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经历了陌生、敌视和混乱之后,已有10年历史的中国猎头业终于得到了应有的尊重和认可  相似文献   

现任墨西哥总统的毕森特·福克斯,原先是可口可乐公司一名普通推销员.在总结自己的成功经验时,福克斯毫不掩饰地表示,主要得益于自己卓越的推销才华.福克斯说:从推销产品到推销自己,再到推销一个国家,这中间没有多少根本的区别.  相似文献   

For a new leader, the process of entering and establishing a position of leadership in a complex organization presents a major challenge. This challenge seems particularly acute when authority, goals and technology are ambiguous, as in many professional service organizations. In this paper, we integrate ideas from the literature on socialization and role theory as well as that on executive succession processes to view new leader integration as a mutual adjustment process between two trajectories – that of the organization and that of the new leader. It is argued that this may lead to four possible types of integration outcomes: assimilation, transformation, accommodation and parallelism. Drawing on a case study of a large hospital, the paper identifies several mechanisms that can be mobilized by the new leader to enhance his or her room for manœuvre as the integration process evolves. The mechanisms can be classified as collaborative or affirmative, with each type having different risks and advantages. The case analysis further reveals that leader integration processes may be differentiated between different activity domains, dynamic over time (as the use of one type of integration approach alters the potential for another later), and interactive across different activity domains (as events in one part of the organization have consequences for those occurring in another).  相似文献   

几千年来人类活动在陆地上取得翻天覆地的进步,而在海洋上的活动相比较而言变化较慢。主要原因不仅仅是科技的限制,也是海洋活动的组织形式长期没有突破。陆地上城市的组织形式由一开始的游牧聚落逐渐发展到后来的定居,接着在规模上由"村"到"镇",最后形成"城市"。海上城市和陆上城市最基本的区别在于一个在土地上、一个在水上。而实际上现代技术完全可以弥补两者的物质形态的差别,但是由于高昂的运营成本使得海上城市一时难以发展。设想,在现代技术的基础上,如果有一种商业模式可以平衡海上城市的运营成本,那么海上生活的梦想是不是离我们更进一步了呢?本文从城市的公共服务特性出发,在远洋渔业方面探索一个海上城市组织建设的模式。  相似文献   

In many ways the EU Reform Treaty represents an advance over the status quo: it streamlines decision-making and makes institutions more accountable. However, the Treaty ignores opportunities for important institutional reforms and is unlikely to provide strong constraints on institutional power or halt centralisation.  相似文献   

不得不承认.叶莺是个谜一样的女人。1997年元旦.叶莺弃政从商.出任柯达大中华区副主席、亚太区副总裁兼对外事务部总经理。8年时间里.她的美丽几乎没有任何改变.而她率领的柯达中国却越来越变得和她一样多彩。政治记者,外交官以及跨国公司高层.叶莺似乎永远有机会在顶级舞台展示其翩翩之美。在充满压力与无奈的现代社会.叶莺声称自己的每次抉择都出自自我的真心意愿.这使得她的几次转身都堪称完美。  相似文献   

一次,一位朋友很兴奋地拿一堆书给我,说这些书可以帮助中国的企业实现百年之梦.一看都是大部头的西方企业管理书.等我大致翻完之后,他迫切地问我感觉如何.  相似文献   

文章设计了一种以微控制器为核心,以步进电机和LCD为显示器件,对车速、发动机转速、行驶里程、冷却水温度及机油压力等参数进行了实时的测量和显示的CAN总线汽车仪表系统.关键调汽车仪表;CAN总线;ECU  相似文献   

经济发展是永恒主题,金融监管必须建立在有利于经济发展的基础上;同时,金融监管应适应金融发展的需要,并具有一定的前瞻性。本文介绍了美国和欧洲等国家和地区反思经济危机爆发的原因,提出改革金融监管的框架设想,并对如何构建我国的金融监管制度进行了分析。  相似文献   

Spatially distributed data exhibit particular characteristics that should be considered when designing a survey of spatial units. Unfortunately, traditional sampling designs generally do not allow for spatial features, even though it is usually desirable to use information concerning spatial dependence in a sampling design. This paper reviews and compares some recently developed randomised spatial sampling procedures, using simple random sampling without replacement as a benchmark for comparison. The approach taken is design‐based and serves to corroborate intuitive arguments about the need to explicitly integrate spatial dependence into sampling survey theory. Some guidance for choosing an appropriate spatial sampling design is provided, and some empirical evidence for the gains from using these designs with spatial populations is presented, using two datasets as illustrations.  相似文献   

In our assessment macroeconomic policy is now tighter as consequence of the Budget than we had assumed in February. We interpret the Budget speech as indicating higher interest rates (tighter monetary policy) and, in consequence, a stronger exchange rate. On this basis we find that the prospects for inflation are slightly better than before, though output is weaker. Additionally we forecast a PSBR in 1985-6 of £ 63/4bn, below the official forecast of £7.1bn but in line with our February forecast. Of £7.1bn but in line with our February forecast. Because output is lower, however, this implies a tighter fiscal policy.
The other main change to our forecast is unemployment. The changes to National Insurance Contribution scales represent a very cheap way of reducing the cost of employing the lower paid, and we estimate that these measures, together with the extension of the Youth Training Scheme and Community Programme, will create an extra 375,000 jobs and training places by 1988. However these effects are partially offset by the effects on output of the higher interest rates and higher exchange rate that we are now forecasting. When account is also taken of the increase in labour supply that follows any increase in employment, the net effect on unemployment is to reduce it by 300,000 by 1988 compared with our February forecast.  相似文献   

如果有跨国公司希望能安全地让中国去支配廉价的低端市场,而他们自己则专攻高附加值产品市场,这简直是在自欺欺人  相似文献   

王玫紫  远方图 《经营者》2013,(9):136-144
对于汽车贴膜,这次我们要刨根问底:贴不贴,为什么,如何贴。车主郑先生最近有些烦,他刚买了一辆新车,在4S店提车时被赠送了价值500元的太阳膜,当他提出希望更换成其他品牌的膜时,却被告之需要补交近1000元的差价。为什么表面看起来没有什么区别的膜,价格却大不同?而且身边还有朋友建议他压根儿就不要贴什么膜……郑先生糊涂了。  相似文献   

文章设计了一种以微控制器为核心,以步进电机和LCD为显示器件,对车速、发动机转速、行驶里程、冷却水温度及机油压力等参数进行了实时的测量和显示的CAN总线汽车仪表系统。  相似文献   

宣传部经理康文以前是一名普通 员工,后来因为工作表现突出,被提拔 为宣传部经理,他手下的员工,都是以 前工作过的同事,因此他与他们保持 着一种哥们儿关系。但最近员工晓伟 为私事耽搁了工作进度,康文以上司 的身份批评了他一顿。 今天他刚接近办公室,就听到晓 伟在抱怨:“真不知道经理这些天是怎 么了。前天下班时,他还和我们一块儿 出去吃饭,像以前一样有说有笑的。可 昨天他把我叫到办公室里,把我训了 一通,说我工作进展缓慢。一会儿把我 当朋友,一会儿又要做我的老板。没想 …  相似文献   

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