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采用河南省农村的社会调查资料,运用Logit模型,对农户民间借贷需求影响因素进行了实证检验。结果表明:社会资本拥有量、家庭状况和信贷环境均是影响农户民间借贷需求的主要因素。尤其,具有一定社会地位的家庭、收入水平较高的家庭、负担水平较重的家庭以及所在村存在"高利贷"等因素对农户获得民间借贷的可能性具有非常显著的作用。  相似文献   

水力调度改善城市湖泊水质数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章利用一维和二维嵌套耦合的湖泊河流水质水量综合模型,模拟水力调度城市湖泊及其连通沟渠水量、水质等的变换过程。以长江、东湖水力调度作为研究对象进行数值模拟,分析不同调水条件下城市湖泊水质的改善效果,数值模拟结果反映了水力调度改善城市湖泊水质的优越性。  相似文献   

李强  缪立新 《中国市场》2009,(45):12-14
对于公交运营企业,服务质量评价体系的核心功能是支持企业的持续自我完善。企业的自我完善是一个不断迭代的过程,包括明确目标、改善运营到评估效果等环节。这一过程中,企业需要通过一系列指标量化目标,并明确每个指标拟达到的标准,才能定量地评估期初的目标是否达到。服务可靠性是乘客评价常规公交服务质量时最为关心的问题。本文以改善服务可靠性为例,在分析公交运营企业建立评价指标体系应遵守的原则的基础上,对服务可靠性指标的选取问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

政府采购腐败的机理分析及其防范措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,腐败是公共权力在民众与国家或官员之间委托代理运行的必然产物。在政府采购活动中,存在着"纳税人—政府—财政部门—政府采购机构—政府采购官员"这样一条长长的委托代理链,作为初始委托人的纳税人实际上没有行为能力,既不能在政府采购市场决策中签约,也不能从中直接受益,而其他委托代理人则由于利益关联会产生一系列政府采购腐败。政府采购腐败产生的根源主要是制度的缺失,也受非制度因素的影响。政府采购腐败的防范既需要政府采购制度的创新,也需要非制度措施的配合。对政府采购腐败的制度防范,一要完善采购制度,加大寻租成本,降低寻租收益,抑制寻租行为;二要建立政府采购公开制度,增加采购透明度,使政府采购行为各环节在相关法定程序及政府部门和社会的监督下进行;三要加强政府监管制度,健全政府采购招投标竞争机制。对政府采购腐败的非制度防范,一要完善政府采购相关法律体系,对政府采购的使用范围、管理权限、履约责任等政策性和技术性问题进行明确界定;二要加强政府采购人员教育工作,建立政府采购人员资格认证制度;三要努力提高各利益主体的相互监督意识,建立全方位监督体系。  相似文献   

高锰酸盐指数是反应水体中有机及无机可氧化物质污染的常用指标,也是作为有机物相对含量的综合指标之一。本文综述了国内外现有高锰酸盐指数的多种检测方法、原理及各自的特点,旨在提高工作效率,为水环境检测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

水利水电工程往往都是影响民生,关系社会发展的重大工程.作为造福于民的基础设施,施工质量的管理尤为重要.合理有效的施工质量管理,不仅可以加快施工速度,提高工程质量,而且是施工顺利进行的有效保障.本文针对水利水电工程施工存在的问题,进行相应分析,提出质量管理措施.  相似文献   


Market orientation is the evolutionary focus of EU food policy initiatives. In the context of this study, an example of this ethos is the legislative support framework for territorial food products. Whilst quantitative studies exist which examine the perceptual determinants of such products, exploratory research exposing the importance of symbolic connotations is largely the preserve of the qualitative literature. This paper seeks to generalise these tentative qualitative findings, whilst extending the dearth of quantitativeliterature by focusing in more detail on segment profiles, employing both an improved multivariate treatment and ‘pooled data’ from two Mediterranean countries to examine the significance of ‘citizenship’ on product perception.  相似文献   

控制机电工程施工质量的措施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机电工程的施工质量控制是建筑施工中的一个重要部分,其质量好坏影响着工程的整个进度和完整性,所以机电工程的质量控制非常重要.笔者在本文中主要叙述了如何在施工角度更好的看待和完成机电工程的施工质量控制.  相似文献   

提高教学质量是高校教育的永恒追求,提高课堂教学质量是其中重要一环。要提高高校课堂教学质量,就需以练好教师自身的内功为基础,以搞好课堂设计和认真备好教案为关键环节,以启发式、参与式等教学方法为手段,以优良的教风作保证,切实提高高校课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

保障农村安全饮用水是新时期我国政府全面建设小康社会、构建社会主义和谐社会的重要举措,浙江省自2003年实施“千万农民饮用水工程”以来,建设成效显著,但也暴露出诸多问题,急需对此进行总结和完善。本文从制度、体制和机制层面剖析了浙江省农村安全水供给存在的问题,并在此基础上寻求诸如如何建立农村安全饮用水多元化供给体系,如何健全管理体制以推动饮用水工程良性运行,如何完善监测体系以保证农村饮用水安全等完善举措。  相似文献   

李波  温德成 《财贸研究》2013,24(2):20-28
网络购物中商品质量问题发生机理源于信息不对称和市场的不确定性。为了解决该问题,网络购物网站、政府、第三方中介机构等相关方采取在线信誉机制、信息传递手段、社会信用体系促进、质量检验和质量保证等展开了对网络购物中商品质量的监管。目前,学术界对该课题的研究仍不够专门和深入,针对中国式背景下的网络购物商品质量,未来的研究可集中在网络购物中的商品质量影响因素、质量评价和质量监管上。  相似文献   

Longstanding relationships achieved through satisfying donors are a critical success factor in resource development for most nonprofits, but relatively little is known about the relationship between quality and satisfaction from the perspective of major donors. This study among 218 major donors examines a widely accepted method for assessing service quality-SERVQUAL-in a nonprofit context. The results of the study extends findings in other service context and underscores the strategic benefits of a quality orientation for nonprofits.  相似文献   

在中国传统文化价值观中,道家文化价值观的绿色生态、自然简约意蕴最为突出。那么,道家价值观是否能推进家庭节水行为响应,这是一个既传统又现代、既基础又前沿的话题。基于杭州685名居民家庭的现场调研数据,利用AMOS 22.0构建基于协方差的结构方程模型,分析道家价值观视阈下的家庭节水行为及其响应机制。结果发现,道家价值观视阈下的TPB拓展模型可以有效地描绘家庭节水行为的响应机制;在TPB拓展模型的三因素中,整体上态度(包括价值认知、积极情感和消极情感三维度)的影响作用最大,其次为感知行为控制,主观规范的影响作用最小;道家价值观可以有效激发节水态度三维度,从而对家庭节水行为响应发挥着基础性作用。研究结论为政策制定者运用非价格工具推动家庭节水行为响应提供了重要管理启示。  相似文献   

水利水电工程灌浆施工技术与质量控制措施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水利水电工程灌浆施工技术和质量控制是一个比较复杂的系统工程,其所涉及的方面较多,本文通过对水利水电工程灌浆施工技术以及质量控制的探讨,为水利水电灌浆施工及其质量控制提供了一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   


 Because of the intangible nature of services, there is always a challenge in front of service providers to find out which dimensions of service quality are more important for customers. The author presents the results of a study in India that assesses the service quality perceptions of customers about mobile telecommunication services. EFA explained 69.694% of variance and extracted eight service quality dimensions. The results of a multiple regression analysis show that customers attributed the highest importance to employee performance followed by transmission quality, competitiveness, support attributes, reliability, credibility, operational efficiency, and convenience. The sample consisted of 411 respondents.  相似文献   

This research explores perceived importance of safety and security measures from the perspectives of tourists and service providers. Use of face-to-face-semi structured interviews with supply side providers in Thailand results in recognizing safety measures to ask tourists about, other than those found in the literature. Researchers collected questionnaire data from international leisure and business tourists to Thailand on importance of safety and security measures. Analysis of the importance of 23 safety and security measures show a six factor pattern in thinking about measures. However, the most important measure is not in a factor. Therefore, the study considers analysis method issues and raises questions about the value of structured data and merits of the recognition of if-then conditions by research methods such as long interviews. Examination of practical, theoretical and methodological values of findings includes considering research needed and the utility of safety measure information in business decision making.  相似文献   

Are the atmospheric variables equally relevant for supermarket and hypermarket customers? As a contribution to the customers' choice of the store format, firstly this work aims to determine the perception of differences between hypermarkets and supermarkets in terms of store attributes. Second, it sheds light on the role played by atmospherics in the customers' decision process. This study uses a logit approach to model the probabilistic choice of the customers' store format using atmospheric and other marketing variables as important attributes of the grocery store. The model's estimation is based on personal interviews conducted during the shopping process in urban supermarkets and hypermarkets belonging to the same retail chain. The findings show that although the atmospheric variables are significantly important for both store formats, the customers perceive differently the importance of each retail atmospheric cue and other marketing variables, when buying in a hypermarket or in a supermarket: the choice of buying in hypermarket is explained by the significant importance given to the latent variables named pleasant atmosphere and accessibility and responsiveness; in contrast, the choice of buying in supermarkets is explained by the significant importance given to the latent variable nice decoration and empathy with the staff. The other latent variable designated by other marketing variables is only significantly important in the decision of choosing supermarkets.  相似文献   


In developing markets the degree of regulation of weights and measures is often at a low level. In such an environment consumers frequently believe themselves to be the victims of unscrupulous sellers. Markets in the Ukraine fit such a pattern. In an effort to assess the costs of cheating, two studies were undertaken. First, consumers were surveyed to assess their perceptions and defenses against cheating. Second, purchases were made in the market to assess the actual degree of cheating. In general, consumers believe that they are almost always cheated and have no recourse. However, based on purchases, on average, sellers do not cheat consumers.  相似文献   

本文在供应商产品质量摆动的情况下,研究产品有缺陷的二级供应链的质量控制与协调问题,通过建立质量分散合作模式和质量集中决策模式,得出两者在合适的契约条件下可以达到相同效果,并给出了质量契约参数与双方的策略选择和终端质量水平的互动机制。结果显示:供应商的质量惩罚越严厉,制造商承担的顾客损失比重越大,线性转移支付的比例越低,终端产品的质量水平就越好。  相似文献   

郑金桥 《江苏商论》2020,(4):132-136
基层审计机关队伍建设是国家审计事业中不可忽视的重要组成部分。在经济发展已经进入新常态的大背景下,基层审计机关通过不断完善各项制度和政策的制定及执行,保证基层审计的权威性和工作质量,从而全面推进国家审计事业的蓬勃发展。但同时,基层审计机关却面临着审计力量与审计任务严重不匹配,审计队伍人才结构不合理,缺乏有效的审计人员激励机制,缺乏系统化的职业培训模式,审计人员的创新意识薄弱,审计工作创新动力不足等突出问题。在对这些问题进行系统分析的基础上,本文提出了具有针对性的解决路径和措施,致力于营造吸引审计人才,适合人才成长,人才结构日趋合理,激励制度日益健全,整体素质得到改善,创新动力十足的良好氛围。  相似文献   

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