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唐祥来 《财贸研究》2011,22(3):79-85
公私伙伴关系(PPP)是政府与私人伙伴之间关于公共服务供给的一种协议。PPP理论从三个方面丰富和发展了公共经济学基础理论:首先,提倡政府与市场是一种合作关系;其次,它从公共产品供给主体的创新、放松所有权约束、强调服务供给效果和提升公共支出效率等方面丰富了公共产品理论;再次,它将交易成本经济学、代理理论和产权理论结合起来,置政府、市场和第三部门于一个"市场"内,融合并发展了公共选择理论。  相似文献   

This article reports on the performance of services contracted out by the public sector to private sector organisations. The conclusions are based on probably the biggest-ever questionnaire survey on this topic to-date: it covered 7,500 public-private partnerships, and was replicated annually over three years. The private sector organisations providing the services included multinationals like IBM and Andersen Consulting as well as local firms. The public sector "clients" were all from three Australian states or the Australian federal government. The study not only shows that these partnerships are set to go on expanding fast, but also explores the ways in which they have been successful and the pitfalls which the partners need to avoid.  相似文献   

The cooperation of public and private sector organizations is a viable option for decision makers in the public sector for improving information technology (IT) infrastructures, acquiring innovation, and increasing management know-how. Effective partnering in public-private partnerships (PPP) is difficult though, because the involved stakeholder groups have divergent interests and organizational cultures. Using institutional logics as meta-theoretical lens, this exploratory, interpretive case study analyzes an IT PPP in Germany. The results reveal public- and private-side organizational culture differences and how the partners aligned their cultural differences by the development and legitimization of a partnership norm as well as the necessary partnership practices. The case analysis also illustrates how public sector and private sector organizations succeeded with the transition of public sector and private sector employees into a partnership organization and the management of different organizational cultures.  相似文献   

Cross-sector development partnerships (CSDPs) are project-based collaborative arrangements between business, government, and civil society organizations in support of international development goals such as sustainability, health education, and economic development. Focusing on public private partnerships in development cooperation, we examine different constellations of bridging agents and their effects in the formation of single CSDP projects and longer-term alliances. We conceptualize bridging agency as a collective process involving both internal partner representatives and external intermediaries in initiating and/or supporting roles. We find that the involvement of external intermediaries eases the formation of single projects and longer-term alliances. However, when projects are initiated by external intermediaries they tend to be repetitive and narrow in scope, whereas projects initiated by internal partner representatives often explore novel agendas and embody a greater potential for social innovation. Yet, the longer-term pursuit of these agendas beyond single projects may require external intermediaries in supporting roles. Findings help better understand micro-processes and collective practices of brokerage and alliance formation in transnational governance contexts and beyond.  相似文献   

The private sector is becoming an increasingly important part of the Chinese economy. This has been recognized in the SME Promotion Law of 2003, which provides a policy rationale for public support for small and medium enterprises operating in the private sector. One aspect of government support for private enterprise development highlighted in that Law is the creation of enabling institutions and support systems for small and medium enterprises at municipal level. This article examines a series of enterprise development centres that have been established in China since 2000, and explores the implications for government support for and future development of private smaller enterprises in China.  相似文献   

This article investigates which variables affect the location choice of banks from Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries in their process of internationalization. The article compares the differences in these variables for public and private banks. The sample consists of 141 banks operating in 58 countries. Results show that internationalization is undertaken by the largest banks, which preferably choose countries with similar language, close to the home country, and with the most opportunity for growth. Additionally, the effects of certain explanatory variables on the probability of expanding to a given country are different for public and private banks.  相似文献   

我国公共物品供给正在从政府一元化供给模式向政府、私营部门和非营利部门共同参与的多元化供给模式转变,这是政府公共物品供给模式回应经济主体多元化的转变。政府、私人组织和非营利组织在公共物品供给过程中,既存在竞争关系,也存在合作关系。最优制度安排的标准就是在多中心体制中寻求静态的稳定性和动态的适应性,以综合的供给模式实现公共物品供给的最优架构,达到效率和公平的统一。  相似文献   

Private enterprise carries out the complex operations of cross‐border logistics that are the lifeblood of global supply chains. Yet, the efficiency of these activities depends on government agencies that provide the logistics infrastructure for global trade. Thus, public–private partnerships (PPPs) play an important role in facilitating improvements in cross‐border logistics. While private enterprise and the public sector are key stakeholders in the quality of cross‐border logistics, research that examines PPPs in logistics management is relatively sparse. To address this gap, the current study aims to develop empirically based theoretical insights into the nature and role of PPPs in the context of cross‐border logistics. The study employs a grounded‐theory analysis of case study data collected at the U.S./Canadian border. Findings show that private enterprise collaborative capability and public interagency cooperation determine the performance of PPPs which, in turn, influence the quality of cross‐border logistics.  相似文献   

Increased and active involvement of multinational corporations in the promotion of social welfare, in developing countries in particular, through the facilitation of partnerships and cooperation with public and nonprofit sectors, challenges the existing framework of our social and political institutions, the boundaries of nation-states, the distinction between the private and public spheres of our lives, and thus our freedom. The blurring of certain distinctions, which ought to be observed between the political and the economic is most manifest in the gradual saturation of the field of business ethics with rights-based arguments and analyses. In this article, I first argue against endorsing positive rights as having the same status as negative rights, and then try to demonstrate that, with the transportation of ‹rights talk’ into business ethics, the dangers of conflating positive and negative rights are superimposed on the dangers of conflating the private and the political. I conclude by presenting my own stance on the debate on what our basic institutionally sanctioned rights should be, and what the corresponding duties of multinational corporations really are.  相似文献   

Since the Lei dos Portos (“Ports Law”) of 1993, Brazilian ports have operated under the landlord regime, which places the management of ports in the hands of a national authority and provides for the rendering of private services inside the facilities. The model has enabled increases in capacity as well as gains in efficiency, both of which are currently limited due to infrastructure constraints. Expanding infrastructure by building additional ports was an option for the sector to meet the needs of a growing economy. In this context, this article discusses the adoption of public–private partnerships and project finance structure to propose a formula to compute the value of a new port.  相似文献   

随着大众传媒的快速发展,公众人物进入了公众视野。公众人物具备较高的社会知名度和社会影响力,并具有近用媒介的权利。公众人物在名誉权等人格权方面具有特殊性,需要准确界定公众人物的内涵和外延。公众人物只包括自愿性公众人物,而不包括非自愿性公众人物。公众人物名誉权解决的是私人之间的权利冲突,而官员的名誉权涉及的是公权利。公众人物具有私法属性,而官员则是具有公法属性。在我国现行的新闻体制和机制下,对官员名誉权实现严格保护,而对公众人物名誉权则是差别保护。官员名誉权问题的解决是通过行政权力干预,而公众人物名誉权问题的解决基本是诉诸于司法程序。  相似文献   

The huge subsidization of sprawling development and the unbridled use of the private automobile needs to be brought to the forefront of public policy debate, not left to the excesses of the market‐place. To do this we need citizens‐in‐the‐community, not consumers‐in‐the‐market. The present costly and unsustainable situation of our human settlements is a result of a profound failure in public policy; a failure that resulted when we left the fate of our human settlements to the vagaries of the market‐place. We can no longer rely on the present subsidized, distorted, market‐place system approach to designing, building and operating our human settlements. The consequences have been disastrous for human welfare, health and safety, and the natural environment upon which all life depends.  相似文献   

推行政府和社会资本合作(PPP)模式是中国全面深化改革,提高公共服务供给水平与效率的重要举措,并已取得了较好的成效.但在公用事业PPP模式的推行中,民营企业参与PPP面临许多隐性壁垒,难以充分发挥PPP模式的功效.本文通过实地调研,从新制度经济学的视角,深入分析民营企业参与PPP面临的一系列非正式制度壁垒,并提出鼓励民营企业参与PPP的制度创新建议,以提高民营企业参与PPP的积极性.  相似文献   

不动产征收与国家行政权制约的关联性在于:具有明显的强制性、严格的公共利益目的性、法定程序性、补偿性。目前,我国不动产征收存在着违反公共利益原则的问题,忽视了行政权力运行的程序性,征收中的补偿机制和救济制度,侵犯了公民、法人和其他组织的私权,也使公权力的实施受到置疑。应建立不动产征收中国家行政权制约机制,完善国家权力运行机制,控制公权力,保护私权利,寻求公权与私权之间的平衡,以期缓解由不动产征收引发的公私矛盾。  相似文献   

不动产征收与国家行政权制约的关联性在于:具有明显的强制性、严格的公共利益目的性、法定程序性、补偿性。目前,我国不动产征收存在着违反公共利益原则的问题,忽视了行政权力运行的程序性,征收中的补偿机制和救济制度,侵犯了公民、法人和其他组织的私权,也使公权力的实施受到置疑。应建立不动产征收中国家行政权制约机制,完善国家权力运行机制,控制公权力,保护私权利,寻求公权与私权之间的平衡,以期缓解由不动产征收引发的公私矛盾。  相似文献   

Over the last decade there have been significant changes to the traditional purchaser-supplier relationship within industrial organizations. This has involved reforming old-style purchasing relationships, which relied on several alternative suppliers competing mainly on price, to the preferred single-sourcing relationships, with accompanying mutuality of benefits to the partners involved. This change has been highlighted by the success of Japanese manufacturing firms. However, the process of change is a difficult task for any organization to achieve. It is even more difficult in public-sector organizations, where profit-maximizing aims have not been central to organizational behaviour, and where past practice has been the basis for current operational decisions. However, government policy of privatization and the development of public sector ‘quasi-markets’ has resulted in a shift of emphasis and a consequent re-examination of operational practices in the light of market discipline. Public-sector organizations operate in markets constrained by political parameters, but privatization and the development of a commercial approach have led to many public-sector organizations' adopting the business style of private sector companies. This paper aims to recount some of the problems that British Rail (BR) experienced in this transition period and how it managed this change process, and to summarize some of the key considerations for developing and sustaining ‘partnerships’ between purchaser and supplier.  相似文献   

The intent of this paper is to state testing's definition and purpose within the selection process. A brief review of the current trend toward the increased use of testing in the selection process. An actual example of the increased use of testing in both the public and private sector is illustrated. Some discussion regarding future trends of testing — Genetic Screening, Personality Test, Honesty Test, etc. are also presented as issues of concern.George Munchus III is an Associate Professor of Management at the University of Alabama at Birminghan located in Birmingham, Alabama, and Owner of Project Results, a research and development firm which specializes in management services to both the public and private sector. His research is concerned with human resource utilization, project management, employee-employer relations in the public and private sector, and minority group dynamics and cultural differences in organization management. He has published numerous articles and presented numerous seminars on the above mentioned topics and has served as a consultant to individuals, industry, government, labor, and educational organizations in the area of human resources management, organizational development, business development, economic development, and research and advocacy work to date.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to contribute to understanding the changing role of government in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). Over the last decade, governments have joined other stakeholders in assuming a relevant role as drivers of CSR, working together with intergovernmental organizations and recognizing that public policies are key in encouraging a greater sense of CSR. This paper focuses on the analysis of the new strategies adopted by governments in order to promote, and encourage businesses to adopt, CSR values and strategies. The research is based on the analysis of an explanatory framework, related to the development of a relational analytical framework, which tries to analyze the vision, values, strategies and roles adopted by governments, and the integration of new partnerships that governments establish in the CSR area with the private sector and social organizations. The research compares CSR initiatives and public policies in three European countries: Italy, Norway and the United Kingdom, and focuses on governmental drivers and responses. The preliminary results demonstrate that governments are incorporating a common statement and discourse on CSR, working in partnership with the private and social sectors. For governments, CSR implies the need to manage a complex set of relationships in order to develop a win–win situation between business and social organizations. However, the research also focuses on the differences between the three governments when applying CSR public policies. These divergences are based on the previous cultural and political framework, such as the welfare state typology, the organizational structures and the business and social and cultural background in each country.  相似文献   

The public–private partnership (PPP) is a popular strategy for creating global sustainable value. However, many PPPs struggle to realize their value‐added potential. Why do some publicprivate partnerships succeed while others fail, and how may those struggling succeed? Combining supply‐chain integration and social dilemma perspectives into the conversation of PPPs, we examine the dynamics and psychology of cooperation necessary for PPP success. Addressing the first part of our research question, we recognize three social dilemmas that can manifest while managing PPP supply chains: a give‐some dilemma, a take‐some dilemma, and a give‐or‐take‐some dilemma. To address the second part of our research question, we present a taxonomy of strategies resolving these PPP social dilemmas through the enhancement of trust, self‐efficacy, and social responsibility. We discuss implications for PPPs, supply‐chain, and social dilemma literatures.  相似文献   

武汉城市圈的发展既是提升区域竞争力的需要,也是中部崛起的中坚力量。但是,城市圈内各地方政府机构分属不同的行政区划,形成了版图利益的冲突。这种利益冲突通过更高一级的政府来协调,行政成本巨大,而且改变不了根本的利益诉求。此外,城市圈公共事务的复杂性和社会自组织机制的发展要求一种自下而上的权力分配格局。面对这种难题,经过国外大量实践证实的政策网络治理理论为问题的解决提供了思路。本文在对政策网络治理文献梳理的基础上,针对区域规划、公共产品供给、私人产品供给和民生等不同的政策领域,提出了政府机关为中心、政府引导下的私人企业与非营利组织参与、第三方和私人企业为主政府为辅和全部主体参与四种治理模式。  相似文献   

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