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Hiring and retaining local employees for an overseas plant or office calls for abandoning ordinary American hiring techniques and assumptions and rethinking the entire process. When hiring a national, whether a manager or lower-level employee, you must be acutely aware of that country's cultural mores. Only then can you best fulfill your organization's goals while simultaneously meeting the needs of the employee.  相似文献   

The emerging economies of the Asia-Pacific region form a major arena of increasing overseas business operations. Yet little is known about the training provided by companies to develop managers for overseas assignment in the region. This article examines the training provided by Singapore-based companies for their business operations in the Asia-Pacific region and provides an insight into the companies’ training curriculum.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to test the hypothesis of owner managers expropriating minority shareholders by receiving excessive compensation. Using a sample of Canadian family firms, we found that when there is divergence between voting rights and cash flow rights, owner CEOs receive higher compensation than non‐owners. The higher the divergence between voting rights and cash flow rights, the higher the excess compensation. Further analysis shows that only poorly governed firms are affected by the expropriation problem. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study explored how human resource (HR) leaders' biased perceptions of frontline manager (FLM) effectiveness influence HR ratings of FLM competencies, resulting in insufficient training and job preparation for these critical employees. The literature review examined FLM research, ratings of supervisory competencies and the underlying theoretical frameworks of implicit leadership theory and leadership categorization theory, and their relationship to informal learning. The research used mixed methods, with a qualitative critical incident study to identify competencies, followed by a quantitative survey to compare ratings, followed by qualitative in-person interviews to confirm survey findings. Results revealed a significant difference between HR and other raters of FLMs, including the FLMs themselves, with regard to FLM effectiveness, and these differences are informed by HR stereotypes of FLMs. Recommendations and implications suggest HR's role in providing unbiased assessment could lead to essential FLM training and development.  相似文献   

China's managers     
This is a preliminary attempt to look at the environment within which senior executives in the People's Republic of China (PRC) operate and to throw some light on their managerial behavior. It tries to compare the way in which they allocate their time between various activities with Mintzberg's findings on the behavior of Western managers. The spread of Western-style management training in China during the last decade is discussed, and the fact that the managers studied made the effort to set aside significant amounts of uninterrupted time for their own personal education is pointed out.  相似文献   

风云 《国际市场》2004,(11):60-60
改革开放20多年来,在拓展国内市场的同时,国人也逐步走向海外。中国企业参加海外展览既可以扩大商务接触面。开阔视野,启发思路。又可以货比三家,寻求最佳的供货厂商与合作对象,还能直接面对客户,便于寻求客户和商贸机会,而直接订货,免去寻求海外客户与市场的中间环节,更是减少成本,提高时效的好机会。因此有不少企业都积极跻身世界的各种会展中,期望能通过展示来提高自已的知名度,让自己的形象和产品同外国客商有亲密接触。  相似文献   

去年以来,有关中国车销往海外的新闻可谓林林总总,着实让人有点眼晕。屡次爆出的国内汽车自主品牌撬动海外市场的消息,正在向人们暗示:在国内车市受挫后,中国汽车自主品牌对海外市场的欲望开始炽热。  相似文献   

Since the mid-sixties the expansion of the overseas banking system of American banks accelerated. New impulses will be generated by the “petroldollars” of the oil producing countries which will most likely be handled by the overseas branches.  相似文献   

身为外贸人,总会遇到不同国籍和不同肤色的合作伙伴,在与他们的合作中,我总会有一些感触,或者感悟到他们身上的敬业精神,或者学习到他们工作中独特的处事方式。通过这些"国际化"的工作方式,自己的阅历也日渐丰富起来。  相似文献   

鲁桐 《大经贸》2003,(2):60-61
党的十六大明确提出了"引进来"和"走出去"并举的战略部署,为今后20年我国的对外开放明确了目标.而完全意义的对外开放应该是双向的,既要"引进来",也要"走出去".  相似文献   

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