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Research ecotourism is a relatively new component of activities within the ecotourism industry, providing research opportunities for visitors focusing on aspects of the natural environment which are principally located in developing countries. This paper is directed towards identifying the nature and causes of socio-cultural impacts of this strand of ecotourism using a case study from Indonesia. The positive nature of socio-cultural impacts perceived by host communities alongside the irregular nature of economic benefits to host communities is analogous with the altruistic surplus theory of individual recognition of communal benefits. Certain characteristics of research ecotourists are identified as contributing towards host reactions towards visitors which reinforce the contention that this is a desirable form of ecotourism in similar locations.  相似文献   

朱璇 《旅游学刊》2012,27(6):73-78
文章从乡村精英的性质、特点等方面对这一特殊阶层做出初步分析,以虎跳峡徒步路线地区为例,分析受益于乡村旅游的发展,脱胎草根而非传统权力社会的新乡村经济精英的形成及其在乡村旅游中的地位,探索应如何更好地发挥他们的作用,从而带动欠发达地区乡村旅游业的发展,并为整个社区带来更大的福利.结论指出,中国欠发达地区的乡村需要培育和支持新乡村经济精英,虎跳峡徒步路线发展乡村旅游的模式值得其他欠发达地区借鉴.该案例研究对社会学领域的社会分层理论和人类学领域的旅游涵化理论都具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   


For more than fifty of the world's poorest countries such as Thailand, Zambia, and Egypt, tourism is ranked first, second or third in terms of their economies, and tourism is the only service industry to show a positive balance of trade with flows from first world countries to developing countries exceeding those in the opposite flow by US$ 66 million. Yet tourism has only very recently been recogised by some aid donors, some international funding agencies, and some segments of the industry as an appropriate instrument for poverty reduction (WTO, 2000).

This article addresses the role of tourism as a development strategy in poverty alleviation, discussing the possible strategic senarios for future tourism in South Africa with special focus on local community involvement.  相似文献   

Rural retailers in tourism communities face unique problems. This paper focuses of those problems and some potential solutions. It is based on data collected in three states, all with a strong tourism economic base: Michigan, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Within those states communities which derived their major economic support from tourism were selected. Data were collected through focus group interviews. The issued of consumer satisfaction with the community as a whole and the retail market in particular was central to the discussions.  相似文献   

As traditional international trophy hunting destinations are becoming less accessible due to hunting restrictions and regulations, new destinations are entering the scene, such as the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, located in Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan has grown to be one of the top destinations for international trophy hunting of argali Ovis ammon and ibex Capra sibirica, both of which are in danger of extinction. Empirically, the article draws on a case study from the largest region in Kyrgyzstan, At-Bashy, and 395 questionnaires with local inhabitants from 5 villages, and 1 interview with an international trophy hunting tour operator. In this article, the impacts of trophy hunting as a tourism practice in a rural context is discussed in terms of its sustainability and through the opinions of the local inhabitants. In sum, the negative impacts of trophy hunting in At-Bashy seem to overrule the positive ones, and in its current form it is not sustainable. The local inhabitants report about a decrease in argali and ibex during the last years; they receive basically no economic benefits from hunting tourism; and not surprisingly, 70% of the population rejects the further development of the industry in its current shape.  相似文献   

基于地方实践的旅游发展与乡村振兴:逻辑与案例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国长期以来存在城乡发展不均衡和乡村发展不充分的问题。新时代背景下",乡村振兴"战略直面乡村社会发展困境,以乡村的多维发展重塑合理的新型城乡关系。文章基于对旅游发展推动乡村振兴内在逻辑的探讨,借助傣族园村寨、双廊村、天龙村、落水村和明月村等多案例研究,具体分析旅游推动乡村在不同维度上的振兴实践,研究认为:旅游发展为乡土空间重聚发展主体,将各类经济生产要素注入乡村,实现乡村在经济层面的产业结构多元化和空间多功能化,文化层面的物质文化保存与修复和精神文化的调适与再造,治理层面的内生自组织治理优化和网络治理的构建与深化,有效缓解甚至逆转乡村多重危机;同时,旅游发展在推动乡村各层面发展的过程中释放乡村居民的自主性,构建地方和外部力量的互动场域,共同推动乡村实现"新内生性发展"和持续振兴。研究有助于进一步理解旅游发展与乡村振兴的多元内在关系,为我国乡村地区尤其是西部地区的乡村振兴和贫困消除提供指导。  相似文献   

何景明 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):71-74
本文通过对成都市“农家乐”经营模式、经济效益以厦对农村社会文化的影响等方面的演变轨迹的勾勒,分析了我国城市郊区乡村旅游的发展。研究发现,成都“农家乐”已朝着规模化方向发展,娱乐服务设施逐渐与度假村趋同;与此同时。在外来投资者的竞争下,本地农户经营者的效益普遍下降,“农家乐”经营的“飞地化”特征日渐突出。创新开发模式。加强政府对“农家乐”的引导和规制。成了城市郊区乡村旅游可持续发展的重要保证。  相似文献   

This exploratory paper examines the role of food tourism in developing and sustaining regional identities within the context of rural regeneration, agricultural diversification and the creation of closer relationships between production and consumption in the countryside. It focuses on Cornwall, South West England, an area with rural development issues, increasing tourism impacts and contested issues of regional identity. A literature and policy analysis, and in-depth interviews with 12 restaurateurs, were undertaken in four popular tourist locations. Correlation was found between increased levels of food tourism interest and the retention and development of regional identity, the enhancement of environmental awareness and sustainability, an increase in social and cultural benefits celebrating the production of local food and the conservation of traditional heritage, skills and ways of life. The paper draws attention to three issues: the role of food tourism in increasing tourist spending, the potential role of food tourism in extending the tourist season, and the re-examination of food tourist typologies within a sustainability framework.  相似文献   

This research introduced the concept of intercultural sensitivity to investigate the relationships between the context of volunteer tourism and the change in intercultural sensitivity, empirically assessing the supposition that volunteer tourism facilitates cross-cultural understanding. As a theoretical backdrop, the study utilized Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) postulating that one’s journey towards greater intercultural sensitivity consists of six consecutive stages along the enthnocentrismethnorelativism continuum. Canonical correlation analysis of the survey data revealed that quality of interaction with the host community was the most significant predictor of change in intercultural sensitivity. Additionally, this study demonstrated that volunteer tourism is linked to positive and negative changes in intercultural sensitivity and therefore has the potential to simultaneously promote and inhibit cross-cultural understanding.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an alternative approach to rural tourism that returns to a more traditional model of development: large, flagship attractions that act as a ‘growth pole’ for the local economy and community. It questions some of the accepted beliefs about sustainable rural tourism development current in recent years. It is based on a case study of Alnwick Garden in Northumberland, England. It suggests that, under certain circumstances, flagship or mega-attractions can not only increase substantially the number of visitors to rural areas but also, through appropriate policies and processes, can underpin the longer-term, sustainable development of those areas.  相似文献   

乡村旅游是推动乡村重构的重要驱动力量,乡村社会重构是乡村重构研究的重要内容。本文以典型旅游村落湖州市顾渚村为案例地,从乡村居民视角出发,分析乡村社会重构的特征,并通过扎根理论方法构建了旅游驱动下乡村社会重构机制理论模型。结果表明:(1)乡村旅游发展改变了乡村居民的原有身份,乡村居民从农民、打工者转变为旅游经营者,实现了社会身份的重构。(2)乡村旅游发展带来了大量外来人员进入乡村,乡村社会关系格局逐渐从“差序格局”转变为“多元格局”,实现了社会关系的重构。(3)乡村旅游发展使乡村居民与乡村环境之间的关系发生改变,乡村从传统乡土社区转变为旅游服务社区,实现了社会空间的重构。(4)旅游要素的介入是旅游乡村社会重构最重要的驱动力量,乡村经济重构、乡村空间重构、资源环境驱动、旅游市场驱动、政策制度驱动、行为主体参与6个方面分别构成了乡村社会重构的空间载体、物质基础、支撑机制、引导机制、促进/约束机制和引擎机制,各作用机制之间相互影响、动态耦合共同推动了乡村社会的重构。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the socio-economic impacts of agro-tourism activities in coastal villages listed as Desa Wawasan Nelayan (DWN) in Malaysia. The paper discussed the impacts of the two major components of socio-economics dynamics, namely social and economic activities. This account highlights a number of discussions with specific reference to DWN in Malaysia. It identifies the similarities and differences with regard to socio-economic impact, and it is expected that these points will be of practical use for other agro-tourism areas around the globe, and help to increase interest in agro-tourism activities.  相似文献   

This article outlines the findings of a study employing a partial least squares (PLS) structural equation methodology to explore the relationship among advertising and brand personality (BP) dimension of a validated Aaker's model (1997) in the airline business. BP refers to the emotional side of brand image. It is created by all experiences of consumers with a brand. The model was validated using confirmatory factor analysis and the effect of advertising on BP has been tested using PLS. The findings suggest that advertising influences the formation of BP only in the sophistication dimension. These results invite managers in the airline companies sector to develop communication strategies to create a distinguishing and attractive BP that will help them connect with their consumers.  相似文献   

社区韧性是乡村社会应对不确定风险冲击和挑战的一种变化、适应和改变的能力。在城市化和现代化建设进程中,乡村旅游社区作为乡村振兴的重要空间载体,如何保持社区韧性以实现更好的发展值得探讨。文章以成都蒲江明月村为例,通过对明月村以社区营造为主的乡村建设实践进行分析,探讨社区营造与社区韧性培育之间的关系。研究表明,当前的社区营造在一定程度上增强了明月村的社会空间韧性,促进了居民适应性学习和创新能力的形成。但在面对更远的将来,社区营造还需要进行优化,以便更好地促进乡村旅游社区韧性提升。  相似文献   

Cheung Chau is an outlying island in Hong Kong, which is relatively untouched by the region's rapid economic development. The island provides a dramatic contrast to the cosmopolitan city center, one of the most popular travel destinations in Asia and a major business hub. This makes Cheung Chau a special attraction for local residents seeking to get away from their routine lives. However, no published studies have examined the opinions of residents on sustainable tourism development on Hong Kong's outlying islands and the motivating factors that drive residents to visit those islands. Hence, an exploratory qualitative study was undertaken to develop an understanding of the public's motivation for visiting Cheung Chau. The results of in-depth interviews with 15 residents who had visited the island are presented, along with an examination of the future direction of tourism development in Cheung Chau.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to examine the influence of the two domains of hospitality—local hospitality and commercial hospitality—on behavioral intention in the cultural heritage tourism context. This study anticipated that the above relationships were mediated by the tourism experience quality. A total of 500 foreign tourists visiting the Malaysia’s first World Heritage City, Malacca City were surveyed using structured questionnaire. The results revealed that both local and commercial hospitality have positive relationships with experience quality, and experience quality fully mediated the relationships between each of the two domains of hospitality and behavioral intention.  相似文献   

国内乡村旅游研究:蓬勃发展而有待深入   总被引:59,自引:2,他引:59  
何景明 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):92-96
从现有的研究资料看,我国目前的乡村旅游研究主要集中在以下五个方面:乡村旅游概念;乡村旅游开发意义、条件和模式;乡村旅游规划与设计;乡村旅游存在问题和发展策略;国外和台湾乡村旅游发展的经验借鉴。虽然我国乡村旅游研究近年来发展迅速,也取得了不少有价值的研究成果,但整体上研究水平不高,许多方面都有待深入。  相似文献   

随着我国乡村旅游进入新的发展阶段,乡村旅游开发的组织机制问题越发引人关注,女性参与乡村旅游开发已经成为不争的事实,女性村官对乡村旅游开发的决策作用日渐显著。因此,乡村旅游开发中女性村官参与行为影响机理研究对于深入研究乡村旅游开发组织机制问题,促进我国乡村旅游可持续发展意义重大。文章在改进计划行为理论(TPB)模型基础上构建乡村旅游开发女性村官参与行为意向影响框架,以282位湖南女性村官的调查问卷为数据来源,应用结构方程模型(SEM)对女性村官参与乡村旅游开发行为意向的影响机理进行研究。研究发现:(1)女性村官对于借助旅游开发带动农村经济发展的参与行为意向较高;(2)主观规范、行为控制认知以及参政特征3个变量对乡村旅游开发中女性村官参与行为具有显著的影响,影响系数分别为0.406、0.258和0.250,其中,主观规范影响最大;(3)女性村官参与旅游开发的行为态度对行为意向没有直接影响,而是通过参政特征变量间接影响行为意向;行为态度的中介作用变得更为复杂,这与已有计划行为研究不同。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the effects of the military in politics on the number of tourist inflows from 71 countries to Turkey for the period from 1984 to 2014. We use the fixed-effects and the random-effects as well as the dynamic generalized methods of moments estimations. We find that a lower level of the relative military in politics (the difference between the source country and Turkey) positively affects the tourism inflows to Turkey. Specifically, one standard deviation reduction in the index of the relative military intervention in politics in Turkey leads to almost 7% increase in the tourism inflows.  相似文献   

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