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刘春香 《世界贸易组织动态与研究》2005,(2):8-13
2005年1月1日,ATC协议将正式生效,纺织品服装贸易的无配额时代终将来临。从全球市场份额来看,中国将成为最大的赢家。本文在ATC如期生效的基础上,对中国纺织品服装贸易前景进行了预测并提出了相应的对策。 相似文献
面对"特保"中国纺织服装业的应对之道 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
进入 2005年“无配额时代”以来,各国要求对我纺织服装产品设限事件屡见不鲜,归纳起来有如下一些特点: 相似文献
本文主要分析了我国纺织服装业在后配额时代面临的四道坎以及全球纺织品市场将呈现的新变化,并据此提出了应对策略措施。 相似文献
中国是纺织和服装最大出口国 从联合国2002年纺织和服装的出口统计看,中国已经是第二大纺织和服装出口国,当年出口总额为618.65亿美元,占全世界出口总 相似文献
后配额时代中国纺织品贸易面临的问题与应对措施 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据乌拉圭回合达成的《纺织品与服装协定》,自2005年1月1日起纺织品配额取消,中国纺织品行业迎来了纺织品贸易的“后配额时代”。文章分析了后配额时代,中国纺织品行业面临的来自国外和国内的挑战,并从政府和企业两个层面提出了应对措施。 相似文献
后配额时代中国纺织业面临的挑战 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
一、后配额时代中国纺织业面临的挑战 配额取消后的世界纺织品和服装市场将经历一场重新洗牌的过程,我国的纺织服装业的一支独秀很可能会成为国际市场上的众矢之的.在自由贸易利益需要平均分享的国际呼声下,我国的纺织业也面临着种种的挑战. 相似文献
2005年1月1日,世界贸易组织的纺织品配额全部取消。几个月来,国际纺织品市场的形势并不如先前预计的那样乐观。在后配额时代,我国的纺织品生产出口企业面临什么样的形势,采取什么样的应对策略去规避摩擦、提高竞争力,本文就这些内容进行了探讨。 相似文献
对2005年以后的国际纺织品服装贸易分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
长期以来,纺织品贸易作为一种特殊的贸易体制,游离于关贸总协议体制之外,背离《关贸总协定》的基本原则。1974年,进口纺织品的发达国家缔约方利用关贸总协定主持制定了《多种纤维协定》(又称《国际纺织品贸易协定》),为期4年,后三次延长,第四个协定于1986年8月签订,为期5年,于1991年7月到期,有54个纺织品进出口国家和地区参加。主要涉及棉织品、毛麻、丝、化纤织物等。《多种纤维协定》作为国际纺织品贸易管理的一种补救措施,进出口国在《多种纤 相似文献
Helen D. Rowe 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》1999,23(1):53-61
Summary: This paper focuses on the use of biotechnology in the textile/clothing industry by identifying where and how such processes are already established and considers the latest developments, either in the research stage or in the early stages of commercialization. It has been found that biotechnology systems are already well known to those involved in fabric preparation, particularly as regards desizing. Enzymes used in detergent formulations have also been successfully used for the past 30–40 years. Most recent commercial advances have been in fabric finishing processes where handle modifications to cotton fabrics in particular are fast becoming established. Cutting-edge research falls in the areas of fibre modification and the generation of new fibres from natural sources, such as natural polyester from bacteria. The isolation of DNA from the shaft of hair fibres and the encoding of detectable specific antigens to designer labels is providing new ways of helping to combat fraud and counterfeit in the fashion trade. The treatment of textile effluent continues to be a major problem to the industry, but here, biotechnological developments in other industries are helping to provide some answers. 相似文献
This paper evaluates the Swedish industrial policy for the textile and clothing industry and attempts to provide an interview-based method for assessing the effects of state intervention. The Swedish industrial policy, in the period 1970–1990, was general and defensive in character. In the majority of firms interviewed, government policy had either no effect at all on firm behaviour or where effects were found there were no underlying market imperfections. Only in a minority of firms was it found that the policy alleviated market imperfections and changed firms' investment behaviour in a way which was judged to be beneficial for the firms' competitiveness. Therefore, the Swedish industrial policy for the textile and clothing industry was associated with very substantial inefficiencies in the use of sizeable resources. 相似文献
人民币汇率升值预期对我国纺织业的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
我国自1994年汇率并轨以来,对外贸易基本处于顺差状态,外汇储备增长较快;从而使人民币逐渐面临升值的压力,汇率改革势在必行。2005年7月21日中国人民银行宣布人民币对美元升值2%,明确传递了我国汇率改革的信息,也显现了人民币升值的必然趋势。那么,面对人民币升值趋势给我国传统纺织业带来的压力,企业如何去应对?作者认为,必须变压力为动力,采取积极的态度和措施,改变现有经营方式;并以此为契机,提高生产科技水平,促进产业结构升级,增强出口产品在国际市场上的竞争能力。 相似文献
品牌之路——中国服装业后配额时代的必然选择 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
中国服装协会公布的《2003—2004中国服装行业发展报告》显示,2003年服装行业规模以上企业完成服装总产量98.43亿件,全行业实际完成梭织服装产量136亿件,成为世界最大服装生产国。2003年我国纺织服装出口总额为804.84亿美元,比上年增长27.72%,成为世界最大服装出口国,中国纺织.服装企业在国际市场上显示 相似文献
在WTO后过渡期,随着洋快餐的不断发展与壮大,以及旅游业的不断繁荣,餐饮市场竞争日趋激烈,经营空间越来越小,我国本土餐饮业面临着更大的机遇和挑战。作为本土餐饮业应适应市场形势的变化,利用中国本土餐饮业的优势,扬长避短,及时调整经营战略,挖掘本土餐饮市场的增长点,实现特色化和连锁化经营,积极参与国际竞争。 相似文献
Abstract The purpose of the study was to examine the importance of the educational criteria to graduates of fashion merchandising programmes. A 74-item questionnaire based on the core curricular competencies identified by the International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA) and course objectives of two fashion merchandising programmes was developed. The questionnaires were mailed to 296 alumni of two universities. The response rate was 37%. Twenty-four (32%) of the criteria were rated as most important or very important. Of these, 42% were based on the ITAA core competencies and 58% on course objectives. An additional analysis was conducted to determine whether managers rated the criteria differently from merchandisers. t-Tests determined that there was a significant difference in only 10 of the criteria. The results of this study provided a means to assess two fashion merchandising programmes. It also provided an initial validation of the ITAA core competencies from a fashion merchandising perspective and a preliminary examination of the educational criteria for a fashion merchandising core. 相似文献
Textile and clothing production has changed from a craft-oriented skill to a mechanical means of mass-production in the developed world since the Industrial Revolution, but has remained as an artisan-based industry in the Third World. With the availability of modern techniques to developing nations, however, there is a risk that industrialization may eliminate this craft aspect. The end result of its appearance may well be a major loss, both of unique characteristics and of products prized for their originality by connoisseurs of fine textiles. 相似文献
王必成 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(10)
随着中国加入WTO,传统的非关税壁垒被逐步削减.绿色壁垒以鲜明的时代特征日益成为国际贸易发展的主要关卡.绿色壁垒是以严格的环境标准和其他环境要求为主要内涵的一种贸易壁垒.入世以后,它取代过去的关税壁垒等贸易限制成为我国纺织服装业发展对外贸易的最大障碍.本文在深入分析绿色壁垒的定义及其特点的基础上,探讨其对我国纺织服装业的影响,进而提出相应的对策. 相似文献