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邢立 《商业时代》2007,(15):43-44
消费文化中的符号价值与品牌这一符号有着密不可分的关系,受消费文化的影响,品牌符号的塑造被提到了重要的地位,品牌的塑造成为企业竞争的核心内容,本文就消费文化中的符号价值与品牌符号之间的关系进行分析与探讨。  相似文献   

聂燕 《中国市场》2011,(44):139-140
旅游商品作为旅游业的重要组成部分,是旅游景点与游客之间文化交流的桥梁。本文从国内旅游商品包装的现状分析入手,探讨其包装在民族文化支持下所赋予商品的文化内涵以及潜在的经济效益。  相似文献   

商品的符号化:从使用价值到符号价值   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
现代商品在价值结构上具有两面性。其一是商品的“使用价值”,即商品的品质、功能等;其二为“符号价值”,是由商品的品牌、设计、广告以及企业形象等塑造出来的。许多成功品牌的成就证明,一种产品打开市场销路,越来越多地取决于消费者感知到的符号价值。  相似文献   

随着云南省经济发展和与东盟贸易日益频繁,旅游业也随之升温,对旅游商品提出了更高要求,如何通过提升旅游商品的包装设计促进云南旅游产业发展,是目前云南旅游商品需要解决的重要问题之一,文章从几个方面探讨了云南民族文化旅游商品的包装设计。  相似文献   

本文在燕赵文化相关理论的基础上,分析了燕赵文化对开发河北旅游商品的重要意义,并运用层次分析法对河北旅游商品的文化内涵进行了探索性评价。  相似文献   

许俊义 《商场现代化》2007,(26):131-132
广告中的商品、情景、人物、声音、色彩等元素是一种符号,它们是被精心布置和被主观操纵的,是非真实的。现代广告是一种符号操作行为,它们的目的只是搭建一个意义场,将商品符号化,赋予意义,增加附加价值或者说是符号象征价值,而广告的这种行为是导致商品价值变化的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

广告传播与消费文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤志耘 《中国广告》2007,(4):148-151
文章认为广告传播的深层目的乃推行消费文化,并提出了广告推行消费文化的途径:广告把商品使用价值转化为符号价值,借助符号价值使消费者仿佛“生活在别处”,消费者变得消极和顺从,成为沉默的“大多数”,被广告控制操纵,消费文化形成。在推行消费文化的过程中,广告和大众传媒合谋。跨文化传播中,广告推行消费文化的深层目的不变,表现出多样性。  相似文献   

赵玲 《消费导刊》2013,(8):158-158
本文首先概述了民族文化符号的基本内涵,然后民族文化符号在戏剧影视设计中的影视魅力,最后从民族文化符号的简化。抽象以及组合等几种模式提出了民族文化符号在戏剧影视美术设计中的应用策略。  相似文献   

小康社会文化消费的价值引导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐芳 《消费经济》2003,19(3):13-15
我国已经进入了全面建设小康社会的历史新时期。小康社会消费的特点是:实物消费比例下降,服务消费比例上升。越来越多的增长收入用来购买发展型和享受型服务、产品,特别是购买精神消费类的服务和产品。满足自身发展和娱乐享受需要的文化产品和服务的支出,在个人和家庭总支出中的比重将持续增长。〔1〕文化消费必然成为小康社会拉动我国内需增长的新的消费热点。2000年,我国城镇居民人均与文化相关的旅游、娱乐和耐用消费品、教育、文化服务、通讯等项消费总计949元,约占可支配收入的19%。按照大约4亿城镇人口计算,我国目前城镇居民文化消费…  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of sustainable consumption by focusing on the consumption habits of Irish consumers. The key research findings fit into three broad and interrelated categories. Firstly, whilst recent sustainable consumption literature suggests that new research should focus on the issue of consumption, in and of itself, our study shows that consumers themselves view environmental problems from a supply and not a demand perspective. They focus on issues such as recycling and waste and not consumption itself. Secondly, our study shows that consumers have green opinions about very diverse issues and these are directly related to the individuals' lifestyles. Finally, our research shows that “material green” consumers are buying into a particular image in their consumption practices. This is very much connected to the meanings of their consumption that are derived from the communication value they attach to commodities. As such our study provides support for earlier conceptual research which suggests that in order to encourage less consumption we must use existing commodity discourse to achieve such ends.  相似文献   

稀有商品的价值实际上是由人们耗费在其身上的劳动和社会总劳动分配到其身上的劳动共同决定的.澄清这一理论难题,具有捍卫马克思劳动价值论的科学性和权威性的理论意义和现实意义,本文对稀有商品的价值决定问题进行进一步的探讨.  相似文献   

In expanding their market to the global level with clear and consistent global brand images across nations, marketers are ever confronting the issue of how to deal with different cultural values. Cultural value is identified as an influential factor on brand image and is widely accepted as one of the crucial concepts in understanding consumer consumption value, which determines choices of consuming everyday products and services. Most firms endeavoring to establish and maintain consistent global brand images, however, adopt a standardized brand image strategy that usually does not consider individual target markets” characteristics, including the concepts of cultural value and consumption value. This study developed a conceptual framework which incorporated cultural value not only as a direct antecedent of brand image, but also as an indirect antecedent of brand image through consumption value, and empirically tested it using the category of apparel. Following this framework, this study hypothesized the differences in brand image, cultural value, and consumption value between the U.S. and South Korea. Data were gathered through surveying university students residing in the San Francisco and Seoul metropolitan areas using a convenience sampling method. A total of 329 completed questionnaires were used in factor analysis, discriminant analysis, and structural equation modeling. The results provide insights into standardized brand image strategies and suggest some implementable tools that might prove effective in both countries. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的日益繁荣,消费对经济市场的重要性已经无庸置疑.我国的消费市场研究起步较晚,对消费者行为的研究总是集中在商品本身的硬件消费上,容易忽视在销售、流通等环节对消费者购买行为的影响,这些环节就是软消费的内容,本文简单探讨了硬消费与软消费的不同概念以及他们之间的关系.  相似文献   

Although selfies may appear to be the latest fad, their popularity has had a transformational influence on contemporary culture. Selfies invoke important issues in communication, photography, psychology, self-expression, and digital media studies – as they bring up a host of concerns about identity, privacy, security, and surveillance. This article provides an interdisciplinary overview of the selfie as both an object and a practice, and offers theoretical reflections on how the selfie can be seen as an important commodity form and consumer behaviour. The selfie is connected to concepts of authenticity, consumption, and self-expression, as well as practices of art history, media forms, and self-portraiture. Strategic use of the selfie reveals shifts in the traditional functions of the advertising photograph, from sources of information, persuasion, and representation to emblems of social currency. We position the selfie not as a postmodern anomaly but as a type of image with a history.  相似文献   

我国长假旅游消费的理论分配民前景预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张智 《消费经济》2001,17(4):26-28
一年多来,腾“假日经济”的报道及评论虽已司空见惯,但未见“假日经济”的定义,“假日经济”一词在现实生活中虽有所特指,但其仙涵与外延均未有严格的限定,为使理论分析得以开始和继续,笔者试将“假日经济”或“长假经济”定义为,由我国1999年10月延长公共假期所引发的、以城镇居民自发外出旅游、购物、休闲、娱乐为主要表现形式的集中消费现象。  相似文献   

Commodity theory (Brock, 1968) deals with the psychological effects of scarcity. According to the theory, scarcity enhances the value (or desirability) of anything that can be possessed, is useful to its possessor, and is transferable from one person to another. This article introduces commodity theory to the marketing literature, reports a meta-analysis of studies designed to test the theory, and discusses the marketing implications of the theory along with suggestions for future marketing research.  相似文献   

郭融融 《上海商业》2008,(11):34-35
我们通常所说的消费是指对耐用消费品(如汽车,照相机.电视)以及非耐用消费品(食品、饮料)的需求而通过购买的形式而获得的一种社会活动。在这样的一种过程中.商品的价值主要体现在以下两个方面:首先是物质消费。即当我们口渴的时候我们需要水来解渴.我们感到饥饿的时候.需要购买食物来充饥。这是一种满足我们实际和基本需要的消费,是可见的。同时这也是马斯洛人类需求层次理论最低端的表达方式。  相似文献   

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