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刘召 《广告大观》2008,(6):129-130
引言:随着视频类网站的日益红火,人们突然发现,互联网上的汽车广告越来越多,形式也不一而足。尤其是在一些网络电视上,新颖的广告让更多汽车爱好者兴趣浓厚。马自达2、本田思域、东风悦达起亚等汽车品牌纷纷试水网络电视,在中国最大的网络电视门户悠视网(UUSee.com)上投放广告。在大洋彼岸,凯迪拉克、斯马特美国公司等汽车品牌也正在通过网络电视的手段吸引年轻消费者。而在欧洲大陆,宝马、奥迪、梅赛德斯-奔驰、路虎等都先后推出了网络电视频道,播放从生活到体育的一系列节目。这些欧洲豪华品牌汽车制造商一起投入网络电视的世界,将之视为一种新的营销选择。 众多汽车品牌都在迅速向网络电视营销手段靠拢。在跨越了文字和图像之后,汽车营销终于站在了互联网的起跳板上,对于汽车产业来说,伴随着这一跳而来的是足以令人遐想无限的广阔的市场空间。  相似文献   

近日,备受关注的国内轻型商用车业第一款拥有外表和内饰自:主知识产权的高端产品——东风金霸在东莞和南京两地隆重上市。  相似文献   

The study focuses on children less than 5 years old and explores the epidemiological profile and correlates of drowning as a challenge to child survival in Bangladesh. Two data sources from Bangladesh, a cohort of 8,070 children followed for 2 years in a rural area and a nation-wide survey conducted in 1996–97 have been used. In addition, a systematic review of the literature has been conducted spanning the past two decades for analysis of drowning in children. Seventy drowning deaths were reported in the cohort and 726 deaths were reported in the national survey. Verbal autopsy and semi-structured interviews were conducted on all deaths. Drowning accounted for 43% of deaths in the cohort and 20% of deaths in 1–4-year-old children in the national survey. Most drowning deaths were in 12–23 month old children from falling into ditches and ponds. Communities provided valuable insights on possible interventions to reduce deaths due to drowning. Drowning is a newly recognized challenge for Bangladesh. Considerable research and programmatic work is required to understand the nature of the problem and develop appropriate interventions. This paper calls on aid agencies to create opportunities for drowning research and action in their work plans for the country.  相似文献   

Impact is almost universally regarded as a negative outcome of the expansion of chains within their franchisees' territories. Yet a review of actual “impact situations” shows that impact can also be positive.  相似文献   

The average citizen is now demanding more and more quality of and information on the various products that every day life requires. This concerns an extremely broad range of consumer products. Within the European Union, the European Commission (Directorate General Health and Consumer Protection (SANCO) plays a leading role in assuring and controlling the high quality of consumer products. It is known that there are a number of potential risks associated with the use of those products, as shown by the high number of unintentional injuries occurring every year. Therefore, national and international authorities and other instances need access to information for the promotion of safety and for the prevention of accidents. Tools have been made available to the Member States by the European Commission for the completion of a safe internal market of consumer products. Among those, databases have the advantage of being able to store a huge amount of information that can be classified according to real needs, hence serving the citizens. Such availability is immediate if they are deployed on the Internet. Moreover, this has the major advantage of allowing feedback from the users, thus contributing to its improvement. Consequently, a relational database on the safety of consumer products has been set up within the framework of an agreement between Directorate General SANCO and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission: the Consumer Product Safety Database (CPS). The objective of this database is to complement the setting up of a common system of exchanging information on consumer products within the framework of the application of Directive 92/59/EEC. The CPS database gives people concerned with consumer safety information that has never been gathered together before. Hence, this tool can contribute to the creation of a safer market for consumers in accordance with the Union’s legislation, as well as facilitating the decisions of Directorate General SANCO regarding consumer products.  相似文献   

The association between place of residence, population density, relief and type of event (collision or non-collision of the vehicle) has not been evaluated in developing countries. The main objective of this study is to determine the differential factors associated with the occurrence of deaths of collision and non-collision automobile users in Patagonia, Argentina. A multiple logistic regression analysis was performed using as the dependent variable death by car accident (collision or non-collision of the vehicle) and sex, age, place of residence of the victim, relief and population density as the independent variables. Collision fatalities were related to areas of high population density, while non-collision fatalities were related to areas of low population density, mountainous landscape and place of residence of the victims outside the Patagonian region. The results obtained in this study indicate the need to develop differential primary prevention policies by place of residence of car occupants, focusing on Patagonia non-resident drivers and by emphasising non-collision accidents.  相似文献   

2001年我国船舶工业快速发展,全年造船完工390万吨,比上年增加12.7%,特别是中国船舶工业集团公司和中国船舶重工集团公司完工近300万吨,比上年有较大幅度的增长,创造了历史新水平。根据国家有关部门预测:“十五”末中国的造船能力将达到1000万吨,中国船舶工业集团公司和中  相似文献   

随着中国的发展和与西方国家联系的日益频繁,越来越多的人需要有能用英语与人交流的能力,英语教学是为了教会学生用英语进行相互交流,并能准确表达自己的想法,适应各种社交需求.但是我们的传统教学法却不能满足以上需求.近来,交际教学法被引入了中国的英语教学中.本文将论谜大学英语老师在此过程中将会面临的挑战以及应对的办法.  相似文献   

Simulation estimators (Lerman and Manski 1981; McFadden, Econometrica 57(5):995–1026, 1989; Pakes and Pollard, Econometrica 57:1027–1057, 1989) have been of great use to applied economists and marketers. They are simple and relatively easy to use, even for very complicated empirical models. That said, they can be computationally demanding, since these complicated models often need to be solved numerically, and these models need to be solved many times within an estimation procedure. This paper suggests methods that combine importance sampling techniques with changes-of-variables to address this caveat. These methods can dramatically reduce the number of times a particular model needs to be solved in an estimation procedure, significantly decreasing computational burden. The methods have other advantages as well, e.g. they can smooth otherwise non-smooth objective functions and can allow one to compute derivatives analytically. There are also caveats—if one is not careful, they can magnify simulation error. We illustrate with examples and a small Monte-Carlo study.  相似文献   

Celebrity brand authenticity is introduced as a construct that represents consumer perceptions of celebrities being “true to oneself” in their behaviors and interactions with consumers. A scale is developed through two purification stages and the scale's predictive validity is assessed. First, the meaning of celebrity brand authenticity to consumers is explored. Second, the Authenticity Inventory from the psychology literature is adapted to develop a scale for consumer perceptions of celebrity brand authenticity. Celebrity brands are perceived as true to self when they appear genuine in their relationships with consumers and behave in accordance with their perceived held values. Evidence of the convergent and discriminant validity of the celebrity brand authenticity scale is provided, which confirms celebrity brand authenticity as distinct from celebrity attachment, despite containing relational items. Finally, the predictive power of celebrity brand authenticity is confirmed through positively influencing consumer intentions to purchase an endorsed brand. Brand managers can use celebrity brand authenticity to position or develop celebrity brands, as well as in the selection of celebrity endorsers.  相似文献   

现金流量表是三大基本财务报告之一,对于企业评价财务状况和经营业绩具有重要作用.本文详细分析了现金流量表快速编制方法.  相似文献   

现金流量表是三大基本财务报告之一,对于企业评价财务状况和经营业绩具有重要作用.本文详细分析了现金流量表快速编制方法.  相似文献   

Standard definitions of lying imply that intending to deceive others is a necessary condition of one's telling a lie. In an earlier paper, which appeared in this journal, Wokutch, Murrmann and I argued that intending to deceive others is not a necessary condition of one's telling a lie and proposed an alternative definition. In a reply which also appeared in this journal, Gary Jones argues that (1) our arguments fail to establish the claim that it is possible to lie without intending to deceive others, and that (2) the objections which we raise for standard definitions apply equally to our own. The present paper argues that one can lie without intending to deceive others. I concede Jones' second criticism and propose a new alternative definition. Thomas L. Carson is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University in Chicago. He was awarded the NEH Fellowship for College Teachers. He is the author of The Status of Morality (D. Reidel, Philosophical Studies Series, 1984), and he has written numerous articles concerning both ethical theory and applied ethics.I am indebted to Harry Gensler for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

[本刊讯]由中国船舶工业行业协会组织的修船价格本编委审查会议2月13~16日在山东荣成召开.出席会议的有中国船舶工业集团公司、中国船舶重工集团公司、中远工业公司、中国海运集团工业公司、中国水产集团公司、中国海军以及部分省、直辖市、自治区所属的修船企业、中外合资企业、船务工程公司等35个单位,57位代表.会上中国船舶工业行业协会理事长到会做了讲话.  相似文献   

During the last several decades, business schools have increasingly portrayed themselves as the advocates and teachers of business ethics. In this context, educators have examined, criticized, and written about the questionable actions of many organizations. Business schools are, however, currently facing their own unprecedented crisis in the form of dramatically declining enrollments. This paper examines the morality of the various possible response strategies and argues that how business schools respond to this crisis will serve as a clear indication of their own organizational ethics and values.  相似文献   

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