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This paper investigates the long-run dynamics between stock and oil prices over the period from March 13, 2001 to August 25, 2017 using the Rafailidis and Katrakilidis (2014) approach, which includes the structural breaks in the relationship between the variables in a Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares model. The approach verifies the existence of cointegration and asymmetry. The main results indicate that when using nonlinear approaches, we can find cointegration and asymmetry. For oil-exporting countries, a positive long-term relationship was found between oil and stock prices. In this case, the wealth effect prevailed for these countries. For oil-importing countries with developed economies, a negative signal was found, confirming that in these economies the business cost channel prevailed. However, oil-importing countries with emerging economies have experienced a positive sign in the long-term relationship, probably due to the economic cycle. In addition, only the United States has seen asymmetric adjustments in the long-term relationship between oil and stock prices.  相似文献   

This article investigates the multivariate dependence between oil prices, equity markets, and exchange rates in certain oil-importing and oil-exporting countries by applying the vine copulas approach which offers a greater flexibility and permits the modelling of complex dependency patterns for high-dimensional distributions. Our results show that the dependence between oil and exchange rates is significantly negative during different periods of analysis, except for the British Pound and Japanese Yen exchange rates. This result indicates that oil may serve as a weak hedge against exchanges rates.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the financial and monetary policy responses to oil price shocks using a Structural VAR framework. We distinguish between net oil-importing and net oil-exporting countries. Since the 80s, a significant number of empirical studies have been published investigating the effect of oil prices on macroeconomic and financial variables. Most of these studies though, do not make a distinction between oil-importing and oil-exporting economies. Overall, our results indicate that the level of inflation in both net oil-exporting and net oil-importing countries is significantly affected by oil price innovations. Furthermore, we find that the response of interest rates to an oil price shock depends heavily on the monetary policy regime of each country. Finally, stock markets operating in net oil-importing countries exhibit a negative response to increased oil prices. The reverse is true for the stock market of the net oil-exporting countries. We find evidence that the magnitude of stock market responses to oil price shocks is higher for the newly established and/or less liquid stock markets.  相似文献   

Direct investment in commercial or residential real estate is found to provide valuable diversification benefits for Australian investors though this is not so evident for indirect real estate investment vehicles like listed Australian real estate investment trusts (A-REIT). Further, multivariate analysis of Australian real estate and share market quarterly returns, spanning the period from the 3rd quarter 1986 to the 3rd quarter 2009, suggest that the correlation between real estate returns and share market returns is time-varying. Finally, while all of the asset class correlation coefficients increased with the Global Financial Crisis period this broad movement in asset class correlation is not evident in during the Wall Street Crash of 1987.  相似文献   

Financial Markets and Portfolio Management - The recent financial crisis has made (il)liquidity research more significant than ever. Galariotis and Giouvris (Int Rev Financ Anal 38:44–69,...  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on stock market efficiency for six hard-hit developed countries, namely, the United States (US), Spain, the United Kingdom (UK), Italy, France, and Germany. Applying the wild bootstrap automatic variance ratio test on daily stock market data from July 29, 2019 to January 25, 2021, it is found that all stock markets used in this study deviate from market efficiency during some periods of the pandemic. Deviations from market efficiency are seen more in the stock markets of the US and UK during the COVID-19 outbreak than in other stock markets. These results are strengthened when a different econometric method, the automatic portmanteau test, is used. The findings of this study indicate an increasing chance for stock price predictions and abnormal returns during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

While the relationship between economic policy uncertainty(EPU) and energy market is of great interest to economist, previous research dose not differentiate the effect from oil-importing countries to oil-exporting countries' EPU on the a country's energy sector. In this paper, we address this issue by testing the effect of importer and exporter's EPU on the largest oil-importing country, China, as oil-importing affected greatly by the economic policy. TVP-FAVAR model is applied to obtain the factors and time-varying coefficients of 21 countries' EPU monthly indexes and energy stock realized volatility. We find that the Chinese energy sector's stock volatility is positively related to EPU shocks and that bad volatility has a stronger impact than good volatility. Second, the volatility spillover from oil-exporting countries' EPU on the Chinese energy sector is stronger than that from oil-importing countries' EPU, with a stronger effect for bad volatility than for good volatility. Finally, The bad volatility spillover and spillover asymmetry is stronger during the crisis periods, such as the debt crisis, energy contention, oil price turbulence, or limited production agreement, both symmetric and asymmetric spillovers increase. Our findings have potentially important implications for the regulators and investors on Chinese oil market with different types of countries' EPU.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between extreme trading volumes and expected returns for individual stocks traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange over the July 1994–December 2000 interval. Contrasted with the evidence obtained from the US data [J. Finance 56 (2001) 877], our results show that stocks experiencing extremely high (low) volumes are associated with low (high) subsequent returns. Moreover, this extreme volume–return relation significantly co-varies with security characteristics like past stock performance, firm size, and book-to-market values. In particular, stocks with extreme volumes are related to poorer performance if they are past winners, large firms, and glamour stocks than if they are past losers, small firms, and value stocks, respectively. These results are robust to both daily and weekly samples as well as stock exchange sub-samples. Although the liquidity premium hypothesis of Amihud and Mendelson [J. Financ. Econ. 17 (1986) 223] provides a partial explanation for the extreme volume–return relation, our results fit better the behavioral hypothesis of Baker and Stein [J. Financ. Mark. 7 (2004) 271].  相似文献   

We employ high frequency data to investigate the spill-over effect between stock and foreign exchange (FX) markets in terms of return higher moments. We find a positive and bidirectional realized volatility spill-over effect between stock and FX markets. This result holds regardless of market properties (developed vs. emerging) and periods (crisis vs. non-crisis). Interestingly, our empirical results support a negative and bidirectional realized skewness spill-over effect between stock and FX markets in emerging regions. Overall, our analyses emphasize that it is important to account for the informational transmission through volatility and skewness in financial markets, especially during the turbulent periods.  相似文献   

We construct a pandemic-induced fear (PIF) index to measure fear of the COVID-19 pandemic using Internet search volumes of the Chinese local search engine and empirically investigate the impact of fear of the pandemic on Chinese stock market returns. A reduced-bias estimation approach for multivariate regression is employed to address the issue of small-sample bias. We find that the PIF index has a negative and significant impact on cumulative stock market returns. The impact of PIF is persistent, which can be explained by mispricing from investors' excessive pessimism. We further reveal that the PIF index directly predicts stock market returns through noise trading. Investors' Internet search behaviors enhance the fear of the pandemic, and pandemic-induced fear determines future stock market returns, rather than the number of cases and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

This paper examines the linkages between economic growth, oil prices, depth in the stock market, and three other key macroeconomic indicators: real effective exchange rate, inflation rate, and real rate of interest. We employ a panel vector autoregressive model to test Granger causality for the G-20 countries over the period 1961–2012. A novel approach to this study is that we clearly demarcate the long-run and short-run relations between the economic variables. The results show a robust long-run economic relationship between economic growth, oil prices, stock market depth, real effective exchange rate, inflation rate, and real rate of interest. In the long run, real economic growth is found to respond to any deviation in the long-run equilibrium relationship that is found to exist between the different measures of stock market depth, oil prices, and the other macroeconomic variables. In the short run we find a complex network of causal relationships between the variables. While the empirical evidence of short-run causality is mixed, there is clear evidence that real economic growth responds to various measures of stock market depth, allowing for real oil price movements and changes in the real effective exchange rate, inflation rate, and real rate of interest.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the effects of the 1997 financial crisis on the efficiency of eight Asian stock markets, applying the rolling bicorrelation test statistics for the three sub-periods of pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis. On a country-by-country basis, the results demonstrate that the crisis adversely affected the efficiency of most Asian stock markets, with Hong Kong being the hardest hit, followed by the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Korea. However, most of these markets recovered in the post-crisis period in terms of improved market efficiency. Given that the evidence of nonlinear serial dependencies indicates equilibrium deviation resulted from external shocks, the present findings of higher inefficiency during the crisis are not surprising as in the chaotic financial environment at that time, investors would overreact not only to local news, but also to news originating in the other markets, especially when the news events were adverse.  相似文献   

The effects of various China economic policy uncertainty (EPU) indices on Chinese listed firms' stock price behavior are examined in this study. We find that the mass media in China-based index is the best indicator of stock price crash risk for Chinese A- or B-share listings, but the index based on independent Chinese media is better for H-share listings. Chinese firms face a greater risk of stock price crashes during high EPU periods, but for B-share listings this relationship becomes negative after more media coverage is considered. We follow Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2016) and construct an EPU measure for the Chinese economy based on a Chinese character search of newspapers. We compare our EPU index with the BBD index of Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2016), which is based on an English-language Hong Kong news source. We find that the BBD index is a reasonable proxy for China's EPU but that it omits some useful information. We further demonstrate that our EPU index predicts China's economic trends more effectively than the BBD index, particularly when based on mass media in China.  相似文献   

From January 2002 to August 2007, foreign institutions held almost 70% of the free-float value of the Indonesian equity market, or 41% of the total market capitalization. Over the same period, liquidity on the Jakarta Stock Exchange improved substantially with the average bid–ask spread more than halved and the average depth more than doubled. In this study we examine the Granger causality between foreign institutional ownership and liquidity, while controlling for persistence in foreign ownership and liquidity measures. We find that foreign holdings have a negative impact on future liquidity: a 10% increase in foreign institutional ownership in the current month is associated with approximately 2% increase in the bid–ask spread, 3% decrease in depth, and 4% rise in price sensitivity in the next month, challenging the view that foreign institutions enhance liquidity in small emerging markets. Our findings are consistent with the negative liquidity impact of institutional investor ownership in developed markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between military experience and household stock market participation. Using data from the 2010 wave of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), we find that the military experience promotes the households participating in the stock market. We further investigate how military experience affects a household investment decision. The results show that the level of risk-taking and social trust of military households mainly drives the positive nexus. Moreover, the length of military service rather than the age affects household equity investment decisions. We also find that the positive relationship is more prominent in high-income households, and low-education households.  相似文献   

While there is little controversy on the profitability of momentum strategies, their implementation is afflicted with many difficulties. Most important, chasing momentum can generate high turnover. Though there are already several attempts to make momentum strategies less expensive with respect to transaction costs, we go a step further in the simplification of momentum strategies. By restricting our sample to Switzerland’s largest blue-chip stocks and choosing only one winner and one loser stock, we find average returns to our momentum arbitrage portfolios of up to 44% p.a. depending on the formation and holding periods. While unconditional risk models are at odds with momentum profits, stock market predictability and time-varying expected returns explain a large part of the momentum payoffs, including the post-holding period behavior of the winner and loser stocks (overreaction and subsequent price correction).
Markus M. SchmidEmail:

If the Roll critique is important, changes in the variance of the stock market may be only weakly related to changes in aggregate risk and subsequent stock market excess returns. However, since individual stock returns share a common sensitivity to true market return shocks, higher aggregate risk can be revealed by higher correlation between stocks. In addition, a change in stock market variance that leaves aggregate risk unchanged can have a zero or even negative effect on the stock market risk premium. We show that the average correlation between daily stock returns predicts subsequent quarterly stock market excess returns. We also show that changes in stock market risk holding average correlation constant can be interpreted as changes in the average variance of individual stocks. Such changes have a negative relation with future stock market excess returns.  相似文献   

Existing studies have concentrated on predicting stock market returns mainly in the U.S. market. We focus on the predictive power of the average correlation, an indicator of co-movements of returns on industry portfolios, and estimate a number of regression models using more than 10,000 monthly observations from 18 developed and 9 developing markets. We find that the average correlation is an effective predictor in most markets. This predictive power is not driven by the state of the economy. It is also not sensitive to subsample periods, although it is stronger in the most recent period and weaker during financial crises.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to improve the predictability of aggregate stock market volatility with industry volatilities. The empirical results show that individual industry volatilities can provide useful predictive information, while the predictive contribution is limited. We further consider the spillover index between industry volatilities and find it displays strong predictive power for stock market volatility. Based on the portfolio exercise, we find that a mean-variance investor can achieve sizeable economic gains by using volatility forecasts of the spillover index. In addition, we conduct three extended analyses and further demonstrate the superior performance of the spillover index. Also, our results show robustness to a series of alternative settings. Finally, we investigate why the spillover index performs better and answer what information it contains. The results show that the spillover index can reflect and explain investor sentiments that are related to stock market volatility.  相似文献   

This paper examines investors' option activity on value and growth stocks before earnings announcements. The main finding is that unsophisticated investors enter option positions that load up on growth stocks relative to value stocks in the days leading up to earnings announcements. This occurs despite the fact that at earnings announcements value stocks outperform growth stocks by a wide margin. The paper's results provide evidence that unsophisticated option market investors (1) overreact to past news on underlying stocks and (2) mistakenly believe that mispriced stocks will move even further away from fundamentals at impending scheduled news releases.  相似文献   

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