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Given the increasing popularity of the Internet and TV shopping, travel agencies are using these electronic channels to conduct business transactions. However, few studies investigate how customers' relational benefits affect relationship-marketing outcomes in the travel industry. This study examines the effects of the relational benefits on customer satisfaction and loyalty by focusing on three types of transaction used for travel products. The results indicate that confidence and social benefits, but not special treatment benefits, positively affect customer satisfaction. All three types of customers' relational benefits are positively related to loyalty. The influences of confidence benefits on satisfaction and loyalty are stronger for Internet transaction than interpersonal transaction and TV shopping transaction. The influences of social benefits on satisfaction and loyalty are stronger for TV shopping transaction than interpersonal transaction and Internet transaction. Therefore, the relationships among customer relational benefits, satisfaction, and loyalty are moderated by the three types of transaction.  相似文献   

This study seeks to determine which restaurant experiences influence the image of a restaurant's brand and formation of customers' loyalty. The research examines the connections among restaurant experiences, brand image, satisfaction, and loyalty in the context of full-service restaurants. This study also investigates the moderating effect of customers' dining motivations on the formation of brand image. The results of this study suggest that: (a) A restaurant's environment and food quality positively influences brand image and customers' satisfaction, (b) customers' perceptions of price fairness do not influence brand image but does affect customers' satisfaction, (c) development of customers' positive brand image does not drive satisfaction but does influence loyalty in full-service restaurants, and (d) customers' dining motivations moderate the relationship between restaurant experiences and perceptions of brand image. These results provide a basis for investigating which restaurant experiences are critical in eliciting development of a positive brand image and which have behavioral consequences. This study also offers mangers a perspective for developing marketing strategies to strengthen brand image in full-service restaurants.  相似文献   

This study examines how perceptions associated with customer personality traits can affect customer satisfaction, customer brand identification (CBI), and involvement as well as the development of brand loyalty. Social identity theory was applied to explain these effects as it relates to coffee shop businesses and further investigate relationships between customers and a brand. The verified model with a survey sample of 743 customers confirmed that customer personality traits had significant effects on customer satisfaction and CBI. Customer satisfaction had positive effects on CBI, involvement, and brand loyalty. CBI had significant influences on involvement and brand loyalty. Involvement was, in turn, positively associated with brand loyalty. In addition, the relationships between these variables were moderated by business type (i.e., independent coffee shop vs. franchise coffee shop).  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine the optimal service provider communication style for maximizing patrons' perceived relational benefits, and to examine how perceived relational benefits influence relationship quality and loyalty within the luxury restaurant industry. A review of current communication literature was conducted, and three types of communication styles were derived. Based on the theoretical causal relationships between the proposed constructs in this study, 16 hypotheses were derived, thus creating a conceptual model. The proposed model was tested utilizing data collected from 527 luxury restaurant patrons. The results of data analysis revealed two major findings: (a) a task-orientation communication style enhances patrons' perceived confidence benefits and deepens relationship quality, thus creating patron loyalty; and (b) an interaction-orientation communication style induces rapport between service provider and patrons, thus helping to maximize patrons' perceived relational benefits. Finally, it leads to patron loyalty. Based on these findings, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the relation between customer loyalty and social media engagement. Two dimensions of customer loyalty are considered: affective and conative loyalty. We distinguish two forms of social media engagement: consuming of social media (passive engagement) and contribution to social media (active engagement). In a survey among 1,050 customers of a travel agency, the level of engagement of customers with the company’s social media activities is measured in relation to their degree of loyalty. Results show a partial positive relationship between social media engagement and customer loyalty: only consuming social media is directly related to affective loyalty.  相似文献   

This study develops a conceptual model of the effects of service quality on customer loyalty that reflects the mediating role of customer satisfaction and the moderating role of service recovery and perceived value, and applies this model to the travel industry. A survey and analysis confirm that customer satisfaction is positively influenced by service quality, and customer loyalty is positively influenced by customer satisfaction. Furthermore, customer loyalty is indirectly influenced by service quality through the mediator of customer satisfaction. The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is found to be stronger for customers who have a positive experience of service recovery; and the correlation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is stronger for customers who perceive high service value.  相似文献   

This study empirically examined not only the relationship between perceived value and customer loyalty, but also the moderating role of service quality, environment, image, and food quality at a water park, a segment of the tourism industry. In particular, the current study, using hierarchical regression analyses, examined the direct effects of perceived value on customer loyalties—loyalty and behavioral loyalty—as well as the moderating effect of four elements. As anticipated, this study showed that perceived value has significant and positive effect on both types of loyalty. In addition, the result of the interaction effects showed that service quality and food quality acted as moderators on the relationship between perceived value and attitudinal loyalty; however, water park image acted as a moderator on the relationship between perceived value and behavioral loyalty only. Finally, these results indicated that three elements—service quality, water park image, and food quality—have significant interaction on the relationship between perceived value and attitudinal/behavioral loyalty. These findings may provide water park operators with useful and detailed guidelines for satisfying customer loyalty levels, both attitudinally and behaviorally. More detailed findings and implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Relationship quality is crucial to enhancing a tourist’s loyalty. Little empirical research has been conducted to link service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality to customer loyalty in the travel agency sector. This study attempts to investigate the role of service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality on customer loyalty among tourists. Relationship quality consists of three components: customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer commitment. Structural equation modeling is used to test the linkages between the six variables that have been identified. Findings reveal that service quality and perceived value of a travel package are antecedent factors to the relationship quality with a travel agency; three components of relationship quality significantly influence a customer’s loyalty to a travel agency.  相似文献   

This study examines airline travelers' causal attribution (stability and controllability) and its impact on trust and loyalty formation and investigates the moderating role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in this process. Based on a literature review, theoretical relationships between stability, controllability, CSR, trust, and loyalty were derived, and the moderating effects of CSR on relationships between stability/controllability and trust/loyalty were examined. To empirically test these theoretical relationships, quantitative data were collected from 271 airline passengers who experienced a service failure in the past year. The results provide support for effects of stability and controllability on trust as well as the effect of stability on loyalty. In addition, the perception of CSR had positive effects on trust and loyalty. Finally, a favorable CSR perception weakened the negative effects of a service failure on trust and loyalty, particularly when the failure was attributed to a stable cause. The results highlight the important role of CSR in service failure situations and have important implications for airline managers.  相似文献   

旅游企业社会责任对目的地形象及游客忠诚的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈鹏熠 《旅游学刊》2012,27(2):72-79
在旅游市场竞争日趋激烈的背景下,由旅游企业经营所引发的社会责任问题受到广泛关注,但学界关于旅游企业社会责任的影响研究还不够系统和深入.文章将旅游企业社会责任划分为6个方面,将目的地形象划分为认知形象和情感形象两个方面,并构建了旅游企业社会责任对目的地形象及游客忠诚的影响模型.实证研究表明,旅游企业社会责任在目的地形象及游客忠诚形成中发挥非常重要的作用,其中,经济责任、环境责任、游客责任、员工责任和法律责任对认知形象有正向影响,游客责任、员工责任和慈善责任对情感形象有正向影响;认知形象和情感形象不仅对游客忠诚产生直接影响,而且通过游客满意对游客忠诚产生间接作用.相比认知形象,情感形象对游客满意和忠诚的影响作用更大.  相似文献   

生态旅游社区居民是否具有环保意识,是当地生态旅游能否可持续发展的关键因素。因此,如何培养社区居民的环保意识是当前面临的重要挑战。有研究表明,经济收益能够作为激励因素增进居民的环保意识,然而这种激励方式的有效性却受到了另外一些学者的质疑。基于文献研究,文章提出社会资本在生态旅游收益和居民环保意识之间具有调节作用的假设。实证检验结果表明,社会资本是一个调节变量,正向调节生态旅游收益与居民环保意识之间的关系。该研究结论对于生态旅游实践具有重要的管理启示。  相似文献   

大陆赴台自由行游客地方认同与休闲效益关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
台湾是许多大陆游客向往的休闲胜地, 大陆游客赴台自由行热度的持续升温, 这既给台湾带来巨大的旅游经济效益, 更可增进海峡两岸的民间交流和人民情谊。文章通过实证研究探讨大陆赴台自由行游客对台湾的地方认同及其在台从事休闲活动所获得的休闲效益等程度表现的差异性, 并检验地方认同与休闲效益间的相关性。研究表明, 大陆赴台自由行游客对台湾的地方认同以环境认同程度最高, 依恋程度最低, 其在台湾从事休闲活动所获得的休闲效益以社会效益最高, 生理效益最低;不同个人背景与游程规划的大陆赴台自由行游客在地方认同与休闲效益程度方面有显著的差异;地方认同与休闲效益间呈显著正相关且彼此间存在典型相关关系。研究成果可作为海峡两岸旅游职能部门及旅游企业完善休闲法规、环境与产品组合的参考。  相似文献   

休闲与生活质量关系的量化考察:国外研究进展及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
宋瑞 《旅游学刊》2006,21(12):48-52
参与休闲活动能够提高人们的生活质量,这是国内学界普遍认同的观点.然而这个观点更多地是从逻辑推演而来,还缺乏实证的量化考察.对休闲与生活质量关系的量化考察,涉及主客观两类指标的设置;而其最终价值在于帮助决策者制定和调整相关政策,采取有效措施,从而全面改善居民的休闲状况,提高其生活质量.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of rapport between players and dealers in the casino industry. More specifically, based on a literature review, it was proposed that (1) rapport positively affects three outcome variables: customer satisfaction, revisit intentions, and word-of-mouth; (2) customer satisfaction has a positive influence on revisit intentions and word-of-mouth; and (3) gender plays a moderating role in this process. Based on the proposed hypotheses, a conceptual model was developed and tested using empirical data from 227 casino table players. Data analysis results showed that rapport is an important determinant of customer satisfaction, revisit intentions, and word-of-mouth. In addition, it was revealed that customer satisfaction bears a significant impact on revisit intentions and word-of-mouth. Lastly, gender has key moderating functions in the relationship between (1) rapport and customer satisfaction and (2) rapport and revisit intentions. The possible interpretations and managerial implications of these findings are provided in the last part of the article.  相似文献   

海峡两岸HTM专业大学生的专业选择动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海峡两岸旅游产业不断发展 ,海峡两岸HTM专业的大专院校数量与大学生数量也不断增加 ,HTM专业高等教育方面的研究也不断增多 ,但关于海峡两岸的大学生选择HTM专业的动机等方面的定性与定量研究却非常匮乏。本研究目的在于 :第一 ,分析海峡两岸大学生选择HTM专业的动机 ;第二 ,海峡两岸HTM专业大学生出国留学喜欢优先选择的国家和专业 ;第三 ,比较海峡两岸大学生选择HTM专业动机的相似性与差异性。此项研究希望通过大学生的实际抽样调查 ,了解海峡两岸HTM专业高等教育现状 ,用定量分析的方法揭示出海峡两岸大学生选择HTM专业的动机 ,以弥补国内外相关研究在定量分析方面的不足  相似文献   

中外饭店管理公司在中国市场竞争力之对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王新  谷慧敏 《旅游学刊》2001,16(2):46-51
本文通过抽样调查 ,对目前中国两种饭店管理公司进行了对比研究。结果显示 :外国饭店管理公司在品牌声誉、可信度、销售网络及其与当地政府、相关机构和饭店员工关系等16个有关饭店管理公司竞争力指标上 ,比中国饭店管理公司具有较大的优势 ,但存在增长动力不足的问题。处于发展初期的中国饭店管理公司尚难以与国外公司开展纯市场性的竞争 ,政府现行的行政干预有助于其规模的形成 ,但无法解决内在竞争力不足的问题。中外双方利用各自比较优势开展合作以形成联合优势 ,是一项双赢战略。本文认为建立合资合作饭店管理公司来实现这一战略是现阶段中外饭店管理公司的明智选择。  相似文献   

刘震  杨勇 《旅游学刊》2022,37(2):75-93
经济新常态下,互联网普及推动了消费方式的系统性变革。文章基于中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS),实证检验了互联网使用对家庭文旅消费的影响。研究结果表明:(1)互联网使用显著提升了家庭文旅消费概率和水平,并且在克服潜在的内生性问题后,其影响效应保持稳健。(2)进一步分析发现,互联网使用对家庭文旅消费的促进作用来源于信息渠道效应和便捷交易效应,而受教育水平和收入水平的增加有利于增强互联网使用的影响效果。(3)分地区异质性分析显示,在中西部地区、低互联网普及率地区、高景区拥有量地区,互联网使用对家庭文旅消费的促进作用更为明显。(4)拓展分析还发现,互联网使用没有影响家庭在必需品消费方面的支出比重,但却带来以文旅消费为代表的服务消费水平和比重的显著提升,继而有助于家庭扩大消费支出,并促进消费结构的服务化转型。上述结论不仅为理解中国家庭消费行为提供了新的视角,也为合理利用互联网激发消费潜能提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

把握影响游客感知价值的关键因素,有助于促进旅游目的地竞争力的提升。以广西北海银滩国家级旅游度假区为研究区域,采用携程旅行网北海银滩游客网络评论资料作为研究样本,运用扎根理论方法构建包括5个主范畴和18个对应范畴的滨海游客感知价值影响因素模型,并运用复杂系统的决策实验和评估实验法(Decision making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory,DEMATEL)模型构建滨海游客感知价值影响因素的关系矩阵,识别影响滨海游客感知价值的关键因素。研究发现:资源和环境、管理和保护、设施和服务、情感和成本价值构成了滨海旅游目的地游客感知价值的重要维度,天气条件、海滩规模、海滩管理和保护、游客愉悦感、游客娱乐体验项目、旅游基础设施及服务是影响滨海旅游目的地游客感知价值的关键因素。据此提出促进我国滨海旅游目的地游客感知价值提升的相关建议。  相似文献   

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