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近几年来,个人组织匹配(person-organizationfit)越来越受到组织研究者的关注,国外研究证实了个人组织匹配会对组织承诺、员工满意度等个人行为产生积极的影响。然而对于我国这样一个经济环境相对复杂的国家来说,在解释员工行为的时候,需要考虑企业所有制的差异对员工行为造成的影响。本文通过对不同所有制企业中管理者个人与组织价值观的匹配程度对组织承诺影响的对比研究,探讨企业所有制形式不同而造成的企业文化差异,及这种差异对管理者的组织承诺的影响。  相似文献   

Although organizational commitment continues to interest researchers because of its positive effects on organizations, we know relatively little about the effects of the ethical context on organizational commitment. As such, we contribute to the organizational commitment field by assessing the effects of ethical climates (Victor and Cullen, 1987, 1988) on organizational commitment. We hypothesized that an ethical climate of benevolence has a positive relationship with organizational commitment while egoistic climate is negatively related to commitment. Results supported our propositions for both a benevolent climate and an egoistic climate. We also hypothesized that a principled climate is positively related to organizational commitment for professional workers but has no relationships for nonprofessional workers. Results supported this hypothesis.  相似文献   


The present study advances the literature by examining the meditating roles of postrecovery satisfaction in the relationships between distributive and interactional justices, and postrecovery attitudes. The model is empirically tested using survey data collected from 600 telecommunications service customers; and analyzed using partial least squares technique. Results indicate that postrecovery satisfaction partially mediates the perceptions of justice in the recovery process and service quality as well as repurchase intention. It is the first study to examine postrecovery satisfaction as a mediator in understanding the impact of recovery justice (antecedent) on service quality (consequence) in the telecommunications service context.  相似文献   

基于领导—成员交换视角的组织公平与组织认同关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,组织认同已经被越来越多的学者和企业家所关注.然而,对于其形成机制的研究还有待进一步的扩展.文章选取组织公平这一角度来研究组织认同形成的机理.检验了在中国情境下组织支持感在组织公平与组织认同关系中的中介作用,尤其重点探讨了公平感与组织认同关系链中领导-成员交换的调节效应和直接效应.文章以北京市6家企业的294名员工作为样本收集数据,进行统计检验.研究结果发现:组织公平促进员工组织支持感的形成,进而培育起员工的组织认同;领导-成员交换质量高时,组织公平更容易形成组织认同;领导-成员交换质量的改善会直接促进组织认同的形成.最后,讨论了文章研究的理论意义和对当前管理实践的启示和建议.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,以珠三角地区光电制造企业中452名知识型员工为研究对象,探讨了组织政治知觉影响离职倾向的内在心理机制。结构方程建模分析结果表明:组织政治知觉能通过工作满意度、情感承诺和工作倦怠的并行多重中介作用对离职倾向产生影响,在个别中介效应大小方面,工作倦怠最大,工作满意度次之,情感承诺最小。  相似文献   

Women's role in management is an important issue. This is based not just on moral, but also on economic grounds. In many countries female participation rates in labour markets have increased, but a similar expansion into managerial posts has commonly lagged behind this, often an indication of the resilience of the so-called ‘glass ceiling’. We use South Korea as an example to explore this. We review the literature in the area and provide theoretical explanations and a lens through which to view developments which indicate that social and cultural, rather than economic, reasons often underpin the situation. We go on to outline some possible ways to confront female managerial discrimination and to increase women's roles in management.  相似文献   

One of the important factors influencing perceptions of the existence of an ethical climate is leader behaviors. It is argued that paternalistic leadership behaviors are developed to humanize and remoralize the workplace. In various studies, leadership behaviors and climate regarding ethics were evaluated as antecedents of organizational commitment. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between paternalistic leadership behaviors, climate regarding ethics and organizational commitment. Data were obtained from 142 individuals. Results indicated that benevolent paternalistic leadership had a moderate effect on affective commitment and strong effect on continuance commitment. Moreover, it was found that paternalistic leadership had an effect on the perception of an ethical climate. Strong relationship was found between climate regarding ethics and affective commitment; moderate relationship was found between climate regarding ethics and continuance commitment. Finally, results indicated that climate regarding ethics had a mediating effect between benevolent paternalistic leadership and affective commitment. Gül Selin Erben holds MA degree on Human Resources Management. She is a Phd candidate on Organizational Behavior field. She works as a research assistant at the Maltepe University. Ayşe Begüm Güneşer holds MA degree on Human Resources Management and she holds Phd degree on Organizational Behavior.  相似文献   

国有企业作为社会经济发展的奠基石,肩负着艰巨的历史使命和现实重任,而国有企业员工作为企业发展的第一要素,员工组织承诺对企业的发展具有十分重要的影响。文章从身份视角切入,基于社会认同威胁理论,探讨员工编制身份如何影响组织承诺,以及这一影响过程是否受内在薪酬感知的调节作用。281份有效问卷的研究结果表明:员工编制身份对组织承诺有正向影响;内在薪酬感知在“编制身份-组织承诺”关系中部分起负向调节作用,即内在薪酬感知能够部分减少“双轨制”带来的员工价值认同、回报以及继续留在组织意愿的差距。内在薪酬感知的具体调节作用存在差异,即内在薪酬管理并不如预想中有效。文章对国有企业雇佣制度的理论研究和管理实践具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

Adapted from Chan's (2000) model depicting success of litigation, this paper argues that with the application of various legislation, health maintenance organizations' (HMOs') violations of service fairness to each group: enrollees, physicians, and hospitals give rise to each group's lawsuits against the HMOs. Various authors (Bowen et al., 1999; Seiders and Berry, 1998) indicate that justice concepts such as distributive, procedural, and interactional justice can be applied to the area of service fairness. The violation of these underlying justice principles with HMOs' service unfairness to enrollees, physicians, and hospitals is examined. A general synopsis of the ethical issues in the managed care industry is provided. The various lawsuits launched by each group: enrollees, physicians, and hospitals together with the key statutes used are discussed. This paper also highlights the provisions and ramifications of the 11 April 2000 landmark agreement that Aetna made with Texas Attorney General John Cornyn to settle the 1998 lawsuit brought against the company. Lastly, the current ethical issues in the managed care industry are further discussed. The value of this paper can be adapted to the study of organizations' service fairness violations in other industries or in the educational, governmental, and not-for-profit sectors both nationally and internationally.  相似文献   


The construct of distributive justice has been conceptualized largely along the three allocation rules of equity, equality, and need. Extant empirical research in the marketing channels area, however, treats distributive justice as a unidimensional, global construct focusing almost exclusively on the allocation rule of equity. As a result, the measurement of equality and need, two distinct and significant allocation rules, has been largely overlooked in the context of people and organizations involved in interorganizational exchange. The current study tests a measure of distributive justice that takes into account each of the three allocation rules. Results indicate valid scales that accurately measure three rules of distributive justice across two independent samples of channel participants in franchise systems. This research represents an important step toward accurately, concisely, and efficiently measuring this important and socially relevant construct in an interorganizational setting.  相似文献   

This article compares the growth of e-commerce in China and India by identifying factors that act as driving forces and barriers to this progress. A comparative study of Internet development in the two countries reveals that although China was connected to the Internet much later than India, it is now far ahead of its Asian rival due to the implementation of several ingenious “Golden Projects” and the rapid development of Chinese Internet infrastructure. Nevertheless, there are many shared sociocultural factors that affect the spread of their e-commerce equally. Despite many barriers, the future of e-commerce in both countries appears bright.  相似文献   

We extend research testing the effects of food color on flavor to a new cultural setting—India. We test color’s effect at three levels: flavor identification, perception, and preference. One hundred twenty-two graduate students at an Indian business school enrolling students from all parts of India were assigned the task of tasting and evaluating an orange-flavored carbonated water. Color at two levels (purple and orange) and label information at two levels (told orange flavor, told grape) were manipulated in a full factorial, between-subjects design. Results confirm that food color affects the consumer’s ability to correctly identify flavor as well as to form distinct flavor profiles and preferences. Food color dominates other flavor information including labeling and taste, though the strength of the effect is less pronounced in this setting. Strategic alternatives for the effective deployment of food color for promotional purposes are recommended.  相似文献   

What drives exchange rate volatility, and what are the effects of fluctuations in the exchange rate on economic growth in Ghana? These questions are the subject matter of this study. The results showed that while shocks to the exchange rate are mean reverting, misalignments tend to correct very sluggishly, with painful consequences in the short run as economic agents recalibrate their consumption and investment choices. About three quarters of shocks to the real exchange rate are self-driven, and the remaining one quarter or so is attributed to factors such as government expenditure and money supply growth, terms of trade and output shocks. Excessive volatility is found to be detrimental to economic growth; however, this is only up to a point as growth-enhancing effect can also emanate from innovation, and more efficient resource allocation.  相似文献   

Three problems beset the literature on organizational learning—confusion about who learns (individuals, groups, or organization), absence of a robust theory, and tools for measurement. Social network analysis, it is argued, can be used to capture organizational learning at multiple levels, to capture relational data (expressed as linkages between actors), and can yield actionable insights for changes within the organization. Two subprocesses of organizational learning, information acquisition and distribution, were measured using social network analysis in a decade‐old consultancy firm in India. Results reveal who shares information with whom, who goes to whom for information, who is bypassed, who hoards, how groups interact, and how much information is shared at the organizational level. The study provides a deeper understanding of how “people” relationships affect learning at various levels. The theoretical and managerial implications of the approach taken to measure organizational learning using social network analysis are discussed. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


In this article, the authors review talent management practices in information technology (IT) companies from Russia, India, and China, discussing their differences and similarities. Using the emerging market context, the authors debate the factors influencing talent management, specifically in IT companies. The article examines the relevant research on the main talent management issues in Russia, India, and China, and offers one of the first intercountry comparative analyses of talent management practices in IT companies from emerging markets. The authors argue that although talent management practices are influenced by different institutional and cultural factors, there are similarities and differences that can be explained by the emerging market and industry-specific contexts.  相似文献   

基于社会交换理论、社会比较理论,围绕员工的公平和发言权实现程度,本文探讨了劳务派遣工的心理契约履行与工作卷入的关系、以及分配公平和程序公平感知的中介作用及工会会员角色的调节作用。研究采用问卷调查法,基于7家劳务派遣单位的171个劳务派遣工样本进行分析,结果表明:劳务派遣工感知到的心理契约履行与工作卷入程度显著正相关,分配公平和程序公平感知在两者间起完全中介作用。层次回归方程分析的结果显示,“是否加入工会”对程序公平与工作卷入的关系具有显著的调节作用,即相对于未加入工会的劳务派遣工,加入工会的派遣工的程序公平感知与工作卷入的正相关关系较强。最后,论文针对假设检验的启示和意义进行探讨。  相似文献   

Multinational corporations (MNCs) and other foreign firms can be conduits for technology and knowledge (T&K) transfer to host countries in the developing world. Most of the existing research focuses on T&K transfers through FDI and are drawn from Asia not Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), although SSA is increasingly receiving foreign investment. There is a paucity of research that gives insights into project-level T&K transfer issues in SSA countries. Using the Ghanaian construction industry as an empirical focus, this article explores T&K transfer potential. The findings reveal significant weaknesses in T&K transfer across industry subsectors and between foreign and local firms. This arises from the potentially complementary but dissimilar resource and knowledge bases. The weaknesses are compounded by the absence of coherent government T&K development policies.  相似文献   

建立了基金管理人与投资者之间的不完全信息动态博弈模型,用以说明不同基金组织形式下基金管理人行为选择的差异。研究认为管理人的行为选择是其相机抉择的结果,开放式基金制度是否对管理人有更强约束力,取决于监督机制、声誉机制、管理人收入方案等因素。在模型分析的基础上,提出了减轻管理人机会主义行为的制度设计方案。  相似文献   

作为一种战略资源,隐性知识已成为影响当下企业竞争优势地位的重要因素。文章基于社会交换理论和个体—环境匹配理论,以组织承诺为中介变量,主动性人格为调节变量,构建了责任型领导对员工隐性知识共享意愿的影响模型。结果表明,责任型领导对员工隐性知识共享意愿具有显著正向影响;员工组织承诺在二者的关系间发挥了部分中介作用;员工的主动性人格正向调节了责任型领导对员工隐性知识共享意愿的积极作用。该研究结论为企业提高员工间隐性知识共享、增强自身竞争能力提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

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