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国债利率期货的推出,有利于将国债收益率曲线培育为人民币利率基准。但该文认为现券市场上同期限不同票息国债收益率差别很大。即使使用转换因子也不能有效地消除税收因素,国债的免税特征妨碍了国债作为金融期货的标的基准。由于推出国债期货势在必行,因此应充分考国债的免税因素。  相似文献   

我国国债期限结构亟待完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国债的期限构成是与其基本功能相匹配的,并受到国债市场投资者结构的制约。1.国债弥补财政赤字的功能要求国债期限构成偏向中长期。在市场经济体制下,弥补财政赤字一般说来有三种措施,即增加税收、增发通货和发行国债。发行国债筹资仅是社会资金使用权的暂时转移,在正常情况下,一般不会招致无度的通货膨胀,它可迅速、灵活和有效地弥补财政赤字,是弥补财政赤字的一种最基本方式。  相似文献   

一、目前我国国债规模分析 国债是国家为筹集资金而依法发行的有价证券。一个国家国债规模是否适当,一般从一个国家国债的认购能力和国债的偿债能力两方面来衡量。反映的指标体系一般有国债负担率、居民的应债能力、金融机构的承受能力和国债偿债率、国债依存度等。尽管这两个方面分析的角度不同,反映的指标也有所不同,但都可以用来说明国债规模问题。  相似文献   

当前,很多人认为随着我国经济的快速发展,应尽快恢复国债期货交易。通过揭示国债期货市场和现货市场的关系,以及分析恢复国债期货交易的前提条件和现实障碍,我们认为,目前重推国债期货交易还为时过早。应借鉴西方发达国家的成功做法,消除制约因素,完善国债期货交易的外部条件,设计科学、合理的国债期货合约。  相似文献   

作为调整宏观经济的重要手段之一。凭证式国债发行从财政的角度分析,国债的主要职能是增加财政收入、弥补财政赤字,当财政支出大于财政收入出现赤字时,政府可以通过增加税收、通货发行、举借债务的方式弥补亏空,其中与其他两种方法相比,发行政府债券具有迅速、灵活、可操作性强的特点,被各国政府作为弥补财政赤字的基本方法。从金融的角度分析,国债市场已成为金融市场的重要组成部分。国债是金融机构和私人持有的主要金融资产之一。基础货币的发行、中央银行货币政策的实施越来越依赖于国债市场。在很多国家,国债的市场利率往往被作为利率体系中基准利率而成为中央银行关注的目标。为货币政策的实施和监控提供依据。  相似文献   

国债政策在我国最近几年是一个非常热点的问题,针对亚洲金融危机及国内需求不足的宏观经济态势,中央政府从1998年开始及时调整宏观调控的方向,采取扩大内需的方针,使得国民经济仍保持了相对的高速增长。需求不足时政府采用刺激需求的办法来保持宏观经济的稳定,是目前世界各国通行的方法。其理论依据是凯恩斯主义。凯恩斯所主张的刺激需求,总的来说有两个方向:增加支出与削减税收。目前我国国债的政策运用虽然从表现上看与凯恩斯主义很类似,但本质是不同的。一、凯恩斯主义的国债理论凯恩斯主义的国债思想遵循标准的宏观经济分析,实际上可分…  相似文献   

自1981年恢复发行国债以来,我国的国债市场取得了健康快速的发展,国债的存量规模、年度新增量以及付息规模均有大幅增长。随着建设反映市场价格水平的国债收益率曲线的重要性逐渐提高,为了更好地促进金融市场深入发展、提高宏观调控效率、管理市场预期,我国需要构建一条完善的国债收益率曲线。本文首先对我国国债市场的发展现状和国债收益率曲线建设情况进行了分析,探讨了国债期货市场发挥的重要功能,为更好地发展国债期货市场和健全国债收益率曲线提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO,金融市场的发展和利率市场化改革问题日益引起大家的关注。从国外经验来看,国债价格机制市场化改革往往走在整个金融市场改革的前沿。笔从利用有关国债价格决定和变动理论对我国国债价格及收益率之间的关系进行了验证。并针对国债发行和流通市场上存在的有关问题,提出了促进国债价格机制市场化和促进国债市场发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文通过分析我国国债市场的发展历程,对凭证式国债向储蓄国债过渡的必然趋势进行了探讨,在此基础上针对我国储蓄国债的发展前景做出相应的思考。  相似文献   

我国国债利率期限结构分析王利华一、国债利率期限结构的概念国债利率的期限结构是指各种不同期限国债的利率或收益率与期限之间的数量关系。用座标来表示,剩余期限作为横坐标,利率或收益率作为纵坐标,把不同的剩余期限对应的利率或收益率水平连成一条曲线,即为国债利...  相似文献   

市场经济的发展离不开法律的保障。在我国,创造一个完善的国债监督法律环境,将对国债市场的进一步发展起重要的作用。本文分析了国债监督方面的法律现状以及目前在这一领域中存在的问题,并就国债监督的法律问题提出了设想与建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between CEO inside debt holdings (pension benefits and deferred compensation) and corporate tax sheltering. Because inside debt holdings are generally unsecured and unfunded liabilities of the firm, CEOs are exposed to risk similar to that faced by outside creditors. As such, theory (Jensen and Meckling [1976]) suggests that inside debt holdings negatively impact CEO risk‐appetite. To the extent that corporate tax shelters are likely to result in high cash flow volatility in the future, we expect that inside debt holdings will curb CEOs from engaging in tax shelter transactions. Consistent with the prediction, we document a negative association between CEO inside debt holdings and tax sheltering. Additional analyses suggest that the effect of inside debt on tax sheltering is more (less) pronounced in the presence of high default risk and liquidity threats (cash‐out options in pension packages). Overall, our results highlight the importance of investigating the implication of CEO debt‐like compensation for corporate tax policies.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact on household borrowing from a tax reform that implied a change from progressive to constant marginal tax rates on interest deductions. We use three alternative empirical methods to address the problem of endogenous explanatory variables, which arises when the marginal tax rate itself is a function of the amount of debt: The first approach uses instrumental variables to examine the significance of the marginal tax rate directly and produces mixed results. In the second approach we use tobit regressions based on repeated cross-sectional data to examine the correspondence between debt and income and find that the households' amount of debt were strongly and positively related to income before the tax reform and significantly more income-dependent under progressive tax rates than under the constant tax rate. Finally, using panel data covering the last year prior to the reform and the first year after, we find that the change in a household's marginal tax rate had a significant impact on the change in its amount of debt.  相似文献   

Valuation of the Debt Tax Shield   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we use cross–sectional regressions to estimate the value of the debt tax shield. Recognizing that debt is correlated with the value of operations along nontax dimensions, we estimate reverse regressions in which we regress future profitability on firm value and debt rather than regressing firm value on debt and profitability. Reversing the regressions mitigates bias and facilitates the use of market information to control for differences in risk and expected growth. Our estimated value for the debt tax shield is approximately 40 percent (10 percent) of debt balances (firm value), net of the personal tax disadvantage of debt.  相似文献   

This study tests the joint prediction of the substitution effect and the tax exhaustion hypothesis that an increase in non-debt tax shields leads to a decrease in leverage. Controls are introduced for the debt securability effect, the pecking order theory of financing, and the probability of losing tax shields. Using the relationship between changes in investment tax shields and changes in debt tax shields of firms in response to the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, strong empirical support is found for predictions based on the substitution effect and the tax exhaustion hypothesis.  相似文献   

How Big Are the Tax Benefits of Debt?   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
I integrate under firm-specific benefit functions to estimate that the capitalized tax benefit of debt equals 9.7 percent of firm value (or as low as 4.3 percent, net of personal taxes). The typical firm could double tax benefits by issuing debt until the marginal tax benefit begins to decline. I infer how aggressively a firm uses debt by observing the shape of its tax benefit function. Paradoxically, large, liquid, profitable firms with low expected distress costs use debt conservatively. Product market factors, growth options, low asset collateral, and planning for future expenditures lead to conservative debt usage. Conservative debt policy is persistent.  相似文献   

邹静娴  申广军  刘超 《金融研究》2022,504(6):74-93
本文主要探讨减税政策对小微企业债务期限结构的影响。理论上,减税政策对企业债务期限结构产生两种方向相反的效果:一是减税后企业盈利状况改善,激励银行通过延长债务期限以争取企业客户;二是减税后企业可支配现金流增加,加剧银行与企业间的委托代理问题,促使银行缩短债务期限以便加强企业监督。本文以所得税减半征收政策作为自然实验,基于全国税收调查数据库(2010-2015)考察了减税政策对小微企业债务期限结构的影响。实证结果显示:减税后企业的债务期限整体得以延长;如果减税后企业的盈利状况改善更多,或可支配现金流增长更缓,企业债务期限延长幅度更大。此外,本文发现在快速扩张行业、有产能过剩风险行业以及房地产上下游关联行业中的企业往往会因为较强的代理成本效应而面临减税后债务期限的边际缩短。本文研究结论对改善企业融资结构,特别对提高小微企业获取中长期贷款能力,有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of the effective tax value of incremental interest deductions for corporations taking into account that they may not be able to utilize all their interest deductions fully because of either insufficient taxable income or the availability of nondebt tax shields. After describing particular features of the tax code which may drive a wedge between statutory and effective tax rates for debt finance, we present estimates using the Treasury Corporate Tax Model of effective tax rates for a variety of industry groupings. Our estimates suggest that the after-tax cost of debt varies widely across industries.  相似文献   

This paper uses an option valuation model of the firm to answer the question, “What magnitude tax advantage to debt is consistent with the range of observed corporate debt ratios?” We incorporate into the model differential personal tax rates on capital gains and ordinary income. We conclude that variations in the magnitude of bankruptcy costs across firms can not by itself account for the simultaneous existence of levered and unlevered firms. When it is possible for the value of the underlying assets to jump discretely to zero, differences across firms in the probability of this jump can account for the simultaneous existence of levered and unlevered firms. Moreover, if the tax advantage to debt is small, the annual rate of return advantage offered by optimal leverage may be so small as to make the firm indifferent about debt policy over a wide range of debt-to-firm value ratios.  相似文献   

Debt, Leases, Taxes, and the Endogeneity of Corporate Tax Status   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We provide evidence that corporate tax status is endogenous to financing decisions, which induces a spurious relation between measures of financial policy and many commonly used tax proxies. Using a forward-looking estimate of before-financing corporate marginal tax rates, we document a negative relation between operating leases and tax rates, and a positive relation between debt levels and tax rates. This is the first unambiguous evidence supporting the hypothesis that low tax rate firms lease more, and have lower debt levels, than high tax rate firms.  相似文献   

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