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4月21日,上海国际汽车展烽烟再起。Volvo汽车再聚麾下群英,以新锐的产品、豪华的阵营迎接来自全球的关注。这是继北京车展后,Volvo首次将上海车展提升为全球车展。强大的展车阵容,全球统一的展台,CEO亲临现场显示了Volvo公司对此次车展的重视。首次在中国上市的XC90V8行政级、首次与中国消费者见面的专为女性设计的YCC-妨的概念车、YCC女性设计师来华助阵,  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(3):295-306
Much of the attention surrounding blockchain today is focused on financial services, with very little discussion about nonfinancial services firms and how blockchain technology may affect organizations, their business models, and how they create and deliver value. In addition, some confusion remains between the blockchain (with definite article) and blockchain (no article), distributed ledger technologies, and their applications. Our article offers a primer on blockchain technology aimed at general managers and executives. The key contributions of this article lie in providing an explanation of blockchain, including how a blockchain transaction works and a clarification of terms, and outlining different types of blockchain technologies. We also discuss how different types of blockchain impact business models. Building on the well-established business model framework by Osterwalder and Pigneur, we outline the effect that blockchain technologies can have on each element of the business model, along with illustrations from firms developing blockchain technology.  相似文献   

We combine resource-based theory and social cognition theory to investigate the factors both limiting and related to between-period reputational change of young firms in a dynamic technology-based industry. An analysis of computer graphics chipmakers during the period 1992–2003 provides evidence that operational signals are related to reputational change. Specifically, receiving a product award in the current period is associated with positive change and gaps in product announcements are associated with negative change. We find little support for our hypothesis that the reputations of older firms are less likely to change.  相似文献   

Should you set up your own sales force or should you outsource it? The standard analysis is cost based and assumes that the direct sales force is a fixed cost and that the outsourced sales force's cost varies with sales. The standard analysis then calculates the sales volume at which the direct sales force's costs equal the outsourced sales force's costs and suggests that for sales volume above that quantity, firms should use a direct sales force. This analysis has two problems. First, several other cost factors are not considered in the standard analysis. Second, the standard analysis considers only cost, ignoring coverage efficiency and selling effectiveness differences between the two sales forces. Both problems will be detailed and developed in this paper.  相似文献   

新的一年又开始了,外贸人也开始了忙碌起来,参展、进行商务洽谈、参加商务酒会、拜访客户。在此时,个人的商务形象不仅可以体现自身的素养,也是衡量你所在企业素质的重要标志,而得体的西装是提升自身形象的不二法宝。但对于西装的基准认识,绝不能局限于它的品牌、原产地和价格。  相似文献   

近年来,中国的汽车市场发展迅速,相对而言中国的汽车消费者对汽车的知识了解掌握的较少。由于知识的缺乏,带来事故隐患,甚至酿成了灾难的后果也不鲜见。作为汽车媒体,有必要把这些知识介绍给读者,以求减少这方面的事故隐患。此文就介绍一下有关备用胎方面的情况。  相似文献   

A catastrophe theory model of small firm growth allows for an abrupt change in small firm size. The model permits only smooth changes in the endogenous independent variables, turnover and profitability, yet allows sudden changes in the level of assets, the size variable. But not all growth paths suggested by the mathematics are likely to be met in the real world. Nevertheless, there are feasible phases of steady growth as well as feasible phases during which jumps occur.  相似文献   

<正> 产品讯息泛指顾客和品牌的其他关系利益人由产品本身(包括功能、外表、耐用程度、使用禁忌)、价格、工业设计、售卖地点等接触点所获得和推断出来的讯息。具体地说,产品讯息的作用就在  相似文献   

情调营销即以情调为卖点的营销。作为情调营销的崭新工具,香气营销开始风行。香气营销的风行绝非偶然,它是由旺盛的需求和不足的供给共同推动的结果。作为新兴的品牌识别,香气识别凭借超凡的功效,开始成为新时代下品牌形象塑造的一大利器;相对于其他的社会阶层,香气营销应将其主要的目标群体锁定在日益扩大的中产阶层上;香气营销的应用前景看好;作为新兴的产业,国内嗅觉产业的可持续发展取决于法律、市场、观念等方面的合力,也就是知识产权的保护、中产阶层的规模、审美观念的流行等三方面条件的改善。  相似文献   

NEW YORK For Tony Hsieh, CEO at Zappos, meeting up with a customer at a bar in midtown Manhattan was perfectly natural. Most execs with 1,600 employees and doing over $1 billion in annual sales would probably pass on having drinks with an individual customer, but Hsieh is not your typical CEO. In the past week alone he had given away shoes on Twitter, sent out an open invitation to a company barbecue and solved a service problem a customer left in a blog comment. If this seems exhausting, Hsieh sees it as part of a larger strategy to build Zappos into a brand on par with Virgin.  相似文献   

Accelerating environmental change has allowed theorists and practitioners to envision an organisational entity known as the learning organisation. The phrase ‘learning organisation’ has existed in the literature for several decades. More than other writers, Senge has popularised the term in the 1990s. However, other writers have made significant contributions to this topic. Woolner, for example, developed a model that identified five distinct stages through which organisations progress on the way to becoming learning organisations. A needed link in the literature should portray a model of leadership and the stages of a learning organisation. The model proposed by this author utilises the three leadership behaviours of visioning, empowerment, and leading-learning, and is offered as a catalyst for improved practice as well as food for thought for researchers who aspire to build theoretical relationships between the topics.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects humour complexity and humour relatedness in humorous television commercials have on brand linkage. The research design combined a content analysis of humour characteristics in commercials and a field study among consumers. In the field study, participants were exposed to existing commercials with obscured brand names and asked to reproduce the brand names. Results showed an interaction effect between the two humour characteristics: brand-related humour led to stronger brand linkage than unrelated humour, but this effect was found only for complex humour. The implications of these findings for the practice of advertising are discussed.  相似文献   

在企业战略联盟中建立信任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今国际竞争背景下 ,战略联盟已经触及到了联盟参与者的核心竞争优势 ,随之而来的是公司与企业文化的深层次变化。企业联盟的成功涉及许多因素 ,信任是其中最重要的因素之一。所以在联盟的企业之间如何建立信任关系 ,如何在战略联盟中有效实施在管理者控制范围之内的信任管理机制尤为重要。  相似文献   

The shipbuilding contract was signed in Beijing for a 300,000 tons FPSO, which is a ship with biggest tonnage, highest price and newest technology that China has ever undertaken to build.Recently Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.-the affiliated company of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and China ConocoPhillips Co., Ltd.- the branch company of ConocoPhillips International Inc.,signed the shipbuilding contract in the Great Hall of the People. This means that Chinese shipbuilding industry has had a breakthrough progress in the field of ocean engineering.……  相似文献   

<正> "赖汤圆"是四川成都的名小吃,始创于1894年。1998年赖汤圆有限公司获得了国内贸易部授予的"中华老字号"称号。从最初的沿街挑担叫卖到今天年销售额达2 000多万元,并具有一定规模的商品化生产企业,这是该公司在商品经营上的极大成功,更是其经营思路和经营策略的成功实践。  相似文献   

The shipbuilding contract was signed in Beijing for a 300,000 tons FPSO, which is a ship with biggest tonnage, highest price and newest technology that China has ever undertaken to build.Recently Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.-the affiliated company of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and China ConocoPhillips Co., Ltd.- the branch company of ConocoPhillips International Inc.,signed the shipbuilding contract in the Great Hall of the People. This means that Chinese shipbuilding industry has had a breakthrough progress in the field of ocean engineering.  相似文献   

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