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In this paper, linear and nonlinear Granger causality tests are used to examine the dynamic relationship between daily Korean stock returns and trading volume. We find evidence of significant bidirectional linear and nonlinear causality between these two series. ARCH-ype models are used to examine whether the nonlinear causal relations can be explained by stock returns and volume serving as proxies for information flow in the stochastic process generating volume and stock returns respectively. After controlling for volatility persistent in both series and filtering for linear dependence, we find evidence of nonlinear bidirectional causality between stock returns and volume series. The finding of strong bidirectional stock price-volume causal relationships implies that knowledge of current trading volume improves the ability to forecast stock prices. This evidence is not supportive of the efficient market hypothesis. Another finding is that the nonlinear relationship is sensitive to institutional, organizational, and structural factors. The results of this study should be useful to regulators, practitioners and derivative market participants whose success precariously depends on the ability to forecast stock price movements.  相似文献   

This paper extends the shift-contagion concept to housing price returns in order to examine co-movements between pairs of regional housing markets in the US. It associates nonlinearities of housing prices with the monetary policy criteria at disaggregate levels. The framework with Markov-switching volatility in Gravelle et al. (Journal of International Economics 68:409–423, 2006) is utilized to investigate housing contagion phenomena which are defined as the switches in the structural transmission of common shocks across regional housing markets. The empirical results suggest that interactions between regional and nationwide housing markets switch across low-volatility and high-volatility regimes of common shocks for the Northeast and the West whose housing price returns are nonlinear. In addition, there is the significantly time-varying interdependence between the West and each of the other three regional housing markets. The estimated indicator of the monetary policy effectiveness implies that monetary policies can be effective in the Northeast and the West because they are more closely linked with other regional housing markets in volatile phases which are subject to housing crises. Noticeably, the broken interrelationships between regional housing markets and real economies in the 2001 recession imply high vulnerability to housing bubbles for regional markets, while short-term monetary policies can be effective in stabilizing the housing market turmoil around 2007.  相似文献   

科学监测城市房价走势,在当前环境下尤为重要。为拓展国际通行方法编制国内单一城市房价指数的适用性,引入样本匹配重复交易法构建房价指数,以提高样本容量与可比性。基于上海数据的实证结果表明,相较于传统重复交易法和特征价格法,样本匹配重复交易法能更准确地反映住房价格变动,结果异常波动性更小,噪声影响程度更低,在克服样本代表性误差和变量缺失误差方面效果更显著,对编制国内城市房价指数具有较好应用价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, we build a two-period English auction model to study the relative movements between buyers’ and sellers’ reservation prices in the housing market. We show that changes in sellers’ reservation prices are jointly determined by changes in buyers’ reservation prices, probability of buyers offering a high or low price, and the arrival rate of buyers. When the divergence between the buyers’ and sellers’ reservation prices widens, the probability of sale increases in the upward market and decreases in the downward market, contributing to the increases or decreases in market liquidity.  相似文献   

房价变动规律性及调控对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房价的变动既是经济问题,更是政治和社会问题的体现.我国房地产业已经成为拉动国民经济发展的重要支柱产业.金融危机爆发后,房价的大幅波动引起了世界各主要国家的高度关注.本丈结合我国房地产业发展的实际,对房价的变动情况、变动规律性及调控对策问题进行了初步探讨.本文提出影响房价变动的十大要素,对各要素与房价这一变量变动的相关性进行了分析研究,以实现前瞻性的指导房地产业健康发展的目的.  相似文献   

Asymmetric information models of market microstructure claim that variables such as trading intensity are proxies for latent information on the value of financial assets. We consider the interval‐valued time series (ITS) of low/high returns and explore the relationship between these extreme returns and the intensity of trading. We assume that the returns (or prices) are generated by a latent process with some unknown conditional density. At each period of time, from this density, we have some random draws (trades) and the lowest and highest returns are the realized extreme observations of the latent process over the sample of draws. In this context, we propose a semiparametric model of extreme returns that exploits the results provided by extreme value theory. If properly centered and standardized extremes have well‐defined limiting distributions, the conditional mean of extreme returns is a nonlinear function of the conditional moments of the latent process and of the conditional intensity of the process that governs the number of draws. We implement a two‐step estimation procedure. First, we estimate parametrically the regressors that will enter into the nonlinear function, and in a second step we estimate nonparametrically the conditional mean of extreme returns as a function of the generated regressors. Unlike current models for ITS, the proposed semiparametric model is robust to misspecification of the conditional density of the latent process. We fit several nonlinear and linear models to the 5‐minute and 1‐minute low/high returns to seven major banks and technology stocks, and find that the nonlinear specification is superior to the current linear models and that the conditional volatility of the latent process and the conditional intensity of the trading process are major drivers of the dynamics of extreme returns.  相似文献   

中国城市居民住房支付能力研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
虽然住宅价格是由住宅市场的供给和需求决定的,但从长期来看,住宅价格应该与城市居民家庭的住房支付能力相适应.评价住房支付能力的指标有房价收入比(PIR)和住房可支付性指数(HAI),房价收入比用于判读住房价格是否合理,而住房可支付性指数能够反映家庭购买住房的还贷能力.论文通过计算2004年我国34个主要城市的房价收入比和住房可支付性指数,对我国城市居民的住房支付能力进行了城市排序.参照国外相关指标的评价标准,论文采用Pareto累计图的评价方法,得出了我国当前房价收入比和住房可支付性指数的分布区间.论文的研究成果既可作为政府调控城市住宅市场发展的依据,也可作为居民投资置业的依据.  相似文献   

大多数住宅模型和政策分析,都直接或间接依赖于住宅供给价格弹性的估计值:为了应对市场需求冲击,是多供给住房还是提高住宅价格?基于Mayo(1981)构建的模型,估算了我国35个主要大中型城市的新建住宅供给价格弹性。根据流量模型,2000-2007年我国的新建住宅价格弹性系数在4-11之间,2008到2013年的价格弹性在5-13之间。而存量调整模型得到了截然不同的估算结果:2008-2013年我国的新建住宅供给价格弹性在1-6之间,更精确的估算出了我国新建住宅供给市场的价格弹性。  相似文献   

Real estate markets are known to be less-than-efficient for many reasons, but what roles short-term trading plays are unclear. Do short-term investors bring additional risk to the market and cause prices to deviate from fundamental values? Based on an extensive dataset of property transactions and a policy shock that substantially raised the cost of short-term trading in Hong Kong, we estimate ‘real estate risk’ with and without short-term trading based on return predictability, return volatility, and price dispersion. Our results show that as short-term investors exit the market, market returns are less predictable and less volatile, while prices are less dispersed cross-sectionally. Consistent with herding models in behavioral finance, the findings suggest that short-term investors are momentum traders who do not enhance price efficiency.  相似文献   

1998年住房制度改革以来,房屋销售价格和租金均呈上涨趋势,但两者在增速上有明显的不同。本文基于动态Gordon模型,用一阶向量自回归的方法研究了8个城市房地产市场预期和非预期的房价租金比,结果表明向量自回归模型预测杭州、深圳、武汉、成都、北京的对数房价租金比效果较好,上海的房价租金比最不容易预测。未预料到的房价租金比的决定有明显的地区差异,西部地区的城市主要受租金流新信息的影响,长三角城市受收益率新信息的影响非常大,其他地区的城市主要受收益率新信息的影响。  相似文献   

刘炳南  王磊 《基建优化》2007,28(5):129-131
从1991年开始我国经济进入了一个高速、平稳增长的周期,在1998年2002年,以住宅建设为主的房地产业,在抵消亚洲金融危机影响、推动国民经济增长方面起到了积极的作用.但同时房地产业的兴起也引起了房屋价格的持续上升,尽管国家出台了旨在抑制投资的宏观调控政策,且效果已经显现,但房产价格与土地价格仍然继续上涨,且各地差异较大,部分地区出现了经济泡沫现象.到底应该如何判断中国房地产市场中的泡沫现象,本文将从概念分析入手,结合反映中国房地产市场表现的一些指标进行对比,对目前的房地产市场进行一些判断和分析.  相似文献   

This article unveils the dependence structure between United States stock prices, crude oil prices, exchange rates, and U.S. interest rates. In particular, we employ linear and nonlinear estimation methods, such as quantile regression and the quantile-copula approach. Over the 1998–2017 period, we find that there is a positive relationship between the dollar value and the S&P 500 stock price, with the exception of the lower and upper tails of the stock return distribution. Further evidence is obtained on the dependence structure between other asset returns. The stock returns are negatively related to oil prices but positively to U.S. interest rates. Our results highlight the way that financial assets are linked, which have implications for risk management and monetary policy.  相似文献   

本文利用1997年到2009年全国以及各地区的房地产面板数据,借鉴蛛网模型的相关理论,构建供给与需求的联立方程,选择固定效应IV估计法拟合面板联立方程模型,对普通商品住房供求的影响因素及其稳定性进行了实证研究。结果表明,我国的普通商品住房市场处于不稳定状态,普通商品住房当期及滞后期的价格、城镇人均可支配收入、城镇就业人口、土地购置面积、经济适用房、别墅的供求状况等因素都对普通商品住房的供求变化产生较为显著的影响。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of existing literature, both theoretically and empirically, on the extent to which agricultural subsidies do translate into higher land values and rents and finally benefit landowners instead of agricultural producers. Our review shows that agricultural support policy instruments contribute to increasing the rental price of farmland, and that the extent of this increase closely depends on the level of the supply price elasticity of farmland relative to those of other factors/inputs on the one hand, and on the range of the possibilities of factor/input substitution in agricultural production on the other hand. The empirical literature shows that land prices and rents have in general a significant positive and inelastic response to government support. Such inelastic response is thought to reflect the uncertain future of the farm programmes. And in general, studies have indicated that land prices are more responsive to government-based returns than to market-based returns.  相似文献   

Determinants of house prices in Istanbul: a quantile regression approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper uses quantile regression methods where a hedonic equation is estimated for each quantile of the conditional distribution of housing prices. The survey data are used to investigate the relationship between house prices and housing characteristics in Istanbul. This data set includes some housing characteristics of the dwellings like numbers of room, bathroom, heating system, location of house etc. In the results of this paper show some similarities and differences from earlier studies on housing prices. We find that age, cable tv, security, heating system, garage, kitchen area, increasing numbers of room and bathroom increase the house prices. Our findings also show that side variable which is a special factor for Istanbul real estate market has negative effect on the prices. It is clear that the factors of housing prices can change because of the properties of country, region or city. The results of this study may give some important interpretations for developing real estate market.  相似文献   

我国商品房市场上存在一定程度的预算约束。本文通过类比的方法,参考经典预算约束方程,得出了商品房交易市场的预算约束方程,并在此基础上通过理论分析和实证分析得出了商品房价格形成机制。笔者认为,流动性、城市化、人均可支配收入、交易量、持有成本为商品房价格的主要影响因素。从预算约束角度出发对商品房价格的形成机制进行研究,对政府的住房需求治理具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

We consider which factors determined the price–rent ratio for the housing market in 18 U.S. metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and at the national level over the period of 1975–2014. Based on a present-value framework, our proposed empirical model separates the price–rent ratio for a given market into unobserved components related to the expected real rent growth and the expected housing return, but is modified from standard present-value analysis by also including a residual component that captures non-stationary deviations of the price–rent ratio from its present-value level. Estimates for the modified present-value model suggest that the present-value residual (PVR) component is always important and sometimes very large at the national and MSA levels, especially for MSAs that have experienced frequent booms and busts in the housing market. In further analysis, we find that house prices in MSAs that have larger PVR components are more sensitive to mortgage rate changes. These are also the MSAs with less elastic housing supply. Also, comparing our results with a recent statistical test for periodically-collapsing bubbles, we find that MSAs with large estimated PVR components are the same MSAs that test positively for explosive sub-periods in their price–rent ratios, especially during the 2005–2007 subsample. Our approach allows us to estimate the correlation between shocks to expected rent growth, the expected housing return, and the PVR component. We find that the expected housing return and movements in the PVR component are highly positively correlated implying an impact of the expected housing return on house prices that is amplified from what a standard present-value model would imply. Our results also show that most of the variation in the present-value component of the price–rent ratio arises due to the variation in the expected housing return.  相似文献   

Price dynamics in public and private housing markets in Singapore   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
In down-payment constrained housing consumption models, increases in house prices could trigger household mobility decisions in housing markets. This study empirically tests house price dynamics associated with the mobility of households in the public resale and private housing markets in Singapore. The results show that stochastic permanent breaks were found in the public housing resale prices and private housing prices. The relative prices drift apart occasionally, but mean-revert to a long-run fundamental equilibrium. Error correction mechanisms and lagged public housing prices were also found to have significant explanatory effects for price changes in the private housing markets. The results support the hypothesis that household mobility creates co-movements of prices in public and private housing submarkets in the long run.  相似文献   

This study presents a methodology for exploiting the nonlinear hedonic nature of housing prices to estimate the compensated demands of households for particular housing attributes. The methodology is employed to provide Hicksian benefit measures of a particular housing subsidy program typical of those undertaken recently in developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper employs smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) models to investigate the nonlinear effect of monetary policy on stock returns. The change in the Federal funds rate is used as an endogenous measure of monetary policy, and the growth rate of industrial production is also considered in the model. Our results show that the relationship between the monetary policy and excess returns on stock prices is positive and nonlinear. A decrease in the Federal funds rate causes a larger increase in excess returns if excess stock returns are located in the extreme low excess returns regime.  相似文献   

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