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田喜洲  左晓燕 《旅游学刊》2013,(11):118-124
酒店是劳动密集型的工作场所,员工不仅需要一定的人力资本,而且更需要社会资本与心理资本,研究这3种资本对酒店员工绩效与组织承诺的协同作用具有理论与现实意义。文章通过实地调研,运用逐步回归方法实证探讨这一问题,研究结果表明:酒店员工的人力资本、社会资本和心理资本都与员工绩效、组织承诺显著相关,且心理资本与社会资本、人力资本能对员工绩效、组织承诺产生协同作用。因此,酒店应该重视员工的社会资本与心理资本,并协同开发这3种资本,以便提高员工绩效,减少流失率。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of justice in a leader–subordinate dyadic relationship and the effect of the relationship quality on job performance in the restaurant industry. Based on the well-established framework of justice, the social exchange theory, and Confucian cultural background (collectivism) in East Asia, the study proposes and tests a model that attempts to understand a dynamic relationship among four dimensions of justice, two types of trust, and job performance. Using the data collected from restaurant employees in South Korea, the study finds that distributive justice and interactional justice are critical for nurturing an affect-based trust in East Asia.  相似文献   

The nature of market orientation and its impact of business performance and other related outcomes have been extensively researched in a range of service contexts including tourism. Despite the empirical evidence to support the proposition that market orientation has positive impact on organizational performance, several researchers have reported nonsignificant or even negative effects for this linkage. This disparity in existing studies might be reconciled by investigations into the mediators of the relationship. However, research on the topic remains limited. In light of the gap, we proposed two new mediators, namely, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and customer satisfaction, and tested the mediating effects in an empirical study in China's hotel industry. Evidence to support the mediating effects was identified, and the managerial and research implications were discussed.  相似文献   


Many firms have come to recognize the crucial role that cooperative relationships with suppliers play in determining high financial performance. Of main concern in many firms are supplier development activities and behaviors (SDABs) of buying firms, which are an attempt to meet current and future business needs such as high financial performance by improving supplier performance. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how buying firms' SDABs affect supplier performance (in delivery as well as product and service quality) and its impact on financial performance of the buying firms. The authors critically revisit extant knowledge on the subject, develop a conceptual framework integrating buyer and supplier relationship marketing/management practices, and test the framework in the independent restaurant industry context. Using structural equation modeling and data collected from 236 restaurant owners and/or presidents in the United States, the results of this research support the usefulness of the framework, showing that buying firms' SDABs directly affect supplier performance, which leads to high financial performance of the buying firms.  相似文献   

劳动力成本上涨成为中国劳动密集型企业普遍关注的问题,它也是推动第三产业转型的重要原因.酒店作为典型的劳动密集型企业,员工流动问题一直备受关注,但是从人力资本角度的研究很少.本文运用人力资本投资理论对珠海向澳门的劳动力迁移现象进行了实证分析,发现基础工资差距是导致酒店业劳动者个体迁移的主要原因,而两地员工福利水平的差距及地理临近性进一步增加了酒店业个体劳动者迁移的愿望.文章最后建议,珠海酒店企业可以采取增加员工收入、完善员工福利保障及创新盈利模式的措施来解决员工高流动性的问题.  相似文献   

胡瑞娟  匡林  王晓东 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):70-77
文章简要介绍了中国民航的管制制度变迁,并运用多项指标,比较全面地归纳了中国民航运输业市场化发展以来的业绩表现;运用1991-2004年间中国民用航空运输产业的年度总体数据,对中国民航运输市场结构、要素利用率、管制制度等变量对市场价格的影响进行了实证分析.  相似文献   


The current research proposes a framework for the investigation and conceptualization of high performance work systems in the U.S. restaurant industry. The projected U.S. restaurant industry sales for 2006 are $511.1 billion according to the National Restaurant Association (National Restaurant Association, 2005). Because of its size and impact on the foodservice industry and the hospitality industry in general, improving the performance of the restaurant industry could help increase overall revenues and guest satisfaction in the foodservice and hospitality industry. By identifying a list of high performance work practices in the industry, a more in-depth exploration of these practices and then organizational policies can be aligned together to help improve overall performance in the U.S. restaurant industry. The current study provides theoretical background and support for the high performance work systems theory.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study that found evidence to support the importance of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the relationship between market orientation and financial performance. The performance of travel agencies in Taiwan was examined with data collected through a questionnaire survey completed by the managers of 292 travel agencies in Taiwan. Analysis using structural equation modelling revealed that market orientation influences the financial performance of travel agencies indirectly through customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Neglecting customer satisfaction may negate any improvements in the level of performance that have been gained by adopting a market orientation. It was found that market orientation does not affect financial performance unless the two mediators, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, are applied concurrently.  相似文献   

饶勇  黄福才 《旅游学刊》2011,26(3):78-85
我国饭店业正逐步演变为典型的低薪酬行业,主要表现为固定工资合约逐渐成为主导性薪酬契约,且固定工资基数水平不断下降。文章运用专用性人力资本理论,解释了在隐性知识管理机制缺失的条件下,饭店业主为什么会放弃对专用性人力资本投资收益的追求而选择固定工资合约,并进一步分析了固定工资合约的实际支付水平为什么会逐步下降,直至最终形成接近法定最低工资标准的全行业统一价格。  相似文献   

This empirical analysis of hotel properties in south-western Turkey draws on the market orientation, strategy, and capabilities literature to highlight the benefits of a differentiation strategy and customer-value focus for competitors in this industry. Relationship management and organizational resource management are key drivers of sales growth in this industry, and hotel operators facing high competitive intensity are particularly encouraged to develop these capabilities and to adopt a differentiation strategy instead of resorting to price cutting and other pricing and promotional tactics to grow revenues. Notable opportunities for future research include examining relationships between market orientation, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction in the Turkish hotel industry.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships between top management factors, franchisor market orientation, competitive strategy, and business performance within the context of Korean franchisor companies. 156 food-service franchise firms provide the basis for this empirical investigation. Findings show that top management factors such as management emphasis and risk aversion can lead to market orientation. Franchisor market orientation was found to lead differentiation and cost strategies, which, in turn, increase financial and non-financial business performance. Also, market orientation directly increases financial and non-financial business performance. The context of the franchise industry differs from other industries, and this paper discusses the implications of these findings for researchers and managers in the franchise industry.  相似文献   

文章借助于金融学的风险一收益理论及其经典的市场绩效评价指标,利用10年期的大样本数据,首次比较系统地分析了我国旅游业上市公司的投资价值,得出比较稳健的研究结论。研究结果表明,旅游业整体上获得了相对于市场平均水平的超额收益,旅游业的投资价值得到了投资者的肯定;从行业细分来看,市场表现最好的是景点类公司,其次是酒店类,综合类公司的市场表现一般;旅游企业的投资价值与公司质地、特别是盈利能力密切相关。  相似文献   

我国饭店业整体绩效水平较差,本文从产权结构和市场结构的双重视角对我国饭店业进行了深入分析,提出我国饭店业是国有饭店主导的竞争性行业,国有饭店主导和竞争性行业的不相容性必然造成我国饭店业整体绩效水平差,因此改善我国饭店业状况的首要问题是产权改革,实施国有化饭店退出,而不是规模化、集团化经营问题.  相似文献   

This study assessed perceptions of authenticity and its relationship with satisfaction and return intentions for regional American-style restaurants using randomly selected customers at a Southern-style country-cooking restaurant. Results showed that personal and restaurant attributes influenced perceived restaurant authenticity, with a restaurant’s food and beverage and local community marketing having the strongest influences. Results also showed that perceived authenticity influences restaurant satisfaction and return intentions. Findings suggest restaurants should ensure their food and beverage meets customers’ authenticity standards and that they should promote their community connections in order to enhance diner loyalty and return patronage. Implications are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The importance of employee leisure involvement to employee service performance has been suggested but not tested in the literature. This study closes this research gap by inspecting the direct consequence of leisure involvement on service performance and leisure involvement’s indirect effect on service performance via job satisfaction for frontline service employees. This study uses a sample of 313 restaurant employees collected from Bandung, Indonesia. The proposed model is tested using variance-based SEM-PLS. The results show the importance of leisure involvement as a determinant of frontline service performance. Moreover, this study reveals that the effect of leisure involvement on service performance is partially mediated by job satisfaction. The conceptual and practical significance of these results are reviewed.  相似文献   


Grassroots recreation organizations are volunteer-run informal organizations that deliver sport and recreation at the local level. Using a qualitative case study approach, this study examined how the quality of experience in one community sport organization was affected by organizational capacity, or the ability of the organization to mobilize financial, human, and structural capital to fulfill its mission. While the volunteers mobilized social capital, the league experienced significant shortages of human capital including the professional competencies to meet increasingly complex administrative demands. This finding raises concerns about potential disenfranchisement of volunteers.  相似文献   

Dubai brands itself as an international leisure and business center and home to the luxury hotel market. While hotel growth has been, and continues to be rapid, little is known about hotel employees, their demographics or how they feel about working in this industry. This article reports the findings of what is the first review of Dubai hotel human capital, noting there are significant difference in workforce demographics to other countries, for example, it is male dominated, highly educated, and employees note positive levels of organizational social capital. It also highlights potential challenges going forward.  相似文献   

资本深化、全要素生产率与中国住宿餐饮业增长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在中国住宿餐饮业增长动力分解方程式的基础上,对中国住宿餐饮业发展过程中的资本深化、全要素生产率进行了实证研究,得出了3个结论:第一,资本深化是目前中国住宿餐饮业增长的主要动力,而劳动投入的下滑对住宿餐饮业增长产生了负面影响;第二,中国住宿餐饮业的生产率几乎不存在要素偏向,不是纯粹资本增强型的;第三,1991年以来中国住宿餐饮业的技术效率一直没有增进,全要素生产率增长得益于技术进步.基于以上结论,本文认为有效劳动投入的增长和技术效率的提高,是中国住宿餐饮业增长需要解决的两个主要问题.  相似文献   

Incorporating recent calls for understanding firm equity risk in relation to a firm's marketing efforts, this study examined the impacts of firm-level advertising spending on firm equity risk with publicly listed firms in the restaurant industry—a key hospitality industry. This study hypothesized and tested the effects of firm-level advertising expenditures on different types of firm equity risk (i.e., total, systematic, and unsystematic risk). Unlike previous empirical findings, we found that an increase in advertising expenditures significantly increased total and unsystematic risk of sampled restaurant firms. The findings provide new insights into the effects of advertising on firm equity risk in the literature, and important theoretical and managerial implications for restaurant firms.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between attribute performance of a restaurant and customers' positive and negative word of mouth (WOM). We present an analysis of 168,262 customer reviews, which consist of an overall rating of a dining experience, ratings of food, physical environment and employee service, and real expenditure for a meal, totally covering 1,542 Chinese restaurants on a restaurant guide website. The results indicate that the performance of attributes has an asymmetric impact on positive and negative WOM for the restaurant industry as well as for low-end and mid-to-high-end restaurants. Our results also show that, in most cases, there is a combined effect of two attributes on both positive and negative WOM.  相似文献   

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