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Retailers offer consumers assurances and attempt to allay their fears over using their credit card for online transactions. Consumers, however, may not be reacting to these assurances. This exploratory study examines how consumers assess the risks associated with using their credit card online. Results of this study support the notion that consumers assess risk in a multi-dimensional manner. Consumers may be concerned with the possibility of losing many forms of resources (such as financial and time).  相似文献   

Theorizing and empirically testing moderated mediation hypotheses allows logistics and supply chain management (L&SCM) scholars to extend the boundaries of our current understanding by examining how, when, and why relationships arise between constructs central to our theories. However, while moderated mediation analyses can enrich theory in L&SCM, they are few in number, likely due to the complexities associated with their execution. In this article, we provide a didactic treatment for executing moderated mediation analysis. We do so using primary data regarding logistics involvement in new product development. In the hopes of spurring greater application of moderated mediation in L&SCM, we devise a series of recommendations that guide scholars through the process of conducting such analyses. These recommendations extend prior treatments by explaining how to address challenges associated with devising theories to undergird moderated mediation hypotheses, measuring constructs using multiple indicators, providing guidance for detecting influential cases that can unduly affect results, and integrating what results should be reported.  相似文献   

增加选择数量是否会提高满意度是经济学、心理学和营销学的热点问题。当消费者对某一刺激目标同时存在积极和消极的评价时,即矛盾态度怎样影响选择数量和满意度的关系?2个实验结果表明,选择数量对满意度的影响是通过决策困难水平实现的,当选择数量影响决策困难水平时,会产生选择超载。矛盾态度对决策困难水平与满意度的关系有调节作用,对矛盾态度较高者,选择“多多益善”,选择数量增加使消费者满意度提高;相反,对矛盾态度较低者,选择“适可而止”,选择数量增加使消费者满意度降低。  相似文献   

Based on a consumer survey conducted in France, Germany, and the U.S., the study investigates consumers' readiness to support socially responsible organizations and examines their evaluations of the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities of the firm. French and German consumers appear more willing to actively support responsible businesses than their U.S. counterparts. While U.S. consumers value highly corporate eco-nomic responsibilities, French and German consumers are most concerned about businesses conforming with legal and ethical standards. These findings provide useful guidance for the efficient management of social responsibility initiatives across borders and for further academic inquiries.  相似文献   

本研究从高管团队视角,以高阶梯队理论为基础,提出了高管团队异质性、惯例更新、跨界搜索与商业模式创新之间的关系假设,以期打开高管团队异质性与企业商业模式创新作用机制的黑箱。研究发现:高管团队异质性对商业模式创新具有显著的正向影响;惯例更新在高管团队异质性与商业模式创新的关系中起中介作用;跨界搜索正向调节了惯例更新与商业模式创新之间的关系;跨界搜索水平越高,惯例更新对商业模式创新的正向影响越强;同时,跨界搜索正向调节了惯例更新在高管团队异质性与商业模式创新之间的中介效应,跨界搜索水平越高,惯例更新在高管团队异质性与商业模式创新之间的中介效应越强。本研究通过理论推演和实证研究进一步丰富了高阶梯队理论,为企业高管团队异质性与商业模式创新关系研究提供了新的研究视角与解释路径。  相似文献   

Deception in computer-mediated group Negotiation and decision making presents a variety of risks. Gaining a better understanding of online deception has important implications for both individuals and organizations. Despite the rapidly increasing number of online deception cases reported in recent years, extant deception research has not considered the context beyond individuals or small groups. Additionally, there has been a mismatch between the important role of individual characteristics of the deceiver in theory and the lack of empirical investigation of their impact in research. This study aims to assess deception performance in mid-sized online groups by building a model of individual differences in deception experience and deception skill. We conceptualize deception performance in terms of deception success and two other new constructs, namely survivability and productivity. The model has been tested with a dataset collected from a real-world online community. The results show that deception skill has a positive effect on deception success, but deception experience has a negative effect. Although deception experience and deception skill are found to have opposite effects on the success of deceivers, both contribute positively to the survivability of deceivers. The findings of this study have significant implications for future deception research in online group communication and negotiation.  相似文献   

Empirical research has not addressed the manner in which elderly consumers combine their assessments of the probabil- ity and consequences of loss when deriving overall estimates of ac- tual marketplace risk. Prospect theory is utilized to support a prod- uct classification scheme which transposes the levels of the probability and consequences of loss. A proposition that elderly con- sumers will weigh the probabilities of loss more heavily in a High- Probability/Low-Consequences situation is supported; the proposi- tion that consequences will be judged more important in a Low-ProbabilityMigh Consequences product setting is not. Promo- tional implications are developed.  相似文献   

In the increasingly complex retailing environment, more and more retailers operate in more than one channel, such as brick-and-mortar, catalogs, and online. Success in this dynamic environment relies on the strategic management and coordination of both online and offline pricing. This article provides an overview of findings from past research in both offline and online domains and presents an organizing framework, as well as an agenda to spur additional research.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between the integrity of the supervisor and the manager (i.e., the supervisor’s immediate superior) and the creativity of employees who are below the supervisor. Drawing on social learning theory, we proposed a moderated mediation model for the trickle-down effects of perceived supervisor integrity. Using a sample of 716 employees and their supervisors, we found positive associations between both managers’ and supervisors’ integrity and employee creativity. Supervisors’ integrity partially mediates the relationship between managers’ integrity and employee creativity. In addition, supervisors’ perceptions of professional ethical standards moderate the indirect effects of the managers’ integrity on employee creativity. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

刘红梅 《市场研究》2006,(12):48-50
随着现代营销观念的推广,市场调研在全球范围得到了广泛的重视。市场调研是一个以科学的方法、有目的地、系统地收集、整理、分析和研究某个组织面临的有关特定的市场信息,以便有针对性地制定相应营销策略的过程。进入21世纪,因特网的迅猛发展使得越来越多的企业开始把目光转移  相似文献   

日益频发的品牌代言人丑闻无论是给代言人还是给品牌商以及消费者都带来了巨大的消极影响,但目前相关的研究却极为匮乏.通过两个实验研究发现:虽然品牌代言人悖德丑闻与违法丑闻都会降低消费者的品牌信任,但前者较之于后者的影响更严重;心理契约违背与犬儒主义心理会共同在品牌代言人丑闻对消费者品牌信任的影响中起中介作用;消费者传统性不仅会直接调节品牌代言人丑闻对犬儒主义心理的影响,而且会对双中介产生调节作用,但不会对品牌代言人丑闻影响心理契约违背产生直接的调节作用.该研究不仅对深化和完善品牌代言危机等理论具有重要意义,而且对品牌商、代言人、消费者和监管机构等有重要的管理启示.  相似文献   

陈浩  刘春林 《商业研究》2018,(2):119-127
作为公司的决策主体,高管团队异质性的结构特征是否以及如何影响现金持有水平有待进行充分地探讨。借助高阶理论和信息加工理论的研究成果,本文构建一个被调节的中介模型,分析高管团队异质性、产品多元化以及环境不确定性对现金持有的影响。结果表明:高管团队异质性正面影响产品多元化,产品多元化负面影响现金持有,产品多元化在高管团队异质性和现金持有之间发挥着中介作用;环境不确定性不仅正向调节产品多元化和现金持有的关系,还能正向调节"高管团队异质性→产品多元化→现金持有"这一中介机制。上述结论不仅有助于充分理解高管团队异质性影响现金持有的作用机制以及边界条件,还能为管理实践提供决策参考。  相似文献   

消费者网络购物的主要影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实证研究发现,在供给方面的主要影响因素中,网络购物安全可靠性对消费者的购买意愿及实际购买支出的影响最大,网络购物优势只对消费者基本生活物品的购买意愿有影响,网络商店形象只对消费者文化娱乐物品的购买意愿有影响.在需求方的主要影响因素中,消费者向供给方维权积极性对其文化娱乐物品的购买意愿有影响,消费者收入对其实际购买支出有较强影响.根据这些发现提出相应的促进消费者网络购物的策略.  相似文献   

网络购物增长与大型电器零售商转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络的普及和电子商务多项利好政策的出台,2010年以来,网络购物正在为众多消费者所青睐,成为一种新的消费习惯,我国网络购物规模分别以55%和69%的年增长率增长,极大地挤占了电器实体店的市场份额,传统电器零售商的市场优势地位正在丧失.在这样的大环境下,传统电器零售商积极转型电子商务,出现了“苏宁易购”、“国美在线”等网上商城.文章指出,为更好地适应网络购物的日益增长,迎合消费习惯的变化,电器零售商仅仅转型网络销售是远远不够的,更应转型为零售制造商,介入生产,主导构建模块化生产供应链,通过商品价格、质量、快速反应优势,形成线上线下市场合力,共同打造线上线下市场的零售商品牌.  相似文献   

We propose a new hierarchical model of online and offline advertising. This model incorporates within-media synergies and cross-media synergies and allows higher-order interactions among various media. We derive the optimal spending on each medium and the optimal total budget. We also develop three hypotheses on the effects of within- and across-media synergies on both the total budget and its allocation. We estimate media effectiveness as well as the within- and cross-media synergies of offline (television, print, and radio) and online (banners and search) ads using market data for a car brand. We show that both types of synergies —within-media (i.e., intra-offline) and cross-media (online-offline)— exist. We show how within- and cross-media synergies boost the total media budget and online spending due to synergies of the online media with various offline media.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to assess the perceptions of advertising media substitutability among consumers, media planners, and media providers. Data were collected from three different samples using structured questionnaires and CATI interviewing. The results suggest that some degree of substitution does indeed exist in all three groups. This means that if first media choices are unavailable all groups are likely to consider others as possibly providing the best buying information. This study adds to the scarce literature that focuses on perceptions of media substitutability and provides results for both demand and supply side of the media market. It also suggests that such perceptual studies may be helpful in a re-examination of current policy and advertising management decisions.  相似文献   

In this research, we examine the effects that customer perceptions of employee deception have on the customers’ attitudes toward an organization. Based on interview, archival, and observational data within the international airline industry, we develop a model to explain the complex effects of perceived dishonesty on observer’s attitudes and intentions toward the airline. The data revealed three types of perceived deceit (about beliefs, intentions, and emotions) and three additional factors that influence customer intentions and attitudes: the players involved, the beneficiaries of the deceit, and the harm done by the perceived lie. We develop a model with specific propositions to guide organizations with respect to apparently deceitful behavior of their employees. Implications and directions for future research are provided, focusing on the question of whether organizations should consistently encourage honesty or train their employees to be effective liars.  相似文献   

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