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基于对云南省全部16个州市30个县1 554个样本农户的问卷调查资料的分析发现,林改后林农对林业投入有了明显增加,林业收益水平总体提高的同时向多样化方向发展。同时,林改使农户把主要精力放在了经济林、用材林的种植和非木质林产品的有效开发利用上。伴随着林权纠纷的减少以及农户管理措施的加强,森林资源管理得到了明显加强。这些方面也折射出广大农户对本次林改工作的高度关注和积极支持,对林改成效的充分肯定。  相似文献   

Payment for ecosystem services schemes (PES) are lauded as a market-based solution to curtail deforestation and restore degraded ecosystems. However, PES programs often fail to conserve sites under strong long-term deforestation pressures. Underperformance, in part, is likely due to adverse selection. Spatial adverse selection occurs when landowners are more likely to enroll parcels with low deforestation pressure than parcels with high deforestation pressure. Temporal adverse selection arises when parcels are enrolled for short time periods. In both cases, financial resources are allocated without having a sizeable impact on long-term land use change. Improving program performance to overcome these shortcomings requires understanding attributes of landowners and their parcels across large scales to identify spatial and temporal enrollment patterns that drive adverse selection. In this paper, we examine these patterns in Argentina’s PES program in Chaco forest, a global deforestation hotspot. Our study area covers 252,319 km2. Results from multinomial logistic regression models showed that large parcels of enrolled land and parcels owned by absentee landowners exhibit greater evidence of spatiotemporal adverse selection than smaller parcels or parcels owned by local landowners. Furthermore, parcels managed under land use plans for conservation and restoration are more likely to be associated with adverse selection than parcels managed for financial returns such as harvest of non-timber forest products, silviculture, and silvopasture. However, prior to recommending that PES programs focus on land uses with higher potential earnings, a greater understanding is needed of the degree to which these land uses meet ecological and biodiversity goals of PES programs. We suggest that increased spatial targeting of enrollment, along with enrollment of local landowners and further incentives for land uses that support conservation and restoration, could promote long-term conservation of forest lands.  相似文献   

In Turkey, 99.9 % of the forest land belongs to the state, and according to the Turkish Constitution, the ownership of the state forests cannot be transferred to private parties or other non-state organizations. However, some permits have been granted to use and benefit from the state forests without transferring the ownership. One such is the private afforestation permit. Private afforestation aims to increase forest lands and the growing stock, to re-establish the deteriorating balance between soil, water, and plants, to improve the environmental value, and to provide income to natural entities. This study aims to identify the legal and administrative regulation dimensions of the land use policy on private afforestation in Turkey and to compare them with other successful international afforestation policies.The second part of this paper is a case study on the impact of the legal changes over time in private afforestation in the sample area. Interviews were conducted with participants in the program using questions addressing the socio-economic and cultural benefits of private afforestation along with their afforestation practices and problems. The overall conclusion of this survey was that private afforestation practice had contributed to the income level of the participants. Further, to increase the participation in the program, more public awareness was necessary and incentives to participate must be increased.  相似文献   

This paper uses portfolio analysis to study how the Ecuadorian incentive programme for forest conservation and restoration (Socio Bosque), and an incentive programme for timber plantations, may reduce income risk and/or maximise returns for a given level of risk for farmers in the municipality of Loja. The main existing land use in the research area is milk production on pasture, with some farmers having forest land. Our results suggest that most farmers would significantly increase the area under conservation and/or restoration as part of their risk reduction strategies, compared to a decision based solely on expected returns. However, in land use allocations that maximise the return per unit of risk, a small group of milk producers without forest would continue milk production on most of their land. In addition, milk producers with forest would significantly decrease deforestation under the land use allocations made when conservation incentives are available. Against this we also identify a likely shift of milk production from existing pasture to new pasture established on deforested land, which provides evidence of a potential ‘leakage effect’. In addition, the incentive programmes would only lead to small areas of tree plantations being established. None of the land use combinations (portfolios) analysed would increase the income of all households to above the poverty line, as the monetary incentives are too low and many farms are too small. For forest holders all the land use combinations we studied would have a positive impact on income, but we observed a negative impact on household income for milk producers without forest. For producers without any forest, there seems to be a trade-off between maximising household income and risk reduction through combining incentives for restoration and tree plantations.  相似文献   

以经济林产品市场消费的实地调研为主:在相关经济林产品消费理论的基础上结合本课题实际设计出了一份消费者调查问卷,对市场经济林产品的消费情况、品种、动因及月消费额进行了统计分析。通过对调查数据和样本的分析,得出目前大众对经济林产品的消费量还比较少,对其营养价值的认知还有待提高,其中木本水果的消费意向最高,而木本油料的消费意向相对比较低,公众对木本粮食的消费因性别和收入水平有所差异。总的来说,公众对经济林产品的消费意向有增大的趋势。  相似文献   

利用2015及2016年东北、内蒙古国有林区411户职工家庭的跟踪调查数据,运用绝对收入流动性指标、马尔科夫链转移概率矩阵和普通最小二乘法(OLS)实证分析了森林抚育补贴政策对职工家庭收入流动性的影响。研究结果表明:国有林区职工家庭对森林抚育的参与程度处于较低水平;森林抚育补贴政策对职工家庭收入流动性的影响并不显著,但对高收入组产生了一定的积极影响;作为政策目标受益群体的低收入职工家庭,其收入水平并未因森林抚育补贴政策的实行而向上流动。  相似文献   

在阐述世界发展中国家非木材林产品资源开发与贫困地区农民脱贫关系基础上,从云南省贫困山区非木材林资源潜在优势出发,揭示非木材林产品利用对云南贫困山区经济发展的作用,旨在探讨寻求适合云南贫困山区农民脱贫致富的主要途径,从而促进贫困山区新农村建设的步伐.  相似文献   

基于结构方程模型,从企业行为角度(即企业的管理制度、组织协调和营销活动3个方面)对地理标志林产品品牌竞争力的影响因素进行实证研究。结果表明:管理制度、组织协调、营销活动等企业行为与提升地理标志林产品品牌竞争力具有显著正相关关系;就中介作用而言,品牌传播力在组织协调与品牌竞争力之间起完全中介作用,而管理制度、营销活动与品牌竞争力之间起部分中介作用。因此,针对企业层面提出企业应不断完善内部管理制度、重点管理地理标志林产品的质量、充分发挥企业组织的协调功能、及时优化企业林产品市场营销策划、积累地理标志林产品品牌传播力等建议。  相似文献   

Forest plantations have increased rapidly in the last three decades, to a large extent due to direct and indirect financial incentives. At the farm level, forestry incentives can affect the investment decisions of small forest landowners and bring socioeconomic externalities or unintended effects associated with farm management. The purpose of this study is to assess the ex post impacts of a forestry subsidy on land use changes and off-farm income experienced by Chilean small forest landowners. A structural equation mediation model (SEM) was estimated using a time frame of 15 years (1998–2013). To reduce the selection bias, propensity score matching (PSM) was performed prior to the estimation of the SEM. Results indicate that the subsidy had a significant effect on land use changes, as it increases forest plantations and replaces pastures primarily, but also crops and native forest to a lesser extent. In addition, beneficiaries of the subsidy had a marginal increase in off-farm income not explained by the increase in forest plantation.  相似文献   

基于2016年福建省林权改革监测调研数据,利用二元Logistic模型,分析影响福建省欠发达山区林农参与碳汇林生产经营意愿的因素;贫困户与非贫困户对碳汇林项目经营意愿是否有差异及产生差异的原因。结果表明:贫困户与非贫困户对于碳汇林项目的响应程度有一定的区别,对于全体受访对象和非贫困户,是否参加过碳汇林生产培训、家庭林地面积、家庭林业总收入对提高其参与林业碳汇项目的意愿有显著的促进作用,而木材采伐销售收入反向影响其参与林业碳汇项目的意愿;对于贫困户,是否参加过碳汇林生产培训显著影响其参与林业碳汇项目经营的意愿。因此,提高贫困户和非贫困户的碳汇林经营意愿应各有侧重,在政策的制定上应给予贫困户一定的倾斜,调动贫困户的经营积极性,拓宽收入渠道,最终实现精准扶贫。  相似文献   

The nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) owner's consumption and harvesting decisions are investigated under inheritance and capital income taxes using a two-period model. The impact of the forest-owner's age is introduced into the analysis through a parameter of perceived probability of surviving through a future period. This allows us to study the impacts of ageing on consumption and harvesting decisions as well as to see how the impact of taxes changes among different age groups of forest-owners. The results show that current consumption first decreases and then increases when moving from younger to older individuals regardless of whether non-timber assets are more or less heavily taxed through bequests than consumption. In general, we find that tax effects are dependent on the forest-owner's age. Age tends to intensify the increasing effect of the forest bequest tax on harvesting. The same is true with respect to the decreasing effect on harvesting of the inheritance tax imposed on non-forest assets. Furthermore, the forest-owner's age tends to intensify the effect on harvesting of the capital income tax imposed on forest assets, but diminishes the effect on harvesting of the capital income tax imposed on non-forest assets.  相似文献   

In addition to being motivated by profit, the management decisions taken by non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners involve other considerations beyond timber, such as non-timber goods and services, as well as factors that affect the level of timber output from the land. Ensuring and improving forest profitability to make NIPF management viable is one of the main challenges faced by this type of landowner. This study empirically explores and assesses management by NIPF owners, through analysing attributes of forest economics (investment in holdings, expenditure on planting and silviculture, public subsidies, along with timber and non-timber incomes). With the aim of predicting outcomes, a multiple regression model was also constructed to investigate and quantify the relationship between socioeconomic and holding factors, and the planting activities carried out by NIPF owners. For this, 103 resident forest landowners in a forest region in northern Spain were interviewed in person, during March 2004, about their commitment to and involvement in land management during the period 1999–2003. The results mainly revealed that attractive forest returns and favourable market conditions for timber production are significant factors for investment in and development of forestry, with personal and family conditions also being important factors in explaining the type of land management carried out. In particular, the multiple linear regression model for forest planting activity correctly explained 84.5% of the variability observed in the study population, indicating that both the investments in and the incomes from forestry play an important role in the activity, as does the size of the holding. The findings may be of interest in promoting public measures related to timber markets and economic incentives for forest management, which will allow landowners to develop economically viable practices, as well as enabling fulfilment of social and environmental demands for sustainable forestry and rural development.  相似文献   

河北省林果产业发展状况及增收潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对河北林果重点县进行典型调查和42个县(市、区)、4200个农户林果产业收入的专项调查,指出河北林果产业发展势头强劲,果品结构调整步伐加快,林板加工业快速发展,社会化服务体系初步形成。在了解其林果产业发展状况的基础上,分析了林果业对农民收入贡献情况,指出林果业收入构成日趋多样化,收入结构有所优化;工资性收入快速增长,增收空间得到扩展;受林业生产任务调整的影响,林业纯收入下降幅度较大。林果业增收面临的主要制约因素是资源禀赋差异、产业化经营规模、林果产品外向度、政策调整约束等。林果业增收潜力极大,表现在政策、技术支持力度不断加大,林果优势产业带形成,质量品牌意识不断增强,市场需求量增大。  相似文献   

东北内蒙古重点国有林区职工收入变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对东北内蒙古国有林区职工家庭1997年、2004年和2008年3年收入的调查数据进行比较分析,发现国有林区职工的收入水平显著提高,收入结构变化明显,但林区收入仍然存在差距,贫困问题仍然比较严重。而这些变化是由国有林区进行加工业改制、产业结构调整从而建立起来新的劳动力要素市场等改革实践所导致的,这些改革也为国有林区职工生活的改善提供了有利条件。认为在国有林区建立全方位的社会保障制度将是确保林区改革成功,改善职工生活水平,使国有林区资源与经济走上可持续发展道路的关键所在,也是今后国家政策扶持的新的重点。  相似文献   

The lack of effective farmer demand is a major factor that restricts the development of China's forest insurance. To solve this problem, this study uses a Logit model to conduct an empirical analysis of relevant factors in the farmers’ demand for forest insurance, based on field survey data of Lin’an County, Zhejiang Province. The results show that the farmers’ understanding of forest insurance, the proportion of forestry revenues in the total household income, forest size, forest disaster frequency, forest insurance liability, insurance amount setup, and the farmers’ satisfaction regarding the premium subsidy policy, are the main factors that affect the farmers’ demand for forest insurance. Therefore, we propose to expand forest insurance promotion, raise the farmers’ income, rationally design insurance products, and optimize the forest premium subsidy policy to enhance the farmers’ willingness to participate in forest insurance.  相似文献   

明确林业生态工程综合效益后评价内涵,运用模糊综合评价法,以内蒙古通辽市开鲁县三北工程第一阶段综合效益后评价为例,对林业生态工程其防风固沙效益、庇护农田效益、保护牧场权益等生态效益,其活立木储备效益、经济林产品效益、薪材生产效益等经济效益,及其社会效益评价进行了应用研究。  相似文献   

Applying the negative income tax to a cross section of households in the rural portion of the Ozarks Region raises questions concerning its overall effectiveness if instituted without modification. The primary issues relate to its distributive effects. Although coverage under the Friedman Negative Tax Plan is much broader than that under current welfare plans, the gap between a target income and disposable income under, the plan is not greatly decreased except at prohibitively high negative tax rates. Many former welfare recipients would receive less total income under the plan. The bulk of the negative tax payments would be received by younger multiple-member families, and their work incentives might be reduced. Furthermore, costs of a negative tax plan would likely be high.  相似文献   

马春雷 《南方农村》2013,(3):59-62,68
本文对我国林产品对外贸易现状进行分析,研究发现我国林产品进出口市场高度集中,进1:3多为环境敏感的初级林产品,出口则以低附加值的劳动密集型林产品为主。我国林业企业不但承受着环境保护的压力,也承担着贸易摩擦带来的风险。所遇困境已经制约了新时期我国林产品对外贸易的发展,因此,必须改变贸易方式,加强企业综合实力,才能走出困境。  相似文献   

以天保区云南省玉龙县和四川省会理县为例,通过农户问卷调查法,取得187份有效样本,运用二元Logistic回归法对农户公益林抚育需求意愿进行分析。结果显示:受教育程度、林业收入占家庭收入比例、非农收入占家庭收入比例、参加林业技术培训与否、知道公益林补偿政策与否及开展过森林抚育工作与否等因素对农户公益林抚育需求意愿有显著影响。在具体分析各因素后,提出提高农户森林抚育需求意愿、进一步促进公益林保护与建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

基于京冀水源保护林建设工程周边104户农户实地调查数据,利用Logisti回归模型研究了各相关因素对农户参与造林建设意愿的具体影响。结果表明:造林工程区样本农户的年龄、居住地、收入构成、政府及造林政策以及效益偏好对后续造林参与意愿的综合影响认知具有显著性影响。其中年龄越大、所在地区越偏远、非农收入占比越大、重视经济效益的农户越愿意参与到后续工程建设中来;有政府补助收入、一期工程中接受过技术指导及参与过一期工程的农户对后续工程的参与意愿则较低。因此,建议加强造林工程的信息宣传工作;进一步提高造林标准,加大投资力度,造林资金及时足额到位并增加管理和管护经费;提供技术指导的同时要注意方式和方法等。  相似文献   

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