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本文建立了一个两级分散分销的供应链系统,以研究确定型需求和随机型需求两种情形下行动次序对供应链绩效产生的影响。在这样的供应链系统内,生产商以批发价格卖给零售商具有差异性的产品,零售商再根据情况选择最优零售价格。研究结果表明,两种情形都存在后发优势,且当参数满足一定条件时供应链系统整体绩效将得到改进,同时不仅供应链的竞争程度,而且渠道成员行动的次序性都将对参与者的决策行为产生重要影响。  相似文献   

本文运用主成分分析方法对我国72个医药制造业在的企业绩效与进入次序进行分析,结果表明,在我国医药制造业中不存在先动优势,占据优势的是20世纪90年代初进入医药制造业的一些企业。  相似文献   

先动优势是指率先行动的企业所获得的竞争优势,是一种有效的竞争优势。现代企业在瞬息万变、充满竞争的市场中,率先行动能够在竞争中取得优势。本文论述了先动优势作为一种有效的企业竞争优势,对企业发展的重要作用,提出了企业可采取的措施,为我国企业的经营实践提供参考。  相似文献   

在现代企业管理中,创新的作用日益凸显。本文通过对变革创新的特点进行分析,进而对企业面临变革创新时的战略选择进行讨论。最后对变革创新中的后动者如何认知和利用其优势在市场竞争中构建竞争优势提出建议。  相似文献   

封闭式基金市场中先动优势的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱华钧  徐宁  储洋 《市场论坛》2006,(4):168-169
文章对基金市场的先动优势进行了实证研究。选取54只封闭式基金作为样本,以基金净值增长率为因变量.以基金设立时间、基金规模、证券指数变化、利率等为自变量.进行回归分析。结果显示基金市场存在先动优势,即基金设立时间越早.平均净值增长率越高。  相似文献   

本文分析了企业科技竞争及其动态过程中行动的先后所产生的收益差别,论证了在企业科技竞争中,先动企业获得先动优势的可能以及条件;通过对企业获取先动优势的过程分析,阐述了企业科技竞争先动优势的来源;最后,为企业科技竞争战略的制定提出了建议。  相似文献   

新能源汽车作为低碳环保的新兴产品,日益走进了人民的生活。随着国家政策的大力推动,汽车生产企业也都陆续开展了新能源汽车的研发与生产,新能源汽车逐渐走入了汽车市场。文章以新能源汽车进入汽车市场为例,运用相关模型,研究新能源汽车与传统汽车之间的博弈。  相似文献   

从竞争优势的视角,对环境规制的先行接受者和跟随者进行比较,本文分析发现环境规制的先行接受者采取的环境战略越严格,其获得的竞争优势越明显。环境规制的先行接受者所获得的竞争优势集中体现在创新优势和先动优势两方面。由于严格的环境规制能激励企业创新、促进企业进入开发新技术的上游市场、创造新的市场需求和降低成本等,环境规制的先行接受者因此获得创新优势。由于环境规制的先行接受者未雨绸缪,按照更严格的环境标准来要求企业,能够在未来更严格的环境规制变为现实之时占有市场的优先位置,获得先动优势。  相似文献   

李纯 《商业文化》2000,(3):44-45

国际市场进入方式决策问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进入国际市场的方式选择既关系到企业在国际市场上如何受益 ,也关系到企业的投资和代价。在出口贸易、许可证贸易和对外直接投资三类进入方式中如何作出选择 ,第一要从价值角度进行分析 ,考察和比较各种方式下的风险报酬和成本 ;第二要从功能角度加以权衡 ,因为国际化经营战略必须考虑生产经营系统向国际市场延伸的深度、供应链的国际化程度以及企业在国际生产经营体系中的地位等问题。当然 ,正确的选择应当是符合国际化目标、企业能力以及有关国家制度环境的方案。  相似文献   

在中国制造源源不断地输向世界各地市场之际,一个比反倾销和一般性技术贸易壁垒更高层次的贸易保护壁垒——知识产权保护,引起的纠纷纷至沓来,知识产权竞争正成为中国出口企业面临的更高层次的竞争,知识产权成为国际贸易摩擦的新手段。中国大量出口甚至将来大量出口的机电产品如 DVD机、彩电、电池、摩托车、汽车等正全面遭受国际知识产权保护的挑战。  相似文献   

正确认识价格战本质,规范企业竞争行为和市场竞争秩序   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯雁 《商业研究》2001,(10):14-17
企业之间爆发价格战的表面原因是争夺市场份额,而本质是谋求市场权力以确保在竞争中居于优势地位。我们认为由此对市场竞争机制、竞争秩序市场竞争的力量所造成的损害值得人们重视,有关管理部门应该采取措施规范企业竞争行为,引导企业由价格战转向非价格竞争。  相似文献   

企业竞争优势,即为在经营中企业向顾客提供的价值超过竞争对手.其中,价值即是顾客愿意为相应产品支付的费用或效用.而顾客选择购买的较高价值则来源于企业向顾客提供低于竞争对手价格的同等利益,或者供给超出较高价格的独特利益.当前,随着全球范围内经济一体化以及互联网络的迅猛发展,企业唯有取得并维持自身竞争优势,才能在市场竞争中处于不败之地.本文对企业竞争优势来源进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Strategic business units have their places, say the authors, but when a business is looking to grow outside its current markets, it should look to its expertise in functional skills.  相似文献   

As China experience unprecedented changes in its social, legal, and economic institutions, on what should foreign firms focus more to overcome this challenge, managerial ties or market orientation? This study investigates how managerial ties and market orientation affect competitive advantage and, consequently, firm performance in China. On the basis of a survey of 179 foreign firms in China, we find that both managerial ties and market orientation can lead to firm success—but in different ways. Market orientation enhances firm performance by providing differentiation and cost advantages, whereas managerial ties improve performance through an institutional advantage (i.e., superiority in securing scarce resources and institutional support). Institutional advantage, in turn, leads to differentiation and cost advantages and consequently superior performance.  相似文献   

Given the emergence of strong local retail firms in China over the last two decades, this paper aims to explore their competence enhancement and capability building process from the innovation perspective. Innovative measures on retail format, activity and governance dimensions of three leading local retailers in China are investigated using an in-depth case study approach. After each case is studied on the three dimensions, a cross-case analysis is conducted using thematic analysis to examine their innovative strategies and to explore their sources of innovation. The three cases share notable similarities in their strategies that are in sharp contrast to those of foreign retailers. On the retail format dimension, they have all achieved differentiation by formulating niche strategies and succeeded in creating a strong reputation among customers and retaining the same. On the retailing activities dimension, they have all developed a profit-making model through unique supply chain management and stressed construction of logistics centres and operational standardisation. On the governance dimension, they have established an efficient incentive and reward mechanism to motivate employees and encourage innovative practice. They have also built long-term collaborative relationships with their suppliers. Based on these three cases, it is also found that local embeddedness, latecomers' advantages, business agility and a risk taking entrepreneurial mentality are the crucial factors behind the generation of efficient innovations of China's local retailers. With these findings, this paper has extended and enriched existing knowledge on latecomers' catch up and service innovation. It has constructed an analytical framework for retail innovation by building on relevant attempts in the existing literature. A theoretical framework that explains how indigenous Chinese retailers have managed to successfully compete with foreign retailers in China using innovative strategies has also been established based on empirical data.  相似文献   

Cognitive complexity of top managers gains increasing attention in the management field. Performance implication of cognitive complexity is an important one. This article clarifies several of the original points to reply to Huang's commentary. In particular, we comment on some issues of testability and measurement of cognitive complexity and internal/external related dimensions.  相似文献   

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