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This paper mainly analyzes development and reform of China‘s pension system. It introduces the evolution of China‘s pension system reform and discusses its strengths and problems.The paper then proposes some suggestions on the direction of China‘s pension reform. The last section is devoted to a discussion of China‘s corporate occupational pension, which is a fast-developing area of the pension system.  相似文献   

The Reform of Chinas Rural Land System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I. The Course of the Reform of ChinasLand System and Its AchievementsSince new China was founded in 1949, the rural land system of China has gone through awinding evolutional course, which can be summarized as three great reforms (Guo, 1995a).The first land system reform was launched at the beginning of the foundation of new China.The core of this reform was to confiscate landlords land and distribute it equally to peasantswho had little or no land. The landlord class was wiped out totall…  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the assessment of China's rural labor markets. According to our data, the increase in off-farm employment that China experienced during the 1980s and 1990s continued during the 2000s. Our analysis shows that migration has become the most prevalent off-farm activity, although the destination of migrants is shifting from outside of one's province to destinations closer to home. The present paperfinds that large shares of male and female individuals, especially those under 40 years, are working off the farm. These findings represent an important contribution to the labor economics field. First, the results of the present paper reveal that the labor transition from the agricultural sector to the non-agricultural sector for key segments of China's rural labor force is nearly complete. Second, although a large share of China "s rural labor force work in agriculture, most of these workers are older men and women (and likely would not be willing to take low-wage, labor-intensive jobs). Third, the rising unskilled wage rate in China is partially a result of the tightening of the labor force in the young age cohorts. Finally, due to factors associated with the one child policy and other demographic transition forces, successive age cohorts will continue to fall in absolute number in the coming decade. Assuming China's growth continues, we expect to see further wage increases since it will take higher wages to coax more workers to work off the farm.  相似文献   

Urbanization, Rural Land System and Social Security in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I. IntroductionIn Chinas transition and economic development, temporary migration, lack of basic socialsecurity arrangements for migrants, and frequent administrative land reallocation in ruralareas and abusive rural land requisition in the process of urbanization are all importantpolicy issues both in academic research and on government agenda. Many policyrecommendations have been proposed to solve these issues.As to urbanization and migration in China, the Hukou (urban permanent residentia…  相似文献   

I. Introduction The background of this research is related to continued disputes between China and its trading partners, and to the resulting international pressure on China’s foreign exchange (Forex) system. As the fastest growing economy in the world, China’s foreign trade has expanded at a fantastic pace and its trade surplus with the rest of the world is huge and rising. This remarkable success has encountered increasing criticism, whether correct or not, from the countries that feel t…  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of land holding on rural–urban migration using China's 2008 household survey data. It shows that the contradictory findings of existing published literature can be explained by introducing a migration distance variable. The empirical studies show that land holding plays a different role in short‐distance and long‐distance migration. Land holding has a U‐shaped curve association with the probability of short‐distance migration and has an inverted‐U‐shaped association with the probability of long‐distance migration. Therefore, the government needs to provide more job information and migration subsidies to farmers who have little land to overcome difficulties in the process of migration so as to reduce rural–urban inequality.  相似文献   

This paper uses an agricultural trade policy simulation model to quantitatively evaluate the effects of Blue Box policy reform on agricultural production and trade, and further provides specific proposals regarding China ' s reform position. The results indicate that, if the reform could achieve a reduction in distorting supports in more developed countries, China' s total agricultural production would increase, accompanied by a decrease in agricultural imports and a slight increase in exports. In terms of social welfare, producers would gain significantly, consumers would lose and government would not suffer greatly, which is in accordance with current agricultural policies in China. As a core member of G20, China should approve a subsidy level as low as possible required by Blue Box to achieve "substantial reductions in trade-distorting domestic supports".  相似文献   

This article retests the separability of China’s rural households in light of growing doubt about the sustainability of high economic growth in China.If a household’s production decisions are "separable "from the household’s consumption decisions,generally this suggests there is no surplus labor.Many scholars aver that China’s surplus rural labor has spurred rapid economic growth,but concerns have arisen as to whether China still has surplus labor available.We investigate this issue using rural household panel data from 1993 to 2009.The regression results confirm that households in rural China have progressed from being non-separable to separable.The estimation results for both the entire country and regions reject the separability hypothesis before 2004 but fail to reject the hypothesis after 2004(with the exception of the central region).These results suggest that China ’s surplus labor supply is dwindling,especially in the eastern and the western regions.The sustainability of China’s high economic growth is questionable in the absence of a large reservoir of surplus rural labor.  相似文献   

China's Urban and Rural Old Age Security System: Challenges and Options   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I. Introduction In the process of economic transition, China has adopted an urban-priority reform approach in establishing its old age security system, which conforms to international development experiences. China’s rapid aging of people with low-incomes, however, is unprecedented compared with other developed or developing countries. The urban-priority reform ensures a relatively high coverage in urban areas, whereas it imposes a heavy burden ofold age support on rural households. Current …  相似文献   

The problem of Land Bank financing channels' being single has become the obstacle that restricts the development of China's land bank financing market. In this paper, we discussed the necessity of developing Land Bank Investment Trusts, and considering at presented, the obstacles and countermeasures of the development of China's Land Bank Investment Trusts.  相似文献   

I. Introduction Since the beginning of 2004, the Chinese Government has replaced its centuries-old policy of taxing agriculture by a new policy aimed at subsidizing agriculture and stimulating rural incomes. To this end, agricultural taxes – standing at around 8 percent of agricultural incomes – were drastically reduced. By now they are abolished in most provinces. Inaddition, farmers growing grain receive a direct income subsidy, new seed varieties and mechanization are subsidized, and la…  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the interaction between the pension system and capital market development, especially the case of China. A funded pension system is most likely to boost the capital market, but in the absence of a supportive financial infrastructure and effective financial regulation, a funded system will not be successful. China‘s determination to establish a partially funded system is afirst step in the right direction, but without the separation of individual accounts from the social pooling and their replenishment, the working out of the implicit pension debt, and improvements in pension fund management and regulation, the pension system will not be sustainable. The key to capital market development in the process of the pension reform is to enact laws to protect the interests of pensioners, to contract out pension fund management to professional asset managers, and to accelerate the financial opening.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of property fights institution to reform of China from the angle of the three meanings of property fights. The second and the third meaning are emphasized. The thesis points out that state-owned enterprise is an institutional arrangement in the pre-reform age of China. The agent of state-owned enterprise just has part of the property fights to operate the property, So the institution is lack of stimulation to the agent. The result is low efficiency of state-owned enterprise. Furthermore, social resources are wasted, and the economy grows slowly. The conclusion is that clear and complete institution of property rights will guide resources to effective allocation, and accelerate the progress of reform in China.  相似文献   

Since 2003, the Chinese Government has included land policy as an important component of macroeconomic policy. The present paper analyzes the impact of the expansion of construction land on economic growth in terms of the capital-output ratio. Using provincial panel data for China from 1999to 2005, we conclude that the excess expansion of China's construction land led to an increase in the capital-output ratio. Therefore, expanding construction land has made little contribution to economic growth. This paper argues that contractionary land policy does not deter high economic growth, and is a necessary condition for sustainable economic growth.  相似文献   

The development of characteristic agriculture is the important way to adjust the agricultural structure and increase the farmer's income, and improve agricultural competitiveness. Scientific understanding of the basic characteristic agricultural content and features and grasping its basic ideas of development is the fundamentality to guide the economic development of agriculture. Based on the research of other scholars as a reference to agricultural development and based on the actual in Henan characteristic agriculture, we attempt to summarize the feature of the theory of agricultural development which can provide reference for the practices of characteristic agriculture.  相似文献   

Monopoly was formed in the course of capitalism development, but it also exists in socialist countries now. China's state-owned monopoly enterprises have made adverse effect even a certain hazards in many aspects of the national economy, such as economic development, income distribution, consumers' rights and interests, international competition and exchanges. The reform of China's state-owned monopoly enterprises has been on the agenda, and it has become the focus of China's economic system reform.  相似文献   

China's rapid economic growth has been facilitated by its large volume of rural to urban migration. China 's projected future development, especially increasing urbanization, implies that such migration will further intensify. However, migration does not come without cost. There are concerns about the potential negative impacts of migration on children's care, education, and, in particular, the self-esteem of children left behind in villages where one or both parents have out-migrated to cities. In this paper, we employ unique survey data collected from Shaanxi Province, where more than 4700 ninth grade students from 36 rural junior high schools in five counties were surveyed in late 2011. The results show that having both parents migrate into cities significantly reduced children "s self-esteem. The effects are also gender sensitive. Girls that had a father or both parents who had out-migrated were inclined to have lower self-esteem than boys. Moreover, our study findings indicate that parental migration decreased children "s self-esteem more for individuals with initial low self-esteem.  相似文献   

The paper argues that the development of China's agriculture is constrained by the industrial bias macro-economic development patterm The role of agricultural development in a dual economy is also studied. It is argued that a fundamental adjustment to the macro-economic development pattern is needed to balance industrial and agricultural development.  相似文献   

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