orthogonal activities. In this study, we show that there is a trade‐off between exploration and exploitation and that the optimal balance between exploration and exploitation depends upon environmental conditions. Using a novel methodology to measure the relative exploration versus exploitation orientation, we find an inverted U‐shaped relationship between the relative share of explorative orientation and financial performance. This relationship is positively moderated by the R&D intensity of the industry in which the firm operates. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research summary : This study draws on the resource‐based view and the behavioral theory of the firm to gain new insights about the effect of performance relative to aspiration level (i.e., performance feedback) on the decision to enter new markets. Results show an inverted U‐shaped relationship between performance both below and above aspiration level, and the probability of firms to enter new markets. That is, when firms are well below or well above their aspiration level, they significantly change their behavior. This article develops a theoretical framework to clarify and organize these findings. Managerial summary : This study examines the effect of performance feedback, and particularly, large discrepancies between firm performance and aspiration level on the decision to enter new markets. It provides support to the role of performance feedback in affecting the decision to enter new markets, a factor that has received relatively little attention in the extensive literature that has examined the inducements of such moves. Results show that, as performance falls below or rises above aspiration, a firm's probability of entering new markets increases up to a certain point after which this relationship decreases. This shows that the tendency to enter new markets is different for firms that are in the neighborhood of aspiration level compared to those that are well below or above it. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research summary: External stakeholders frequently attempt to influence organizations' adoption of new practices through the creation of public ratings. Based on the insights of performance feedback theory, we develop the theory of organizational reactions to external ratings to explain how firms' behaviors depend on their rating scores and their profitability. A central issue in our theory is the conflict between established internal goals and goals introduced by public ratings, with public ratings receiving lower priority than established profitability goals. Our theory suggests that, contrary to the expectations of the external stakeholders, firms targeted for criticism by ratings become less likely to adopt corresponding practices when their profitability is below aspirations. These arguments are supported in data on the diffusion of corporate governance practices in Canada. Managerial summary: Firms and their products are rated and ranked by external agencies ranging from Consumer Reports to magazine rankings of admired, environmental, or well‐governed companies. We investigate whether such ratings affect firm behaviors, and especially whether they can incentivize poorly rated firms to improve their ranking when these firms' profitability is also low. Using the leading corporate governance ranking in Canada, we find that rankings could have adverse effects: when firms have both poor governance ranking and poor profitability they are less likely to adopt governance practices, contrary to the ranking creators' intentions. The findings show that there is a hierarchy of firms' goals, where the goal of profitability comes ahead of other goals imposed by external agencies through ratings and rankings. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the choices of modes of entry and exit in the process of new business exploration. We find that exit mode choices are determined by a different set of factors from those that are important for the entry mode decision and the exit decision per se. Our study indicates that when the resource profiles of a parent firm and the business unit are more dissimilar, and there has been less development of firm‐specific idiosyncratic assets, firms are more likely to sell businesses than dissolve them. Further, the study reports a strong relationship between the mode of exit from a line of business (sell‐off vs. dissolution) and the original mode of entry (acquisition versus internal development). Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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