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Social motives influence negotiators actions and reactions. In this study we proposed that social motives moderate the relationship between persistence in the use of integrative or distributive negotiation strategy and individual outcomes in 33 four-person mixed-motive negotiations. Cooperative negotiators who persisted in using integrative strategy achieved higher outcomes than those who did not persist. Persistence in the use of integrative strategy did not pay off for individualistic negotiators in this multi-party setting. We theorized that this pattern of results was due to cooperative and individualistic negotiators using strategy differently. We found that cooperative negotiators used more motive-consistent integrative strategy and less motive-inconsistent distributive strategy than individualistic negotiators, whose pattern of strategy use was consistent with their self-interested motives, providing evidence for our motive consistency theory.  相似文献   

Evaluations of Tactics for Automated Negotiations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Automated negotiation under the infrastructure of e-commerce is becoming an important issue. However, although the communication protocols and frameworks of automated negotiation have been extensively investigated, the corresponding tactics and strategies are still underdeveloped and need to be evaluated further. Based on the negotiation model proposed by Faratin et al., this paper examines the performance of automated negotiation tactics and intends to provide concise suggestions for the users of automated negotiation. First, theoretical analysis is used to evaluate the behavior-dependent tactics. Constructive conclusions are obtained when single-issue negotiations are considered. Next, a new framework for applying single-issue tactics to multi-issue negotiation is proposed. Based on this framework, theoretical analysis is then extended to multi-issue cases. Finally, different from the previous work, exhaustive simulations based on two-issue negotiations are performed to evaluate the effectiveness of behavior-dependent and time-dependent tactics. The experimental results provide several important insights into negotiation tactics.  相似文献   

目前,我国商业银行电子银行业务发展尚不成熟,存在着诸多问题。主要是思想观念保守落后、业务素质不过硬、营销机制不健全等。商业银行在日常工作中应强化队伍建设,构建专业化的从业队伍;强化产品应用,扩大经营规模;强化效益观念,寻求新的利润增长点;强化产品宣传,扩大社会影响;强化风险防范,确保电子银行业务健康发展  相似文献   

A Comparative Analysis of Multilateral Environmental Negotiations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global environmental problems pose important diplomatic and legal challenges to the international community. The nature of these problems requires an unprecedented degree of international cooperation that is achieved through multilateral negotiation, which is often shaped by scientific uncertainty, the complexity of the issues, and the wide range of actors and interests. One way of analyzing and explaining this complicated process is through the use of comparative analysis. By breaking down the negotiating process into a series of phases and turning points, it becomes easier to analyze the roles of different actors, the management of issues, the formation of groups and coalitions, and the art of consensus building. This article uses comparative analysis to characterize, develop, and specify a model of the multilateral environmental negotiation process. The model is elaborated upon inductively through a comparative analysis of eleven cases of multilateral environmental negotiations. Statistical techniques are used to determine whether there is any relationship among attributes of the process (within the phases or at the turning points) and between these characteristics and outcomes.  相似文献   

2000年WTO新一轮服务贸易谈判开启,自然人流动谈判是该轮谈判的焦点之一。自然人流动谈判历经提交提案、双边要价-出价、复边谈判、服务信号会议,尚未最终完结。WTO自然人流动谈判受到诸多因素的影响。自然人流动的更快速发展、发展中国家的更积极推动、利益相关者的更多关注对谈判起着有力的促进作用。而多哈回合一揽子承诺的谈判原则、自然人流动壁垒繁多复杂、发达国家与发展中国家间的利益冲突与观点分歧较大地阻碍了自然人流动谈判的进程。这些因素决定了自然人流动谈判成为WTO谈判的焦点,但其过程必定是曲折而缓慢的。  相似文献   

入世后中国商人商务谈判文化适应现象分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
入世后,中国传统的商务谈判模式和谈判策略面,临着极大的挑战。中国外贸商人在学习西方文化和商业知识的同时.也尝试着改变自己的谈判方式以更好地适应WTO的贸易规则,中国外贸商人在谈判中遇到文化威胁等问题;在国际贸易谈判中的文化适应应是文化差异的适应,其文化取向方面是“沙拉式”的,而非“熔炉式”的。  相似文献   

Sex-role stereotypes exist as a primary source of gender inequality in employment. This issue becomes even more salient in the social context of China, where the traditional view of female inferiority persists and the legal system provides inadequate protection of equal employment rights. Reporting a content analysis of Chinese recruitment advertisements, this article concludes that gender discrimination is practiced by Chinese employers in recruiting for white-collar positions. It also finds that female applicants are more likely to encounter other forms of discrimination such as age and physical appearance requirements as well.  相似文献   

王庆平 《商业研究》2005,(13):176-178
随着中俄两国之间经贸交流与合作的加强,对俄贸易谈判技巧和相关知识也日益受到从事商业活动的人士的重视。了解俄方文化习俗的一些禁忌,学会在商业谈判及商业活动中使用规范的文本语言在对俄商业活动中的成功起着重大的作用。  相似文献   

This research attempts to shed light on the possible ways which humour could be used to improve the negotiation process in conflictual settings. Negotiators were observed for their use of humour in simulated negotiation scenarios, and a relationship has been observed between humour and laughter, and the structure of the negotiations. The structural and functional implications of humour observed and discussed in this research illustrate the potential for humour in negotiation processes at large.  相似文献   

根据我国加入WTO的承诺 ,中国银行业将逐步全面开放。在此前提下 ,实施准确的市场定位策略对我国商业银行的生存而言是至关重要的。本文通过分析我国银行市场与银行市场定位的现状 ,从总体战略与具体策略两个方面提出了在全面开放的条件下我国商业银行市场定位的策略选择。  相似文献   

A large body of international research finds a persistent gender gap in the financial literacy of women compared to men, but explanations for this gap remain a topic of active debate. In this observational study, we explore the explanatory value of psychological characteristics, in addition to demographic variables and roles in household financial decision making. We begin by documenting the expected gender differences in financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, using a national survey of adult Canadians (n = 21,789) that provides population-level estimates. Next, we contrast these results against a second Canadian survey data set (n = 3,502) where we are able to control for individual differences in psychological traits. Results of OLS regressions suggest that gender is not a significant predictor on three scales of financial capability. Decomposition analysis finds underlying differences in individual characteristics (endowments) explain the majority of the observed gender gap in financial literacy when psychological traits are included in the model.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to improve our understanding of negotiation strategies, behaviors, and outcomes, and the relationships between these factors based on data collected from questionnaires, actual behavior during the negotiation process implemented using e-negotiation system, and the negotiation outcomes. This study clustered the negotiators based on either the negotiators' own strategies or their thoughts about those of their partners. This resulted in a division into cooperative and noncooperative clusters. We found that the negotiators whose own strategies are less cooperative tend to submit more offers but fewer messages. However, these people consIDer that they have less control over the negotiation process compared with those who adopt a more cooperative strategy, who make fewer offers but send more messages. Those in the cooperative cluster consistently feel friendlier about the negotiation and more satisfied with the outcome and their performance. Further, there is a correlation not only between self-strategies and the thoughts about partners' strategies, but also between strategies and final agreements. Finally, the proportion of negotiations reaching agreement is larger for the cooperative cluster than for the noncooperative cluster.  相似文献   

The use of computer-based simulation models has a long history in areas such as environmental planning and policy-making, and particularly in water management. Policy making in these areas is often characterized by inherent conflict among diverse stakeholders with divergent interests. Although simulation models have been shown to be helpful for such problems, they are typically under the control of a technical analyst or governmental agency and are not available to negotiators in real time. Recent trends in computer technology and user expectations raise the possibility of real-time, user-controlled models for supporting negotiation. But is such accessibility likely to be helpful? This study used a "compressed" longitudinal experiment to investigate the impacts of different scenarios of accessibility of computer-based simulation models. The task was based on a real-life problem in Colorado River water management. Results revealed no significant differences among conditions for either solution quality or satisfaction. These results suggest that the common notion of "more is better" may be inappropriate, and resources for improving computer support of negotiation might best be focused elsewhere.  相似文献   

陈超  韩中阳 《北方经贸》2014,(7):171-173
2013年被誉为中国的互联网金融元年。这一年,各类互联网金融平台和产品层出不穷,给予银行业新的威胁和思考.银行在互联网金融冲击下的转型方案是:开展混业经营。打造全能型银行;把握富裕人群,重点发展财富管理业务;物理网点与网络渠道相结合,建设多渠道经营模式;建设商业银行自己的电商平台;培养全面复合型金融人才.  相似文献   

The growth in international trade in recent years necessitates a better understanding of customs and expectations in cross-cultural negotiations. While several researchers have sought to examine and detail the similarities and differences between select countries, their data have generally been obtained under neutral or unspecified negotiating conditions. However, issue importance, opponent (prowess, ethical reputation), and context (location, confederate awareness, urgency) can play a significant role in the use of negotiating tactics. This paper describes a study comparing the perceptions of one hundred and forty-two current and future business professionals from two emerging trade partners, Brazil and the United States, regarding the appropriateness and likely use of five categories of negotiation tactics under seven challenging or unfavorable negotiating conditions commonly faced by negotiators. The results indicate an overall conditional effect for both attitudes (perceived appropriateness) and intentions (likelihood of use). In addition, while no significant difference in perceived appropriateness was found due to country, there were differences in likely use due to country for six conditions-behaviors.  相似文献   

Multimethod research was conducted to investigate how relationship orientation affects cognitions and tactics of dealing with conflicts. In-depth interviews by a clinical psychologist revealed differences in perspective on the relationship, and content analysis of a videotaped laboratory simulation revealed differences in tactics attributable to differential concern for relationship preservation. A second laboratory simulation manipulated the duration of the negotiators' relationship to investigate the effects of relationship orientation when situational factors are taken into account. The results generally show that relationship-oriented negotiators tend to view relationships with the other party as continuous rather than episodic, adopt flexible postures, and avoid relationship-impairing tactics; they also show that situation can have a strong effect.  相似文献   

语言与性别的关系是社会语言学中的重要内容。使用问卷的方式调查了24名美国男性和22名女性在批评言语行为中最常用的策略,使用卡方检验方法对策略进行分析。结果表明:作为话头语,男性常用同等策略,女性常用恭顺策略;男、女性均常用缓和语力支持话步;男、女性所使用策略存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

李娟 《北方经贸》2012,(7):89-90
资本作为对抗金融风险的缓冲器,对于商业银行是一个十分关键的要素。巴塞尔新资本协议使我国商业银行资本面临的困境加剧,走出这一困境要重视资本管理和提高资本充足水平。  相似文献   

The principal objective of this paper is an analysis of the stereotypical figure of the entrepreneur in the Spanish context, from a perspective of gender. We provide evidence that the characteristics largely associated with an entrepreneurial individual are stereotypically male or androgynous, with a notable absence of female typologies. Our findings suggest that this relationship has an influence on the continued predominance of male entrepreneurial activity. This study contributes to the growing empirical literature on female entrepreneurship from an understudied perspective; gender stereotyping, demonstrating that socially constructed gender stereotyping persists in contemporary Spanish culture.  相似文献   

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