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蔡向辉 《新金融》2003,(8):9-11
合作竞争时代商业银行面临的市场竞争特点是银行竞争力削弱、银行竞争更加激烈、银行竞争行为发生变化.银行战略联盟的建立基础是竞争优势互补,其目的是集中精力于核心业务,战略联盟是一种适合时代环境要求的银行成长策略.我国商业银行战略联盟的发展策略在于巩固银行同业间的战略联盟,加强竞争协调与市场重整;推动银行与其他金融机构建立战略联盟,通过创新和发掘市场综合利用金融资源;促进银行与非金融机构建立战略联盟,有效提升核心业务并降低经营成本.  相似文献   

邓瑛 《上海金融》2002,(2):39-41
随着自由化和全球化的发展,战略联盟这一新的金融制度安排正在金融领域悄然兴起,它既是外部环境使然,也是银行业自身战略调整的必然结果。国际银行业的战略联盟通常有三种策略:交易联盟、职能联盟和动态联盟。我国面对加入WTO后外资银行的挑战,应建立银行战略联盟,以提高我国金融业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

按照银行与联盟企业之间的合作程度不同,银行战略联盟包含了三种策略,交易联盟、职能联盟和动态联盟.  相似文献   

银行战略联盟运行机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行战略联盟的有效运行有赖于一整套完备的游戏规则,以机制确保联盟目标的实现。本文仅对银行战略联盟中的信任机制、学习机制和保护机制进行简单探讨。  相似文献   

战略联盟使银行之间的竞争关系由对抗性的竞争转向非对抗性的竞争,它给银行业带来了资源互补、竞争优势和较大的利润空间,但也对银行的管理水平提出了更高的要求,其中关键的一点就是如何成功地构建联盟.文章从提升银行核心资源和能力的角度,着重讨论银行业战略联盟的构建模型、联盟银行选择和联盟模式设计等三个方面的问题.  相似文献   

从组织资本角度看中外银行战略联盟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2006年是中国银行业全面开放前的最后一年。各商业银行纷纷以引入战略投资者的方式加快改革进度。伴随着外资银行入股中资银行,形成了越来越多的中外银行战略联盟。本文从组织资本角度,论述了中外银行战略联盟的意义,并针对联盟中经常存在的问题提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

高技术产业技术标准战略联盟契约性治理结构解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术标准战略联盟治理结构从根本上决定着联盟运行效率与组织租金分配.运用交易费用理论、资源依存理论与社会网络理论分别从成本节约、价值创造与社会关系等角度全面系统地解析技术标准战略联盟选择契约型治理结构的合理性和优越性,以及技术标准战略联盟选择契约型治理结构的影响因素及其作用机理,为进一步研究技术标准战略联盟治理的相关问题提供了理论支撑与解释.  相似文献   

在全球迅速兴起的战略联盟是公司获取竞争优势的重要途径之一.本文以2009-2018年沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,检验了公司参与战略联盟对其税收负担的影响.研究结果表明:参与战略联盟的公司,其整体税收负担显著低于未参与战略联盟的公司,且股权式联盟和契约式联盟均可降低公司税收负担.区分联盟伙伴及公司异质性特征的进一步研究发现:只有当联盟伙伴为民营公司时,参与战略联盟才能显著降低公司税负;当公司大股东存在关联关系、公司位于法律环境较差地区及公司的避税动机更强时,战略联盟对公司税负的降低效应更大.拓展性分析结果显示,关联交易(资本支出)是股权式联盟(契约式联盟)影响公司税负的主要渠道.本文丰富了战略联盟的经济后果和公司税负的影响因素研究,并为改善战略联盟的监管提供了政策参考.  相似文献   

杨万强 《财会学习》2020,(11):240-240,242
基于价值链管理角度进行分析可以发现,企业并购活动本质上属于战略联盟的重构,由此可见战略联盟与企业并购存在的紧密联系.基于此,本文将简单分析企业并购与战略联盟,并深入探讨企业并购与战略联盟选择、战略联盟重构路径,希望研究内容能够为相关业内人士带来一定启发.  相似文献   

每每论及城商行的发展之道,诸如“明确市场定位、特色化和差异化发展、培育核心竞争力、错位竞争”等熟悉的词语便跃然纸上。但是究竟如何践行特色化、差异化发展道路,如何培育核心竞争力尤其是如何通过建立战略联盟提升银行的核心竞争力,大多数城商行都缺乏必要的系统梳理,在认识上和运行中都存在一定的模糊。因此,针对城商行核心竞争力的现状,在梳理战略联盟对包商银行发展的重要作用和借鉴学界研究成果的基础上,本文从战略联盟视角研究了包商银行如何提升其核心竞争力,并在此基础上对包商银行战略联盟的具体操作模式进行了探讨,借此抛砖引玉,求教于诸位专家。  相似文献   

Divestiture makes sense only as part of a sound, long-term strategy. Before simply shedding business units, companies must consider all the options, and be willing to constantly review, replenish, and trim portfolios as markets change and evolve. In so doing, a company increases not only its flexibility but also its chances of adding shareholder value.
This article examines the corporate restructuring "big picture," in which divestments are only one alternative. It reviews additional measures besides divestments, such as outsourcing, joint ventures, asset swaps, and using new technologies to cut costs, and provides case studies of each. It also raises some interesting issues regarding divestiture, such as ways to sell a business unit without strengthening a competitor's hand, as well as strategies for improving a business unit's valuation in preparation for sale. The authors, who are M&A advisors at Accenture, conclude that "a carefully planned and well-executed restructuring that involves divestiture can be as significant a victory for management and shareholders as a successful acquisition."  相似文献   

This article presents a new approach to financial risk management whose primary objective is to ensure that companies have sufficient internal funds and access to outside capital to carry out their strategic investments. The foundation of this approach is a comprehensive measure of corporate exposure that views the firm as a collection of current cashgenerating assets and future investment opportunities and that attempts to show how changes in fundamental economic variables can threaten the firm's ability to realize its strategic objectives. As such, the measure of exposure reflects the effect of expected changes in economic variables not only on the firm's operating cash flows but also on its future investment requirements.
Because its focuses only on the exposures that need protection when regular sources of funds are exhausted, this strategic hedging approach will generally lead to a more conservative hedging policy. In so doing, it should enable companies to avoid the excessive and costly "micro" hedging of individual transactions—an approach that can easily degenerate into speculation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses various aspects of the auditor liability problem in Australia. It identifies, as the fundamental cause of the auditor liability problem, the moral and ethical degradation of the accountancy profession and, as a derivative thereof, its intellectual impoverishment. It indicates a significant imbalance between self-interest and public-interest in the profession. This imbalance is supported with an examination of the resolute efforts which were actioned by powerful members of the profession to control the initiatives which were taken to protect a small minority of members, including themselves, from damage awards. It examines the success which those parties had in bringing about the introduction of an act of parliament to cap damages awarded by a judge and it explores the obnoxious scheme that was enacted under that act to protect wrongdoers from the payment of just, fair, and equitable damages to their victims. The paper indicates that the profession did not do its job properly and that, accordingly, it is not so much the victim as it is the culprit. The paper identifies the evaluation of the going concern basis as being fundamentally flawed and, thereby, as being a basic cause of auditor liability. It suggests the introduction of a multi-disciplinary approach to such evaluations utilizing, amongst other things, strategic management dimensions. It also proposes an order of magnitude expansion of the role of going concern basis evaluations. The paper indicates that the profession is a victim of itself. It concludes with the observation that the accountancy bodies are myopic and that they are not learning organizations. This situation, it states, must change.  相似文献   

金融是现代经济的核心.随着中国正式加入世界贸易组织,作为我国投资与融资主体的金融业,必须面对如何寻求新的发展机遇和应对国际竞争的双重挑战.中国金融的根本出路只有对我国的金融战略进行顺应变化趋势的重新构造,以全新的姿态与全新的形象应对突变的市场,才能融入世界经济,实现金融的可持续发展,而且要从体制、法制与机制以及理念、资源和文化等深层次入手,整体推进.主要的战略包括:主动渗透全球、加快资源整合、始终以人为本、强化科技进步、奉行客户为上、创建优质品牌、不断创新机制、实施成本制衡、突出企业文化和从严监管风险.  相似文献   

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