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西部地区产业组织优化与经济集约增长研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加快西部经济发展,缩小东西部差距是我国经济发展中急待解决的重要问题。从产业组织经济增长的关系看,西部经济增长质量较差,主要表现为资源配置效率低、企业经济效益差、技术进步缓慢,产业组织结构方面存在的诸多问题是制约西部经济集约增长的主要障碍。因此,西部要实现从粗放到集约的增长方式转变,必须加快产业组织结构的优化和调整,加速西部经济发展。  相似文献   

伴随着经济全球化的日趋深入,我国的经济也步入了全新的发展阶段,呈现出迅猛发展的势头,国内生产总值逐年提升,对外贸易速度不断加快。在这样的背景下,促进了物流业的发展,从而物流园区以及物流基地等遍及了全国各地,初步形成了物流产业的集聚,由此,区域物流和区域增长之间的交互关系也引起了人们的共同关注。本文首先从理论上介绍了物流产业与区域经济的相互影响,以此为基础,通过实证分析的方式,详细探讨了物流产业和区域经济增长之间的交互关系,并有针对性的提出了认清物流产业对区域经济增长的促进作用、构建标准化与信息化共存的物流体系这两方面的对策。  相似文献   

在经济全球化趋势日益深化下,我国经济水平也逐渐朝新的高度发展。近几年统计数据显示,国内生产总值一直保持着上升趋势,且对外贸易活动愈发频繁。在这样的背景下,我国物流产业也随之得到了快速的发展,国内各种物流园区大量兴建,遍布在全国各地的各个城市当中,物流产业凝聚效应初具雏形,人们开始逐渐关注到区域物流与区域经济增长之间的交互关系,并投入了大量精力对其进行研究讨论。本文首先站在理论层面对物流产业以及区域经济之间的相互影响进行了阐述,在此基础上采用了实证分析法对物流产业与区域经济增长之间的交互关系进行了全面探讨与分析,基于实证分析结果提出了加强物流产业促进区域经济增长的有效策略,分别为充分意识物流产业对区域经济增长的推动作用、建立一套标准化与信息化相互依存的物流系统。  相似文献   

文章对近年来我国三大产业结构的变化、经济与就业增长两者间的关系进行了分析,并提出了拉动就业增长措施,希望能对未来我国经济发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文对经济增长与经济发展二者的区别和联系,以及在实践中如何正确处理经济增长与经济发展的辩证关系问题.进行一些研究和探讨。  相似文献   

经济增长是最为重要的宏观经济目标之一,当前中国飞快的经济增长速度让世人瞩目,但也面临诸多问题和挑战。纵观各种经济模型,经济增长的真正动力和源泉,是由各个国家的特定发展阶段和国情决定的具体的特定的物质条件和制度条件。分析经济增长理论的发展阶段与演变以及最新成果,对于当前中国经济增长方式的转变有着极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

最近几十年以来,经济增长、收入分配与贫困之间的关系被经济学界热烈地讨论。文章通过搜集大量资料的基础上,简要介绍经济学家们对经济增长,收入分配与贫困之间关系的研究成果。虽然讨论还在继续,但学者们基本上一致地认为经济增长对收入分配不产生系统性的影响,经济增长能减少贫困,但初始的收入分配情况会影响经济增长减少贫困的能力。  相似文献   

本文论述了马克思主义经济增长理论与西方经济增长理论的产生、主要内容与发展,对马克思主义经济增长理论和西方经增长理论进行了的比较,并说明其对现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

物流产业与经济增长之间存在协整关系和双向格兰杰因果关系;经济增长对物流发展的冲击产生正响应,社会物流总费用的增加,短期内必然增加产品成本,而企业又无法消化,从而制约经济增长。因此,第一,短期内必须从各方面降低物流费用,促进经济更好发展。第二,加强交通基础设施建设。完善的交通设施和发达的交通运输网络,将从运输时间和运输效率方面提高全社会的物流效率,节约成本。第三,加快经济发展,促进物流产业健康快速发展。经济增长是促进物流发展的根本动力,没有经济的快速发展,物流产业的发展就无从谈起。  相似文献   

王丽芳 《商》2014,(8):223-223
如今,越来越多的国家和地区认识到文化创意产业对经济增长的重要性,将其作为支柱产业扶持与发展。本文通过对河南省文化创意产业与经济增长之间关系的实证分析,表明河南省文化创意产业对经济增长的推动作用,同时也存在发展程度不高的问题。  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to determine whether tourism activity stimulates economic growth. The study indicates the main variables affecting tourism activity and shows a feedback effect between income and tourism. Findings indicate that tourism not only supplies necessary funds to finance firms' activities, but also stimulates the local firms' productivity and creates new job opportunities that increase the country's welfare. Variables that have important effects on tourism activity, such as entrepreneurship and prices have also been considered.  相似文献   

姚西龙  尤津  郝鹏飞 《华商》2008,(12):114-115
In recent years,the relationship between the industrial structure and economic growth is more and more concerned by scholars. According to the theory of industrial structure and economic development, this article use regression analysis method that estimates the three major industries’ contribute to Chinese economic growth and use cluster analysis methods, then discuss how to optimize the indus-trial structure.  相似文献   

本文以物理学中的耦合机理作为研究切入点,在分析我国海洋产业集聚现状的基础上,探讨海洋产业集聚与区域经济发展的耦合机理,从而引发对海洋产业集聚与区域经济发展耦合的思考,以期在海洋产业集聚与区域经济增长之间实现协调发展.  相似文献   

This paper explores the empirical evidence of the links between economic growth and openness to international trade by controlling for auxiliary variables in the model for the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries over the annual sample period 1980–2010. After testing for cointegration based on a recent bootstrap panel test, we employ the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) estimation technique of M.H. Pesaran, Y. Shin, and R. Smith (1999. “Pooled Mean Group Estimation of Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels”. Journal of the American Statistical Association 94: 621–634) that is appropriate for drawing sharper conclusions in dynamic heterogeneous panels by considering long-run equilibrium relations. The results show evidence of cointegration relationship between the variables of interest, and reveal that economic growth responds positively to trade openness over both the short run and long run. The evidence is robust to using various trade openness measures and to alternative model specifications, suggesting thus the non-fragility of the linkage between economic growth and openness to international trade for the GCC region. Our findings are then promising and support the view that economic growth is directly and robustly linked to trade openness for the GCC countries.  相似文献   

We develop a two-sector dynamic model of a less-developed economy with an imported traded good sector and with a non-traded tourism service sector serving international tourists. Revenue earned from tourism finances imports. The model takes care of the negative effect of tourism development on environmental pollution. Environmental quality and capital stock accumulates over time. We analyse comparative steady-state effects and show that tourism development raises the level of capital stock as well as national income but lowers the quality of environment in the new steady-state equilibrium leading to a relative expansion (contraction) of the capital (labour) intensive non-tourism (tourism) sector. Pollution abatement policy produces a completely opposite effect; and so tourism development policies are to be accompanied by pollution abatement policies in order to ensure green growth.  相似文献   

文章运用灰色关联模型,对江西省2001—2010年外商投资与经济增长的关系进行了实证研究。研究表明:外商投资带来的产业转移与江西省经济发展的水平具有密切的关系,产业转移不断推进有力的促进了江西省经济的发展。文章最后还提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

This article analyses the determinants associated with the use of the Integrated Report (IR) as a corporate reporting model for sustainability information. IRs provide information regarding the use and interdependence of different company resources. The previous literature has identified determinants behind the presentation of IRs at the country level (legal system, investor protection, economic development, cultural characteristics) as well as at the company level (size, industry, verification of the sustainability report). Our work contributes to the literature by using a novel statistical approach that addresses the likelihood of the non‐independence of data: companies in the same country are more similar to one another than are companies from different countries. Our results confirm significant inter‐country variance, which may be partially explained by the existence of specific regulations and the individualism vs. collectivism dimension. Although we confirm the effect of company‐level determinants, our results do not support the role of specific variables tested as determinants.  相似文献   

With the rising number of women-owned businesses has come a considerable amount of research, and even more speculation, on differences between male and female entrepreneurs and their businesses. To date, these findings and speculations have been largely atheoretical, and little progress has been made in understanding whether such differences are pervasive, let alone why they might exist. Thus public policy-makers have had little guidance on such difficult issues as whether or not unique training and support programs should be designed for women versus men. Moreover, lenders who finance new and growing firms have little to go on but their own “gut instinct” in assessing whether women's and men's businesses are likely to run in similar ways, or whether they might be run in different but equally effective ways.The lack of integrative frameworks for understanding the nature and implications of issues related to sex, gender, and entrepreneurship has been a major obstacle. Two perspectives that help to organize and interpret past research, and highlight avenues for future research, are liberal feminism and social feminism.Liberal feminist theory suggests that women are disadvantaged relative to men due to overt discrimination and/or to systemic factors that deprive them of vital resources like business education and experience. Previous studies that have investigated whether or not women are discriminated against by lenders and consultants, and whether or not women actually do have less relevant education and experience, are consistent with a liberal feminist perspective. Those empirical studies that have been conducted provide modest evidence that overt discrimination, or any systematic lack of access to resources that women may experience, impedes their ability to succeed in business.Social feminist theory suggests that, due to differences in early and ongoing socialization, women and men do differ inherently. However, it also suggests that this does not mean women are inferior to men, as women and men may develop different but equally effective traits. Previous entrepreneurship studies that have compared men and women on socialized traits and values are consistent with a social feminist perspective. These studies have documented few consistent gender differences, and have suggested that those differences that do exist may have little impact on business performance.While this interpretation of past findings is relevant to the question of if and how female and male entrepreneurs differ, there are still large gaps in our knowledge. In particular, only one study (Kalleberg and Leicht 1991) has systematically explored whether or not potential differences related to discrimination or socialization affect business performance; the study used limited measures of business performance, and assessed only a restricted range of male I female differences. This article reports on a study that explored other potential differences related to discrimination and to socialization (which are hypothesized based on liberal and social feminism) and looked at their relationship to a more comprehensive set of business performance measures.The study indicates that for a large, randomly selected sample of entrepreneurs in the manufacturing, retail, and service sectors, there were few differences in the education obtained by males and females, or in their business motivations. Women entrepreneurs were, however, found to have less experience in managing employees, in working in similar firms, or in helping to start-up new businesses. Women's firms also were found to be smaller than men's, to have lower growth in income over two years, and to have lower sales per employee. Regressions undertaken to examine predictors of a range of business performance indicators suggest that women's lesser experience in working in similar firms and in helping to start-up businesses may help to explain the smaller size, slower income growth, and lesser sales per employee of their firms.For policy-makers, this article suggests that systemic factors that afford women less access to experience must be addressed. Support for classroom training or related advisory activities may not be warranted; there is little evidence that women lack access to relevant classroom education. However, programs that help increase women's access to hands-on experience in starting firms or in working in the industry in which they hope to set up business does seem advisable. In-class education or counseling would not seem to compensate for lack of real-world experience, which suggests that any available funds should be directed more toward initiatives centered on apprenticeship programs than toward those centered on classroom teaching.Implications for lenders and investors are less clear cut, but suggest that whatever innate differences may exist between men and women are irrelevant to entrepreneurship. While women's businesses do not perform as well as men's on measures of size, they show fewer differences on other, arguably more critical business effectiveness measures-growth and productivity—and no differences on returns. Discrimination against women-owned businesses based on these findings would clearly be both unethical and unwarranted. The fact that women appear to obtain similar growth, productivity, and returns, in fact, suggests that they may be compensating for experience deficits in ways that current research does not illuminate. While more systematic inquiry is required to assist in understanding why men's and women's firms may differ in some predictable ways, this study would suggest that lenders and investors wishing to assist small businesses should focus on evaluating the amount and quality of the business and non-business experience of entrepreneurs, and consider sex an irrelevant variable.For entrepreneurs, this research reinforces the notion that acquiring relevant industry and entrepreneurial experience is of considerable importance if they seek to establish large firms and/or to achieve substantial firm productivity and returns. In particular, helping in the start-up of firms and spending extended periods of time in the industry of choice appear to yield subsequent rewards in the performance of any individual's firm. Future research is needed to investigate whether or not other types of business experience or non-business experience might bring additional benefits in terms of positive impact on future business performance, but the indication of the current work is that one's sex per se is neither a liability nor an asset.  相似文献   

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