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现代企业竞争的实质就是人才竞争,对员工的战略性投资会将独特的、无法复制的竞争优势带给企业,而培养人才的一项重要手段就是培训,其已成为决定企业是否可在激烈的市场中站稳脚跟的一项重要内容。对企业来说,现阶段首先要思考的便是怎样将员工培训的作用给发挥出来,让培训的有效性与效益更高,让员工和企业一起发展,将企业持续的竞争优势打造出来。本文对如何提升企业员工培训有效性展开了详细探讨,以供大家参考。  相似文献   

本文以企业员工培训为研究内容,从培训的有效性出发,系统的阐述了员工培训的内涵、必要性、有效性等问题,并据员工培训存在的问题提出了相应的对策,旨在为我国企业的健康发展提供一定的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

市场经济的发展推动了企业的发展,也加剧了企业间的竞争。而人才作为企业的核心竞争力,是企业赖以生存和发展的基础。因此,企业要想提升自身的市场竞争力就需要着力发展人才。企业员工培训是企业获取人才资源的重要途径之一,理应得到重视。但是以目前企业员工培训实际来看,存在着各种各样的问题,培训缺乏有效性,致使培训无法达到预期的目标。本文在对现阶段企业员工培训存在问题做出论述的基础上,就企业员工培训有效性提升的措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

如何提高企业员工培训的有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈军  张殷殷 《北方经贸》2011,(4):144-146
培训是企业人力资源管理的重要内容,如今许多企业管理者也认识到培训的重要性,每年不惜投入大量资金用于员工培训,但是培训效果并不理想。要提高培训的有效性,要改进培训观念,树立正确的培训思想;要进行详细的人力资源培训需求分析;要建立系统的培训评估模型;要建立稳定的培训师队伍。  相似文献   

人力资本管理时代,人才与知识成为企业市场竞争中的制胜因素,员工培训也日益被企业所重视,但现代企业对于员工培训的有效性评估仍存在理论与实践的双重障碍,因而需要从意识观念、培训体系建设、培训形式创新、有效性评估等方面进行改进与完善,寻求提高员工培训有效性的路径,从而使员工培训更好地为企业发展战略服务。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国企业员工培训工作存在的问题,然后对如何增强我国企业员工培训工作的有效性提供了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

员工是企业重要人力资源和主要价值所在,对于员工进行有效的培训和教育成为员工提升价值、企业开发人力资源的主要手段,并且,在新情况下企业员工本身也有主动要求培训和教育的需要,这使得企业员工培训成为企业和社会都不可回避的问题。  相似文献   

韩雪梅 《现代商业》2014,(22):85-87
目前企业的竞争是综合实力的竞争,一个企业的竞争优势体现在人才。做好新员工培训,充分发挥各类人才的作用,重视人才建设工作对企业的长远发展非常重要。本文首先介绍新员工培训的重要性,分析新员工培训中的问题,最后就如何提高新员工培训有效性提出相关建议,希望对我国企业新员工培训提供好的思路和方法。  相似文献   

当今社会处于科学技术飞速发展的时期,企业之间面临着殊死的竞争,若想在激烈的竞争中生存发展,高素质的人力资本是竞争的筹码,但是企业必须明了想要员工发挥最大潜力,培训是重要的基础。但是现存的许多培训流于形式,培训的有效性欠缺。笔者从如何提升培训的有效性出发,阐述了一些自己的观点,以期对现存的培训有些建议。  相似文献   

员工培训是企业人力资源管理的重要内容,是提升员工职业技能素质的关键途径。而培训需求分析是企业进行员工培训的重要前提,也是成功实施培训的重要保障。本文将从培训、培训需求等核心概念出发,进一步探讨培训需求分析的主要内容与重要意义,提高培训需求分析的有效性。  相似文献   

中小企业人力资源培训有效性探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着全球经济一体化和信息化,国外拥有先进技术和管理经验的企业会更多的涌入中国市场参与竞争,国内企业面临的不仅仅是机遇,还将面临着更加复杂的竞争.越来越多的中小企业逐渐意识到,人力资源才是企业的第一资源,要实现中小企业的快速成长和高效率运作,应将有效的人力资源培训作为主要手段.  相似文献   

In this study, the construct of motivation to lead (MtL) is considered as a predictor of leadership training effectiveness. MtL, the individual preference to take on leadership roles, is a motivation that specifically relates to the content of leadership training. A total of 132 managers participated in a longitudinal follow‐up study. The influence of MtL on training effectiveness is explained by a serial mediation process. Individuals high on MtL benefit more from training by acquiring more leadership competencies, which in turn results in more effective leadership behavior and ultimately higher training effectiveness 1 year later. Understanding the process through which trainees' individual MtL influences building up competencies is important for identifying mechanisms that drive training effectiveness. Organizational support is revealed to further enhance this training process by moderating the influence of MtL on leadership competencies. From a practical perspective, MtL is important for leadership training effectiveness and measures should be taken to enhance MtL.  相似文献   

Resource constraints affect the US Department of Defense's ability to simultaneously sustain current operations and recapitalize for future challenges. An assumption is that decision support training may improve resource allocation decisions; however, few instruments are available to measure the effectiveness of decision support training to verify that assumption. The purpose of this research is to evaluate an instrument to measure decision support training effectiveness. Using data collected from a resource allocation simulation, we found a significant positive relationship between decision support training and outcomes in a controlled field study involving a complex problem. Thus, in the proper context, the resource allocation simulation described herein may be a reliable measure of decision support training effectiveness. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, training has shifted towards a more learner‐centred perspective. At the same time, rapidly changing workplaces emphasize the importance of self‐regulatory processes in the workplace. In the light of these trends, this research investigates the role of self‐regulated learning in training effectiveness. A theoretical model in which self‐regulated learning plays a central role in training evaluation was developed and validated using the structural equation method with a sample of 137 individuals. The results indicate that self‐regulated learning mediates the relationship between training climate and both transfer motivation and training evaluation. These findings indicate that the concept of self‐regulated learning plays a key role in the relationship between training context variables and organizational outcomes and offer new insights into the way organizations can improve training effectiveness.  相似文献   

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a never ending process of improving work processes. It operates according to the premise that organisations cannot rest comfortably without continuously improving whatever is being done. There has to be a culture of continuous improvement and everyone in the organisation must strive towards it. This could be accomplished only through continuous training. The present study seeks to examine the role of training as well as measuring its effectiveness for successful implementation of TQM. For this purpose, data have been retrieved from a public sector enterprise manufacturing crude steel in India. The findings of the study are based purely on primary survey. Pearson's Correlation Coefficient with their significance levels have been used to measure the effectiveness of TQM training and the correlation between TQM training and selected factors. The authors have found that training creates awareness, builds employees’ commitment to quality policy and strategy, facilitates teamwork, enhances performance standards, and bolsters the skills and abilities of employees. However, the organisation needs to focus more upon improving communication competencies, multiple skill development and customer value training. Successful TQM training in the organisation needs more budgetary allocation and commitment, support and enthusiasm of the top management.  相似文献   

标识技能培训课程知识只有转化成技能,才能真正产生价值,我们常说的知识就是力量,就是这个道理科技是第一生产力,只有当科技转化成为生产力的时候,他才能成为第一生产力;员工的工作技能,是标识企业生产高质量的产品和产生最佳效益、获得发展的根本源泉。因而,标识行业的技能培训也是企业培训中的重点环节。  相似文献   

煤及煤层气专业是国家的急需专业,开设时间较短,没有成熟的人才培养模式。本文以黑龙江科技学院为例,从人才培养的各个环节,提出了本校煤及煤层气专业人才培养中采取的方式,集中体现了本校在人才培养中重视实践和创新的特性。  相似文献   

宋代著名文人画家曾谈过:"山水心匠自得处高也",此话道出了山水画在中国画中自古以来的重要地位,揭示了画者及观者澄怀味象、传情达意的功能.  相似文献   

旅游管理专业可以说是职业性本科院校的代表专业,用人单位对旅游专业毕业生的需求是态度好,踏实肯干,专业动手能力强,具有较高的外语和计算机应用能力,且具有较高综合素质的复合型人才,而目前大多本科院校旅游专业的人才培养方案与这一要求是相背离的,因此针对市场需求进行人才培养方案的优化势在必行.  相似文献   

马铃薯全粉蛋糕工艺优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验以马铃薯全粉、白砂糖、鸡蛋的添加量为变量,通过单因素实验和正交实验确定了马铃薯全粉蛋糕最佳配方,即马铃薯全粉100 g,水50 g,盐1 g,油50 g,糖60 g和鸡蛋180 g。马铃薯全粉蛋糕色泽更佳,口感更好,营养价值更高,且具有突出的马铃薯风味。  相似文献   

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