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The international trade literatures on gravity modelling and firm‐level export behaviour have established that nontariff barriers are important impediments to international trade flows. In this paper, we provide fresh evidence on the actual barriers to exports firms face and how they vary with firm‐level characteristics. Our results indicate that the higher the export experience of firms the lower are the trade costs they face. These barriers are not related to other firm‐level characteristics, such as productivity and size, found by the literature to be associated with export market entry. Overall, these results suggest the existence of a process of learning to export whereby firms learn how to cope with export barriers through direct experience in export markets.  相似文献   

We test theories that examine how economic and financial development affect cross‐country industry growth patterns. Finance theory suggests that financial development affects growth by lowering the cost of external finance. This has the implication that industries in more finance‐hungry sectors will grow faster in countries where financial markets are more developed. In addition, if financing constraints are lessened when stock market performance is high, firms in sectors more dependent on external finance should grow more rapidly following periods of good stock market performance. Trade and development theories, on the other hand, imply that a country's product‐mix and the pattern of industrial growth reflect which stage of development it is in and its factor endowments. Thus, one implication of trade/development theories is that countries that are close to each other in terms of GDP per capita should have similar patterns of industrial growth. Our tests find support for each of these theories.  相似文献   

This relationship between access to financing and firm characteristics was studied. The authors used data from a survey of small and medium-sized enterprises from Mauritius, an island economy that is part of the sub-Saharan African continent. They examined the factors that affect the ability of firms to gain access to financing. Using the principal component analysis, the authors group variables affecting access to financing in four main components including working capital constraint, the external constraint, the size constraint, and the age constraint. The authors show that these components are important factors that influence the ability of firms to gain access to financing.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the role of internal finance on the growth of firms between a leading transition country, Slovenia and an established market economy, Belgium. We find that firms in Slovenia are more sensitive to internal financing constraints than their Belgian counterparts. Furthermore, we find that de novo firms and firms with long term debt are most constrained and that micro and SMES can face great difficulties in accessing external sources of finance. Foreign firms, however, are able to raise external finance and consequently their growth is less reliant on the availability of internal finance. Our findings appear to indicate that although Slovenian firms are no longer recipients of soft budget constraints, the financial environment is not yet fully functional.   相似文献   

Using a comprehensive firm-level data set from China spanning the period 1998–2005, this study investigates the relationship between firm size, financing sources, and total factor productivity growth. Controlling for the endogeneity of financing sources, we find that firm size plays an important role in the way financial structure affects the growth process. Domestic bank loans are more effective for bigger firms, while self-raised finance is more beneficial to smaller firms’ growth. We also uncover evidence that ownership mediates the relationship between firm size, finance, and growth.  相似文献   

I find evidence that the geographic expansion of firm exports occurs slowly over time and that a large share of export growth is due to incumbent exporters entering new destinations. New exporters enter large countries and destinations with characteristics similar to their domestic market. Less similar, distant or less developed countries are entered by firms already exporting to other destinations. I formulate a dynamic general equilibrium model to test if these patterns are due to firms learning how to export (as other recent empirical findings have suggested) or other factors considered in the literature. In this model, heterogeneous firms experience learning in the form of market entry costs that depend on export history. Using Russian firm level data, I find that learning plays a significant role in explaining the observed entry patterns, which standard trade models cannot account for.  相似文献   

Cluster-based industrialization in China: Financing and performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China's rapid industrialization despite the lack of a well developed financial system seems to defy the conventional thinking on the role of finance in development. This paper tries to explain the puzzle from the clustering point of view. Based on firm-level data from two recent censuses, we find that within industrial clusters: finer division of labor lowers the capital barriers to entry; closer proximity makes the provision of trade credit among firms easier. With less reliance on external financing, more small firms emerge within clusters, leading to higher levels of export and total factor productivity thanks to the resultant more fierce competition.  相似文献   

We investigate the extent to which competitors’ presence in a given export market has an impact on a firm's decision to enter such a market and, more precisely, under what conditions imitation is more likely to take place. We show that firms with greater export knowledge are more likely to enter those countries where their competitors are already present. Furthermore, experiential knowledge seems necessary to absorb valuable information provided by the presence of competitors in those markets. Thus, imitation should not be regarded as the option best suited for firms with reduced expertize that follow blindly their competitors into new markets. Through a panel analysis of Brazilian exporters during the 2001–11 period, our study contributes to research on market entry decisions, especially stressing the critical role of prior relevant knowledge in facilitating imitation among players.  相似文献   

Using a firm-level production data over the period of 2005–2009 from China, this paper provides a new empirical evidence on how firms finance their exports when they have several financial options. The main results of the paper can be summarized as follows. First, firms who have better access to any finance are more likely to export and export more. More financial options lead to a higher export probability and capacity due to the complementary relation between financial options. Second, of all financial options, the internal finance captured by cash holdings or profit plays the most important role on firms’ export likelihood and volume. Firms rely more on the external finance through borrowing to start exporting, but depend more on issuing stocks to their shareholders to expand their exports. Third, subsample results suggest that the financial option of issuing stocks is generally more important for firms who have worse access to external finance in determining export propensity and quantity, such as private-owned firms, small-scale firms, young firms, and non-eastern firms.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the main features that distinguish inter‐firm international trade finance from alternative sources of financing and evaluates the potential effects of a financial crisis on the use of this form of financing for firms operating in developing countries. It argues that, on the one hand, inter‐firm trade finance could help overcome informational problems associated with other lending relationships, but, on the other, it may contribute to propagate shocks because of the interconnection among firms along credit chains. While these advantages could remain largely unexploited because of poor legal institutions, the disadvantages could be exacerbated because of these firms’ greater exposure to a default chain. Based on these arguments, a menu of choices is identified for policymakers to boost firms’ access to inter‐firm trade finance in times of crisis.  相似文献   

This paper develops an understanding of the barriers to retailer foreign market expansion focusing on SME retail firms. A qualitative methodology was adopted to obtain a holistic understanding of the key barriers to international expansion experienced by retailers from both the firm and industry-level perspectives. In light of the findings from the case companies and industry organizations in this study, the paper concludes that the main barriers to foreign market expansion experienced by SME UK retailers, both at the entry and growth stages, comprise internal and external factors. This paper not only provides an understanding of the barriers encountered by SME retailers but also considers how such problems may be overcome.  相似文献   

When minority investors’ rights are poorly protected, the ability of firms to raise equity capital is impaired, leading to less finance for new ventures. Fewer firms will be financed with outside equity, resulting in a low market capitalization relative to GNP. External funding requires easily enforceable claims such as debt or requires long‐term relationships with institutions. Provision of funding shifts from risk capital to debt, and to a predominance of intermediated over market finance. We report supporting evidence for a few countries. To measure investor protection, we use a price measure, the premium on voting stock, related to the control premium. In countries where the voting premium is large, corporate financing is dominated by bank lending and equity markets are much smaller.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the relationship between service firms’ international collaboration strategies and export decision. It proposes an extension of the recent class of models of firm heterogeneity, intermediation and international trade according to which service firms can engage in a collaboration agreement with a foreign partner in order to favour their market access and distribution activities overseas. The paper analyses the empirical relevance of this model by means of a new survey dataset providing information on the internationalization activities of 814 Norwegian firms in the service sectors for the period 2004–2006. The econometric results point out that international collaboration, both on existing and on innovative services, is indeed an important factor to foster service firms’ decision to enter the export market.  相似文献   

Although the literature on export barriers has been growing, this issue of whether barriers to export exhibit significant differences among firms has not been addressed. In particular, the question of whether these impediments are uniform for born globals – a new breed of exporting firms that initiate exporting soon after inception – is unresolved. Similarly, barriers to export are thought to vary across different stages of internationalization. Therefore, the present work explores this fundamental issue. The empirical study is carried out in the context of an emerging market, Turkey, providing an opportunity for examining the stability of earlier findings (carried out largely in advanced economy settings) for rapidly developing economies. Results suggest that perceived barriers differ mainly for firms in the domestic marketing stage, pre-export stage and for born global firms.  相似文献   

Building on the behavioral theory of the firm and institutional view, we examine how performance feedback (i.e., a focal firm’s performance relative to its industry peers) affects export intensity and how institution-related factors moderate this relationship. Using a sample of Chinese private manufacturing firms, we find that positive performance feedback lowers export intensity while the relationship between negative performance feedback and export intensity is insignificant. Moreover, outperforming firms are likely to decrease their export intensity even more when they are located in regions of better institutional development or have political connections. Underperforming firms with political connections tend to increase their export intensity. These findings enrich our understanding of the export behavior of emerging market firms.  相似文献   

This paper provides novel empirical evidence on the patterns and dynamics of exports by Irish firms over the past two decades from a highly detailed data set of export records at the firm‐product‐destination level. We identify patterns of export concentration and specialisation and how these evolved over time. Firms’ strategies for export growth along product and destination markets mixes are then examined and the contributions of intensive (average sales) and extensive (number of products or markets) margins to overall exports and to export growth are calculated. We find that most exporting firms are quite small, selling a few products to a small number of destinations while export values are dominated by a relatively small group of highly globalised large firms selling many products to many destinations. Continuing exporters frequently introduce new products, drop products and enter and exit markets. Export growth in the case of Irish‐owned exporters appears largely driven by the extensive margin of product and destination changes. However, the opposite pattern holds for foreign‐owned firms with growth mainly coming from the intensive margin.  相似文献   

We study whether firms’ actual use of R&D subsidies and tax incentives is correlated with financing constraints -internal and external- and appropriability difficulties and investigate whether both tools are substitutes. We compare the use of both policies by SMEs and by large firms and find significant differences both across instruments and across firm size. For SMEs, financing constraints are negatively correlated with the use of tax of credits, while they are positively associated with the likelihood of receiving a subsidy. The use of legal methods to protect intellectual property is positively correlated with the probability of using tax incentives, but not with the use of subsidies. For large firms external financing constraints are correlated with instrument use, but results regarding appropriability are ambiguous. Our findings suggest that (1) direct funding and tax credits are not perfect substitutes in terms of their ability to reach firms experiencing barriers associated to market failures; (2) one size may not fit all in innovation policy when the type or intensity of market failure differs across firm size, and (3) subsidies may be better suited than tax credits to encourage firms, especially young knowledge-based firms, to start doing R&D.  相似文献   


This study shows how networks can be used to solve the export marketing problems manufacturing firms in developing countries are facing. Major export barriers perceived by manufacturing firms in Eritrea are identified and, subsequently, differences in perceptions between footwear and textile manufacturers, and small and medium sized firms are examined. The findings suggest that some problems can be solved through individual action by the firms (market or hierarchy). However, small and medium-sized firms on their own can't solve the most important problems, like the lack of market information, the preparation of proper designs and the fulfillment of minimum quantity requirements. The major conclusion is that export market entry by SMEs in developing countries will not be successful if no horizontal and vertical business networks are established.  相似文献   

从宏观层面来看,FDI企业的技术水平总体高于国内企业,当劳动力由FDI企业转向国内企业或建立新企业从而引致技术溢出,而新企业的建立势必涉及到融资这一事实,本文认为融资效率高低在促进劳动力流动进而引起FDI溢出方面起着重要作用,融资效率的提高会提高劳动力由FDI企业流出建立自己的企业从而加速技术溢出的可能,意味着劳动力流动产生的技术溢出同时增加了FDI企业和国内企业的产出,即增加整个社会的边际产出。围绕这些问题,本文针对FDI溢出效应将放大金融市场对经济增长的影响的问题展开了一定层次的论证,结果显示:融资效率与FDI的联合作用并没有对经济增长产生显著影响,表明通过劳动力流动这一途径发生的FDI溢出从宏观层面上来看并不明显。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how technical barriers to trade (TBTs) affect firm exports. The implementation of the “child‐resistance” decision (CR decision) in the EU offers an ideal quasi‐natural experiment to identify the causal effect of TBTs on firm performance. Using data on Chinese firms that exported cigarette lighters between 2004 and 2010, we show that firms exporting to the EU not only adjust their product quality to meet the requirements in the CR decision, but also upgrade their product quality in other dimensions. However, both the export value and export volume to the EU decline. At the same time, less productive exporters are forced to exit from the EU market. Lastly, heterogeneous effects of the CR decision are documented.  相似文献   

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