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This study examines the impact (if any) of four key cultural dimensions on ethnic restaurants in regional Victoria, Australia. Based on a modified model developed by Nguyen and King [Nguyen, T., & King, B. (2002). Migrant communities and tourism consumption – the case of the Vietnamese in Australia. In C.M. Hall (Ed.), Tourism and migration. New relationships between production and consumption (pp. 221–256). The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers], this article explores the impacts of religion, co-ethnic ties, marriage and family support on the entrepreneurial behaviour of restaurants. These four cultural dimensions have been identified as influencing factors (Nguyen & King, 2002), but to what extent? It suggests that co-ethnic ties, marriage and family support are important to the daily operations of an ethnic restaurant, and potentially, long-term financial success. This is theoretically important in understanding how ethnic minority restaurants may differ regarding entrepreneurial business decisions compared to similar Western businesses. Utilising family and co-ethnic ties, labour resources offers a competitive advantage in four ways; reduced labour cost, efficiencies in communication, predictable behaviour and restaurant promotional opportunities. Religion, the fourth key cultural dimension put forward in Nguyen and King's (2002) model did not strongly influence entrepreneurial behaviour; however, it still may have relevance outside business behaviour.  相似文献   


TQM, and its application to the hospitality and tourism industries, has begun to receive more attention in the literature. However, few articles focus exclusively upon TQM in the restaurant industry and fewer still have examined the relationship between TQM and employee training. This article examines this relationship through interviews with managers with two prominent restaurant chains in Canada.  相似文献   

Relationship quality is crucial to enhancing a tourist’s loyalty. Little empirical research has been conducted to link service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality to customer loyalty in the travel agency sector. This study attempts to investigate the role of service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality on customer loyalty among tourists. Relationship quality consists of three components: customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer commitment. Structural equation modeling is used to test the linkages between the six variables that have been identified. Findings reveal that service quality and perceived value of a travel package are antecedent factors to the relationship quality with a travel agency; three components of relationship quality significantly influence a customer’s loyalty to a travel agency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the antecedents and consequences of brand prestige in luxury restaurants. Based on the existing theoretical background, it was proposed that four types of brand-related stimulus form brand experience in consumer memory and thus influence the formation of brand prestige. Through a review of the literature, it was also hypothesized that brand prestige can result in five managerial outcomes: patrons' well-being perception, information costs saved, perceived price fairness, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Based on the theoretical relationships between the conceptual constructs, a model was proposed and then tested utilizing data collected from 527 luxury restaurant patrons. The results of data analysis indicate that two types of brand-related stimulus (sensory and intellectual) aid in the creation of brand prestige, and can thus help to: enhance patrons' well-being perception; reduce patrons' information searching efforts; and enhance perceived price fairness. As a result, patron satisfaction and positive behavioral intentions can be induced. The critical managerial implications of these findings are then discussed in the latter part of the article.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether discounting hotel room rates during low seasons of demand influences in-house hotel restaurant sales in a positive way. A linear regression function was utilized to assess the relationship between discounting room rates and the hotel's in-house restaurant sales. The model summary provided results indicating that the discounting of room rates during the low season did not significantly influence in-house restaurant sales. The value of this study lies in the empirical results that may provide guidance to the revenue management practices of hotel managers.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine the optimal service provider communication style for maximizing patrons' perceived relational benefits, and to examine how perceived relational benefits influence relationship quality and loyalty within the luxury restaurant industry. A review of current communication literature was conducted, and three types of communication styles were derived. Based on the theoretical causal relationships between the proposed constructs in this study, 16 hypotheses were derived, thus creating a conceptual model. The proposed model was tested utilizing data collected from 527 luxury restaurant patrons. The results of data analysis revealed two major findings: (a) a task-orientation communication style enhances patrons' perceived confidence benefits and deepens relationship quality, thus creating patron loyalty; and (b) an interaction-orientation communication style induces rapport between service provider and patrons, thus helping to maximize patrons' perceived relational benefits. Finally, it leads to patron loyalty. Based on these findings, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要探索旅行社服务公平感的结构维度,先后展开了两次调查,对数据进行了信度、效度分析和因子分析后,得到了包括"结果公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平"的4个维度的旅行社服务感量表,然后在此基础上探索了旅行社服务公平感4个维度对关系质量的影响.研究发现,旅行社服务公平感的各个维度对关系质量有显著影响.  相似文献   

Traditional brick-and-mortar companies are embracing the use of self-service technology (SST) to enhance the services they offer and to gain customer loyalty. The objectives of doing so are to stay at the forefront of today’s marketplace and improve service, efficiency, and profitability. However, SST directly eliminates the traditional service encounter from which luxury hotels benefit. With the rising popularity of SST and benefits it brings to both hoteliers and customers contradicting the importance of the personal service encounter to luxury hotel brands, it is critical for hoteliers to learn about the importance of SST and luxury brand identity in order to bring the greatest satisfaction to both parties. This article examines business travelers’ perceptions of SST adoption by luxury hotel brands in Hong Kong. The results emphasize the importance of both personal service and SST in satisfying customer needs and in increasing profitability.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between attribute performance of a restaurant and customers' positive and negative word of mouth (WOM). We present an analysis of 168,262 customer reviews, which consist of an overall rating of a dining experience, ratings of food, physical environment and employee service, and real expenditure for a meal, totally covering 1,542 Chinese restaurants on a restaurant guide website. The results indicate that the performance of attributes has an asymmetric impact on positive and negative WOM for the restaurant industry as well as for low-end and mid-to-high-end restaurants. Our results also show that, in most cases, there is a combined effect of two attributes on both positive and negative WOM.  相似文献   

Loyalty has become a critical part of leisure research due to increasing competition in the field and the recognition of the importance of loyal visitors. To further develop loyalty research, this study looks at the issue of destination loyalty in a forest setting. It specifically focuses on revealing the formation of attitudinal, conative, and behavioral loyalty and the relationship between destination loyalty and related concepts that influence the strength of loyalty: service quality, satisfaction, and activity involvement. Six hypotheses were tested to represent the relationships among six factors. Forest recreationists who perceive high service quality tend to have high satisfaction and activity involvement that lead to destination loyalty. The findings also substantiated the conceptual framework of loyalty formation.  相似文献   


The purpose of this case study was to analyze and compare the total quality management (TQM) practices of three luxury hotels. Leadership, guest and market focus, and information and analysis emerged as the three most significant TQM factors successfully implemented in these three hotels. The human resource focus factor was less successfully integrated into these hotels' operations. Although the three hotels claimed that they managed their processes effectively, these processes were not as well-designed or complex as in many other quality-conscious companies. Strategic planning emerged as one of the most difficult factors to implement. The general managers interviewed argued that these six factors contributed positively to their hotel's business results. Managerial and research implications are also discussed.  相似文献   


The main purpose of this study was to examine older adult attitudes and behaviors of discount usage in the hospitality industry. A secondary purpose was to understand the relationship between usage category (nonusers, light users and heavy users), age and influences of discount usage in the hospitality industry. Results suggested that (1) the profile of the older adult discount user in the hospitality industry reveals that the average discount user is married'partnered, educated, with a variety of income levels, basically the “average” older adult and (2) generally, the age of the senior does not have a significant impact on discount usage, but rather previous discount behavior and institutional barriers played a significant role. Employees in the hospitality industry need to be trained to recognize and manage for “ageism.” Seniors will be less inclined to use discounts if employees in the hospitality industry treat older adults poorly. If use of hospitality discounts is related to general discount then specials or cents-off coupons should be placed in the newspapers along side of general coupons.  相似文献   

Gender has frequently been identified as one of the key attributes and predictors in developing marketing strategy. This study examines the moderating role of gender in the relationship between hotel service quality dimensions and tourist satisfaction with hotel service delivery. The results derived from multi-group structural equation modeling via the AMOS 5.0 computer program revealed that gender significantly moderated the relationship between service quality dimensions and tourist satisfaction with hotel service delivery. Empathy and tangibles both contributed as the most important significant predictors of tourist satisfaction with hotel service delivery for male tourists as opposed to female tourists. It is statistically confirmed that men and women appear to respond to different aspects of a service encounter when making judgments about their satisfaction.  相似文献   


Hourly employee retention has been a major area of concern for casual dining restaurant operators. The current exploratory research employed a self-administered questionnaire asking 96 tipped casual dining restaurant hourly employees from 12 different restaurants in the Central Florida region of the United States to rate the importance of 21 employment characteristics of their job and their actual experience with these employment characteristics. The findings revealed that the most important employment characteristics were: flexible working hours, consistent working hours, and nice people to work with. These findings differed from a similar previous study done in 2004 with quick service restaurant employees who rated nice people to work with, humane approach to employees, and hourly wages as the most important employment characteristics. The current study showed statistically significant differences between the level of importance and actual experience attached to 18 of the 21 employment characteristics, which could explain some potential areas of misperception between hourly employees and managers in the industry. These variations can consequently help to explain the high turnover and low retention of employees in the tipped positions in the casual dining restaurant industry. Implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   

With the ongoing attention to long-term relationships between service providers and customers, this study delved into such influential factors that include service quality and its relationship outcomes (trust, satisfaction, and continuance commitment), and those relationships among variables along with membership effects in the hotel industry. Survey data from 300 hotel customers in Korea were used to test hypotheses using structural equation modeling. Findings are as follows: interaction and environment service quality had a positive impact on trust, whereas outcome service quality had a positive impact on satisfaction. Additionally, trust was positively associated with satisfaction, and satisfaction was positively associated with continuance commitment. Memberships could strengthen the positive relationships between outcome quality and trust, interaction quality and customer satisfaction, and trust and continuance commitment. From these findings, hotels should improve service quality, generate customers' trust, satisfaction, and continuance commitment, and induce them to the membership programs for long-lasting relationships with them.  相似文献   

Human crowding at a festival can affect visitor satisfaction differently to spatial crowding. Festival visitors perceive human crowding as a situation in which the festival is full of people. Spatial crowding, on the other hand, is perceived as restricting movement. We hypothesized that human crowding affects visitor satisfaction in a positive way (by increasing positive affect and decreasing negative affect), whereas spatial crowding affects visitor satisfaction in a negative way (by decreasing positive affect and increasing negative affect). We tested these hypotheses using data collected through an on-site survey at the 2012 Seoul Lantern Festival in South Korea: 423 visitors attending the festival completed the survey. The survey results supported the hypotheses. Managerial implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study seeks to determine which restaurant experiences influence the image of a restaurant's brand and formation of customers' loyalty. The research examines the connections among restaurant experiences, brand image, satisfaction, and loyalty in the context of full-service restaurants. This study also investigates the moderating effect of customers' dining motivations on the formation of brand image. The results of this study suggest that: (a) A restaurant's environment and food quality positively influences brand image and customers' satisfaction, (b) customers' perceptions of price fairness do not influence brand image but does affect customers' satisfaction, (c) development of customers' positive brand image does not drive satisfaction but does influence loyalty in full-service restaurants, and (d) customers' dining motivations moderate the relationship between restaurant experiences and perceptions of brand image. These results provide a basis for investigating which restaurant experiences are critical in eliciting development of a positive brand image and which have behavioral consequences. This study also offers mangers a perspective for developing marketing strategies to strengthen brand image in full-service restaurants.  相似文献   

It is important for service companies to develop and maintain consistent and stable consumer loyalty. Although consumer brand relationship and attributions have been applied to various service industries, they have not been investigated in the airline industry where passenger emotions are considered critical. This study addresses the consequences of brand relationship quality, the mediating influence of emotions, and the moderating role of switching costs through structural equation modeling of data collected from passengers who had experienced flight delay. The results suggest that (1) airline relationship with passengers is an important and valuable asset, especially in the case of stability attributions, (2) negative emotions play a partial or full mediator role in the causal relationship between attributions and behavioral intentions, and (3) minimizing negative emotions is more effective than relying on switching costs for behavioral intentions. It can be concluded that the airline industry should try to manage passenger emotions more appropriately since passengers have an emotional attachment to their brands and passengers' negative emotions can be influential to repurchase intentions when service failures occur.  相似文献   

陈永昶  徐虹  郭净 《旅游学刊》2011,26(8):37-44
导游服务质量一直是旅游服务领域中争议的焦点。文章通过构建以导游与游客交互质量的3个维度(行为、专业技能和问题解决)为前置变量、游客个人风险和非个人风险感知为中介变量、游客感知价值和满意度为结果变量的结构方程模型,尝试研究了导游人员与游客的交互质量与游客感知之间的作用机制。以530名使用过旅行社导游服务的旅游者作为样本,研究发现,通过提升导游人员的行为、专业技能和问题解决能力能够显著降低游客的个人风险感知,从而提高游客感知价值和满意度,但导游人员与游客的交互质量对游客非个人风险感知及游客非个人风险感知对游客感知价值和满意度的影响作用则相对复杂。  相似文献   

In the past decade, tourism firms have become aware of the great benefits of maintaining a solid base of loyal customers. Because rural tourism is a relatively new phenomenon in some countries, the main antecedent of tourism loyalty remains infrequently studied in rural lodgings. In this work, a structural equations model is explored, with PLS technique, giving relevance to the interrelationships among image, quality, satisfaction, and trust and among these variables and the tourists' behavior variables. Instruments are identified and exploratory research was undertaken among rural tourists of the main rural lodgings in two border regions of Spain and Portugal. The results confirm image as a direct antecedent of perceived quality, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty for rural tourism, too. The analysis also confirmed that quality has a positive influence on satisfaction and loyalty, and trust has a positive influence on loyalty. Image is shown as a key factor to rural lodging managers. This study may help rural tourism managers to develop and implement effective relationship marketing strategies.  相似文献   

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